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[third edition] 






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This third section of the liturgical year is much 
shorter than the two preceding ones ; and yet it is 
one of real interest. The season of Septuagesima 
has only three weeks of the Proper of the Time, and 
the feasts of the saints are far less frequent than 
at other periods of the year. The volume we now 
offer to the faithful may be called one of transition, 
inasmuch as it includes the period between two 
important seasons — viz., Christmas and Lent. We 
have endeavoured to teach them how to spend 
these three weeks ; and our instructions, we trust, 
will show them that, even in this the least interest- 
ing portion of the ecclesiastical year, there is 
much to be learned. They will find the Church 
persevering in carrying out the one sublime idea 
which pervades the whole of her liturgy ; and, con- 
sequently, they must derive solid profit from im- 
bibing the spirit peculiar to this season. 

Were we, therefore, to keep aloof from the 
Church during Septuagesima, we should not have 


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a complete idea of her year, of which these three 
weeks form an essential part. The three prelimin- 
ary chapters of this volume will convince them of 
the truth of our observation ; and we feel confident 
that, when they have once understood the cere- 
monies, and formulas, and instructions, offered 
them by the Church during this short season, they 
will value it as it deserves. 

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Preface ...... v 


I. The History of Septuagesima . . .1 
II. The Mystery of Septuagesima . . 6 

III. Practice during Septuagesima . .11 

IV. Morning and Night Prayers for Septuagesima 15 
V. On hearing Mass during the Season of Sep- 
tuagesima . . . . .29 

VI. On Holy Communion during Septuagesima . 65 
VII. On the Office of Vespers for Sundays and 

Feasts during Septuagesima 72 
VIII. On the Office of Compline during Septua- 
gesima . . .82 


The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany . 94 

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany . 100 
Saturday before Septuagesima Sunday — Suspension 

of the ' Alleluia ' . . 106 

Septuagesima Sunday . . . .116 

Mass . . . . .119 

Vespers . . . .128 

Monday of Septuagesima Week . . . 131 

Tuesday of Septuagesima Week . . .135 


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Wednesday of Septuagesima Week . . 138 

Thursday of Septuagesima Week . . 140 

Friday of Septuagesima Week . . . 142 

Saturday of Septuagesima Week . . - . 145 

Sexagesima Sunday .... 148 

Mass ..... 150 

Vespers ..... 158 

Monday of Sexagesima Week .... 160 

Tuesday of Sexagesima Week. . . . 162 

Wednesday of Sexagesima Week . . . 165 

Thursday of Sexagesima Week . . . 167 

Friday of Sexagesima Week .... 170 

Saturday of Sexagesima Week . 173 

Quinquagesima Sunday . . 178 
Mass . . . . .186 
Vespers . . . . .193 

Monday of Quinquagesima Week . . 196 

Tuesday of Quinquagesima Week . . . 199 

Ash Wednesday .... 202 

The Blessing of the Ashes . . 206 
Mass . , .210 

Thursday after Ash Wednesday . . . 219 

Friday after Ash Wednesday . . . 224 

Saturday after Ash Wednesday . . . 229 


February 3 : St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr . 235 
February 4 : St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop and Con- 
fessor . ... . . . 237 

February 5 : St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr . 240 

February 6 : St. Dorothy, Virgin and Martyr . 246 

February 7 : St. Bomuald, Abbot . . . 251 

February 8 : St. John of Matha, Confessor . 255 

February 9 : St. Apollonia, Virgin and Martyr . 260 

February* 10 : St. Soholastica, Virgin . . 263 

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February 14 : St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr . 275 

February 15 : SS. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs . 276 

February 18 : St. Simeon, Bishop and Martyr . 278 

February 22 : St. Peter's Chair at Antioch . 280 
February 23 : St. Peter Damian, Cardinal and 

Doctor op the Church .... 289 

February 24 : St. Mathias, Apostle . . 296 

February 26 : St. Margaret of Cortona, Penitent 299 

March 4 : St. Casimir, Confessor . . . 305 

March 6 : SS. Pbrpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs . 309 
March 7 : St. Thomas of Aquin, Doctor of the 

Church . . . . . .323 

March 8 : St. John of God, Confessor . . 382 

March 9 : St. Frances of Rome, Widow . . 837 

March 10 : The Forty Martyrs . . . 343 

Concluding Prayer for this Season . . . 349 

Thb Seven Penitential Psalms . . . 850 
The Litanies for the Devotion of the Forty 

Hours . . . .362 

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Thk season of Septuagesima comprises the three 
weeks immediately preceding Lent. It forms one 
of the principal divisions of the liturgical year, and 
is itself divided into three parts, each part corre- 
sponding to a week : the first is called Septua- 
gesima ; the second, Sexagesima ; the third, Quiji- 

All three are named from their numerical refer- 
ence to Lent, which, in the language of the Church, 
is called Quadragesima, that is, Forty, because the 
great feast of Easter is prepared for by the holy 
exercises of forty days. The words Quinquagesima, 
Sexagesima, and Septuagesima, tell us of the same 
great solemnity as looming in the distance, and as 
being the great object towards which the Church 
would have us now begin to turn all our thoughts, 
and desires, and devotion. 

Now, the feast of Easter must be prepared for by 
forty days of recollectedness and penance. Those 
forty days are one of the principal seasons of the 
liturgical year, and one of the most powerful means 
employed by the Church for exciting in the hearts 
of her children the spirit of their Christian vocation. 
It is of the utmost importance that such a season 
of grace should produce its work in our souls — the 

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renovation of the whole spiritual life. The Church, 
therefore, has instituted a preparation for the holy 
time of Lent. She gives us the three weeks of 
Septuagesima, during which she withdraws us, as 
much as may be, from the noisy distractions of the 
world, in order that our hearts may be more readily 
impressed by the solemn warning she is to give us 
at the commencement of Lent by marking our 
foreheads with ashes. 

This prelude to the holy season of Lent was not 
known in the early ages of Christianity : its institu- 
tion would seem to have originated in the Greek 
Church. Besides the six Sundays of Lent, on which 
by universal custom the faithful never fasted, the 
practice of this Church prohibited fasting on the 
Saturdays likewise; consequently their Lent was 
short by twelve days of the forty spent by our 
Saviour doing penance in the desert. To make up 
the deficiency, they were obliged to begin their Lent 
so many days earlier, as we will show in our next 

The Church of Eome had no such motive for 
anticipating the season of those privations which 
belong to Lent ; for, from the earliest antiquity, she 
kept the Saturdays in Lent (and as often during 
the rest of the year as circumstances might require) 
as fasting days. At the close of the sixth century, 
St. Gregory the Great alludes, in one of his 
homilies, to the fast of Lent being less than forty 
days, owing to the Sundays which come during that 
holy season. ' There are,' he says, ' from this day 
(the first Sunday of Lent) to the joyous feast of 
Easter, six weeks, that is, forty-two days. As we 
do not fast on the six Sundays, there are but thirty- 
six fasting days . . . which we offer to God as 
the tithe of our year.' 1 

It was, therefore, after the pontificate of St. 
1 The sixteenth Homily on the Gospels. 

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Gregory, that the last four days of Quinquagesima 
week were added to Lent, in order that the number 
of fasting days might be exactly forty. As early, 
however, as the ninth century, the custom of begin- 
ning Lent on Ash Wednesday was of obligation in 
the whole Latin Church. All the manuscript copies 
of the Gregorian Sacramentary, which bear that 
date, entitle this Wednesday In capite jejunii, that 
is to say, the beginning of the fast ; and Amalarius, 
who gives us every detail of the liturgy of the ninth 
century, tells us that it was, even then, the rule to 
begin the fast four days before the first Sunday 
of Lent. We find the practice confirmed by two 
Councils, held in that century. 1 But, out of respect 
for the form of divine service drawn up by St. 
Gregory, the Church does not make any important 
change in the Office of these four days. Up to the 
Vespers of Saturday, when alone she begins the 
lenten rite, she observes the rubrics prescribed for 
Quinquagesima week. 

Peter of Blois, who lived in the twelfth century, 
tells us what was the practice in his days. He 
says : ' All religious begin the fast of Lent at 
Septuagesima ; the Greeks, at Sexagesima ; the 
clergy, at Quinquagesima ; and the rest of Chris- 
tians, who form the Church militant on earth, begin 
their Lent on the Wednesday following Quinqua- 
gesima.' 2 The secular clergy, as we learn from 
these words, were bound to begin the lenten fast 
somewhat before the laity ; though it was only by 
two days — that is, on Monday, as we gather from 
the Life of St. Ulric, bishop of Augsburg, written 
in the tenth century. The Council of Clermont, in 
1095, at which Pope Urban II. presided, has a decree 
sanctioning the obligation of the clergy to begin 
abstinence from flesh -meat at Quinquagesima. 
This Sunday was called, indeed, Dominica carnis 
1 Meaux and Soissons. 2 Sermon xiii. 


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privii, and camis privium sacerdotum, ths,t is, priests' 
carnival Sunday ; but the term is to be understood 
in the sense of the announcement being made, on 
that Sunday, of the abstinence having to begin on 
the following day. We shall find, further on, that 
a like usage was observed in the Greek Church on 
the three Sundays preceding Lent. This law, 
which obliged the clergy to these two additional 
days of abstinence, was in force in the thirteenth 
century, as we learn from a Council held at Angers, 
which threatens with suspension all priests who 
neglect to begin Lent on the Monday of Quinqua- 
gesima week. 

This usage, however, soon became obsolete ; and 
in the fifteenth century, the secular clergy, and even 
the monks themselves, began the lenten fast, like 
the rest of the faithful, on Ash Wednesday. 

There can be no doubt that the original motive 
for this anticipation — which, after several modifica- 
tions, was limited to the four days immediately 
preceding Lent — was to remove from the Greeks 
the pretext of taking scandal at the Latins, who did 
not fast fully forty days. Ratramnus, in his Con- 
troversy with the Greeks, clearly implies it. But 
the Latin Church did not think it necessary to 
carry her condescension farther, by imitating the 
Greek ante-lenten usages, which originated, as we 
have already said, in the eastern custom of not 
fasting on Saturdays. 1 

1 The Gallican liturgy had retained several usages of the 
oriental Churches, to which it owed, in part, its origin : 
hence, it was not without some difficulty that the custom of 
fasting and abstaining on Saturdays was introduced into Gaul. 
Until such time as the Churches of that country had adopted 
the Eoman custom, in that point of discipline, they were 
necessitated to anticipate the fast of Lent. The first Council 
of Orleans, held in the early part of the sixth century, enjoins 
the faithful to observe, before Easter, Quadragesima (as the 
Latins call Lent), and not Quinquagesima, ' in order,' says the 

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Thus it was that the Roman Church, by this 
anticipation of Lent by four days, gave the exact 
number of forty days to the holy season, which she 
had instituted in imitation of the forty days spent 
by our Saviour in the desert. Whilst faithful to 
her ancient practice of looking on the Saturday as 
a day appropriate for penitential exercises, she 
gladly borrowed from the Greek Church the custom 
of preparing for Lent, by giving to the liturgy of 
the three preceding weeks a tone of holy mournful- 
ness. Even as early as the beginning of the ninth 
century, as we learn from Amalarius, the Alleluia 
and Gloria in excelsis were suspended in the Septua- 
gesima Offices, The monks conformed to the 
custom, although the Rule of St. Benedict pre- 
scribed otherwise. Finally, in the second half of 
the eleventh century, Pope Alexander II. enacted 
that the total suspension of the Alleluia should be 
everywhere observed, beginning with the Vespers 
of the Saturday preceding Septuagesima Sunday. 

Council, ' that unity of custom may be maintained.' Towards 
the close of the same century, the fourth Council held in the 
same city, repeats the same prohibition, and explains the 
intentions of making such an enactment, by ordering thas 
the Saturdays during Lent should be observed as days of 
fasting. Previously to this, that is, in the years 511 and 541, 
the first and second Councils of Orange had combated the 
same abuse, by also withdrawing from the faithful the obliga- 
tion of commencing the fast at Quinquagesima. The intro- 
duction of the Roman liturgy into France, which was brought 
about by the zeal of Pepin and Charlemagne, finally estab- 
lished in that country the custom of keeping the Saturday as 
a day of penance ; and as we have just seen, the beginning 
Lent on Quinquagesima was not observed excepting by the 
clergy. In the thirteenth century, the only Church in the 
patriarchate of the west, which began Lent earlier than 
the Church of Rome, was that of Poland : its Lent opened on 
the Monday of Septuagesima, which was owing to the rites 
of the Greek Church being so much used in Poland. The 
custom was abolished, even for that country, by Pope Inno- 
cent IV. in the year 1248. 



This Pope was but renewing a rule already sanc- 
tioned, in that same century, by Pope Leo IX., and 
inserted in the body of Canon Law. 1 

Thus was the present important period of the 
liturgical year, after various changes, established in 
the cycle of the Church. It has been there upwards 
of a thousand years. Its name, Septuagesima 
(seventy), expresses, as we have already remarked, 
a numerical relation to Quadragesima (the forty 
days) ; although, in reality, there are not .seventy 
but only sixty-three days from Septuagesima Sunday 
to Easter. We will speak of the mystery of the 
name in the following chapter. The first Sunday 
of Lent being called Quadragesima (forty), each of 
the three previous Sundays has a name expressive 
of an additional ten ; the nearest to Lent, Quinqua- 
gesima (fifty) ; the middle one, Sexagesima (sixty) ; 
the third, Septuagesima (seventy). 

As the season of Septuagesima depends upon the 
time of the Easter celebration, it comes sooner or 
later according to the changes of that great feast. 
January 18 and February 22 are called the * Septua- 
gesima keys,' because the Sunday, which is called 
Septuagesima, cannot be earlier in the year than 
the first, nor later than the second, of these two 



The season upon which we are now entering is 
expressive of several profound mysteries. But these 
mysteries belong not only to the three weeks which 
are preparatory to Lent : they continue throughout 
the whole period of time which separates us from 
the great feast of Easter. 

1 Cap. Hi duo. De consec. Dist. 1. 

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The number seven is the basis of all these mys- 
teries. We have already seen how the holy Church 
came to introduce the season of Septuagesima into 
her calendar. Let us now meditate on the doctrine 
hidden under the symbols of her liturgy. And 
first, let us listen to St. Augustine, who thus 
gives us the clue to the whole of our season's mys- 
teries. ' There are two times,' says the holy Doctor: 
* one which is now, and is spent in the temptations 
and tribulations of this life ; the other which shall 
be then, and shall be spent in eternal security and 
joy. In figure of these, we celebrate two periods : 
the time before Easter, and the time after Easter. 
That which is before Easter signifies the sorrow of 
this present life ; that which is after Easter, the 
blessedness of our future state. . . . Hence it is 
that we spend the first in fasting and prayer ; and 
in the second we give up our fasting, and give our- 
selves to praise.' 1 

The Church, the interpreter of the sacred Scrip- 
tures, often speaks to us of two places, which corre- 
spond with these two times of St. Augustine. 
These two places are Babylon and Jerusalem. 
Babylon is the image of this world of sin, in the 
midst whereof the Christian has to spend his years 
of probation ; Jerusalem is the heavenly country, 
where he is to repose after all his trials. The 
people of Israel, whose whole history is but one 
great type of the human race, was banished from 
Jerusalem and kept in bondage in Babylon. 

Now, this captivity, which kept the Israelites 
exiles from Sion, lasted seventy years ; and it is to 
express this mystery, as Alcuin, Amalarius, Ivo of 
Chartres, and all the great liturgists tell us, that 
the Church fixed the number of seventy for the days 
of expiation. It is true, there are but sixty-three 
days between Septuagesima and Easter ; but the 

1 Enarrations ; Ps. cxlviii. 

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Church, according to the style so continually used 
in the sacred Scriptures, uses the round number 
instead of the literal and precise one. 

The duration of the world itself, according to the 
ancient Christian tradition, is divided into seven 
ages. The human race must pass through seven 
ages before the dawning of the day of eternal life. 
The first age included the time from the creation of 
Adam to Noah ; the second begins with Noah and 
the renovation of the earth by the deluge, and ends 
with the vocation of Abraham; the third opens 
with this first formation of God's chosen people, 
and continues as far as Moses, through whom God 
gave the Law ; the fourth consists of the period 
between Moses and David, in whom the house of 
Juda received the kingly power ; the fifth is formed 
of the years which passed between David's reign 
and the captivity of Babylon, inclusively ; the sixth 
dates from the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, and 
takes us on as far as the birth of our Saviour. 
Then, finally, comes the seventh age ; it starts with 
the rising of this merciful Redeemer, the Sun of 
justice, and is to continue till the dread coming of 
the Judge of the living and the dead. These are 
the seven great divisions of time ; after which, 

In order to console us in the midst of the combats, 
which so thickly beset our path, the Church, like a 
beacon shining amidst the darkness of this our 
earthly abode, shows us another seven, which is to 
succeed the one we are now preparing to pass 
through. After the Septuagesima of mourning, we 
shall have the bright Easter with its seven weeks 
of gladness, foreshadowing the happiness and bliss 
of heaven. After having fasted with our Jesus, and 
suffered with Him, the day will come when we shall 
rise together with Him, and our hearts shall follow 
Him to the highest heavens; and then after a brief 

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interval, we shall feel the Holy Ghost descending 
upon us, with His seven Gifts. The celebration of 
all these wondrous joys will take us seven weeks, 
as the great liturgists observe in their interpreta- 
tion of the rites of the Church. The seven joyous 
weeks from Easter to Pentecost will not be too long 
for the future glad mysteries, which, after all, will 
be but figures of a still gladder future, the future of 

Having heard these sweet whisperings of hope, 
let us now bravely face the realities brought before 
us by our dear mother the Church. We are 
sojourners upon this earth ; we are exiles and cap- 
tives in Babylon, that city which plots our ruin. 
If we love our country, if we long to return to it, 
we must be proof against the lying allurements of 
this strange land, and refuse the cup she proffers 
us, and with which she maddens so many of our 
fellow captives. She invites us to join in her feasts 
an# her songs ; but we must unstring our harps, 
and hang them on the willows that grow on her 
river's bank, till the signal be given for our return 
to Jerusalem. 1 She will ask us to sing to her the 
melodies of our dear Sion : but how shall we, who 
are so far from home, have heart to * sing the song 
of the Lord in a strange land '? 2 No, there must 
be no sign that we are content to be in bondage, or 
we shall deserve to be slaves for ever. 

These are the sentiments wherewith the Church 
would inspire us during the penitential season 
which we are now beginning. She wishes us to 
reflect on the dangers that beset us ; dangers which 
arise from ourselves and from creatures. During 
the rest of the year she loves to hear us chant the 
song of heaven, the sweet Alleluia; but now, she 
bids us close our lips to this word of joy, because 
we are in Babylon. We are pilgrims absent from 
1 Ps. cxxv. 2 Ps. cxxxvi. 

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our Lord ' i 1 let us keep our glad hymn for the day 
of His return. We are sinners, and have but too 
often held fellowship with the world of God's 
enemies ; let us become purified by repentance, for 
it is written that ' praise is unseemly in the mouth 
of a sinner.' 2 

The leading feature, then, of Septuagesima, is the 
total suspension of the Alleluia, which is not to be 
again heard upon the earth until the arrival of that 
happy day, when, having suffered death with our 
Jesus, and having been buried together with Him, 
we shall rise again with Him to a new life. 3 

The sweet hymn of the angels, Gloria in excelsis 
Deo, which we have sung every Sunday since the 
birth of our Saviour in Bethlehem, is also taken 
from us; it is only on the feasts of the saints which 
may be kept during the week that we shall be 
allowed to repeat it. The night Office of the Sunday 
is to lose also, from now till Easter, its magnificent 
Ambrosian hymn, the Te Deum ; and at the end of 
the holy Sacrifice, the deacon will no longer dis- 
miss the faithful with his solemn Ite, Missa est, but 
will simply invite them to continue their prayers in 
silence, and bless the Lord, the God of mercy, who 
bears with us, notwithstanding all our sins. 

After the Gradual of the Mass, instead of the 
thrice repeated Alleluia, which prepared our hearts 
to listen to the voice of God in the holy Gospel, we 
shall hear but a mournful and protracted chant, 
called, on that account, the Tract. 

That the eye, too, may teach us that the season 
we are entering on is one of mourning, the Church 
will vest her ministers (both on Sundays and on 
the days during the week which are not feasts of 
saints) in the sombre purple. Until Ash Wednes- 
day, however, she permits the deacon to tvear his 
dalmatic, and the subdeacon his tunic ; but from 

1 2 Cor. v. 6. 2 Ecclus. xv. 9. 3 Col. ii. 12. 

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that day forward, they must lay aside these vest- 
ments of joy, for Lent will then have begun, and our 
holy mother will inspire us with the deep spirit of 
penance, by suppressing everything of that glad 
pomp, which she loves, at other seasons, to bring 
into the sanctuary of her God. 



The joys of Christmastide seem to have fled far from 
us. The forty days of gladness brought us by the 
birth of our Emmanuel are gone. The atmosphere 
of holy Church has grown overcast, and we are 
warned that the gloom is- still to thicken. Have we, 
then, for ever lost Him whom we so anxiously and 
longingly sighed after during the four slow weeks 
of our Advent? Has our divine Sun of justice, 
that rose so brightly in Bethlehem, now stopped 
His course, and left our guilty earth ? 

Not so. The Son of God, the Child of Mary, has 
not left us. The Word was made Flesh in order 
that He might dwell among us. A glory far 
greater than that of His birth, when angels sang 
their hymns, awaits Him, and we are to share it 
,with Him. Only, He must win this new and 
greater glory by strange, countless sufferings ; He 
must purchase it by a most cruel and ignominious 
death : and we, if we would have our share in the 
triumph of His Resurrection, must follow Him in 
the way of the cross, all wet with the tears and the 
.Blood He shed for us. 

The grave, maternal voice of the Church will 
soon be heard, inviting us to the lenten penance ; 
but she wishes us to prepare for this 4 laborious 
baptism/ by employing these three weeks in con- 

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sidering the deep wounds caused in our souls by 
sin. True, the beauty and loveliness of the little 
Child born to us in Bethlehem, are great beyond 
measure; but our souls are so needy that they 
require other lessons than those He gave us of 
humility and simplicity. Our Jesus is the Victim 
of the divine justice, and He has now attained the 
fullness of His age ; the altar, on which He has to 
be slain, is ready : and since it is for us that He is 
to be sacrificed, we should at once set ourselves to 
consider what are the debts we have contracted 
towards that infinite justice, which is about to 
punish the innocent One instead of us the guilty. 

The mystery of a God becoming Incarnate for 
the love of His creature, has opened to us the path 
of the illuminative ivay ; but we have not yet seen 
the brightest of its light. Let not our hearts be 
troubled ; the divine wonders we witnessed at 
Bethlehem are to be surpassed by those that are 
to grace the day of our Jesus' "triumph : but, 
that our eye may contemplate these future mys- 
teries, it must be purified by courageously looking 
into the deep abyss of our own personal miseries. 
God will grant us His divine light for the discovery; 
and if we come to know ourselves, to understand 
the grievousness of original sin, to see the malice 
of our own sins, and to comprehend, at least in 
some degree, the infinite mercy of God towards us, 
we shall be prepared for the holy expiations of 
Lent, and for the ineffable joys of Easter. 

The season, then, of Septuagesima is one of most 
serious thought. Perhaps we could not better show 
the sentiments, wherewith the Church would have 
her children to be filled at this period of her year, 
than by quoting a few words from the eloquent ex- 
hortation, given to his people, at the beginning of 
Septuagesima, by the celebrated Ivo of Chartres. 
He spoke thus to the faithful of the eleventh cen- 


tury i 1 ' "We know," says the apostle, "that every 
creature groaneth, and travaileth in pain even till 
now: and not only it, but ourselves, also, who 
have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves 
groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption of 
the sons of God, the redemption of our body. ,,2 
The creature here spoken of is the soul, that has 
been regenerated from the corruption of sin unto 
the likeness of God : she groaneth within herself, 
at seeing herself made subject to vanity ; she, like 
one that travaileth, is filled with pain, and is 
devoured by an anxious longing to be in that 
country, which is still so far off. It was this 
travail and pain that the psalmist was suffering, 
when he exclaimed : " Woe is me, that my sojourn- 
ing is prolonged!" 3 Nay, that apostle, who was 
one of the first members of the Church, and had 
received the holy Spirit, longed to have, in all its 
reality, that adoption of the sons of God, which he 
already had in hope ; and he, too, thus exclaimed 
in his pain : " I desire to be dissolved and to be with 
Christ. ,,4 . . . During these days, therefore, we 
must do what we do at all seasons of the year, only 
we must do it more earnestly and fervently : we 
must sigh and weep after our country, from which 
we were exiled in consequence of having indulged 
in sinful pleasures ; we must redouble our efforts 
in order to regain it by compunction and weeping 
of heart. . . . Let us now shed tears in the way, 
that we may afterwards be glad in our country. 
Let us now so run the race of this present life, that 
we may make sure of " the prize of the supernal 
vocation." 6 Let us not be like imprudent way- 
farers, forgetting our country, and preferring our 
banishment to our home. Let us not become like 
those senseless invalids, who feel not their ailments, 

1 Twelfth Sermon for Septuagesima. 2 Eom. viii. 22, 23. 
3 Ps. cxix. 4 Phil. L 23. 6 Ibid,, iii. 14. 

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and seek no remedy. We despair of a sick man 
who will not be persuaded that he is in danger. 
No: let us run to our Lord, the physician of eternal 
salvation. Let us show Him our wounds, and cry; 
out to Him with all our earnestness : " Have mercy 
on me, 0 Lord, for I am weak : heal me, for my 
bones are troubled." 1 Then will He forgive us our 
iniquities, heal us of our infirmities, and satisfy our 
desire with good things.' 2 

From all this it is evident that the Christian, 
who would spend Septuagesima according to the 
spirit of the Church, must make war upon that 
false security, that self-satisfaction, which are so 
common to effeminate and tepid souls, and produce 
spiritual barrenness. It is well for then*, if these 
delusions do not insensibly le$d them to the 
absolute loss of the true Christian spirit. He that 
thinks himself dispensed from that continual watch- 
fulness, which is so strongly inculcated by our 
divine Master, 8 is already in the enemy's power., 
He that feels no need of combat and of struggle in 
order to persevere and make progress in virtue 
(unless he have been honoured with a privilege, 
which is both rare and dangerous), should fear that 
he is not even on the road to that kingdom of God, 
which is only to be won by violence. 4 He that 
forgets the sins which God's mercy has forgiven 
him, should fear lest he be the victim of a dangerous 
delusion. 6 Let us, during these days which we are 
going to devote to the honest unflinching contem- 
plation of our miseries, give glory to our God, and 
derive from the knowledge of ourselves fresh 
motives of confidence in Him, who, in spite of all 
our wretchedness and sin, humbled Himself so low 
as to become one of us, in order that He might 
exalt us even to union with Himself. 

1 Ps. vi. 3. 2 Ps. cii. 3, 5. 3 St. Mark xiii. 37. 
4 St. Matt. xi. 12. 6 Ecclus. v. 5. 

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During the season of Septuagesima, the Christian, 
on awaking in the morning, should unite himself 
with the Church, who, at the first dawn of day, 
begins her Psalms of Lauds with these words of the 
royal prophet : 

Miserere mei Deus, se- Have mercy on me, O God, 
cundum magnam miseri- according to thy great mercy, 
cordiam tuam. 

He should, after this, profoundly adore that great 
God, before whom the sinner should tremble, but 
whom he fears not to offend, as though deserving 
neither reverence nor love. It is with this deep 
sentiment of holy fear, that he must perform the 
first acts of religion, both interior and exterior, 
wherewith he begins each day of this present season.. 
The time for morning prayer being come, he may 
use the following method, which is formed upon the 
very prayers of the Church : 


First, praise and adoration of the most holy 
Trinity : 

V. Benedicamus Patrem 
et Filium, cum Sancto Spi- 

R. Laudemus et super- 
exaltemus eum in ssecula. 

V. Gloria Patri et Filio, 
et Spiritui Sancto ; 

R. Sicut erat in principio, 
et nunc et semper, et in ssb- 
cula sseculornm. Amen. 

V. Let us bless the Father 
and the Son, and the Holy 

R. Let us praise him and 
extol him above all, for ever. 

V. Glory be io the Father, 
and to the Son, and to the Holy 

R. As it was in the begin- 
ning, is now and ever shall be, 
world without end. Amen. 

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Then, praise to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus 
Christ : 

V. Adoramus te, Christe, V. We adore thee, 0 Christ, 

et benedicimus tibi. and we bless thee. 

B. Quia per sanctam cm- B. Because by thy holy cross 

cem tuam redemisti mun- thou hast redeemed the world, 

Thirdly, invocation of the Holy Ghost : 

Veni, Sancte Spiritus, re- 
ple tuorum corda fidelium, 
et tui amoris in eis ignem 

Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the 
hearts of thy faithful, and en- 
kindle within them the fire of 
thy love. 

After these fundamental acts of religion, recite 
the Lord's Prayer, begging your heavenly Father to 
be mindful of His infinite mercy and goodness ; to 
forgive you your trespasses; to come to your as- 
sistance in the temptations and dangers which so 
thickly beset the path of this life ; and finally, to 
deliver you from evil, by removing from you every 
remnant of sin, which is the great evil, the evil 
that offends God, and entails the sovereign evil of 
man himself. 


Pater noster, qui es in Our Father, who art in 

ccelis, sanctificetur nomen heaven, hallowed be thy name : 

tuum : adveniat regnum tu- thy kingdom come : thy will 

um : fiat voluntas tua sicut be done on earth as it is in 

in ccelo, et in terra. Panem heaven. Give us this day our 

nostrum quotidianum da no- daily bread ; and forgive us our 

bis hodie : et dimitte nobis trespasses, as we forgive them 

debita nostra, sicut et nos that trespass against us : and 

dimittimus debitoribus no- lead us not into temptation: 

stris : et ne nos inducas in but deliver us from evil. Amen, 
tentationem : sed libera nos 
a malo. Amen. 

Then address our blessed Lady, using the words 
of the angelical salutation. Pray to her with 
confidence and love, for she is the refuge of 

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Ave Maria, gratia plena, 
Dominus tecum; benedicta 
tu in mulieribus, et bene- 
dictus fructus ventris tui, 

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, 

Hail Mary, full of grace; 
the Lord is with thee ; blessed 
art thou among women, and 
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, 

Holy Mary, Mother of God, 
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, pray for us sinners, now and 
nunc et in hora mortis no- at the hour of our death, 
strse. Amen. Amen. 

After this you should recite the Creed, that is, 
the Symbol of faith. It contains the dogmas we 
are to believe ; and during this season you should 
dwell with loving attention on that article, which 
is so full of hope, the forgiveness of sins. Let us do 
our utmost to merit, by our sincere conversion and 
amendment of our lives, that our Saviour, after 
the coming penitential forty days are over, may 
say to each of us those words which are so 
sweet to a penitent sinner : i Go, thy sins are 
forgiven !' 


Credo in Deum Patrem 
omnipotentem, creatorem 
cceli et terrse. Et in Jesum 
Christum Filium ejus uni- 
cum, Dominum nostrum : 
qui conceptus est de Spiritu 
Sancto, natus ex Maria Vir- 
gine, passus sub Pontio Pi- 
lato, crucifixus, mortuus, et 
sepultus : descendit ad in- 
feros, tertia die resurrexit a 
mortuis : ascendit ad ccelos, 
sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris 
omnipotentis : inde venturus 
est judicare vivos et mor- 

Credo in Spiritum San- 
ctum, sanctam Ecclesiam 
Catholicam, sanctorum com- 

I believe in God the Father 
almighty, Creator of heaven 
and earth. And in Jesus Christ, 
his only Son our Lord, who was 
conceived by the Holy Ghost, 
born of the Virgin Mary ; suf- 
fered under Pontius Pilate, was 
crucified, dead, and buried ; he 
descended into hell, the third 
day he rose again from the 
dead ; he ascended into heaven, 
sitteth at the right hand of God 
the Father almighty; from 
thence he shall come to judge 
the living and the dead. 

I believe in the Holy Ghost ; 
the holy Catholic Church ; the 
communion of saints, the for- 

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munionem, remissionem giveness of sins, the resurrec- 
peccatorum, carnis resur- tion of the body, and life ever- 
rectionem, vitam seternam. lasting. Amen. 

After having thus made the profession of your 
faith, endeavour to excite yourself to sorrow for 
the sins you have committed. For this purpose, 
recite one of the Penitential Psalms ; the first on 
Sunday, the second on Monday, and so on with 
the rest. These admirable psalms, whereby David 
expressed his grief after he had fallen into sin, 
are most appropriate for the season of Septua- 
gesima. The reader will find them at the end of 
this volume. 

Then make a humble confession of your sins, 
reciting the general formula made use of by the 


Confiteor Deo omnipo- 
tenti, beat© Marise semper 
Virgini, beato Michaeli arch- 
angelo, beato Joanni Bap- 
tist©, Sanctis apostolis Petro 
et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis, 
quia peccavi nimis cogi- 
tatione, verbo, et opere : 
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea 
maxima culpa. Ideo precor 
beatam Mariam semper Vir- 
ginem, beatum Michaelem 
archangelum, beatum Joan- 
nem Baptistam, sanctos 
apostolos Petrum et Paulum, 
et omnes sanctos, orare pro 
me ad Dominum Deum no- 
strum. , 

Misereatur nostri omni- 
potens Deus, et dimissis pec- 
catis nostris, perducat nos 
ad vitam aeternam. Amen. 

Indulgentiam, absolutio- 
nem, et remissionem pecca- 

I confess to almighty God, to 
blessed Mary ever Virgin, to 
blessed Michael the archangel, 
to blessed John the Baptist, to 
the holy apostles Peter and 
Paul, and to all the saints, that 
I have sinned exceedingly in 
thought, word, and deed; 
through my fault, through my 
fault, through my most griev- 
ous fault. Therefore I beseech 
the blessed Mary ever Virgin, 
blessed Michael the archangel, 
blessed John the Baptist, the 
holy apostles Peter and Paul, 
and all the saints, to pray to 
the Lord our God for me. 

May almighty God have 
mercy on us, and, our sins being 
forgiven, bring us to life ever- 
lasting. Amen. 

May the almighty and mer- 
ciful Lord grant us pardon, 

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torum nostrorum tribuat absolution, and remission of our 
nobis omnipotens et miseri- sins. Amen, 
cors Dominus. Amen. 

This is the proper time for making your medita- 
tion, as no doubt you practise this holy exercise. 
During Septuagesima, the subject of our meditation 
ought mainly to be the evils brought on man by 
original sin ; the necessity of an untiring resistance 
against our corrupt nature, whose tendencies and 
inclinations would lead us to destruction ; the 
grievousness of actual sin, how it robs us of count- 
less blessings, and exposes us to punishments both 
here and hereafter ; the ineffable goodness of God, 
who comes Himself to offer reconciliation to the 
sinner, and who, after the salutary mournfulness 
and the works of penance of the weeks of Septua- 
gesima and Lent, will give all the joy, peace, and 
blessing of a new life in our risen Jesus. 

The next part of your morning prayer must be 
to ask of God, by the following prayers, grace to 
avoid every kind of sin during the day you are just 
beginning. Say, then, with the Church, whose 
prayers must always be preferred to all others : 

V. Domine, exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my prayer, 
tionem meam. 

B. Et clamor meus ad te B. And let my cry come 

veniat. unto thee. 


Domine, Deus omnipotens, 
qui ad principium hujus diei 
nos pervenire fecisti, tua nos 
hodie salva virtute, ut in hac 
die ad nullum declinemus 
peccatum, sed semper ad 
tuam justitiam faciendam 
nostra procedant eloquia, 
dirigantur cogitationes et 
opera. Per Pominum no- 


Almighty Lord and God, 
who hast brought us to the 
beginning of this day, let thy 
powerful grace so conduct us 
through it, that we may not fall 
into any sin, but that all our 
thoughts, words, and actions 
may be regulated according to 
the rules of thy heavenly jus- 
tice, and tend to the observance 

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strum Jesum Christum Fi- of thy holy law. Through 
Hum tuum, qui tecum vivit Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, 
et regnat in unitate Spiritus 
Sancti Deus, per omnia sse- 
cula sseculorum. Amen. 

Then beg the divine assistance for the actions 
of the day, that you may do them well ; and say 
thrice : 

V. Deus, in adjutorium 
meum intende. 

B. Domine, ad adjuvan- 
dum me festina. 

V. Deus, in adjutorium 
meum intende. 

B. Domine, ad adjuvan- 
dum me festina. 

V. Deus, in adjutorium 
meum intende. 

B. Domine, ad adjuvan- 
dum me festina. 


Dirigere et sanctificare, 
regere et gubernare dignare, 
Domine Deus, Rex coeli et 
terree, hodie corda et corpora 
nostra, sensus, sermones, et 
actus nostros in lege tua, 
et in operibus mandatorum 
tuorum, ut hie et in seternum 
te auxiliante, salvi et liberi 
esse mereamur, Salvator 
mundi. Qui vivis et regnas 
in ssecula sseculorum. Amen. 

V. Incline unto my aid, 
O God. 

B. O Lord, make haste to 
help me. 

V. Incline unto my aid, 
O God. 

B. O Lord, make haste to 
help me. 

V. Incline unto my aid, 
0 God. 

B. 0 Lord, make haste to 
help me. 


Lord God, and King of 
heaven and earth, vouchsafe 
this day to rule and sanctify, to 
direct and govern our souls and 
bodies, our senses, words, and 
actions, in conformity to thy 
law, and strict obedience to thy 
commands : that by the help of 
thy grace, O Saviour of the 
world ! we may be fenced and 
freed from all evils. Who livest 
and reignest for ever and ever. 

During the day, you will do well to use the in- 
structions and prayers, which you will find in this 
volume, for each day of the season, both for the 
Proper of the time, and the Proper of the saints. 
Io the evening, you may use the following prayers. 

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After having made the sign of the cross, let us 
adore that sovereign Lord, who has so mercifully 
preserved us during this day, and blessed us, every 
hour, with His grace and protection. For this end, 
let us recite the following hymn, which the Church 
sings in her Vespers of Saturday. 


J am sol recedit igneus : 
Tu lux perennis, Unitas, 
Nostris, beata Trinitas, 
Infunde lumen cordibus. 

Te mane laudum carmine, 
Te deprecamur vespere : 
Digneris, ut te supplices 
Laudemus inter ccelites. 

The radiant sun hath set : 
do thou, O light unfading, 
O Unity and Trinity divine, 
pour thy rays into our hearts. 

Our morning hymns give thee 
praise; our evensong implores 
thy mercy : Oh 1 grant us to be 
one day companions with the 
blessed in heaven, to give thee 
ceaseless praise. 

To thee, 0 Father, Son, and 
Holy Ghost I may glory be, as 
it hath ever been, for ever and 
for endless ages. 

V. May our evening prayer 
ascend to thee, O Lord. 

B. And may thy mercy de- 
scend upon us. 

After this hymn, say the Our Father, Hail Mary, 
and Apostles' Creed, as in the morning. 

Then make the examination of conscience, going 
over in your mind all the faults you have com- 
mitted during the day. Think how great is the 
obstacle put by sin to the merciful designs your 
God would work in you ; and make a firm resolu- 
tion to avoid it for the time to come, to do penance 
for it, and to shun the occasions which might again 
lead you into it. 

The examination of conscience concluded, recite 
the Conjiteor (or 'I confess') with heartfelt con- 

Patri simulque Filio, 
Tibique, Sancte Spiritus, 
Sicut fuit, sit jugiter 
Sseculum per omne gloria. 


V. Vespertina oratio as- 
cendat ad te, Domine. 

B. Et descendat super 
nos misericordia tua. 

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trition, and then give expression to your sorrow by 
the following act which we have taken from the 
venerable Cardinal Bellarmine's catechism : 


O my God, I am exceedingly grieved for having offended 
thee, and with my whole heart I repent of the sins I have 
committed : I hate and abhor them above every other evil, not 
only because, by so sinning, I have lost heaven and deserved 
hell, but still more because I have offended thee, O infinite 
Goodness, who art worthy to be loved above all things. I 
most firmly resolve, by the assistance of thy grace, never 
more to offend thee for the time to come, and to avoid those 
occasions which might lead me into sin. 

You may then add the acts of faith, hope, and 
charity, to the recitation of which Pope Bene- 
dict XIV. has granted an indulgence of seven years 
and seven quarantines for each time. 


O my God, I firmly believe whatsoever the holy Catholic 
apostolic Eoman Church requires me to believe : I believe it, 
because thou hast revealed it to her, thou who art the very 


O my God, knowing thy almighty power, and thy infinite 
goodness and mercy, I hope in thee that, by the merits of the 
Passion and death of our Saviour Jesus Christ, thou wilt 
grant me eternal life, which thou hast promised to all such as 
shall do the works of a good Christian ; and these I resolve to 
do by the help of thy grace. 


O my God, I love thee with my whole heart and above all 
things, because thou art the sovereign Good : I would rather 
lose all things than offend thee. For thy love also, I love and 
desire to love my neighbour as myself. 

Then say to our blessed Lady the following 
anthem, which the Church uses from the feast of 
the Purification to Easter : 

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Ave Eegina coelorum, 
Ave Domina angelorum : 
Salve radix, salve porta, 
Ex qua mundo lux est orta ; 
Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, 
Super omnes speciosa : 
Vale, O valde decora, 
Et pro nobis Christum exora. 

V. Dignare me laudare te, 
Virgo sacrata. 

B. Da mihi virtutem con- 
tra hostes tuos. 

Hail Queen of heaven I Hail 
Lady of the angels ! Hail 
blessed root and gate, from 
which came light upon the 
world ! Rejoice, O glorious Vir- 
gin, that surpassest all in 
beauty I Hail, most lovely 
Queen ! and pray to Christ for us. 

V. Vouchsafe, O holy Vir- 
gin, that I may praise thee. 

B. Give me power against 
thine enemies. 


Concede, misericors Deus, 
fragilitati nostra presidium : 
ut, qui sanctse Dei Geni- 
tricis memoriam agimus, in- 
tercessionis ejus auxilio a 
nostris iniquitatibusresurga- 
mus. Per eumdem Christum 
Dominum nostrum. Amen. 


Grant, O merciful God, thy 
protection to us in our weak- 
ness; that we who celebrate the 
memory of the holy Mother of 
God, may, through the aid of 
her intercession, rise again from 
our sins. Through the same 
Christ our Lord. Amen. 

You would do well to add the litany of our Lady. 
An indulgence of three hundred days, for each time 
it is recited, has been granted by the Church. 


Kyrie, eleison. 

Christe, eleison. 

Kyrie, eleison. 

Christe, audi nos. 

Christe, exaudi nos. 

Pater de ccelis, Deus, mise- 
rere nobis, 

Fili, Bedemptor mundi, 
Deus, miserere nobis. 

Spiritus Sancte, Deus, mise- 
rere nobis. 

Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, 
miserere nobis. 

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. 

Sancta Dei Genitrix, 

Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, have mercy on us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us. 
Christ, graciously hear us. 
God the Father of heaven, have 

mercy on us. 
God the Son, Redeemer of the 

world, have mercy on us. 
God the Holy Ghost, have 

mercy on us. 
Holy Trinity, one God, have 

mercy on us. 
Holy Mary, pray for us. 
Holy Mother of God, 

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Sancta Virgo virginum, 

Mater Christi, 

Mater divinae gratiae, 

Mater purissima, 

Mater castissima, 

Mater inviolata, 

Mater intemerata, 

Mater amabilis, 

Mater admirabilis, 

Mater boni consilii, 

Mater Creatoris, 

Mater Salvatoris, 

Virgo prudentissima, 

Virgo veneranda, 

Virgo praedicanda, 

Virgo potens, 

Virgo clemens, 

Virgo fidelis, 

Speculum justitiae, 

Sedes sapientiae, 

Causa nostras laetitiae, 

Vas spirituale, 

Vas honorabile, 

Vas insigne devotionis, 

Eosa mystica, 

Turris Davidica, 

Turris eburnea, 

Domus aurea, 

Foederis area, 

Janua coeli, 

Stella matutina, 

Salus infirmorum, 

Befugium peccatorum, 

Consolatrix afflictorum, 

Auxilium Christianorum, 

Eegina Angelorum, 

Kegina Patriarcharum, 

Eegina Prophet arum, 

Eegina Apostolorum, 

Eegina Martyrum, 

Eegina Confessorum, 

Eegina Virginum, 

Eegina Sanctorum omnium, 

Eegina sine labe originali 

Eegina sacratissiini rosarii. 
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- 

Holy Virgin of virgins, 
Mother of Christ, 
Mother of divine grace, 
Mother most pure, 
Mother most chaste, 
Mother inviolate, 
Mother undefiled, 
Mother most amiable, 
Mother most admirable, 
Mother of good counsel, 
Mother of our Creator, 
Mother of our Eedeemer, 
Virgin most prudent, 
Virgin most venerable, 
Virgin most renowned, 
Virgin most powerful, 
Virgin most merciful, 
Virgin most faithful, 
Mirror of justice, 
Seat of wisdom, 
Cause of our joy, 
Spiritual vessel, 
Vessel of honour, 
Singular vessel of devotion, 
Mystical rose, 
Tower of David, 
Tower of ivory, 
House of gold, 
Ark of the covenant, 
Gate of heaven, 
Morning star, 
Health of the weak, 
Eefuge of sinners, 
Comforter of the afflicted, 
Help of Christians, 
Queen of Angels, 
Queen of Patriarchs, 
Queen of Prophets, 
Queen of Apostles, 
Queen of Martyrs, 
Queen of Confessors, 
Queen of Virgins, 
Queen of all Saints, 
Queen conceived without ori- 
ginal sin, 
Queen of the most holy rosary. 
Lamb of God, who takest away 

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cata mundi, parce nobis, 

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- 
cata mundi, exaudi nos, 

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- 
cata mundi, miserere no- 

Christe, audi nos. 
Christe, exaudi nos. 

V. Ora pro nobis, sancta 
Dei Genitrix. 

B. Utdigniefficiamurpro- 
missionibus Christi. 

the sins of the world, spare 
us, O Lord. 

Lamb of God, who takest away 
the sins of the world, gra- 
ciously hear us, O Lord. 

Lamb of God, who takest away 
the sins of the world, have 
mercy on us. 

Christ, hear us. 

Christ, graciously hear us. 
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother 

of God. 

B. That we may be made 
worthy of the promises of Christ. 


Grant, 0 Lord, we beseech 
thee, that we thy servants may 
enjoy constant health of body 
and mind ; and by the glorious 
intercession of blessed Mary, 
ever a Virgin, be delivered from 
all present affliction, and come 
to that joy which is eternal. 
Through Christ our Lord. 

Concede nos famulos tuos 
qusesumus, Domine Deus, 
perpetua mentis et corporis 
sanitate gaudere : et gloriosa 
beatae Mariae semper Vir- 
ginia intercessione, a prae- 
senti liberari tristitia, et 
seterna perfrui laetitia. Per 
Christum Dominum no- 
strum. Amen. 

Here invoke the holy angels, whose protection 
is, indeed, always so much needed by us, but never 
so much as during the hours of night. Say with the 
Church : 

Sancti angeli, custodes no- 
stri, defendite nos in praelio, 
ut non pereamus in tremendo 

V. Angelissuis Deus man- 
davit de te. 

B. Ut custodiant te in 
omnibus viis tuis. 

Holy angels, our loving guar- 
dians, defend us in the hour of 
battle, that we may not be lost 
at the dreadful judgment. 

V. God hath given his angels 
charge of thee. 

B. That they may guard thee 
in all thy ways. 


Deus, qui ineffabili provi- 
dentia sanctos angelos tuos 
ad nostram custodiam mit- 


O God, who in thy wonderful 
providence, hast been pleased 
to appoint thy holy angels for 

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tere dignaris: largire sup- 
plicibus tuis, et eorum sem- 
per protectione defendi, et 
seterna societate gaudere. 
Per Christum Dominum no- 
strum. Amen. 

our guardians : mercifully hear 
our prayers, and grant we may 
rest secure under their protec- 
tion, and enjoy their fellowship 
in heaven for ever. Through 
Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Then beg the assistance of the saints by the fol- 
lowing antiphon and prayer of the Church : 

Ant. Sancti Dei omnes, 
intercedere dignemini pro 
nostra omniumque salute. 

V. Laetamini in Domino 
et exsultate, justi. 

R. Et gloriamini omnes 
recti corde. 

Ant. All ye saints of God, 
vouchsafe to intercede for us 
and for all men, that we may 
be saved. 

V. Eejoice in the Lord, ye 
just, and be glad. 

R. And glory, all ye right of 


Protege, Domine, popu- 
lum tuum, et apostolorum 
tuorum Petri et Pauli, et 
aliorum apostolorum patro- 
cinio confidentem, perpetua 
defensione conserva. 

Omnes sancti tui, qusesu- 
mus, Domine, nos ubique 
ad ju vent: ut dum eorum 
merita recolimus, patroci- 
nia sentiamus: et pacem 
tuam nostris concede tem- 
poribus, et ab Ecclesia tua 
cunctam repelle nequitiam : 
iter, actus, et voluntates no- 
stras, et omnium f amulorum 
tuorum, in salutis tuae pro- 
speritate dispone : benefa- 
ctoribus nostris sempiterna 
bona retribue: et omnibus 
fidelibus defunctis requiem 
seternam concede. Per Chri- 
stum Dominum nostrum. 


Protect, 0 Lord, thy people ; 
and because we have confidence 
in the intercession of blessed 
Peter and Paul and thy other 
apostles, ever defend and pre- 
serve us. 

May all thy saints ever help 
us, we beseech thee, O Lord! 
and grant that, whilst we 
honour their merits, we may 
experience their intercession. 
Grant thy holy peace unto these 
our days, and drive all iniquity 
from thy Church. Direct and 
prosper unto salvation every 
step, and action, and desire, of 
us and of all thy servants. 
Repay our benefactors with 
everlasting blessings ; and grant 
eternal rest to all the faithful 
departed. Through Christ our 
Lord. Amen. 

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And here you may add a special mention of the 
saints to whom you bear a particular devotion, 
either as your patrons or otherwise; as also of 
those whose feast is kept in the Church that day, 
or who have been at least commemorated in the 
Divine Office. 

This done, remember the necessities of the 
Church suffering, and beg of God that He will give 
to the souls in purgatory a place of refreshment, 
light, and peace. For this intention recite the 
usual prayers. 

PSALM 129 

De profundis clamavi ad 
te, Domine : Domine, exaudi 
vocem meam. 

Fiant aures tuae inten- 
dentes: in vocem depreca- 
tionis mese. 

Si iniquitates observave- 
ris, Domine: Domine, quis 
Bustinebit ? 

Quia apud te propitiatio 
est : et propter legem tuam 
suBtinui te, Domine. 

Sustinuit anima mea in 
verbo ejus: speravit anima 
mea in Domino. 

A custodia matutina us- 
que ad noctem : speret Israel 
in Domino. 

Quia apud Dominum mi- 
sericordia : et copiosa apud 
eum redemptio. 

Et ipse redimet Israel : ex 
omnibus iniquitatibus ejus. 

Requiem seternam dona 
eis, Domine. 

Et lux perpetua luceat 

V. A porta inferi. 
B. Erue, Domine, animas 

From the depths I have cried 
to thee, O Lord ; Lord, hear my 

Let thine ears be attentive 
to the voice of my supplica- 

If thou wilt observe iniqui- 
ties, O Lord, Lord, who shall 
endure it ? 

For with thee there is merci- 
ful forgiveness ; and by reason 
of thy law I have waited for 
thee, O Lord. 

My soul hath relied on his 
word; my soul hath hoped in 
the Lord. 

From the morning watch 
even until night, let Israel hope 
in the Lord. 

Because with the Lord there 
is mercy, and with him plenti- 
ful redemption. 

And he shall redeem Israel 
from all his iniquities. 

Eternal rest give to them, 
0 Lord. 

And let perpetual light shine 
upon them. 

V. From the gate of hell. 

B. Deliver their souls, O 


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V. Eequiescant in pace. 
B. Amen. 

V. Doroine, exaudi ora- 
tionem meam. 

B. Et clamor meus ad te 

V. May they rest in peace. 
B. Amen. 

V. O Lord, hear my prayer. 

B. And 
unto thee. 

let my cry come 


Fidelium Deus omnium 
Conditor et Kedemptor, ani- 
mabus famulorum famula- 
rumque tuarum remission em 
cunctorum tribue pecca- 
torum ; ut indulgentiam, 
quam semper optaverunt, 
piis supplicationibus conse- 
quantur. Qui vivis et regnas 
in saeculasseculorum. Amen. 


O God, the Creator and Re- 
deemer of all the faithful, give 
to the souls of thy servants 
departed the remission of all 
their sins : that through the help 
of pious supplications, they may 
obtain the pardon they have 
always desired. Who livest and 
reignest for ever and ever. 

Here make a special memento of such of the 
faithful departed as have a particular claim upon 
your charity ; after which, ask of God to give you 
His assistance, whereby you may pass the night 
free from danger. Say, then, still keeping to the 
words of the Church : 

Ant. Salva nos, Domine, 
vigilantes, custodi nos dor- 
mientes: ut vigilemus cum 
Christo, et requiescamus in 

V. Dignare, Domine, nocte 

B. Sine peccato nos custo- 

V. Miserere nostri, Do- 

B. Miserere nostri. 

V. Fiat misericordia tua, 
Domine, super nos. 

B. Quemadmodum spe- 
ravimus in te. 

V. Domine, exaudi ora- 
tionem meam. 

B. Et clamor meus ad te 

Ant. Save us, 0 Lord, while 
awake, and watch us as we 
sleep ; that we may watch with 
Christ, and rest in peace. 

V. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this 

B. To keep us without sin. 

V. Have mercy on us, O 

B. Have mercy on us. 
V. Let thy mercy, O Lord, 
be upon us. 
B. As we have hoped in thee. 

V. O Lord, hear my prayer. 

B. And let my cry come 
unto thee. 

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Visita, qusesumus, Do- 
mine, habitationem istam, et 
omnes insidias inimici ab ea 
longe repelle : angeli tui 
sancti habitent in ea, qui nos 
in pace custodiant, et bene- 
dictio tua sit super nos sem- 
per. Per Dominum nostrum 
Jesum Christum, Filium 
tuum, qui tecum vivit et 
regnat in unitate Spiritus 
Sancti Deus, per omnia sae- 
cula saeculorum. Amen. 

And that you may end the day in the same 
sentiments wherewith you began it, say once more 
to your God these words of the royal prophet : 

Miserere mei, Deus, se- Have mercy on me, O God, 
cundum magnam misericor- according to thy great mercy, 
diam tuam. 


Visit, we beseech thee, 0 
Lord, this house and family, 
and drive from it all snares of 
the enemy : let thy holy angels 
dwell herein, who may keep us 
in peace, and may thy blessing 
be always upon us. Through 
J esus Christ our Lord, thy Son, 
who liveth and reigneth with 
thee, in the unity of the Holy 
Ghost, God, world without end. 



The Christian who enters into the spirit of the 
Church during the season of Septuagesima, will 
find an increase in his soul of that holy fear of 
God, which the psalmist tells us is the beginning 
of wisdom. 1 The consideration of what original 
sin has brought upon him, the recollection of his 
own sins, and the dread of God's judgments, all 
combine to arouse him from the indifference which 
so easily fastens on the soul. He has need, there- 
fore, of some refuge, some powerful and saving 
help, which may re-enkindle within his heart that 
Christian hope, without which he cannot be in the 

1 Ps. ex. 10. 

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grace of God. Nay more : he has need of a victim 
of propitiation, which may appease the divine 
anger ; he has need of a sacrifice, whereby to stay 
the arm of God, which he knows is raised to punish 
his sins. 

This Victim is ready ; this infinitely efficacious 
Sacrifice is prepared for us. ' The Lamb of God, 
that taketh away the sins of the world,' is still on 
our earth. His birth has filled us with consolation ; 
the joy we experienced as we stood near His crib, 
but which has suddenly given place to thoughts the 
very opposite of joy, will return to us, and be 
greater than when we had it at Christmas, on the 
Easter day of His Eesurrection : but in the interval, 
while awaiting the dawn of that bright day which 
is to lead us to our Jesus purified from our sins 
and vigorous with our new life, we may and must 
trust that His merits will effect the regeneration of 
our souls. When, therefore, we would offer to our 
God the sacrifice of ' a contrite and humble heart,' 
let us ensure its acceptance by going to the altar, 
and supplicating the Victim, who there offers Him- 
self for our sake, that He join His infinite merits 
with our feeble works. When we leave the house 
of God, the weight of our sins will be lessened, our 
confidence in divine mercy will be increased, and 
our love, renewed by compunction, will be firmer 
and truer. 

We will now endeavour to embody these senti- 
ments in our explanation of the mysteries of the 
holy Mass, and initiate the faithful into these 
divine secrets ; not, indeed, by indiscreetly pre- 
suming to translate the sacred formulae, but by 
suggesting such acts as will enable those who hear 
Mass to enter into the ceremonies and the spirit of 
the Church and of the priest. 

On the three Sundays, of Septuagesima, Sexa- 
gesima, and Quinquagesima, the Mass is always 

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celebrated according to the rite of the penitential 
season we are now keeping. These Sundays are 
never put out by any feast that may occur on them, 
unless it be that of the patron or the dedication of 
the Church. Ash Wednesday does not admit of 
even that exception ; the Mass of that feria is never 
omitted. But when a saint's feast (and there are 
many such during the time of Septuagesima) falls 
on any other day than the four just mentioned, the 
Church then lays aside her purple vestments, and 
celebrates the holy Sacrifice in memory of the 

On the Sundays, if the Mass at which the faithful 
assist be the Parochial, or, as it is often called, the 
public Mass, two solemn rites precede it, and they 
are full of instruction and blessing : the Asperges, 
or sprinkling of the holy water, and the proces- 

During the Asperges, let us ask with David, 
whose words are used by the Church in this 
ceremony, that our souls may be purified by the 
hyssop of humility, and become whiter than snow. 


Asperges me, Domine, 
hyssopo, et mundabor; lava- 
bis me, et super nivem deal- 

P*. Miserere mei, Deus, 
secundum magnam miseri- 
cordiam tuam. 

V. Gloria Patri, etc. 

Ant. Asperges me, etc. 

V. Ostende nobis, Domine, 
misericordiam tuam. 

R. Et salutare tuum da 

V. Domine, exaudi ora- 
tionem meam. 

Thou shalt sprinkle me with 
hyssop, O Lord, and I shall be 
cleansed ; thou shalt wash me, 
and I shall be made whiter than 

Pa. Have mercy on me, O 
God, according to thy great 

V. Glory, etc. 

Ant. Sprinkle me, etc. 

V. Show us, O Lord, thy 

JB. And grant us thy salva- 

V. 0 Lord, hear my prayer. 

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B. Et clamor meus ad te 

V. Dominus vobiscum. 
B. Et cum spiritu tuo. 


Exaudi nos, Domine san- 
cte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne 
Deus : et mittere digneris 
sanctum angelum tuum de 
coelis, qui custodiat, foveat, 
protegat, visitet atque de- 
fendat omnes habitantes in 
hoc habitaculo. Per Chri- 
stum Dominum nostrum. 

B. Amen. 

B. And let my cry come 
unto thee. 

V. The Lord be with you. 
B. And with thy spirit. 


Graciously hear us, O holy 
Lord, Father almighty, eternal 
God : and vouchsafe to send 
thy holy angel from heaven, 
who may keep, cherish, pro- 
tect, visit, and defend all who 
are assembled in this place. 
Through Christ our Lord. 

B. Amen. 

The procession, which immediately precedes the 
Mass, shows us the ardour wherewith the Church 
advances towards her God. Let us imitate her 
fervour, for it is written : ' The Lord is good to 
them that hope in Him, to the soul that seeketh 
Him.' 1 

But see, Christians ! the Sacrifice begins ! The 
priest is at the foot of the altar ; God is attentive, 
the angels are in adoration, the whole Church is 
united with the priest, whose priesthood and action 
are those of the great High Priest, Jesus Christ. 
Let us make the sign of the cross with him. 


In nomine Patris, et Filii, 
et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. 

V. Introibo ad altare Dei. 

B. Ad Deum qui lnetificat 
juventutem meam. 

In the name of the Father, 
and of the Son, and of the Holy 
Ghost. Amen. 

I unite myself, O my God, 
with thy Church, whose heart 
is filled with the hope of soon 
seeing, and in all the splendour 
of his Resurrection, Jesus Christ 
thy Son, who is the true altar. 

1 Lam. iii. 25. 

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Judica me, Deus, et dis- 
cerne causam meam de gente 
non sancta : ab homine ini- 
quo et doloso erue me. 

Quia tu es, Deus, fortitudo 
mea : quare me repulisti ? 
et quare tristis incedo, dum 
affligit me inimicus ? 

Emitte lucem tuam et 
veritatem tuam : ipsa me 
deduxerunt et adduxerunt 
in montem sanctum tuum, 
et in tabernacula tua. 

Et introibo ad altare Dei : 
ad Deum qui laetificat juven- 
tutem meam. 

Confitebor tibi in cithara 
Deus, Deus meus: quare 
tristis es anima mea? et 
quare conturbas me ? 

Spera in Deo, quoniam 
adhuc confitebor illi: salu- 
tare vultus mei, et Deus 
meus. * 

Like 'her, I beseech thee to 
defend me against the malice 
of the enemies of my salva- 
It is in thee that I have put 
my hope ; yet do I feel sad and 
troubled at being in the midst 
of the snares which are set for 

Send me, then, him who is 
light and truth : it is he who 
will open to us the way to thy 
holy mount, to thy heavenly 

He is the Mediator, and the 
living altar; I will draw nigh 
to him, and be filled with joy. 

When he shall have come, I 
will sing in my gladness. Be 
not sad, O my soul! Why 
wouldst thou be troubled ? 

Hope in thy Jesus, who will 
soon show himself to thee as 
the conqueror of that death 
which he will have suffered in 
thy stead ; and thou wilt rise 
again together with him. 

Glory be to the Father, and 
to the Son, and to the Holy 

As it was in the beginning, is 
now, and ever shall be, world 
without end. Amen. 

I am to go to the altar of 
God, and feel the presence of 
him who desires to give me a 
new life I 

This my hope comes not to 
me as thinking that I have any 
merits, but from the all-power- 
ful help of my Creator. 

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et 
Spiritui Sancto. 

Sicut erat in principio, et 
nunc et semper, et in saecula 
saeculorum. Amen. 

V. Introibo ad altare Dei. 

R. Ad Deum qui laetificat 
juventutem meam. 

V. Adjutorium nostrum 
in nomine Domini. 

JB. Qui fecit caelum et 

The thought of being $,bout to appear before his 
God, excites in the soul of the priest a lively 
sentiment of compunction. He cannot go further 
in the holy Sacrifice without confessing, and 



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publicly, that he is a sinner, and deserves not the 
grace he is about to receive. Listen with respect 
to this confession of God's minister, and earnestly 
ask our Lord to show mercy to him ; for the priest 
is your father ; he is answerable for your salvation, 
for which he every day risks his own. When he 
has finished, unite with the servers, or the sacred 
ministers, in this prayer : 

Misereatur tui omnipo- 
tens Deus, et dimissis pec- 
catis tuis, perducat te ad 
vitam seternam. 

May almighty God have 
mercy on thee, and, forgiving 
thy sins, bring thee to everlast- 
ing life. 

The priest having answered Amen, make your 
confession, saying with a contrite spirit : 

Confiteor Deo omnipo- 
tent^ beatse Marise semper 
Virgini, beato Michaeli arch- 
angelo, beato Joanni Bap- 
tist se, Sanctis apostolis Petro 
et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, 
et tibi, pater: quia peccavi 
nimis cogitatione, verbo, et 
opere : mea culpa, mea culpa, 
mea. maxima culpa. Ideo 
precor beatam Mariam sem- 
per Virginem, beatum 
Michaelem archangelum, 
beatum Joannem Baptistam, 
sanctos apostolos Petrum 
et Paulum, omnes sanctos, 
et te, pater, orare pro me ad 
Dominum Deum nostrum. 

I confess to almighty God, to 
blessed Mary ever Virgin, to 
blessed Michael the archangel, 
to blessed John the Baptist, to 
the holy apostles Peter and Paul, 
to all the saints, and to thee, 
father, that I have sinned ex- 
ceedingly in thought, word, and 
deed ; through my fault, through 
my fault, through my most 
grievous fault. Therefore I 
beseech blessed Mary ever Vir- 
gin, blessed Michael the arch- 
angel, blessed John the Baptist, 
the holy apostles Peter and 
Paul, and all the saints, and 
thee, father, to pray to the Lord 
our God for me. 

Eeceive with gratitude the paternal wish of the 
priest, who says to you : 

Misereatur vestri omni- 
potens Deus, et dimissis 
peccatis vestris, perducat 
vos ad vitam seternam. 

B. Amen. 

May almighty God be merci- 
ful to you, and, forgiving your 
sins, bring you to everlasting 

B. Amen. 


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Indulgentiam, absolutio- 
nem, et remissionem pecca- 
torum nostrorum, tribuat 
nobis omnipotens et miseri- 
cors Dominus. 

B. Amen. 

May the almighty and mer- 
ciful Lord grant us pardon, 
absolution, and remission of our 

B. Amen. 

Invoke the divine assistance, that you may 
approach to Jesus Christ. 

V. Deus, tu conversus 
vivificabis nos. 

B. Et plebs tua lsetabitur 
in te. 

V. Ostende nobis, Domi- 
ne, misericordiam tuam. 

B. Et salutare tuum da 

V. Domine, exaudi ora- 
tionem meam. 

B. Et clamor mens ad te 

V. 0 God, it needs but one 
look of thine to give us life. 

B. And thy people shall re- 
joice in thee. 

V. Show us, O Lord, thy 

B. And give us to know and 
love the Saviour whom thou 
hast sent unto us. 

V. O Lord, hear my prayer. 

.R. And let my cry come 
unto thee. 

The priest here leaves you to ascend to the 
altar ; but first he salutes you : 

V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. 

Answer him with reverence : 

B. Et cum spiritu tuo. B. And with thy spirit. 



He ascends the steps, and comes to the Holy of 
holies. Ask, both for him and for yourself, 
deliverance from sin : 

Aufer a nobis quaesumus, Take from our hearts, 0 

Domine, iniquitates nostras ; Lord, all those sins, which 

ut ad Sancta sanctorum make us unworthy to appear in 

puris mereamur mentibus thy presence; we ask this oi 

introire. Per Christum Do- thee by thy divine Son, our 

miTmy n nostrum. Amen. Lord. 



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When the priest kisses the altar, out of reverence 
for the relics of the martyrs which are there, 
say : 

Oramus te Domine, per Generous soldiers of Jesus 
merita sanctorum tuorum, Christ, who have mingled your 
quorum reliquiae hie sunt, et own blood with his, intercede 
omnium sanctorum: ut in- for us that our sins may be 
dulgere digneris omnia pec- forgiven : that so we may, like 
cata mea. Amen. you, approach unto God. 

If it be a High Mass at which you are assisting, 
the priest here blesses the incense, saying : 

Ab illo benedicaris, in Mayst thou be blessed by 
cujus honore cremaberis. him, in whose honour thou art 
Amen. to be burned. Amen. 

He then censes the altar in a most solemn 
manner. This white cloud, which you see ascend- 
ing from every part of the altar, signifies the 
prayer of the Church, who addresses herself to 
Jesus Christ; while the divine mediator causes 
that prayer to ascend, united with His own, to the 
throne of the majesty of His Father. 

The priest then says the Introit. It is a solemn 
opening-anthem, in which the Church, at the very 
commencement of the holy Sacrifice, gives expres-^ 
sion to the sentiments which fill her heart. 

It is followed by nine exclamations, which are 
even more earnest, for they ask for mercy. In 
addressing them to God, the Church unites herself 
with the nine choirs of angels, who are standing 
round the altar of heaven, one and the same as 
this before which you are kneeling. 

To the Father : 

Kyrie eleison. 
Kyrie eleison. 
Kyrie eleison. 

Lord, have mercy on us ! 
Lord, have mercy on us ! 
Lord, have mercy on us! 

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To the Son : 

Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy on us ! 

Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy on us ! 

Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy on us I 

To the Holy Glwst : 

Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy on us ! 

Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy on us ! 

Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy on us ! 

As we have already mentioned, the Church 
abstains, during the season of Septuagesima, from 
the heavenly hymn which the angels sang over the 
crib of the divine Babe. But, if she be keeping the 
feast of a saint, she recites this beautiful canticle 
on that day. The beginning of the Angelic Hymn 
seems more suitable for heavenly than for earthly 
voices ; but the second part is in no way out of 
keeping with Jhe sinner's wants and fears, for we 
there remind the Son of the eternal Father that 
He is the Lamb, who came down from heaven that 
He might take away the sins of the world. We 
beseech Him to have mercy on us, and receive our 
humble prayer. Let us foster these sentiments 
within us, for they are so appropriate to the 
present season. 


Gloria in excelsis Deo, et 
in terra pax hominibus bonae 

Laudamus te : benedici- 
muste: adoramuste: glori- 
ficamus te: gratias agimus 
tibi propter magnam gloriam 

Domine Deus, Kex coele- 
stis, Deus Pater omnipotens. 

Domine, Fili unigenite, 
Jesu Christe. 

Glory be to God on high, 
and on earth peace to men of 
good will. 

We praise thee : we bless 
thee : we adore thee : we glorify 
thee: we give thee thanks for 
thy great glory. 

0 Lord God, heavenly King, 
God the Father almighty. 

O Lord Jesus Christ, the only- 
begotten Son. 

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Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, 
Filius Patris. 

Qui tollis peccata mundi, 
miserere nobis. 

Qui tollis peccata mundi, 
suscipe deprecationem no- 

Qui sedes ad dexteram 
Patris, miserere nobis. 

Quoniam tu solus sanctus, 
tu solus Dominus, tu solus 
altissimus, Jesu Christe, 
cum Sancto Spiritu, in 
gloria Dei Patris. Amen. 

0 Lord God, Lamb of God, 
Son of the Father. 

Who takest away the sins of 
the world, have mercy on us. 

Who takest away the sins of 
the world, receive our humble 

Who sittest at the right hand 
of the Father, have mercy on 

For thou alone art holy, thou 
alone art Lord, thou alone, O 
Jesus Christ, together with the 
Holy Ghost, art most high, in 
the glory of God the Father. 

The priest then turns towards the people, and 
again salutes them, as it were to make sure of their 
pious attention to the sublime act, for which all 
this is but the preparation. 

Then follows the Collect or Prayer, in which the 
Church formally expresses to the divine Majesty 
the special intentions she has in the Mass which is 
being celebrated. You may unite in this prayer, 
by reciting with the priest the Collects, which you 
will find in their proper places ; but on no account 
omit to join with the server of the Mass in answer- 
ing Amen. 

After this, comes the Epistle, which is generally 
a portion of one or other of the Epistles of the 
apostles, or a passage from some Book of the old 
Testament. While it is being read, ask of God 
that you may profit by the instructions it conveys. 

The Gradual is an intermediate formula of prayer 
between the Epistle and the Gospel. It again 
brings to us the sentiments already expressed in 
the Introit. Bead it with devotion, that so you 
may enter more and more into the spirit of the 
mystery proposed to you by the Church. 

During every other portion of her year, the 

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Church here repeats her joyous Alleluia; but now 
she denies herself this demonstration of gladness, 
until such time as her divine Spouse has passed 
through that sea of bitterness, into which our sins 
have plunged Him. Instead of the Alleluia, then, 
she sings in a plaintive tone some verses from the 
Psalms, appropriate to the rest of that day's Office. 
This is the Tract, of which we have already spoken. 

If it be a High Mass, the deacon, meanwhile, 
prepares to fulfil his noble office — that of announc- 
ing the good tidings of salvation. He prays God 
to cleanse his heart and lips. Then kneeling before 
the priest, he asks a blessing ; and, having received 
it, goes to the place where he is to sing the Gospel. 

As a preparation for hearing it worthily, you 
may thus pray, together with both priest and 
deacon : 

Munda cor meum, ac la- Alas ! these ears of mine are 
bia mea, omnipotens Deus, but too often defiled with the 
qui labia Isaise prophetae world's vain words: cleanse 
calculo mundasti ignito : ita them, 0 Lord, that so I may 
me tua grata, miseratione hear the words of eternal life, 
dignare mundare, ut san- and treasure them in my heart, 
ctum E vangelium tuum di- Through our Lord Jesus Christ, 
gne valeam nuntiare. Per Amen. 
Christum Dominum no- 
strum. Amen. 

Dominus sit in corde meo, Grant to thy ministers thy 
et in labiis meis : ut digne grace, that they may faithfully 
et competenter annuntiem explain thy law; that so all, 
Evangelium suum : In no- both pastors and flock, may be 
mine Patris, et Filii, et Spi- united to thee for ever. Amen, 
ritus Sancti. Amen. 

You will stand during the Gospel, as though you 
were waiting for the orders of your Lord ; at the 
commencement make the sign of the cross on your 
forehead, lips, and breast ; and then listen to every 
word of the priest or deacon. Let your heart be 
ready and obedient. ' While my beloved was speak- 
ing,' says the bride in the Canticle, ' my soul 

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melted within me.' 1 If you have not such love as 
this, have at least the humble submission of 
Samuel, and say : ' Speak, Lord ! thy servant 
heareth.' 2 

After the Gospel, if the priest says the Symbol of 
faith, the Credo, you will say it with him. Faith 
is that gift of God, without which we cannot please 
Him. It is faith that makes us see ' the light which 
shineth in darkness,' and which the darkness of 
unbelief ' did not comprehend.' It is faith alone 
that teaches us what we are, whence we come, and 
the end for which we are made. It alone can point 
out to us the path whereby we may return to our 
God, when once we have separated ourselves from 
Him. Let us love this admirable faith, which, if 
we but make it fruitful by good works, will save 
us. Let us, then, say with the Catholic Church, 
our mother : 


Credo in unum Deum, 
Patrem omnipotentem, 
factorem cceli et terrse, 
visibilium omnium et invisi- 

Et in unum Dominum 
Jesum Christum, Filium Dei 
unigenitum. Et ex Patre 
natum ante omnia ssecula; 
Deum de Deo, lumen de 
lumine, Deum verum de Deo 
vero. Genitum non factum, 
consubstantialem Patri, per 
quern omnia facta sunt. Qui 
propter nos homines, et pro- 
pter nostram salutem, de- 
scendit de ccelis. Et incar- 
natus est de Spiritu Sancto, 
ex Maria Virgine ; et homo 
factus est. Crucifixus eti- 

I believe in one God, the 
Father almighty, maker of 
heaven and earth, and of all 
things visible and invisible. 

And in one Lord Jesus 
Christ, the only-begotten Son 
of God. And born of the 
Father before all ages; God 
of God, light of light; true 
God of true God. Begotten, 
not made ; consubstantial with 
the Father, by whom all 
things were made. Who for 
us men, and for our salvation, 
came down from heaven. 
And became incarnate by the 
Holy Ghost of the Virgin 
Mary; and was made man. 
He was crucified also for us, 

1 Cant. v. 6. 

2 1 Kings iii. 10. 

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am pro nobis sub Pontio 
Pilato, passus et sepultus 
est. Et resurrexit tertia die, 
secundum Scripturas. Et 
ascendit in coelum ; sedet ad 
dexteram Patris. Et iterum 
venturus est cum gloria judi- 
care vivos et mortuos ; cujus 
regni non erit finis. 

Et in Spiritum Sanctum, 
Dominum et vivificantem, 
qui ex Patre Filioque proce- 
dit. Qui cum Patre et Filio 
simul adoratur, et conglori- 
ficatur; qui locutus est per 
prophetas. Et unam san- 
ctam Catholicam et apostoli- 
cam Ecclesiam. Confiteor 
unum Baptisma in remissio- 
nem peccatorum. Et expe- 
cto resurrectionem mortuo- 
rum, et vitam venturi sseculi. 

under Pontius Pilate, suffered, 
and was buried. And the 
third day he rose again, ac- 
cording to the Scriptures. 
And ascended into heaven, 
sitteth at the right hand of 
the Father. And he is to 
come again with glory, to 
judge the living and the dead ; 
of whose kingdom there shall 
be no end. 

And in the Holy Ghost, 
the Lord and giver of life, 
who proceedeth from the 
Father and the Son. Who 
together with the Father and 
the Son, is adored and glori- 
fied; who spoke, by the pro- 
phets. And one, holy, Catho- 
lic, and apostolic" Church. I 
confess one Baptism for the 
remission of sins. And I 
expect the resurrection of the 
dead, and the life of the world 
to come. Amen. 

The priest and the people should, by this time, 
have their hearts ready : it is time to prepare the 
offering itself. And here we come to the second 
part of the holy Mass ; it is called the Oblation, 
and immediately follows that which was named the 
Mass of Catechumens, on account of its being for- 
merly the only part at which the candidates for 
Baptism had a right to be present. 

See, then, dear Christians ! bread and wine are 
about to be offered to God, as being the noblest of 
inanimate creatures, since they are made for the 
nourishment of man ; and even that is only a poor 
material image of what they are destined to become 
in our Christian Sacrifice. Their substance will 
soon give place to God Himself, and of themselves 
nothing will remain but the appearances. Happy 
creatures, thus to yield up their own being, that 

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God may take its place ! We, too, are to undergo 
a like transformation, when, as the apostle ex- 
presses it, that which is mortal shall put on 
immortality. 1 Until that happy change shall be 
realized, let us offer ourselves to God, as often as 
we see the bread and wine presented to Him in the 
holy Sacrifice ; and let us glorify Him, who, by 
assuming our human nature, has made us ' par- 
takers of the divine nature.' 2 

The priest again turns to the people with the 
usual salutation, as though he would warn them to 
redouble their attention. Let us read the Offertory 
with him, and when he offers the Host to God, let 
us unite with him in saying : 

Suscipe, sancte Pater, All that we have, O Lord, 
omnipotens seterne Deus, comes from thee, and belongs 
hanc immaculatam hostiam, to thee; it is just, therefore, 
quam ego indignus famulus that we return it unto thee, 
tuus offero tibi Deo meo But how wonderful art thou 
vivo et vero, pro innumera- in the inventions of thy 
bilibus peccatis et offensio- immense love! This bread 
nibus et negligentiis meis, which we are offering to thee, 
et pro omnibus circumstan- is to give place, in a few 
tibus, sed et pro omnibus moments, to the sacred Body 
fidelibus christianis vivis of Jesus. We beseech thee, 
atque defunctis; ut mini receive, together with this 
et illis proficiat ad salutem oblation, our hearts which 
in vitam seternam. Amen, long to live by thee, and to 

cease to live their own life of 


When the priest puts the wine into the chalice, 
and then mingles with it a drop of water, let your 
thoughts turn to the divine mystery of the Incarna- 
tion, which is the source of our hope and our salva- 
tion ; and say : 

Deus, qui humanae sub- 0 Lord Jesus, who art the 
stantise dignitatem mirabi- true vine, and whose Blood, 
liter condidisti, et mirabi- like a generous wine, has 

1 1 Cor. xv. 53. 2 2 St. Pet. i. 4. 

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lius ref orinasti : da nobis per been poured forth under the 

hujus aquae et vini myste- pressure of the cross ! thou 

rium, ejus divinitatis esse hast deigned to unite thy 

consortes, qui humanitatis divine nature to our weak 

nostrae fieri dignatus est humanity, which is signified 

particeps, Jesus Christus by this drop of water. Oh, 

Filius tuus Dominus noster : come and make us partakers of 

qui tecum vivit et regnat thy divinity, by showing thyself 

in unitate Spiritus Sancti to us in thy sweet and wondrous 

Deus, per omnia saecula visit, 
saeculorum. Amen. 

The priest then offers the mixture of wine and 
water, beseeching God graciously to accept this 
oblation, which is so soon to be changed into the 
reality, of which it is now but the figure. Mean- 
while, say, in union with the priest : 

Offerimus tibi, Domine, Graciously accept these 

calicem salutaris, tuam de- gifts, 0 sovereign Creator of all 

precantes clementiam : ut in things. Let them be fitted 

conspectu divinse Majestatis for the divine transformation, 

tuse, pro nostra et totius which will make them, from 

mundi salute, cum odore being mere offerings of created 

suavitatis ascendat. Amen, things, the instrument of the 

world's salvation. 

After having thus held up the sacred gifts 
towards heaven, the priest bows down ; let us, also, 
humble ourselves, and say : 

In spiritu humilitatis, et Though daring, as we do, to 

in animo contrito suscipia- approach thy altar, O Lord, 

mur a te, Domine : et sic fiat we cannot forget that we are 

sacrificium nostrum in con- sinners. Have mercy on us, 

spectu tuo hodie, ut placeat and delay not to send us thy 

tibi, Domine Deus. Son, who is our saving Host. 

Let us next invoke the Holy Ghost, whose opera- 
tion is about to produce on the altar the presence 
of the Son of God, as it did in the womb of the 
blessed Virgin Mary, in the divine mystery of the 
Incarnation : 

Veni Sanctificator, omni- Come, O divine Spirit, 
potens sBterne Deus, et be- make fruitful the offering 


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nedic hoc sacrificium tuo which is upon the altar, and 
sancto nomini prseparatum. produce in our hearts him 

whom they desire. 

If it be a High Mass, the priest, before proceed- 
ing further with the sacrifice, takes the thurible a 
second time, after blessing the incense in these 
words : 

Per intercessionem beati 
Michaelis archangeli, stantis 
a dextris altaris incensi, et 
omnium electorum suorum, 
incensum istud dignetur 
Dominus benedicere, et in 
odorem suavitatis accipere. 
Per Christum Dominum 
nostrum. Amen. 

Through the intercession of 
blessed Michael the archangel, 
standing at the right hand of 
the altar of incense, and of all 
his elect, may our Lord deign 
to bless this incense, and to 
receive it for an odour of sweet- 
ness. Through Christ our 
Lord. Amen. 

He then censes first the bread and wine, which 
have just been offered, and then the altar itself ; 
hereby inviting the faithful to make their prayer, 
which is signified by the fragrant incense, more 
and more fervent, the nearer the solemn moment 
approaches. St. John tells us that the incense he 
beheld burning on the altar in heaven is made up 
of the * prayers of the saints ' ; let us take a share 
in those prayers, and with all the ardour of holy 
desires, let us say with the priest : 

May this incense, blessed by 
thee, ascend to thee, 0 Lord, 
and may thy mercy descend 
upon us. 

Let my prayer, 0 Lord, be 
directed like incense in thy 
sight : the lifting up of my 
hands as an evening sacrifice. 
Set a watch, 0 Lord, before my 
mouth, and a door round about 
my lips; that my heart may 
not incline to evil words, to 
make excuses in sins. 

Incensum istud, a te 
benedictum, ascendat ad te, 
Doming et descendat super 
nos misericordia tua. 

Dirigatur, Domine, oratio 
mea sicut incensum in con- 
spectutuo : elevatio manuum 
mearum sacrificium vesper- 
tinum. Pone, Domine, cu- 
stodiam ori meo, et ostium 
circumstantise labiis meis; 
ut non declinet cor meum 
in verba malitise, ad excu- 
sandas excusationes in pec- 

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Giving back the thurible to the deacon, the priest 
says : 

Accendat in nobis Domi- 
nus ignem sui amoris, et 
flammam aeternsB charitatis. 

May the Lord enkindle in us 
the fire of his love and the 
flame of eternal charity. Amen. 

But the thought of his own un worthiness becomes 
more intense than ever in the heart of the priest. 
The public confession which he made at the foot 
of the altar is not enough ; he would now at the 
altar itself express to the people, in the language 
of a solemn rite, how far he knows himself to be 
from that spotless sanctity, wherewith he should 
approach to God. He washes his hands. Our 
hands signify our works ; and the priest, though 
by his priesthood he bear the office of Jesus Christ, 
is, by his works, but man. Seeing your father 
thus humble himself, do you also make an act of 
humility, and say with him these verses of the 

psalm 25 

Lavabo inter innocentes 
manusmeas: etcircumdabo 
altare tuum, Domine. 

Ut audiam vocem laudis : 
et enarrem uni versa mira- 
bilia tua. 

Domine, dilexi decorem 
domus tuae, et locum habi- 
tationis glorise tuse. 

Ne perdas cum impiis, 
Deus, animam meam, et 
cum viris sanguinum vitam 

In quorum manibus ini- 
quitates sunt: dextera eo- 
rum repleta est muneribus. 

Ego autem in innocentia 
mea ingressus sum : redime 
me, et miserere mei. 

I, too, would wash my 
hands, O Lord, and become 
like unto those who are in- 
nocent, that so I may be worthy 
to come near thy altar, and 
hear thy sacred canticles, and 
then go and proclaim to the 
world the wonders of thy 
goodness. I love the beauty 
of thy house, which thou art 
about to make the dwelling- 
place of thy glory. Leave me 
not, 0 God, in the midst of 
them that are enemies both 
to thee and me. Thy mercy 
having separated me from 
them, I entered on the path of 
innocence, and was restored to 
thy grace; but have pity on 

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Pes meus stetit in directo : 
in ecclesiis benedicam te, 

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et 
Spiritui Sancto. 

Sicut erat in principio, et 
nunc, et semper, et in ssecula 
sseculorum. Amen. 

my weakness still ; redeem me 
yet more, thou who hast so 
mercifully brought me back to 
the right path. In the midst 
of these thy faithful people, I 
give thee thanks. Glory be to 
the Father, and to the Son, 
and to the Holy Ghost; as it 
was in the beginning, is now, 
and ever shall be, world with- 
out end. Amen. 

The priest, taking encouragement from the act of 
humility he has just made, returns to the middle 
of the altar, and bows down full of respectful awe, 
begging of God to receive graciously the Sacrifice 
which is about to be offered to Him, and expresses 
the intentions for which it is offered. Let us do 
the same. 

Suscipe, sancta Trinitas, 
hanc oblationem, quam tibi 
offerimus ob memoriam Pas- 
sionis, Resurrectionis, et 
Ascensionis Jesu Christi 
Domininostri: etinhonorem 
beatse Marise semper Virgi- 
nis, et beati Joannis Bap- 
tists, et sanctorum aposto- 
lorum Petri et Pauli, et 
istorum, et omnium san- 
ctorum : ut illis proficiat ad 
honorem, nobis autem ad 
salutem : et illi pro nobis 
intercedere dignentur in cce- 
lis, quorum memoriam agi- 
mus in terris. Per eumdem 
Christum Dominum no- 
strum. Amen. 

O holy Trinity, graciously 
accept the Sacrifice we have 
begun. We offer it in remem- 
brance of the Passion, Resur- 
rection, and Ascension of our 
Lord Jesus Christ. Permit 
thy Church to join with this 
intention that of honouring 
the ever glorious Virgin Mary, 
the blessed Baptist John, the 
holy apostles Peter and Paul, 
the martyrs whose relics lie 
here under our altar awaiting 
their resurrection, and the 
saints whose memory we this 
day celebrate. Increase the 
glory they are enjoying, and 
receive the prayers they ad- 
dress to thee for us. 

The priest again turns to the people ; it is for the 
last time before the sacred mysteries are accom- 
plished. He feels anxious to excite the fervour of 
the people. Neither does the thought of his own 
unworthiness leave him; and before entering the 

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cloud with the Lord, he seeks support in the 
prayers of his brethren who are present. He says 
to them : 

Orate, fratres : ut meum Brethren, pray that my 
ac vestrum sacrificium ac- Sacrifice, which is yours also, 
ceptabile fiat apud Deum may be acceptable to God, our 
Patrem omnipotentem. almighty Father. 

This request made, he turns again to the altar, 
and you will see his face no more until our Lord 
Himself shall have come down from heaven upon 
that same altar. Assure the priest that he has 
your prayers, and say to him : 

Suscipiat Dominus sacri- 
ficium de manibus tuis, ad 
laudem et gloriam nominis 
sui, ad utilitatem quoque 
nostram totiusque Ecclesiae 
suse sanctae. 

May our Lord accept this 
Sacrifice at thy hands, to the 
praise and glory of his name, 
and for our benefit and that of 
his holy Church throughout 
the world. 

Here the priest recites the prayers called the 
Secrets, in which he presents the petition of the 
whole Church for God's acceptance of the Sacrifice, 
and then immediately begins to fulfil that great 
duty of religion — thanksgiving. So far he has 
adored God, and has sued for mercy ; he has still 
to give thanks for the blessings bestowed on us by 
the bounty of our heavenly Father, and expressly 
for that chiefest of all His gifts, the Messias. We 
are on the point of receiving a new visit of this Son 
of God ; the priest, in the name of the Church, is 
about to give expression to the gratitude of all 
mankind. In order to excite the faithful to that 
intensity of gratitude which is due to God for all 
His gifts, he interrupts his own and their silent 
prayer by terminating it aloud, saying : 

Per omnia ssecula saeculo- For ever and ever ! 
rum I 

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In the same feeling, answer your Amen. Then 
he continues : 

V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you. 

B. Et cum spiritu tuo. B. And with thy spirit, 

V. Sursum corda ! V. Lift up your hearts ! 

Let your response be sincere : 

B. Habemus ad Domi- R. We have them fixed on 
num. God. 

And when he adds : 

V. Gratias agamus Do- V. Let us give thanks to 
mino Deo nostro. the Lord our God. 

Answer him with all the earnestness of your 
soul : 

R. Dignum et justum est. B. It is meet and just. 
Then the priest : 

(For the Sundays.) 

Vere dignum et justum 
est, sequum et salutare, nos 
tibi semper, et ubique gra- 
tias agere, Domine sancte, 
Pater omnipotens, seterne 
Deus. Qui cum unigenito 
Filio tuo et Spiritu Sancto 
unus es Deus, unus es Do- 
minus : non in unius singu- 
laritate Person®, sed in 
unius Trinitate substantia. 
Quod enim de tua gloria, 
revelante te, credimus, hoc 
de Filio tuo, hoc de Spiritu 
Sancto, sine differentia dis- 
cretions sentimus. Ut in 
confessione verse, sempiter- 
nseque Deitatis, et in Per- 
sonis proprietas, et in essen- 
tia unitas, et in Maj estate 

It is truly meet and just, 
right and available to salva- 
tion, that we should always 
and in all places give thanks 
to thee, O holy Lord, Father 
almighty, eternal God, who 
together with thy only-begot- 
ten Son and the Holy Ghost 
art one God, one Lord : not in 
the singleness of one Person, 
but in the Trinity of one sub- 
stance. For what we believe 
of thy glory, as thou hast 
revealed, the same we believe 
of thy Son and of the Holy 
Ghost, without any difference 
or distinction. So that in the 
confession of the true and 
eternal Deity, we adore a dis- 
tinction in the Persons, an 

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adoretur aequalitas. Quam 
laudant Angeli atque Arch- 
angeli, Cherubim quoque ac 
Seraphim ; qui non cessant 
clamare quotidie, una voce 
dicentes, Sanctus, etc. 

unity in the essence, and an 
equality in the Majesty. 
Whom the Angels and Arch- 
angels, the Cherubim also and 
Seraphim praise ; who cease not 
daily to cry out with one voice, 
saying, Holy, etc. 

(For the Week-days,) 

Vere dignum et justum 
est, aequum et salutare, nos 
tibi semper et ubique gratias 
agere : Domine sancte, Pater 
omnipotens, seterne Deus, 
per * Christum Dominum 
nostrum; per quern maje- 
statem tuam laudant Angeli, 
adorant Dominationes, tre- 
munt Potestates ; Cceli, coe- 
lorumque Virtutes, ac beata 
Seraphim, socia exsultatione 
concelebrant. Cum quibus 
et nostras voces, ut admitti 
jubeas deprecamur, supplici 
confessione, dicentes : 

It is truly meet and just, 
right and available to salva- 
tion, that we should always 
and in all places give thanks to 
thee, O holy Lord, Father al- 
mighty, eternal God: through 
Christ our Lord ; by whom the 
Angels praise thy majesty, the 
Dominations adore it, the 
Powers tremble before it; the 
Heavens and the heavenly Vir- 
tues, and the blessed Seraphim, 
with common jubilee, glorify 
it. Together with whom, we 
beseech thee that we may be 
admitted to join our humble 
voices, saying : 

Here unite with the priest, who, on his part, 
unites himself with the blessed spirits, in giving 
thanks to God for the unspeakable gift ; bow down 
and say : 

Sanctus, Sanctus, San- 
ctus, Dominus Deus sa- 
baoth 1 

Pleni sunt coeli et terra 
gloria tua. 

Hosanna in excelsis ! 

Benedictus qui venit in 
nomine Domini. 

Hosanna in excelsis ! 

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God 
of hosts ! 

Heaven and earth are full 
of thy glory. 

Hosanna in the highest ! 

Blessed be the Saviour who 
is coming to us in the name of 
the Lord who sends him. 

Hosanna be to him in the 
highest I 


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After these words commences the Canon, that 
mysterious prayer, in the midst of which heaven 
bows down to earth, and God descends unto us. 
The voice of the priest is no longer heard; yea, 
even at the altar, all is silence. Let a profound 
respect stay all distractions, and keep our senses 
in submission to the soul. Let us fix our eyes on 
what the priest does in the holy place. 


In this mysterious colloquy with the great God 
of heaven and earth, the first prayer of the sacrific- 
ing priest is for the Catholic Church, his and our 

Te igitur, clementissime 
Pater, per Jesurn Christum 
Filium tuum Dominum no- 
strum, supplices rogamus ac 
petiinus, uti accepta habeas, 
et benedicas hsec dona, haec 
munera, hsec sancta sacri- 
ficia illibata, in primis quae 
tibi offerimus pro Ecclesia 
tua sancta Catholica : quam 
pacificare, custodire, adu- 
nare, et regere digneris toto 
orbe terrarum, una cum fa- 
mulo tuo Papa nostro N., et 
Antistite nostro N., et om- 
nibus orthodoxis, atque ca- 
tholics et apostolicse fidei 

0 God, who manifestest thy- 
self unto us by means of the 
mysteries which thou hast en- 
trusted to thy holy Church, 
our mother ; we beseech thee, 
by the merits of this sacrifice, 
that thou wouldst remove all 
those hindrances which oppose 
her during her pilgrimage in 
this world. Give her peace 
and unity. Do thou thyself 
guide our holy Father the 
Pope, thy Vicar on earth. Di- 
rect thou our Bishop, who is 
our sacred link of unity; and 
watch over all the orthodox 
children of the Catholic apos- 
tolic Roman Church. 

Here pray, together with the priest, for those 
whose interests should be dearest to you. 

Memento, Domine, f amu- 
lorum famularumque tua- 
rum N. et N., et omnium 
circumstantium, quorum 
tibi fides cognita est, et nota 
devotio: pro quibus tibi 

Permit me, O God, to inter- 
cede with thee in more earnest 
prayer for those, for whom 
thou knowest that I have a 
special obligation to pray : 
* * * Pour down thy bless- 

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offerimus, vel qui tibi offe- 
runt hoc sacrificium laudis, 
pro se, suisque omnibus, pro 
redemptions animarum sua- 
rum, pro spe salutis et in- 
columitatis suae ; tibique 
reddunt vota sua aeterno 
Deo, vivo et vero. 

ings upon them. Let them 
partake of the fruits of this 
divine Sacrifice, which is 
offered unto thee in the name 
of all mankind. Visit them 
by thy grace, pardon them 
their sins, grant them the 
blessings of this present life 
and of that which is. eternal. 

Here let us commemorate the saints : they are 
that portion of the Body of Jesus Christ, which is 
called the Church triumphant. 

Communicantes, et me- 
moriam venerantes, in pri- 
mis gloriosae semper Virgi- 
nis Marias, Genitricis Dei et 
Domini nostri Jesu Christi : 
sed et beatorum apostolo- 
ram ac martyrum tuorum, 
Petri et Pauli, Andreae, Ja- 
cobi, Joannis, Thomae, Ja- 
cobi, Philippi, Bartholomaei, 
Matthsei, Simonis, et Thad- 
daei : Lini, Cleti, Clementis, 
Xysti, Cornelii, Cypriani, 
Laurentii, Chry sogoni, Joan- 
nis et Pauli, Cosmae et Da- 
miani, et omnium sanctorum 
tuorum, quorum meritis 
precibusque concedas, ut in 
omnibus protectionis tuae 
muniamur auxilio. Per 
eumdem Christum Domi- 
num nostrum. Amen. 

The priest, who up to this time has been praying 
with his hands extended, now joins them, and 
holds them over the bread and wine, as the high 
priest of the old Law did over the figurative 
victim ; he thus expresses his intention of bringing 
these gifts more closely under the notice of the 
divine Majesty, and of marking them as the 
material offering whereby we profess our depend- 


But the offering of this Sa- 
crifice, O my God, does not 
unite us with those only of our 
brethren who are still in this 
transient life of trial : it brings 
us closer to those also, who 
are already in possession of 
heaven. Therefore it is that 
we wish to honour by it the 
memory of the glorious and 
ever Virgin Mary, of whom 
Jesus was born to us; of the 
apostles, confessors, virgins, 
and of all the saints; that so 
they may assist us, by their 
powerful intercession, to be- 
come worthy to contemplate 
thee, as they now do, in the 
mansion of thy glory. 

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ence, and which is, in 
place to the living H 
iniquities are to be laid. 

Hanc igitur oblationein 
servitutis nostrse, sed et 
cunctae familiae tuae, quae- 
surnus Domine, ut placatus 
accipias : diesque nostros in 
tua pace disponas, atque ab 
83 tern a dainnatione nos 
eripi, et in electorain tuo- 
rum jubeas grege numerari. 
Per Christum Dominum 
nostrum. Amen. 

Quam oblationem tu Deus 
in omnibus, qusesumus, be- 
nedictam, adscriptam, ra- 
tam, rationabilem, accepta- 
bilemque f acere digneris ; 
ut nobis Corpus et Sanguis 
fiat dilectissimi Filii tui Do- 
mini nostri Jesu Christi. 

few instants, to yield its 
t, upon whom all our 

Vouchsafe, O God, to accept 
this offering which this thy 
assembled family presents to 
thee as the homage of its most 
happy servitude. In return, 
give us peace, save us from 
thy wrath, and number us 
among thy elect, through him 
who is coming to us — thy Son 
our Saviour. 

Yea, Lord, this is the mo- 
ment when this bread is to 
become his sacred Body, which 
is our food; and this wine is 
to be changed into his Blood, 
which is our drink. Ah! de- 
lay no longer, but send to us 
this divine- Son our Saviour 1 

And here the priest ceases to act as man ; he 
now becomes more than a mere minister of the 
Church. His word becomes that of Jesus Christ, 
with all its power and efficacy. Prostrate yourself 
in profound adoration: for God Himself is about 
to descend upon our altar, coming down from 

Qui pridie quam patere- 
tur, accepit panem in san- 
ctas ac venerabiles manus 
suas: et elevatis oculis in 
caelum, ad te Deum Patrem 
suum omnipotentem, tibi 
gratias agens, benedixit, 
fregit, deditque discipulis 
suis, dicens: Accipite, et 
manducate ex hoc omnes. 
Hoc est enim Corpus 

What, O God of heaven and 
earth, my Jesus, the long-ex- 
pected Messias, what else can 
I do at this solemn moment 
but adore thee, in silence, as 
my sovereign Master, and 
open my whole heart to thee, 
as to its dearest King ? Come, 
then, Lord Jesus, come ! 

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The divine Lamb is now lying on our altar! 
Glory and love be to Him for ever ! But He is 
come, that He may be immolated. Hence, the 
priest, who is the minister of the will of the Most 
High, immediately pronounces over the chalice 
those sacred words, which will produce the great 
mystical immolation, by the separation of the 
Victim's Body and Blood. The substances of 
bread and wine have ceased to exist : the species 
alone are left, veiling, as it were, the Body and 
Blood, lest fear should keep us from a mystery, 
which God gives us in order to give us confidence. 
Let us associate ourselves to the angels, who 
tremblingly look upon this deepest wonder. 

Simili modo postquam 0 precious Blood! thou 

coenatum est, accipiens et price of my salvation ! I adore 

hiinc praeclarum calicem in thee! Wash away my sins, 

sanctas ac venerabiles ma- and give me a purity above the 

nus suas : item tibi gratias whiteness of snow. Lamb 

agens, benedixit, deditque ever slain, yet ever living, thou 

discipulis suis, dicens : Ac- comest to take away the sins 

cipite et bibite ex eo omnes. of the world ! Come also and 

Hie est enim Calix San- reign in me by thy power and 

guinis mei, novi et jeterni by thy love. 


rum. Hsec quotiescumque 
feceritis, in mei" memoriam 

The priest is now face to face with God. He 
again raises his hands towards heaven, and tells 
our heavenly Father, that the oblation now on the 
altar is no longer an earthly offering, but the Body 
and Blood, the whole Person, of His divine Son. 

Unde et memores, Do- Father of infinite holiness, 

mine, nos servi tui, sed et the Host so long expected is 

plebs tua sancta, ejusdem here before thee! Behold 

Christi Filii tui Domini this thy eternal Son, who suf- 



nostri tarn beatae Passionis, 
necnon et ab inferis Kesur- 
rectionis, sed et in ccelos 
gloriosae Ascensionis : ofiferi- 
mus praeclarae majestati tuae 
de tuis donis ac datis Ho- 
stiam puram, Hostiam san- 
ctam, Hostiam immacula- 
tam : Panem sanctum vitae 
aeternae, et Calicem salutis 

Supra quae propitio ac 
sereno vultu respicere di- 
gneris: et accepta habere, 
sicuti accepta habere digna- 
tus es munera pueri tui justi 
Abel, et sacrificium patri- 
archae nostri Abrahae, et 
quod tibi obtulit summus 
sacerdos tuus Melchisedech, 
sanctum sacrificium, imma- 
culatam hostiam. 

fered a bitter passion, rose 
again with glory from the 
grave, and ascended trium- 
phantly into heaven. He is 
thy Son; but he is also our 
Host, Host pure and spotless, 
our meat and drink of ever- 
lasting life. 

Heretofore thou didst accept 
the sacrifice of' the innocent 
lambs offered to thee by Abel ; 
and the sacrifice which Abra- 
ham made thee of his son 
Isaac, who, though immolated, 
yet lived; and, lastly, the 
sacrifice, which Melchisedech 
presented thee, of bread and 
wine. Receive our Sacrifice, 
which is above all those others 
It is the Lamb, of whom all 
others could be but figures : it 
is the undying Victim: it is 
the Body of thy Son, who is 
the Bread of life, and his 
Blood, which, whilst a drink 
of immortality for us, is a 
tribute adequate to thy glory. 

The priest bows down to the altar, and kisses it 
as the throne of love on which is seated the Saviour 
of men. 

Supplices te rogamus, om- 
nipotens Deus : jube haec 
perferri per manus sancti 
angeli tui in sublime altare 
tuum, in conspectu divinae 
Majestatis tuae : ut quotquot 
ex hac altaris participatione, 
sacrosanctum Filii tui Cor- 
pus et Sanguinem sumpseri- 
mus, omni benedictione coe- 
lesti et gratia repleamur. 

But, O God of infinite 
power, these sacred gifts are 
not only on this altar here be- 
low; they are also on that sub- 
lime altar of heaven, which is 
before the throne of thy di- 
vine Majesty. These two al- 
tars are out one and the same, 
on which is accomplished the 
great mystery of thy glory and 
our salvation. Vouchsafe to 

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Per eumdem 'Christum Do- make us partakers of the Body 
minum nostrum. Amen. and Blood of the august Vic- 
tim, from whom flow every 
grace and blessing. 

Nor is the moment less favourable for making 
supplication for the Church suffering. Let us, 
therefore, ask the divine Liberator, who has come 
down among us, that He mercifully visit, by a ray 
of His consoling light, the dark abode of purgatory, 
and permit His Blood to flow, as a stream of 
mercy's dew, from this our altar, and refresh the 
panting captives there. Let us pray expressly 
for those among them who have a claim on our 

Memento etiam, Domine, 
famulorum famularumque 
tuarum N. et N., qui nos 
praecesserunt cum signo 
fidei, et dormiunt in somno 
pacis. Ipsis Domine, et 
omnibus in Christo quies- 
centibus, locum refrigerii, 
lucis et pacis, ut indulgeas, 
deprecamur. Per eumdem 
Christum Dominum no- 
strum. Amen. 

Dear Jesus ! let the happi- 
ness of this thy visit extend to 
every portion of thy Church. 
Thy face gladdens the elect in 
the holy city ; even our mor- 
tal eyes can see beneath the 
veil of our delighted faith; 
ah! hide not thyself from 
those brethren of ours, who are 
imprisoned in the place of ex- 
piation. Be thou refreshment 
to them in their flames, light 
in their darkness, and peace 
in their agonies of torment. 

This duty of charity fulfilled, let us pray for 
ourselves, sinners, alas ! who profit so little by the 
visit which our Saviour pays us. Let us, together 
with the priest, strike our breast, saying : 

Nobis quoque peccatori- 
bus famufis tuis, de multi- 
tudine miserationum tua- 
rum sperantibus, partem 
aliquam et societatem dona- 
re digneris cum tuis Sanctis 
apostolis etf martyribus : 
cum Joanne, Stephano, 
Matthia, Barnaba, Ignatio, 

Alasl we are poor sinners, 
O God of all sanctity! yet do 
we hope that thy infinite 
mercy will grant us to share 
thy kingdom, not, indeed, by 
reasou of our works, which 
deserve little else than punish- 
ment, but because of the 
merits of this Sacrifice, which 

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Alexandro, Marcellino, Pe- 
tro, Felicitate, Perpetua, 
Agatha, Lucia, Agnete, 
Csecilia, Anastasia, et omni- 
bus Sanctis tuis ; intra quo- 
rum nos consortium, non 
sestimator meriti, sed veniae, 
quaesumus, largitor admitte. 
Per Christum Dominum no- 
strum. Per quern hsec omnia, 
Domine, semper bona creas, 
sanctificas, vivificas, bene- 
dicis, et prsestas nobis : per 
ipsum, et cum ipso, et in 
ipso, est tibi Deo Patri om- 
nipotent, in unitate Spiri- 
tus Sancti, omnis honor et 

While saying these last few words, the priest has 
taken up the sacred Host, which was on the altar ; 
he has held it over the chalice, thus reuniting the 
Body and Blood of the divine Victim, in order to 
show that He is now immortal. Then raising up 
both Chalice and Host, he offers to God the most 
noble and perfect homage which the divine Majesty 
could receive. 

This solemn and mysterious rite ends the Canon. 
The silence of the mysteries is broken. The priest 
concludes his long prayers, by saying aloud, and so 
giving the faithful the opportunity of expressing 
their desire that his supplications be granted : 

Per omnia saecula saecu- For ever and ever, 

Answer him with faith, and in a sentiment of 
union with your holy mother the Church : 

Amen. Amen! I believe the mys- 

tery which has just been ac- 
complished. I unite myself 
to the offering which has been 
made, and to the petitions of 
the Church. 

we are offering unto thee. 
Remember, too, the merits of 
thy holy apostles, of thy holy 
martyrs, of thy holy virgins, 
and of all thy saints. Grant 
us, by their intercession, grace 
in this world, and glory eter- 
nal in the next : which we ask 
of thee, in the name of our 
Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son. 
It is by him thou bestowest 
upon us thy blessings of life 
and sanctification ; and by 
him also, with him, and in 
him, in the unity of the Holy 
Ghost, may honour and glory 
be to thee ! 

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It is time to recite the prayer which our Saviour 
Himself has taught us. Let it ascend to heaven 
together with the sacrifice of the Body and Blood 
of Jesus Christ. How could it be otherwise than 
heard, when He Himself who made it for us, is in 
our very hands now while we say it? As this 
prayer belongs in common to all God's children, the 
priest recites it aloud, and begins by inviting us all 
to join in it. 


Prseceptis salutaribus mo- Having been taught by a 
niti, et divina institutione saving precept, and following 
f ormati, audemus dicere : the form given us by a divine 

instruction,, we thus presume 

Pater noster, qui es in Our Father, who art in 

coelis, sanctificetur nomen heaven, hallowed be thy 

tuum : adveniat regnum tu- name : thy kingdom come : 

um : fiat voluntas tua sicut thy will be done on earth as it 

in ccelo, et in terra. Panem is in heaven. Give us this day 

nostrum quotidianum da our daily bread; and forgive 

nobis hodie : et dimitte nobis us our trespasses, as we forgive 

debita nostra, sicut et nos them that trespass against us : 

dimittimus debitoribus no- and lead us not into tempta- 

stris: et ne nos inducas in tion. 

Let us answer, with a deep feeling of our 
misery : 

The priest falls once more into the silence of the 
holy mysteries. His first word is an affectionate 
Amen to your last petition — deliver us from evil — 
on which he forms his own next prayer : and could 
he pray for anything more needed ? Evil surrounds 
us everywhere, and the Lamb on our altar has been 
sent to expiate it and to deliver us from it. 

to speak : 


Sed libera nos a malo. 

But deliver us from evil. 



How many, 0 Lord, are the 
evils which beset us! Evils 
past, which are the wounds 
left on our soul by our sins, and 
which strengthen her wicked 
propensities. Evils present, 
that is, the sins now at this 
very time upon our soul; the 
weakness of this poor soul, 
and the tempations which 
molest her. There are, also, 
future evils, that is the chas- 
tisement which our sins de- 
serve from the hand of thy 
justice. In presence of this 
Host of our salvation, we be- 
seech thee, O Lord, to deliver 
us from all these evils, and to 
accept in our favour the inter- 
cession of Mary the Mother of 
Jesus, of thy holy apostles 
Peter and Paul and Andrew. 
Liberate us, break our chains, 
give us peace : through Jesus 
Christ, thy Son, who with thee 
liveth and reigneth God. 

The priest is anxious to announce the peace, 
which he has asked and obtained; he therefore 
finishes his prayer aloud, saying : 

Per omnia saecula saecu- World without end. 

B. Amen. B. Amen. 

Then he says : 

Pax Domini sit semper May the peace of our Lord 
vobiscum. be ever with you. 

To this paternal wish, reply : 
B. Et cum spiritu tuo. B. And with thy spirit. 

The mystery is drawing to a close : God is about 
to be united with man, and man with God, by 
means of Communion. But first, an imposing and 
sublime rite takes place at the altar. So far the 

Libera nos, quaesumus, 
Domine, ab omnibus malis, 
praeteritis, praesentibus et 
futuris : et, inter cedent e 
beata et gloriosa semper Vir- 
gine Dei Genitrice Maria, 
cum beatis apostolis tuis 
Petro et Paulo, atque An- 
drea, et omnibus Sanctis, da 
propitius pacem in diebus 
nostris : ut ope misericordiae 
tuae adjuti, et a peccato simus 
semper liberi, et ab omni 
perturbatione securi. Per 
eumdem Dominum no- 
strum Jesum Christum Fi- 
lium tuum, qui tecum vivit 
et regnat in unitate Spiritus 
Sancti Deus. 

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priest has announced the death of Jesus ; it is time 
to proclaim His Kesurrection. To this end, he 
reverently breaks the sacred Host; and having 
divided it into three parts, he puts one into the 
chalice, thus reuniting the Body and Blood of the 
immortal Victim. Do you adore and say : 

Haec commixtio et conse- Glory be to thee, O Saviour 
cratio Corporis et Sanguinis of the world, who didst, in thy 
Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Passion, permit thy precious 
fiat accipientibus nobis in Blood to be separated from 
vitam seternam. Amen. thy sacred Body, afterwards 

uniting them again together 
by thy divine power. 

Offer now your prayer to the ever-living Lamb, 
whom St. John saw on the altar of heaven, standing 
though slain : 1 say to this your Lord and King, 
who has taken upon Himself all our iniquities in 
order to wash them away by His Blood : 

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest 

cata mundi, miserere nobis, away the sins of the world, 

have mercy on us. 

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest 

cata mundi, miserere nobis, away the sins of the world, 

have mercy on us. 

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest 

cata mundi, dona nobis pa- away the sins of the world, 
cem. give us peace. 

Peace is the grand object of our Saviour's coming 
into the world : He is the Prince of peace. The 
divine Sacrament of the Eucharist ought therefore 
to be the mystery of peace, and the bond of Catholic 
unity ; for, as the apostle says, all we who partake 
of one Bread, are all one bread and one body. 2 It 
is on this account that the priest, now that he is on 
the point of receiving, in Communion, the sacred 
Host, prays that fraternal peace may be preserved 
in the Church, and more especially in this portion 

^poc. v. 6. 2 1 Cor. x. 17. 

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of it which is assembled round the altar. Pray 
with him, and for the same blessing : 

Domine Jesu Cbriste, qui 
dixisti apostolis tuis: Pa- 
cem relinquo vobis, pacem 
meam do vobis : ne respicias 
peccata mea, sed fidein Ec- 
clesiae tuse : eamque secun- 
dum voluntatem tuam paci- 
ficare, et coadunare digneris. 
Qui vivis et regnas Deus, 
per omnia saecula sseculo- 
rum. Amen. 

Lord Jesus Christ, who 
saidst to thy apostles, « My 
peace I leave with you, my 
peace I give unto you :' regard 
not my sins, but the faith of 
thy Church, and grant her that 
peace and unity which is ac- 
cording to thy will. Who 
livest and reignest God for 
ever and ever. Amen. 

If it be a High Mass, the priest here gives the 
kiss of peace to the deacon, who gives it to the 
subdeacon, and he to the choir. During this 
ceremony, you should excite within yourself feel- 
ings of Christian charity, and pardon your enemies, 
if you have any. Then continue to pray with the 
priest : 

Domine Jesu Christe, Fili 
Dei vivi, qui ex voluntate 
Patris, cooperante Spiritu 
Sancto, per mortem tuam 
mundum vivificasti : libera 
me per hoc sacrosanctum 
Corpus, et Sanguinem tuum, 
ab omnibus iniquitatibus 
meis, et universis malis, et 
f ac me tuis semper inhaerere 
mandatis, et a te nunquam 
separari permittas. Qui cum 
eodem Deo Patre et Spiritu 
Sancto vivis et regnas Deus 
in saecula sseculorum. Amen. 

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of 
the living God, who, according 
to the will of the Father, 
through the co-operation of 
the Holy Ghost, hast by thy 
death given life to the world ; 
deliver me by this thy most 
sacred Body and Blood from 
all my iniquities, and from all 
evils; and make me always 
adhere to thy commandments, 
and never suffer me to be 
separated from thee, who with 
the same God the Father and 
the Holy Ghost, livest and 
reignest God for ever and ever. 

If you are going to Communion at this Mass, say 
the following prayer ; otherwise prepare yourself 
to make a spiritual Communion : 

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Perceptio Corporis tui, 
Domine Jesu Christe, quod 
ego indignus sumere prae- 
sumo, non mihi proveniat 
in judicium et condemna- 
tionem : sed pro tua pietate 
prosit mihi ad tutamentum 
mentis' et corporis, et ad 
medelam percipiendam. Qui 
vivis et regnas cum Deo 
Patre in unitate Spiritus 
Sancti Deus, per omnia sae- 
cula saeculorum. Amen. 

Let not the participation of 
thy Body, O Lord Jesus 
Christ, which I, though un- 
worthy, presume to receive, 
turn to my judgment and con- 
demnation ; but through thy 
mercy may it be a safeguard 
and remedy both to my soul 
and body. Who with God 
the Father, in the unity of the 
Holy Ghost, livest and reign- 
est God for ever and ever. 

When the priest takes the Host into his hands, 
in order to receive it in Communion, say : 

Panem coelestem acci- Come, my dear Jesus, come ! 
piam, et nomen Domini in- 

When he strikes his breast, confessing his un- 
worthiness, say thrice with him these words, and 
in the same disposition as the centurion of the 
Gospel, who first used them : 

Domine, non sum dignus, Lord, I am not worthy that 
ut intres sub tectum meum : thou shouldst enter under my 
sed tantum die verbo, et roof ; say it only with one word 
sanabitur anima mea. of thine, and my soul shall be 


Whilst the priest receives the sacred Host, if you 
also are to communicate, adore profoundly your 
God, who is ready to take up His abode within you, 
and again say to Him with the bride : ' Come, Lord 
Jesus, come !' 

But should you not be going to receive sacra- 
mentally, make a spiritual Communion. Adore 
Jesus Christ who thus visits your soul by His grace, 
and say to Him : 

Corpus Domini nostri 
Jesu Christi, custodiat ani- 
mam meam in vitam seter- 
nam. Amen. 

I give thee, 0 Jesus, this 
heart of mine, that thou mayst 
dwell in it, and do with me 
what thou wilt. 





Then the priest takes the chalice, in thanksgiving, 
and says : 

Quid retribuam Domino What return shall I make 
pro omnibus, quae retribuit to the Lord for all he hath 
mini ? Calicem salutaris given to me ? I will take the 
accipiam, et nomen Domini chalice of salvation, and will 
invocabo. Laudans invoca- call upon the name of the 
bo Dominum, et ab inimicis Lord. Praising I will call 
meis salvus ero. upon the Lord, and I shall be 

saved from mine enemies. 

But if you are to make a sacramental Communion, 
you should, at this moment of the priest's receiving 
the precious Blood, again adore the God who is 
coming to you, and keep to your prayer : ' Come, 
Lord Jesus, come !' 

If, on the contrary, you are going to communi- 
cate only spiritually, again adore your divine 
Master, and say to Him : 

Sanguis Domini nostri I unite myself to thee, my 

Jesu Christi custodiat ani- beloved Jesus 1 do thou unite 

mam meam in vitam aeter- thyself to me 1 and never let 

nam. Amen. us be separated. 

It is here that you must approach to the altar, 
if you are going to Communion. The dispositions 
suitable for holy Communion, during this season of 
Septuagesima, are given in the next chapter. 

The Communion being finished, and while the 
priest is purifying the chalice the first time, say : 

Quod ore sum^simus, Do- Thou hast visited me, O 
mine, pura mente capiamus : God, in these days of my pil- 
ot de munere temporali fiat grimage ; give me grace to 
nobis remedium sempiter- treasure up the fruits of this 
num. visit for my future eternity. 

While the priest is purifying the chalice the 
second time, say : 

Corpus tuum, Domine, Be thou for ever blessed, O 
quod sumpsi, et Sanguis my Saviour, for having ad- 
quem potavi, adhsereat vis- mitted me to the sacred mys- 

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ceribus meis : et preesta ut tery of thy Body and Blood, 
in me non remaneat scele- May my heart and senses pre- 
rum macula, quern pura et serve, by thy grace, the purity 
sancta refecerunt Sacra- which thou hast imparted to 
menta. Qui vivis et regnas them ; and may I be thus 
in ssecula sseculorum. Amen, rendered less unworthy of thy 

divine visit. 

The priest, having read the antiphon called the 
Communion, which is the first part of his thanks- 
giving for the favour just received from God, where- 
by He has renewed His divine presence among us, 
turns to the people with the usual salutation ; after 
which he recites the prayers, called the Postcom- 
munion, which are the completion of the thanks- 
giving. You will join him here also, thanking 
God for the unspeakable gift He has just lavished 
on you, and asking Him, with most earnest entreaty, 
that He will bestow upon you a lasting spirit of 

These prayers having been recited, the priest 
again turns to the people, and full of joy for the 
immense favour he and they have been receiving, 
he says : 

Dominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you. 

Answer him : 

Et cum spiritu tuo. And with thy spirit. 

Ite, Missa est. Go, the Mass is finished. 

B. Deo gratias. B. Thanks be to God. 

The priest makes a last prayer, before giving you 
his blessing ; pray with him : 

Placeat tibi, sancta Trini- Eternal thanks be to thee, 
tas, obsequium servitutis O adorable Trinity, for the 
mese, et prsesta ut sacrificium mercy thou hast shown to me, 
quod oculis tuse majestatis in permitting me to assist at 
indignus obtuli, tibi sit this divine Sacrifice. Pardon 
acceptable, mihique, et me the negligence and cold- 
omnibus, pro quibus illud ness wherewith I have re- 
obtuli, sit, te miserante, ceived so great a favour, and 

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propitiabile. Per Christum deign to confirm the blessing, 
Dominum nostrum. Amen, which thy minister is about to 

give me in thy name. 

The priest raises his hand, and thus blesses 
you : 

Benedicat vos omnipotens May the almighty God, 
Deus, Pater, et Filius, et Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 
Spiritus Sanctus. bless you ! 

jR. Amen. B. Amen. 

He then concludes the Mass, by reading the first 
fourteen verses of the Gospel according to St. John, 
which tell us of the eternity of the Word, and of the 
mercy which led Him to take upon Himself our 
flesh, and to dwell among us. Pray that you may 
be of the number of those, who, now that He has 
come unto His own, receive Him, and are made the 
sons of God. 

V. Dominus vobiscum. F. The Lord be with you. 

i?. Et cum spiritu tuo. jB. And with thy spirit. 


Inititim sancti Evangelii 
secundum Joannem. 

Cap. 1. 

In principio erat Verbum, 
et Verbum erat apud Deum, 
et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc 
erat in principio apud 
Deum. Omnia per ipsum 
facta sunt ; et sine ipso fa- 
ctum est nihil. Quod factum 
est, in ipso vita erat, et vita 
erat lux hominum : et lux in 
tenebris lucet, et tenebrae 
earn non comprehenderunt. 
Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui 
nomen erat Joannes. Hie 
venit in testimonium, ut te- 
stimonium perhiberet de lu- 
mine, ut omnes crederent 


The beginning of the holy 
Gospel according to John. 

Ch. 1. 

In the beginning was the 
Word, and the Word was with 
God, and the Word was God. 
The same was in the begin- 
ning with God. All things 
were made by him, and with- 
out him was made nothing 
that was made. In him was 
life, and the life was the light 
of men ; and the light shineth 
in the darkness, and the dark- 
ness did not comprehend it. 
There was a man sent from 
God, whose name was John. 
This man came for a witness, 
to give testimony of the light 

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per ilium. Non erat ille 
lux, sed ut testimonium per- 
hiberet de lumine. Erat lux 
vera; quae illuminat omnem 
hominem venientem in hunc 
mundum. In mundo erat, et 
mundus per ipsum factus 
est, et mundus eum non co- 
gnovit. In propria venit, et 
sui eum non receperunt. 
Quotquot autem receperunt 
eum, dedit eis potestatem 
filios Dei fieri, his qui cre- 
dunt in nomine ejus : qui 
non ex sanguinibus, neque 
ex voluntate carnis, neque 
ex voluntate viri, sed ex Deo 
nati sunt. Et Verbum 
caro factum est, et habi- 
tavit in nobis : et vidimus 
gloriam ejus, gloriam quasi 
Unigeniti a Patre, plenum 
grata et veritatis. 

B. Deo gratias. 

that all men might believe 
through him. He was not the 
light, but was to give testi- 
mony of the light. That was 
the true light which enlight- 
eneth every man that cometh 
into this world. He was in 
the world, and the world was 
made by him, and the world 
knew him not. He came unto 
his own, and his own received 
him not. But as many as 
received him, to them he gave 
power to be made the sons of 
God; to them that believe in 
his name, who are born, not 
of blood, nor of the will of the 
flesh, nor of the will of man, 
but of God. And the Word 
was made flesh, and dwelt 
among us; and we saw his 
glory, as it were the glory of 
the Only - Begotten of the 
Father, full of grace and truth. 
B. Thanks be to God. 



We have already said that the Christian who, by 
the meditations suitable to the spirit of Septua- 
gesima, has come to a clearer knowledge, not only 
of the sad consequences of original sin, but also ol 
the malice of his own personal faults, should be all 
the more eager to assist at the holy Sacrifice, 
wherein is offered the Victim of man's salvation. 
But now that his own unworthiness is more than 
ever evident to him, ought he to abstain from 
partaking, by holy Communion, of this life-giving 
and purifying Host? Such is not our Saviour's 
will. He came down from heaven, not to judge, 


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but to save us. 1 He knows how long and rugged 
is the road we have to traverse, before we reach 
that happy day, on which we shall rest with Him, 
in the joy of His Eesurrection. He has compassion 
on us; He fears lest we faint in the way; 2 and He, 
therefore, offers us the divine food, which gives 
life and strength to our souls, and refreshes them 
in their toil. We feel that our hearts are not yet 
pure enough; let us, then, with a humble and 
contrite heart, go to Him who has come that He 
may restore to our souls their original beauty. 
Let us, at all times, remember the solemn in- 
junction, which this Saviour so graciously deigned 
to give us : ' Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son 
of Man, ye shall not have life in you/ 3 

If, therefore, sin has no longer dominion over 
us; if we have destroyed it by true sorrow and 
sincere confession, made efficacious by the absolu- 
tion of God's priest : left us not deprive ourselves 
of the Bread of life, 4 no matter how great soever 
our infirmities may seem ; for it is for us that our 
Jesus has prepared the feast. If we feel that the 
chains of sin are still upon us ; if by self-examina- 
tion, made with the light of the truth that is now 
granted to us, we discover in our souls certain 
stains, which the false principles of the world and 
too easy a conscience have hitherto made us over- 
look; let us lose no time, let us make a good 
confession : and when we have made our peace with 
the God of mercy, let us approach the holy Table, 
and receive the pledge of our reconciliation. 

Yes, let us go to holy Communion, during this 
season of Septuagesima, with a most heart-felt 
conviction of our unworthiness. It may be that 
hitherto we have sometimes gone with too much 
familiarity, on account of our not sufficiently 

1 St. John iii. 17. 2 St. Matt. xv. 32. 

3 St. John vi. 54. * Ibid., 35. 

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understanding our nothingness, our misery, and 
the infinite holiness of the God who thus unites 
Himself with His sinful creatures. Henceforth, 
our heart shall be more truthful ; blending together 
the two sentiments of humility and confidence, we 
will say, with an honest conviction, those words of 
the centurion of the Gospel, which the Church puts 
upon our lips, when she is distributing to us the 
Bread of life : ' Lord, I am not worthy that thou 
shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, 
and my soul shall be healed/ 1 

We will here give, as in the two preceding 
seasons, acts, which may serve as a preparation for 
holy Communion during these weeks of Septua- 
gesima. There are souls that feel the want of 
some such assistance as this ; and, for the same 
reason, we will add a form of thanksgiving for after 

The signal grace which thou, 0 my God, hast granted to 
me, that I should know the wounds of my soul, has revealed 
to me the greatness of my misery. I have been taught how 
deep was the darkness that covered me, and how much I 
needed thy divine light. But whilst the torch of faith has 
thus shown me the abyss of my own poor nature, it has also 
taught me how wonderful are the works, which thy love of 
thy ungrateful creature has made thee undertake, in order 
that thou mightest raise him up and save him. It was for 
me thou didst assume my human nature, and wast born at 
Bethlehem ; it is for me that thou art soon to shed thy Blood 
on the cross. Thou commandest me to believe these mira- 
cles of thy love. I do believe them, 0 my God, humbly and 
gratefully. I also believe, and with an equally lively faith, 
that in a few moments thou art to give thyself to me in this 
ineffable mystery of holy Communion. Thou sayest to me : 
* This is my Body, this is my Blood ': — thy word is enough ; 
in spite of my unworthiness seeming to forbid the possibility 



1 St. Matt. viii. 8. 




of such Communion, I believe, I consent, I bow down before 
thine infinite truth. Oh 1 can there be Communion between 
the God of all holiness and a sinner such as I ? And yet 
thou assurest me that thou art verily coming to me ! I 
tremble, 0 eternal Truth, but I believe. I confess that thy 
love of me is infinite, and that, having resolved to give thy- 
self to thy poor and sinful creature, thou wilt suffer no 
obstacle to stand in thy way ! 

During the season just past, I have often contemplated, O 
my Jesus, thy coming from thy high throne into the bosom 
of Mary, thy uniting thy divine Person to our weak mortal 
nature, and thy being born in the crib of a poor stable. And 
when I thought on these humiliations of my God, they 
taught me not only to love thee tenderly, but also to know 
my own nothingness, for I saw more clearly what an infinite 
distance there is between the creature and his Creator ; and 
seeing these prodigies of thy immense love, I gladly confessed 
my own vileness. But now, dearest Saviour, 1 am led to 
consider something far more humiliating than the lowliness 
of my nature. That nothingness should be but nothingness, 
is not a sin. No ; it is my sins that appal me. Sin has so 
long tyrannized over me ; its consequences are still upon me ; 
it has given me such dangerous tendencies; and I am so 
weak in resisting its bidding. When my first parent sinned, 
he hid himself, lest he should meet thee ; and thou biddest 
me come unto thee, not to sentence me to the punishment I 
deserve, but to give me, oh ! such a mark of love — union with 
thyself ! Can this be ? Art thou not the infinitely holy God ? I 
must needs yield, and come, for thou art my sovereign Master ; 
and who is there that dares resist thy will ? I come, then, 
humbling myself, even to my very nothingness, before thee, 
and beseeching thee to pardon my coming, for I come because 
thou wilt have it so. 

And shall I, O my Jesus, confess thus the grievousness 
and multitude of my sins, without promising thee to sin no 
more ? Thou wishest this sinner to be reconciled with thee, 
thou desirest to press him to thy sacred Heart: and could he, 
whilst thanking thee for this thy wonderful condescension, 
still love the accursed cause which made him thine enemy ? 
No, my infinitely merciful God, no 1 I will not, like my first 





parent, seek to escape thy justice, but, like the prodigal son, 
I will arise and go to my Father ; like Magdalene, I will take 
courage and enter the banquet-hall ; and, though trembling 
at the sight of my sins, I will comply with thy loving invita- 
tion. My heart has no further attachment to sin, which I 
hate and detest as the enemy of thy honour and of my own 
happiness. I am resolved to shun it from this time forward, 
and to spare no pains to free myself from its tyranny. There 
shall be no more of that easy life which chilled my love, nor 
of that studied indifference which dulled my conscience, nor 
of those dangerous habits which led me to stray from my 
loyalty to thee. Despise not, O God, this my humble and 
contrite heart. 

Such is thy love for us in this world, O my Jesus, that, as 
thou thyself sayest, thou art come not to judge, but to save. 
I should not satisfy thee, in this happy Communion hour, 
were I to offer thee but this salutary fear, which has led me 
to thy sacred feet, and this shame-stricken conscience, which 
makes me tremble in thy holy presence. The visit thou art 
about to pay me is a visit of love. The Sacrament, which is 
going to unite me to thee, is the Sacrament of thy love. 
Thou, my good Shepherd, hast said, that he loves most, who 
has been forgiven most. My heart then must dare to love 
thee ; it must love thee with all its warmth ; the very recollec- 
tion of its past disloyalty must make its loving thee doubly 
needed and doubly fervent. Ah ! sweet Lord ! See this 
poor heart of mine ; strengthen it, console it, drive away its 
fears, make it feel that thou art its Jesus 1 It has come 
back to thee, because it feared thee ; if it love thee, it will 
never again leave thee. 

And thou, O Mary, refuge of sinners, help me to love him, 
who is thy Son, and our Brother. Holy angels ! ye who live 
eternally on that love, which has never ceased to glow in 
your mighty spirits, remember, I reverently pray you, that 
this God created me, as he did you, that I might love him. 
All ye holy saints of God ! I beseech you, by the love where- 
with ye are inebriated in heaven, graciously give me a thought, 
and prepare now my heart to be united with him. Amen. 





Thou art here within me, great God of heaven ! Thou art, 
at this moment, residing in a sinner's heart I I, yea, I, am 
thy temple, thy throne, thy resting-place! How shall I 
worthily adore thee, who hast deigned to come down into 
this abyss of my lowliness and misery? The angels veil their 
faces in thy presence ; thy saints lay their crowns at thy feet ; 
and I, that am but a sinful mortal, how shall I sufficiently 
honour thee, O infinite Power, infinite Wisdom, infinite Good- 
ness ? This soul, wherein thou art now dwelling, has pre- 
sumed so many times to set thee at defiance, and boldly 
disobey and break thy commands. And thou canst come to 
me after all this, and bring all thy beauty and greatness with 
thee ! What else can I do, but give thee the homage of a 
heart, that knows not how to bear the immensity of the 
honour thou art now lavishing on me ? Yes, my own won- 
derful and loving God, I adore thee ; I acknowledge thee to 
be the sovereign Being, the Creator and preserver of all 
creatures, and the undisputed Master of everything that 
belongs to me. I delightedly confess my dependence on thee, 
and offer thee, with all my heart, my humble service. 


Thy greatness, 0 my God, is infinite ; but thy goodness to 
me is incomprehensible. Thy being now present within this 
breast of mine is, I know, a proof of that immense power, 
which shows itself where and when it wills ; but it is also a 
mark of thy love for me. Thou art come to my soul, that 
thou mayst be closely united with her, comfort her, give- her 
a new life, and bring her all good things. Oh! who will 
teach me how to value this grace, and thank thee for it in a 
becoming way ? But how shall I hope to value it as I ought, 
when I am not able to understand either the love that brings 
thee thus within me, or my own need of having thee ? And 
when I think of my inability to make thee a suitable return of 
thanks, I feel as though I can give thee nothing but my 
speechless gratitude. Yet thou wiliest that this my heart, 
poor as it is, should give thee its thanks ; thou takest delight 
in receiving its worthless homage. Take it, then, my loving 
Jesus ! I give it thee with all possible joy, and beseech thee 
to reveal unto me the immensity of thy gift, and to enrich me 
more that I may give thee more. 

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But nothing will satisfy thee, 0 my infinite Treasure, unless 
I give thee my love. Thou hast ever loved me, and thou art 
stUl loving me; I must love thee in return! Thou hast 
borne with me ; thou hast forgiven me ; thou art, at this 
moment, overpowering me with honour and riches ; and all 
this out of love for me ! The return thou askest of me, is 
my love ! Gratitude will not content thee, thou wilt have 
my love! But, Jesus, my dear Jesus! — my past life — the 
long years I have spent in offending thee — rise up before me, 
and tell me to hide myself from thee! And yet, whither 
could I go without carrying thee within me, for thou hast 
taken up thine abode in my inmost soul ? No, I will not run 
from thee ! I will summon all the energies of my heart to 
tell thee that I love thee ; that thy love for me has emboldened 
me ; that I belong to thee ; that I love thee above all else that 
I love ; and that, henceforth, all my joy and happiness shall 
be in pleasing thee, and doing whatsoever thou askest of me. 

I know, dear Jesus, that what thou askest of me is not the 
passing sentiment of a heart excited by the thought of thy 
goodness towards it. Thou hast loved me from eternity; 
thou lovedst me, even when I was doing nothing for thee ; 
thou hast given me light to know my miseries ; thou hast 
shielded me against thine own angry justice; thou hast 
mercifully pardoned me a countless number of times ; thou 
art even now embracing me with tenderest love ; and all these 
works of thy almighty hand have been but for one end — to 
make me give myself to thee, and live, at last, for thee. It is 
this thou wouldst obtain of me, by granting me this precious 
earnest of thy love, which I have just received. Thou hast 
said, speaking of this ineffable gift : * As I live by the Father ; 
so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me.' 1 Hence- 
forth, 0 Bread, which came down from heaven I 2 thou art the 
source of my life. Now, more than ever, my life belongs to 
thee. I give it unto thee. I dedicate unto thee my soul, my 
body, my faculties, my whole being. Do thou direct and 

fovern me. I resign myself entirely into thy hands. I am 
lind, but thy light will guide me ; I am weak, but £ny power 
will uphold me ; I am inconstant, but thy unchangeableness 
will give me stability. I trust unreservedly in thy mercy, 
which never abandons them that hope in thee. 


i St. John vi. 58. 

8 Ibid., 51. 



O Mary ! pray for me, that I lose not the fruit of this visit. 
Holy angels! watch over this dwelling-place of your Lord, 
which he has .so mercifully chosen : let nothing defile it. 
0 all ye saints of God I pray for the sinner, unto whom he 
has given this pledge of his divine pardon. 



The Office of Vespers, or Evensong, consists firstly 
of the five following psalms and antiphons. Ac- 
cording to our custom, we preface each psalm with 
a short explanation, in order to draw attention to 
what is most in harmony with the spirit of Septua- 

After the Pater and Ave have been said in secret, 
the Church commences this Hour with her favourite 
supplication : 

V. Deus in adjutorium 
meum intende. 

B. Domine, ad adjuvan- 
dum me festina. 

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et 
Spiritui Sancto : 

Sicut erat in principio et 
nunc et semper, et in ssecula 
sseculorum. Amen. 

Laus tibi, Domine, Bex 
ffiternse gloriae. 

Ant. Dixit Dominus. 

V. Incline unto my aid, 0 

B. O Lord, make haste to 
help me. 

Glory be to the Father, and 
to the Son, and to the Holy 

As it was in the beginning, 
is now, and ever shall be, world 
without end. Amen. 

Praise be to thee, 0 Lord, 
King of eternal glory. 

Ant. The Lord said. 

The first psalm is a prophecy of the future glory 
of the Messias. It shows us His triumph; after 
His humiliations and His cross, the Man- God 
shall sit on the right hand of His Father. More- 
over, He is to come again into this world, to judge 

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it, and to crush the proud heads of sinners. Whilst 
thus celebrating His glory, let us not forget His 

psalm 109 

Dixit Dominus Domino 
meo : * Sede a dextris meis. 

Donee ponam inimicos 
tuos: * scabellum pedum 

Yirgam virtutis tuae emit- 
tet Dominus ex Sion : * do- 
minate in medio inimicorum 

Tecum principium in die 
virtutis tuae in splendoribus 
sanctorum : * ex utero ante 
luciferum genui te. 

Juravit Dominus, et non 
poenitebit eum : * Tu es Sa- 
cerdos in aeternurn secun- 
dum ordinem Melchisedech. 

Dominus a dextris tuis : * 
confregit in die irae suae re- 

Judicabit in nationibus, 
implebit ruiDas : * conquas- 
sabit capita in terra multo- 

De torrente in via bibet : * 
propterea exaltabit caput. 

Ant. Dixit Dominus Do- 
mino meo, sede a dextris 

Ant. Fidelia. 

The Lord said to my Lord, 
his Son : Sit thou at my right 
hand, and reign with me. 

Until, on the day of thy last 
coming, I make thy enemies 
thy footstool. 

0 Christ ! the Lord thy 
Father, will send forth the 
sceptre of thy power out of 
Sion : from thence rule thou in 
the midst of thy enemies. 

With thee is the principality 
in the day of thy strength, in 
the brightness of the saints : 
For the Father hath said to 
thee : From the womb, before 
the day-star, I begot thee. 

The Lord hath sworn, and 
he will not repent: he hath 
said, speaking of thee, the God- 
Man: Thou art a priest for 
ever, according to the order of 

Therefore, 0 Father, the 
Lord thy Son is at thy right 
hand: he hath broken kings 
in the day of his wrath. 

He shall also judge among 
nations : in that terrible com- 
ing, he shall fill the ruins of 
the world: he shall crush the 
heads in the land of many. 

He cometh now in humility : 
he shall drink, in the way, of 
the torrent of sufferings : there- 
fore, shall he lift up the head. 

Ant. The Lord said to my 
Lord, sit thou at my right 

Ant. Faithful. 





The following psalm commemorates the mercies 
of God to His people, the promised Covenant, the 
Redemption, His fidelity to His word. But it also 
tells us that the name of the Lord is terrible because 
it is holy ; and concludes by telling us, that the fear 
of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 

psalm 110 

I will praise thee, O Lord, 
with my whole heart : in the 
counsel of the just, and in the 

Great are the works of the 
Lord : sought out according to 
all his wills. 

His work is praise and mag- 
nificence : and his justice con- 
tinueth for ever and ever. 

He hath made a remem- 
brance of his wonderful works, 
being a merciful and gracious 
Lord: he hath given food to 
them that fear him. 

He will be mindful for ever 
of his covenant with men : he 
will show forth to his people 
the power of his works. 

That he may give them, his 
Church, the inheritance of the 
Gentiles: the works of his 
hands are truth and judgment. 

All his commandments are 
faithful, confirmed for ever 
and ever: made in truth and 

He hath sent redemption 
to his people ; he hath thereby 
commanded his covenant for 

Holy and terrible is his 
name : the fear of the Lord is 
the beginning of wisdom. 

A good understanding to all 
that do it : his praise continu- 
eth for ever and ever. 

Confitebor tibi, Domine, 
in toto corde meo : * in con- 
silio justorum et congrega- 

Magna opera Domini: * 
exquisita in omnes volunta- 
tes ejus. 

Conf essio et magnificentia 
opus ejus : * et justitia ejus 
manet in sseculum sseculi. 

Memoriam fecit mirabi- 
lium suorum, misericors et 
miserator Dominus : * escam 
dedit timentibus se. 

Memor erit in sseculum 
testamenti sui: * virtutem 
operum suorum annuntiabit 
populo suo. 

Ut det illis haereditatem 
Gentium : * opera manuum 
ejus Veritas et judicium. 

Fidelia omnia mandata 
ejus, confirmata in sseculum 
sseculi : * facta in veritate 
et sequitate. 

Bedemptionem misit po- 
pulo suo : * mandavit in 
seternum testamentum su- 

Sanctum et terribile no- 
men ejus : * initium sapien- 
tise timor Domini. 

Intellectus bonus omnibus 
facientibus eum : * laudatio 
ejus manet in saeculum sae- 

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Ant. Fidelia omnia man- Ant. Faithful are all his 
data ejus; confirmata in commandments confirmed for 
sseculum saeculi. ever and ever. 

Ant. In mandatis. Ant. In his command- 


The next psalm sings the happiness of the just 
man, and his hopes on the day of his Lord's coming. 
It tells us, likewise, of the confusion and despair 
which will torment the sinner, who, during life, was 
insensible to his own interests, and deaf to the 
invitations made him by the Church. 

psalm 111 

Beatus vir, qui timet Do- 
minum : * in mandatis ejus 
volet nimis. 

Potens in terra erit semen 
ejus : ■ * generatio rector um 

Gloria, et divitiae in domo 
ejus : * et justitia ejus manet 
ip. saeculum saeculi. 

Exortum est in tenebris 
lumen rectis : * misericors, 
et miserator, et justus. 

Jucundus homo, qui mise- 
retur et commodat, disponet 
sermones suos in judicio : * 
quia in aeternum non com 

In memoria aeterna erit 
justus : * ab auditione mala 
non timebit. 

Paratum cor ejus sperare 
in Domino, confirmatum est 
cor ejus : * non commovebi- 
tur donee despiciat inimicos 

Dispersit, dedit pauperi- 
bus, justitia ejus manet in 

Blessed is the man that 
feareth the Lord : he shall 
delight exceedingly in his 

His seed shall be mighty 
upon earth: the generation 
of the righteous shall be 

Glory and wealth shall be 
in his house : and his justice 
remaineth for ever and ever. 

To the righteous a hght is 
risen up in darkness : he is 
merciful, and compassionate, 
and just. 

Acceptable is the man that 
showeth mercy and lendeth ; 
he shall order his words with 
judgment : because he shall 
not be moved for ever. 

The just shall be in ever- 
lasting remembrance : he shall 
not fear the evil hearing. 

His heart is ready to hope 
in , the Lord ; his heart is 
strengthened ; he shall not 
be moved until he look over 
his enemies. 

He hath distributed, he hath 
given to the poor ; his justice 

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saeculum saeculi: * cornu 
ejus exaltabitur in gloria. 

Peccator videbit, et irasce- 
tur, dentibus suis fremet et 
tabescet : * desiderium pec- 
catorum peribit. 

Ant. In mandatis ejus 
cupit nimis. 
Ant. Sit nomen Domini. 

remaineth for ever and ever : 
his horn shall be exalted in 

The wicked shall see, and 
shall be angry ; he shall gnash 
with his teeth, and pine away ; 
the desire of the wicked shall 

Ant. In his commandments 
he delighteth exceedingly. 

Ant. May the name of the 

The psalm, Laudate pueri, is a canticle of praise 
to the Lord, who, from His high heaven, has taken 
pity on the fallen human race, and facilitated its 
return to its Maker. 

PSALM 112 

Laudate, pueri, Domi- 
num : * laudate nomen Do- 

Sit nomen Domini bene- 
dictum: * ex hoc nunc et 
usque in sseculum. 

A solis ortu usque ad oc- 
casum: * laudabile nomen 

Excelsus super omnes 
gentes Dominus : * et super 
coelos gloria ejus. 

Quis sicut Dominus Deus 
noster qui in altis habitat : * 
et humilia respicit in coelo 
et in terra ? 

Suscitans a terra inopem :* 
et de stercore erigens pau- 
per em. 

Ut collocet eum cum prin- 
cipibus: * cum principibus 
populi sui. 

Qui habitare f acit sterilem 
in domo : * matrem filiorum 

Praise the Lord, ye chil- 
dren; praise ye the name of 
the Lord. 

Blessed be the name of the 
Lord : from henceforth now 
and for ever. 

From the rising of the sun 
unto the going down of the 
same, the name of the Lord is 
worthy of praise. 

The Lord is high above all 
nations: and his glory above 
the heavens. 

Who is as the Lord * our 
God, who dwelleth on high : 
and looketh down on the low 
things in heaven and in earth ? 

Kaising up the needy from 
the earth: and lifting up the 
poor out of the dunghill. 

That he may place him with 
princes: with the princes of 
his people. 

Who maketh a barren wo- 
man to dwell in a house, the 
joyful mother of children. 

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Ant. Sit nomen Domini 
benedictum in saecula. 
Ant. Nos qui vivimus. 

Ant. May the name of the 
Lord be for ever blessed. 
Ant. We that live. 

The fifth psalm, In exitu, recounts the prodigies 
witnessed under the ancient Covenant : they were 
figures, whose realities are to be accomplished in 
if we will but return to the Lord our God. He 


will deliver Israel from Egypt, emancipate the 
Gentiles from their idolatry, and pour out a blessing 
on every man who will consent to fear and love the 

psalm 113 

In exitu Israel de ^gyp- 
to: * domus Jacob de po- 
pulo barbaro. 

Facta est Judaea sanctifi- 
catio ejus : * Israel potestas 

Mare vidit, et fugit : * Jor- 
danis conversus est retror- 

Montes exsultaverunt ut 
arietes: * et colles sicut 
agni ovium. 

Quid est tibi, mare, quod 
fugisti: * et tu Jordanis, 
quia conversus es retror- 
sum ? 

Montes exsultastis sicut 
arietes : * et colles sicut 
agni ovium ? 

A facie Domini mota est 
terra : * a facie Dei Jaeok 

Qui convertit petram in 
stagna aquarum: * et ru- 
pem in fontes aquarum. 

Non nobis, Domine, non 
nobis : * sed nomini tuo da 

Super misericordia tua, et 
veritate tua: * nequando 

When Israel went out of 
Egypt, the house of Jacob 
from a barbarous people. 

Judea was made his sanc- 
tuary, Israel his dominion. 

The sea saw and fled; Jor- 
dan was turned back. 

The mountains skipped like 
rams : and the hills like the 
lambs of the flock. 

What ailed thee, 0 thou sea, 
that thou didst flee : and thou, 
O Jordan, that thou wast 
turned back ? 

Ye mountains that ye 
skipped like rams : and ye 
hills like lambs of the flock ? 

At the presence of the Lord 
the earth was moved, at the 
presence of the God of Jacob. 

Who turned the rock into 
pools of water, and the stony 
hills into fountains of water. 

Not to us, O Lord, not to 
us: but to thy name give 

For thy mercy, and for thy 
truth's sake : lest the Gentiles 


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dicant Gentes : Ubi est Deus 
eorum ? 

Deus autem noster in 
coelo: * omnia quaecumque 
voluit, fecit. 

Simulacra Gentium ar- 
gentum et aurum : * opera 
manuum hominum. 

08 habent, et non loquen- 
tur : * oculos habent, et non 

Aures habent, et non au- 
dient : * nares habent et non 

Manus habent, et non pal- 
pabunt, pedes habent et non 
ambulabunt : * non clama- 
bunt in gutture suo. 

Similes illis fiant qui fa- 
ciunt ea : * et omnes qui 
confidunt in eis. 

Domus Israel speravit in 
Domino: * adjutor eorum, 
et protector eorum est. 

Domus Aaron speravit in 
Domino: * adjutor eorum, 
et protector eorum est. 

Qui timent Dominum, 
speraverunt in Domino : 

* adjutor eorum, et prote- 
ctor eorum est. 

Dominus memor fuit no- 
stri : * et benedixit nobis. 
Benedixit domui Israel : 

* benedixit domui Aaron. 

Benedixit omnibus qui ti- 
ment Dominum: * pusillis 
cum majoribus. 

Adjiciat Dominus super 
vos : * super vos, et super 
filios vestros. 

Benedicti vos a Domino : 

* qui fecit ccelum et terram. 
Coelum cceli Domino: * 

terram autem dedit filiis 

should say : Where is their 

But our God is in heaven: 
he hath done all things what- 
soever he would. 

The idols of the Gentiles are 
silver and gold : the works of 
the hands of men. 

They have mouths, and 
speak not: they have eyes, 
and see not. 

They have ears, and hear 
not : they have noses, and 
smell not. 

They have hands, and feel 
not : they have feet, and walk 
not : neither shall they cry out 
through their throat. 

Let them that make them 
become like unto them : and 
all such as trust in them. 

The house of Israel hath 
hoped in the Lord : he is their 
helper and their protector. 

The house of Aaron hath 
hoped in the Lord : he is their 
helper and their protector. 

They that feared the Lord 
have hoped in the Lord : he 
is their helper and their pro- 

The Lord hath been mindful 
of us, and hath blessed us. 

He hath blessed the house 
of Israel : he hath blessed the 
house of Aaron. 

He hath blessed all that 
fear the Lord, both little and 

May the Lord add blessings 
upon you : upon you, and upon 
your children. 

Blessed be you of the Lord, 
who made heaven and earth. 

The heaven of heaven is the 
Lord's : but the earth he has 
given to the children of men. 

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Non mortui laudabunt te, 
Domine : * neque omnes qui 
descendunt in infernum. 

Sed nos qui vivimus, be- 
nedicimus Domino : * ex hoc 
nunc et usque in sseculum. 

Ant. Nos qui vivimus, 
benedicimus Domino. 

The dead shall not praise 
thee O Lord : nor any of them 
that go down to hell. 

But we that live bless the 
Lord : from this time now and 
for ever. 

Ant. We that live bless the 
Lord. . 

After these five psalms, a short lesson from the 
holy Scriptures is read. It is called Capitulum, 
bebauee it is always very short. The one for each 
Sunday is given in the Proper. 

After the capitulum, follows the hymn, Lucis 
Creator. It was written by St. Gregory the Great. 
It sings of creation, and celebrates the praises of 
that portion of it which was called forth on this 
first day — the light. The saint teaches us to ask 
that our soul may be roused, may be loosed from 
the spells of this life, and may turn all her energies 
to eternal things. 


Lucis Creator optime, 
Lucem dierum proferens : 
Primordiis lucis novse, 
Mundi parans originem. 

O infinitely good Creator of 
the light ! by thee was pro- 
duced the light of day, pro- 
viding thus the world's begin- 
ning with the beginning of the 
new-made light. 

* According to the monastic 

B. breve. Quam magnificata 
sunt, * Opera tua Domine. 
Quam. V. Omnia in Sapientia 
fecisti. * Opera. Gloria Patri, 
etc. Quam. 

Lucis Creator optime, 
Lucem dierum proferens ; 
Primordiis lucis novae, 
Mundi parans originem. 

Qui mane junctum vesperi 
Diem vocari prsecipis, 
Tetrum chaos illabitur, 
Audi preces cum fletibus. 

rite, it is as follows : — 

Ne mens gravata crimine, 
Vitse sit exsul munere, 
Dum nil perenne cogitat, 
Seseque culpis illigat. 

Coelorum pulset intimum, 
Vitale tollat prsemium : 
Vitemus omne noxium, 
Purgemus omne pessimum, 

Prsesta, Pater piissime, 
Patrique compar Unice, 
Cum Spiritu Paraclito 
Eegnans per omne sseculum. 


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Qui mane junctum vesperi 
Diem vocari prsecipis, 
IUabitur tetrum chaos. 
Audi preces cum fletibus. 

Ne mens gravata crimine, 
Vitse sit exsul munere, 
Dum nil perenne cogitat. 
Seseque culpis illigat. 

Cceleste pulset ostium 
Vitale tollat praemium : 
Vitemus omne noxium, 
Purgemus omne pessimum. 

Prsesta, Pater piissime, 
Patrique compar Unice, 
Cum Spiritu Paraclito 
Eegnans per omne sseculum. 


V. Dirigatur, Domine, 
oratio mea, 

B. Sicut incensum in 
conspectu tuo. 

Then is said the Magnificat antiphon, which is 
to be found in the proper. After this, the Church 
sings the canticle of Mary, the Magnificat, in which 
are celebrated the divine maternity and all its con- 
sequent blessings. This exquisite canticle is an 
essential part of the Vespers throughout the year. 
Let us unite with all generations, and call her 
' blessed ' ; but let us, also, enter into those senti- 
ments of humility, which she recommends to us 
both by her words and her example. Her inspired 
lips speak to us this promise: If the great God, 
whose triumph is to gladden us on the glorious day 
of Easter, find us humble and submissive, He will 
exalt us, yea, raise us up even to Himself ; if we 
confess our misery and poverty to Him, He will 
enrich us, even to the full, with every blessing. 

Thou biddest us call the 
time from morn till eve, day ; 
this day is over ; dark night 
comes on — oh! hear our tear- 
ful prayers. 

Let not our soul, weighed 
down by crime mis- spend thy 
gift of life, and, forgetting 
what is eternal, be earth-tied 
by her sins. 

Oh ! may we strive to enter 
our heavenly home, and bear 
away the prize of life: may 
we shun what would injure us, 
and cleanse our soul from her 

Most merciful Father ! and 
thou, his only-begotten Son, 
coequal with him, reigning for 
ever with the holy Paraclete 1 
grant this our prayer. Amen. 

V. May my prayer, O Lord, 

jB. Like incense in thy sight. 

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(St. Luke i.) 

Magnificat : * anuria mea 

Et exsultavit spiritus me- 
ns : * in Deo salutari meo. 

Quia respexit humilitatem 
ancillse suae : * ecce enim ex 
hoc beatam me dicent om- 
nes generationes. 

Quia fecit mihi magna 
qui potens est : * et san- 
ctum nomen ejus. 

Et misericordia ejus a pro- 
genie in progenies : * timen- 
tibus eum. 

Fecit potentiam in brachio 
suo : * dispersit superbos 
mente cordis sui. 

Deposuit potentes de sede : 
* et exaltavit humiles. 

Esurientes implevit bo- 
nis: * et divites dimisit 

Suscepit Israel puerum 
suum : * recordatus miseri- 
cordise suae. 

Sicut locutus est ad patres 
nostros : * Abraham et se- 
mini ejus in ssecula. 

My soul doth magnify the 

And my spirit hath rejoiced 
in God my Saviour. 

Because he hath regarded 
the humility of his handmaid : 
for, behold from henceforth 
all generations shall call me 

Because he that is mighty 
hath done great things to me : 
and holy is his name. 

And his mercy is from gene- 
ration unto generation, to them 
that fear him. 

He hath showed might in 
his arm : he hath scattered the 
proud in the conceit of their 

He hath put down the 
mighty from their seat : and 
hath exalted the humble. 

He hath filled the hungry 
with good things : and the rich 
he hath sent empty away. 

He hath received Israel his 
servant, being mindful of his 

As he spake to our fathers, 
to Abraham and to his seed 
for ever. 

The Magnificat antiphon is then repeated. The 
prayer, or Collect, will be found in the proper of 
each Sunday. 

The Vespers end with the following versicles : 

V. Benedicamus Domino. 

R. Deo gratias. 

V. FideSum animse per 
misericordiam Dei requie- 
scant in pace. 

B. Amen. 

V. Let us bless the Lord. 

B. Thanks be to God. 

V. May the souls of the 
faithful departed, through the 
mercy of God, rest in peace. 

B. Amen. 








This Office, which concludes the day, commences 
by a warning of the dangers of the night : then 
immediately follows the public confession of our 
sins, as a powerful means of propitiating the divine 
justice, and obtaining God's help, now that we are 
going to spend so many hours in the unconscious 
and therefore dangerous state of sleep, which is 
also such an image of death. 

The lector, addressing the priest, says to him : 

V. Jube, domne, benedi- Pray, father, give me thy 
cere. blessing. 

The priest answers : 

Noctem quietam, et finem May the almighty Lord grant 

perfectum concedat nobis us a quiet night and a perfect 

Dominus omnipotens. end. 

B. Amen. . jB. Amen. 

The lector then reads these words, from the first 
Epistle of St. Peter : 

Fratres: Sobrii estote, et 
vigilate : quia adversarius 
vester diabolus, tamquam 
leo rugiens circuit quaerens 
quern devoret: cui resistite 
fortes in fide. Tu autem, 
Domine, miserere nobis. 

The choir answers : 

R. Deo gratias. 

Then, the priest : 

V. Adjutorium nostrum 
in nomine Domini, 

Brethren, be sober and 
watch : because your adversary 
the devil, as a roaring lion, 
goeth about, seeking whom he 
may devour : whom resist ye, 
strong in faith. But thou, O 
Lord, have mercy on us. 

B. Thanks be to God. 

V. Our help is in the name 
of the Lord. 

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The choir : 

B. Qui feci Is ccelum et 

B. Who hath made heaven 
and earth. 

Then the Lord's Prayer is recited in secret ; after 
which the priest says the Confiteor ; and, when he 
has finished, the choir says : 

Misereatur tui omnipo- May almighty God have 

tens Deus, et dimissis pec- mercy on thee, and, forgiving 

catis tuis, perducat te ad thy sins, bring thee to everlast- 

vitam eeternam. ing life. 

The priest having answered Amen, the choir 
repeats the Confiteor, thus : 

Confiteor Deo omnipo- 
tent^ beatae Mariae semper 
Virgini, beato MichaeU 
archangelo, beato Joanni 
Baptist®, Sanctis apostolis 
Petro et Paulo, omnibus 
Sanctis, et tibi, pater : quia 
peccavi nimis cogitatione, 
verbo, et opere : mea culpa, 
mea culpa, mea maxima 
culpa. Ideo precor beatam 
Mariam semper Virginem, 
beatum Michaelem arch- 
angelum, beatum Joannem 
Baptistam, sanctos aposto- 
los Petrum et Paulum, 
omnes sanctos, et te, pater, 
orare pro me ad Dominum 
Deum nostrum. 

I confess to almighty God, 
to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to 
blessed Michael the archangel, 
to blessed John the Baptist, 
to the holy apostles Peter and 
Paul, to all the saints, and to 
thee, father, that I have sinned 
exceedingly in thought, word, 
and deed; through my fault, 
through my fault, through my 
most grievous fault. Therefore 
I beseech blessed Mary ever 
Virgin, blessed Michael the 
archangel, blessed John the 
Baptist, the holy apostles Peter 
and Paul, and all the saints, 
and thee, father, to pray to the 
Lord our God for me. 

The priest then says : 

Misereatur vestri omni- 
potens Deus, et dimissis 
peccatis vestris, perducat 
vos ad vitam aeternam. 

B. Amen. 

Indulgentiam, absolutio- 
nem, e$ remissionem pecca- 

May almighty God be mer- 
ciful to you, and, forgiving your 
sins, bring you to everlasting 

B. Amen. 

May the almighty and mer- 
ciful Lord grant us pardon, 

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toruni nostrorum, tribuat 
nobis omnipotens et miseri- 
cors Dominus. 
B. Amen. 

V. Converte nos, Deus, 
Salutaris noster. 

B. Et averte iram tuam a 

V. Deus, in adjutorium 
meum intende. 

B. Domine, ad adjuvan- 
dum me festina. 

Gloria Patri, etc. 

Laus tibi, Domine, Bex 
SBternse gloriae. 

Ant. Miserere. 

absolution, and remission of 
our sins. 

B. Amen. 

V. Convert us, O God, our 

B. And turn away thy an- 
ger from us. 

V. Incline unto my aid, O 

B. O Lord, make haste to 
help me. 
Glory, etc. 

Praise be to thee, O Lord, 
King of eternal glory. 
Ant. Have mercy. 

The first psalm expresses the confidence with 
which the just man sleeps in peace ; but it also 
rebukes those tepid Christians, whose dull hearts 
are but too often enslaved to vanity and lies, and 
exhorts them to examine, at the close of the day, 
the thoughts of their hearts, and be sorry for them 
at that time of stillness and repose. 


Cum invocarem exaudivit 
me Deus justitiae meae : * 
in tribulatione dilatasti 

Miserere mei : * et exaudi 
orationem meam. 

Filii hominum, usquequo 
gravi corde : * ut quid dili- 
gitis vanitatem, et quasritis 
mendacium ? 

Et scitote quoniam miri- 
ficavit Dominus sanctum 
suum : * Dominus exaudiet 
me, cum clamavero ad eum. 

Irascimini, et nolite pec- 
care : * quae dicitis in cordi- 
bus vestris, in cubilibus ve- 
stris ccimpungimini. 

When I called upon him, the 
God of my justice heard me : 
when I was in distress, thou 
hast enlarged me. 

Have mercy on me : and 
hear my prayer. 

O ye sons of men, how long 
will you be dull of heart ? why 
do you love vanity, and seek 
after lying ? 

Know ye also that the Lord 
hath made his holy One won- 
derful : the Lord will hear me, 
when I cry unto him. 

Be ye angry, and sin not: 
the things you say in your 
hearts, be sorry for them upon 
your beds. 

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Offer up the sacrifice of jus- 
tice, and trust in the Lord : 
many say, who showeth us 
good things ? 

The light of thy counte- 
nance, 0 Lord, is signed upon 
us : thou hast given gladness 
in my heart. 

By the fruit of their corn, 
their wine, and oil, they are 

In peace, in the self-same, I 
will sleep, and I will rest. 

For thou, O Lord, singularly 
hast settled me in hope. 

Sacrificate sacrificium ju- 
stitiae, et sperate in Domino : 

* multi dicunt : Quis osten- 
dit nobis bona ? 

Signatum est super nos 
lumen vultus tui Domine: 

* dedisti lsetitiam in corde 

A fructu frumenti, vini et 
olei sui : * multiplicati sunt. 

In pace in idipsum : * 
dormiam et requiescam. 

Quoniam tu, Domine, sin- 
gulariter in spe : * constitu- 
isti me. 

The Church has introduced here the first six 
verses of Psalm xxx., because they contain the 
prayer which our Saviour made when dying : Into 
thy hands, 0 Lord, I commend my spirit ! — words so 
beautifully appropriate in this Office of the close of 

psalm 30 

In te, Domine, speravi, 
non confundar in aeternum : 
* in justitia tua libera me. 

Inclina ad me aurem 
tuam : * accelera ut eruas 

Esto mihi in Deum pro- 
tectorem, et in domum re- 
fugii : * ut salvum me fa- 

Quoniam fortitudo mea, 
et refugium meum es tu : * 
et propter nomen tuum de- 
duces me, et enutries me. 

Educes me de laqueo hoc, 
quern absconderunt mihi : * 
quoniam tu es protector 

In manus tuas commendo 

In thee, O Lord, have I 
hoped, let me never be con- 
founded : deliver me in thy 

Bow down thy ear to me : 
make haste to deliver me. 

Be thou unto me a God, a 
protector and a house of re- 
fuge, to save me. 

For thou art my strength, 
and my refuge: and for thy 
name's sake thou wilt lead me, 
and nourish me. 

Thou wilt bring me out of 
this snare, which they have 
hidden for me : for thou art 
my protector. 

Into thy hands I commend 

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spiritum meum : * rede- my spirit : thou hast redeemed 
misti me, Domine, Deus me, O Lord, the God of truth, 

The third psalm gives the motives of the just 
man's confidence, even during the dangers of the 
night. The description here given of peace of 
mind should make the sinner long for a reconcilia- 
tion with his God, that so he, too, may enjoy that 
divine protection, without which there can be 
no security or happiness in this life of peril and 

psalm 90 

Qui habitat in adjutorio 
Altissimi : * in protectione 
Dei cceli commorabitur. 

Dicet Domino : Susce- 
ptor meus es tu, et refugium 
meum : * Deus meus, spe- 
rabo in eum. 

Quoniam ipse liberavit 
me de laqueo venantium : * 
et a verbo aspero. 

Scapulis suis obumbrabit 
tibi : * et sub pennis ejus 

Scuto circumdabit te Ve- 
ritas ejus : * non timebis a 
timore nocturno. 

A sagitta volante in die, 
a negotio perambulante in 
tenebris : * ab incursu, et 
dsemonio meridiano. 

Cadent a latere tuo mille, 
et decern millia a dextris 
tuis: * ad te autem non 

Verumtamen oculis tuis 
considerabis : * et retribu- 
tionem peccatorum videbis. 

He that dwelleth in the aid 
of the Most High, shall abide 
under the protection of the 
God of heaven. 

He shall say to the Lord : 
Thou art my protector, and my 
refuge : my God, in him will 
I trust. 

For he hath delivered me 
from the snare of the hunters : 
and from the sharp word. 

He will overshadow thee with 
his shoulders: and under his 
wings thou shalt trust. 

His truth shall compass thee 
with a shield : thou shalt not 
be afraid of the terror of the 

Of the arrow that flieth in 
the day: of the business that 
walketh about in the dark: 
of invasion, or of the noonday 

A thousand shall fall at thy 
side, and ten thousand at thy 
right hand : but it shall not 
come nigh thee. 

But thou shalt consider with 
thy eyes : and shalt see the re- 
ward of the wicked. 

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Quoniam tu es, Domine, 
spes mea : * Altissimum 
posuisti refugium tuum. 

Non accedet ad te malum: 

* et flagellum non appro- 
pinquabit tabernaculo tuo. 

Quoniam angelis suis 
mandavit de te : * ut custo- 
diant te in omnibus viis tuis. 

In manibus portabunt te : 

* ne forte offendas ad lapi- 
dem pedem tuum. 

Super aspidem et basili- 
scum ambulabis : * et con- 
culcabis leonem et draco- 

Quoniam in me speravit, 
liberabo eum : * protegam 
eum, quoniam cognovit no- 
men meum. 

Clamabit ad me, et ego 
exaudiam eum : * cum ipso 
sum in tribulatione, eripiam 
eum, et glorificabo eum. 

Longitudine dierum re- 
plebo eum : * et ostendam 
illi salutare meum. 

Because thou hast said : 
Thou, 0 Lord, art my hope: 
thou hast made the Most High 
thy refuge. 

There shall no evil come to 
thee, nor shall the scourge come 
near thy dwelling. 

For he hath given his angels 
charge Over thee : to keep thee 
in all thy ways. 

In their hands they shall bear 
thee up: lest thou dash thy 
foot against a stone. 

Thou shalt walk upon the 
asp and the basilisk : and thou 
shalt trample under foot the 
lion and the dragon. 

God will say of thee : Be- 
cause he hoped in me, I will 
deliver him : I will protect him, 
because he hath known my 

He will cry to me, and I will 
hear him: I am with him in 
tribulation, I will deliver him, 
and I will glorify him. . 

I will fill him with length of 
days : and I will show him my 

The fourth psalm invites the servants of God to 
persevere, with fervour, in the prayers they offer 
during the night. The faithful should say this 
psalm in a spirit of gratitude to God, for raising 
up, in the Church, adorers of His holy name, 
whose grand vocation is to lift up their hands, day 
and night, for the safety of Israel. On such 
prayers depend the happiness and the destinies of 
the world. 

PSALM 133 

Ecce nunc benedicite Do- 
minum : * omnes servi Do- 

Behold now bless ye the 
-Lord, all ye servants of the 

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Qui statis in domo Domi- 
ni : * in atriis domus Dei 

In noctibus extollite ma- 
nus vestras in sancta : * et 
benedicite Dominum. 

Benedicat te Dominus ex 
Sion : * qui fecit coelum et 

Ant. Miserere mihi, Do- 
mine, et exaudi orationem 

Who stand in the house of 
the Lord, in the courts of the 
house of our God. 

In the nights lift up your 
hands to the holy places, and 
bless ye the Lord. 

Say to Israel : May the Lord 
out of Sion bless thee, he that 
made heaven and earth. 

Ant. Have mercy on me, O 
Lord, and hear my prayer. 


Te lucis ante terminum, 
Rerum Creator, poscimus, 
Ut pro tua dementia 
Sis praesul et custodia. 

Procul recedant somnia, 
Et noctium phantasmata ; 
Hostemque nostrum corn- 
Ne polluantur corpora. 

Prsesta, Pater piissime, 
Patrique compar Unice, 
Cum Spiritu Paraclito 
Eegnans per onine sseculum. 


Before the closing of the 
light, we beseech thee, Crea- 
tor of all things 1 that in thy 
clemency, thou be our pro- 
tector and our guard. 

May the dreams and phan- 
toms of night depart far from 
us ; and do thou repress our 
enemy, lest our bodies be pro- 

Most merciful Father ! and 
thou, his only-begotten Son, co- 
equal with him, reigning for 
ever with the holy Paraclete, 
grant this our prayer ! 


(Jeremias xiv.) 

Tu autem in nobis es, But thou art in us, O Lord, 
Domine, et nomen sanctum and thy holy name has been 

1 According to the monastic rite, as follows : 

Te lucis ante terminum, 
Rerum Creator, poscimus, 
Ut solita dementia 
Sis prsesul ad custodiam. 

Procul recedant somnia 
Et noctium phantasmata ; 

Hostemque nostrum comprime 
Ne polluantur corpora. 

Prsesta, Pater omnipotens, 
Per Jesum Christum Dominum, 
Qui tecum in perpetuum 
Regnat cum sancto Spiritu. 

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tuum invocatum est super 
no8 ; ne derelinquas nos, 
Domine Deus noster. 

B. In manus tuas, Do- 
mine: * Commendo spiri- 
tum meum. In manus tuas. 

F. Redemisti nos, Do- 
mine Deus veritatis. * Com- 

Gloria. In manus tuas. 

F. Custodi nos, Domine, 
ut pupillam oculi. 

B. Sub umbra alarum 
tuarum protege nos. 

Ant. Salva nos. 

invoked upon us : forsake us 
not, O Lord our God. 

B. Into thy hands, O Lord : 
* I commend my spirit. Into 
thy hands. 

V. Thou hast redeemed us, 
0 Lord God of truth. * I com- 

Glory. Into thy hands. 

V. Preserve us, O Lord, as 
the apple of thine eye. 

B. Protect us under the 
shadow of thy wings. 

Ant. Save us. 

The canticle of the venerable Simeon — who, 
whilst holding the divine Infant in his arms, pro- 
claimed Him to be the light of the Gentiles, and 
then slept the sleep of the just — admirably ex- 
presses the repose of heart which the soul that is in 
the grace of God will experience in her Jesus ; for, 
as the apostle says, we may live together with Jesus, 
whether we are awake or asleep. 1 

(St. Luke ii.) 

Nunc dimittis servum tu- 
um Domine : * secundum 
verbum tuum in pace. 

Quia viderunt oculi mei : 
* salutare tuum. 

Quod parasti: * ante fa- 
ciem omnium populorum. 

Lumen ad revelationem 
Gentium : * et gloriam ple- 
bis tuse Israel. 

Gloria Patri, et Filio, etc. 

Ant. Salva, nos Domine, 
vigilantes, custodi nos dor- 
mientes: ut vigilemus cum 
Christo, et requiescamus in 

Now dost thou dismiss thy 
servant, 0 Lord, according to 
thy word in peace. 

Because my eyes have seen 
thy salvation. 

Which thou hast prepared 
before the face of all peoples. 

A light to the revelation 
of the Gentiles, and the glory 
of thy people Israel. 

Glory, etc. 

Ant. Save us, O Lord, 
while awake, and watch us 
as we sleep; that we may 
watch with Christ, and rest in 

1 1 Thess. v. 10. 

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Kyrie eleison. 

Christe eleison. 

Kyrie eleison. 

Pater noster. 

V. Et ne nos inducas in 

B. Sed libera nos a malo. 
Credo in Deum, etc. 

V. Carnis resurrectionem. 

-R.Vitameeternam. Amen. 

V, Benedictus es, Domine 
Deus patrum nostrorum. 

B. Et laudabilis et glorio- 
sus in ssecula. 

V. Benedicamus Patrem 
et Filium cum sancto Spi- 

B. Laudemus, et super- 
exaltemus eum in ssecula. 

V. Benedictus es, Domine, 
in firmamento coeli. 

B. Et laudabilis, et glori- 
osus, et superexaltatus in 

V. Benedicat et custodiat 
nos omnipotens et miseri- 
cors Dominus. B. Amen. 

F. Dignare, Domine, nocte 

B. Sine peccato nos custo- 

V. Miserere nostri, Do- 

B. Miserere nostri. 

V. Fiat misericordia tua, 
Domine, super nos, 

B. Quemadmodum spe- 
ravimus in te. 

V. Domine, exaudi ora- 
tionem in earn. 

B. Et clamor meus ad te 

Lord have mercy on us. 
Christ have mercy on us. 
Lord have mercy on us. 
Our Father. 

V. And lead us not into 

B. But deliver us from evil. 

I believe in God, etc. 

V. The resurrection of the 

B. And life everlasting. 

V. Blessed art thou, O Lord 
God of our fathers. 

B. And praiseworthy and 
glorious for ever. 

V, Let us bless the Father 
and the Son, with the Holy 

B. Let us praise and mag- 
nify him for ever. 

V. Thou art blessed, O 
Lord, in the firmament of 

B. And praiseworthy, and 
glorious, and magnified for 

V, May the almighty and 
merciful Lord bless us and 
keep us. B. Amen. 

V. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, this 

B. To keep us without sin. 

F. Have mercy on us, 0 

B. Have mercy on us. 

V. Let thy mercy be upon 
us, 0 Lord, 

B. As we have hoped in 

V. 0 Lord, hear my prayer. 

B. And let my cry come 
unto thee. 

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After these prayers { 
Office be of a double rit« 

V. Dominus vobiscum. 
B. Et cum spiritu tuo. 


Visita, queesumus, Do- 
mine, habitationem istam, 
et omnes insidias inimici 
ab ea longe repelle : angeli 
tui sancti habitent in ea, 
qui nos in pace custodiant, 
et benedictio tua sit super 
nos semper. Per Dominum 
nostrum Jesum Christum, 
Filium tuum, qui tecum 
vivit et regnat in unitate 
Spiritus sancti Deus, per 
omnia ssecula sseculorum. 

V. Dominus vobiscum. 

B. Et cum spiritu tuo. 

V. Benedicamus Domino. 

B. Deo gratias. 

Benedicat et custodiat nos 
omnipotens et misericors 
Dominus, Pater, et Filius, 
et Spiritus sanctus. 

B. Amen. 

vhich are omitted if the 
), the priest says : 

V, The Lord be with you. 
B. And with thy spirit. 

Let us pray. 

Visit, we beseech thee, O 
Lord, this house and family, 
and drive from it all snares 
of the enemy: let thy holy 
angels dwell herein, who may 
keep us in peace, and may 
thy blessing be always upon 
us. Through Jesus Christ 
our Lord, thy Son, who liveth 
and reigneth with thee, in the 
unity of the Holy Ghost, God, 
world without end. Amen. 

V. The Lord be with you. 

B. And with thy spirit. 

V. Let us bless the Lord. 

B. Thanks be to God. 

May the almighty and mer- 
ciful Lord, Father, Son, and 
Holy Ghost, bless and pre- 
serve us. 

B. Amen. 


Ave Begina ccelorum, 
Ave Domina angelorum : 
Salve radix, salve porta, 
Ex qua mundo lux est orta ; 
Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, 
Super omnes speciosa : 
Vale, 0 valde decora, 
Et pro nobis Christum exora. 

V. Dignare me laudare te, 
Virgo sacrata. 

B. Da mihi virtutem con- 
tra hostes tuos. 

Hail Queen of heaven! 
Hail Lady of the angels 1 Hail 
blessed root and gate, from 
which came light upon the 
world ! Bejoice, O glorious Vir- 
gin, that surpassest all in 
beauty 1 Hail, most lovely 
Queen! and pray to Christ 
for us. 

V. Vouchsafe, O holy Vir- 
gin, that I may praise thee. 

B. Give me power against 
thine enemies. 

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Concede, misericors Deus, 
fragilitati nostrse praesi- 
dium : ut, qui sanctse Dei 
Genitricis memoriam agi- 
mus, intercessionis ejus 
auxilio, a nostris iniquita- 
tibus resurgamus. Per eum- 
dem Christum Dominum 
nostrum. Amen. 

V. Divinum auxilium ma- 
neat semper nobiscum. 

B. Amen. 1 


Grant, O merciful God, thy 
protection to us in our weak- 
ness; that we who celebrate 
the memory of the holy 
Mother of God, may, through 
the aid of her intercession, rise 
again from our sins. Through 
the same Christ our Lord. 

V, May the divine assist- 
ance remain always with us. 
B. Amen. 1 

Then, in secret, Pater, Ave, and Credo ; page 16. 

1 In the monastic rite, this response is as follows : 

B. Et cum fratribus no- B. And with our absent bre- 
stris absentibus. Amen. thren. Amen. 

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Some of the Sundays after the Epiphany have to 
be omitted, when Easter comes early in the year. 
But when that great solemnity comes late, the 
Sundays before Septuagesima may be as many as 
six. We have given the first four in our second 
Christmas volume; \?e now give the remaining 

During this brief period, the Church no longer 
dwells on the mysteries of our Lord's infancy. She 
listens to His teachings and admires His miracles, 
but she selects no special circumstances of His life. 
The colour of the vestments she uses on these 
Sundays is green ; we have elsewhere explained its 
symbolism. Frequently a saint's feast of a double 
rite falls on these same days ; the Sunday's Office is 
then omitted, and a mere commemoration is made 
of it. 

We give the Mass and Vespers of these two 
Sundays without anything further than our usual 
commentary, inasmuch as they very rarely hav« to 
be said. We omit the week-days altogether, since 
they offer no particular mystery for meditation: 
and their omission may be supplied by perusing 
the instructions, etc., given for the saints' feasts, 
which have to be celebrated on those days. 

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Adorate Deum omnes an- 
geli ejus : audivit et lsetata 
est Sion : et exsultaverunt 
filisB Judse. 

Ps. Dominus regnavit : 
exsultet terra, lsetentur in- 
sula multse. V. Gloria 
Patri. Adorate. 

Adore God, all ye his angels : 
Sion heard and was glad, and 
the daughters of Juda re- 

P*. The Lord hath reigned : 
let the earth rejoice, let many 
islands be glad. V. Glory, etc. 


Familiam tuam, quaesu- Preserve, we beseech thee, 
mus Domine, continua pie- 0 Lord, thy family by thy 
tate custodi : ut quae in sola constant mercy ; that, as it 
spe gratise coelestis innifcitur, leans solely on the hope of 
tua semper protectione mu- heavenly grace, it may always 
niatur. Per Dominum. be defended by thy protection. 

Through, etc. 

A cunctis nos, qusesumus 
Domine, mentis et corporis 
defende periculis: et inter- 
cedente beata et gloriosa 
semper Virgine Dei Geni- 
trice Maria, cum beato 
Joseph, beatis apostolis tuis 
Petro et Paulo atque beato 
N. et omnibus Sanctis, salu- 
tem nobis tribue benignus et 
pacem ; ut destructis adversi- 
tatibus et erroribus univer- 
sis, Ecclesia tua secura tibi 
serviat libertate. 


Preserve us, O Lord, we be- 
seech thee, from all dangers of 
soul and body : and by the 
intercession of the glorious and 
blessed Mary, the ever Virgin 
Mother of God, of blessed 
Joseph, of thy blessed apostles, 
Peter and Paul, of blessed N. 
(here is mentioned the titular 
saint of the church), and of all 
the saints, grant us in thy 
mercy, health and peace; that 
all adversities and errors being 
removed, thy Church may serve 
thee with undisturbed liberty. 

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A third Collect is added, at the choice of the 


Lectio Epistolse beati Pauli 
Apostoli ad Colossenses. 

Cap. iii. 
Fratres, induite vos, sicut 
electi Dei, sancti, et dilecti, 
viscera nrisericordise, beni- 
gnitatem, humilitatem, mo- 
destiam, patientiam, sup- 
portantes invicem, et donan- 
tes vobismetipsis, si quis 
adversus aliquem habet que- 
relam: sicut et Dominus 
donavit vobis, ita et vos. Su- 
per omnia autem hsec, cha- 
ritatem habete, quod est 
vinculum perfectionis : et 
pax Christi exsultet in cordi- 
bus vestris, in qua et vocati 
estis in uno corpore : et grati 
estote. Verbum Christi ha- 
bitet in vobis abundanter, 
in omni sapientia, docentes, 
et commonentes vosmeti- 
psos, psalmis, hymnis, et 
canticis spiritualibus, in 
gratia cantantes in cordi- 
bus vestris Deo. Omne quod- 
cumque facitis, in verbo aut 
in op ere, omnia in nomine 
Domini nostri Jesu Christi, 
gratias agentes Deo et Patri 
per Jesum Christum Domi- 
num nostrum. 

The Christian, trained as he has been in the 
school of the Man-God who deigned to dwell upon 
this earth, should ever show mercy towards his 
fellow-men. This world which has been purified by 
the presence of the Incarnate Word, would become 
an abode of peace, if we were but to live in such 

Lesson of the Epistle of St. 
Paul the Apostle to the Co- 

Ch. iii. 

Brethren, put ye on there- 
fore as the elect of God, holy, 
and beloved, the bowels of 
mercy, benignity, humility, 
modesty, patience ; bearing 
with one another, and forgiv- 
ing one another, if any have a 
complaint against another ; 
even as the Lord hath for- 
given you, so do you also. But 
above all these things have 
charity, which is the bond of 
perfection ; and let the peace 
of Christ rejoice in your hearts, 
wherein also you are called in 
one body ; and be ye thankful. 
Let the word of Christ dwell in 
you abundantly in all wisdom, 
teaching and admonishing one 
another in psalms, hymns, and 
spiritual canticles, singing in 
grace in your hearts to God. 
All whatsoever you do in word, 
or in work, all things do ye in 
the name of the Lord Jesus 
Christ, giving thanks to God 
and the Father, through Jesus 
Christ our Lord. 

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manner as to merit the titles, given us by the 
apostle, of elect of God, holy, and beloved. The 
peace here spoken of should, first of all, fill the 
heart of every Christian, and give it an uninter- 
rupted joy, which would be ever pouring itself 
forth in singing the praises of God. But it is 
mainly on the Sundays, that the faithful, by taking 
part with the Church in her psalms, hymns, and 
spiritual canticles, fulfil this duty so dear to their 
hearts. Let us, moreover, in our every-day life, 
practise the advice given us by the apostle, of doing 
all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in 
order that we may, in all things, find favour with 
our heavenly Father. 

Thnebunt gentes nomen 
tuum, Domine, et omnes 
reges terras gloriam tuam. 

V, Quoniam sedificavit 
Dominus Sion, et videbitur 
in maj estate sua. 

Alleluia, alleluia. 

V. Dominus regnavit, ex- 
sultet terra : lsetentur insula} 
multffi. Alleluia. 

The Gentiles shall fear thy 
name, 0 Lord, and all the 
kings of the earth thy glory. 

V. For the Lord hath built 
up Sion, and he shall be seen 
in his glory. 

Alleluia, alleluia. 

V. The Lord hath reigned, 
let the earth rejoice : let many 
islands be glad. Alleluia. 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii 
secundum Matthseum. 

Cap. xiii. 

In illo tempore : Dixit Je- 
sus turbis parabolam hanc : 
Simile factum est regnum 
ccelorum homini, qui semi- 
navit bonum semen in agro 
suo. Cum autem dormirent 
homines, venit inimicus 
ejus, et superseminavit zi- 
zania in medio tritici, et 

Sequel of the holy Gospel 
according to Matthew. 

Ch. xiii. 

At that time : Jesus spoke 
this parable to the multitude, 
saying : The kingdom of hea- 
ven is likened to a man that 
sowed good seed in his field. 
But while men were asleep, 
his enemy came and over- 
sowed cockle among the wheat 
and went his way. And when 

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abiit. Cum autem crevisset 
herba, et fructum fecisset, 
tunc apparuerunt et zizania. 
Accedentes autem servi pa- 
trisfamilias, dixerunt ei : 
Domine, nonne bonum se- 
men seminasti in agro tuo ? 
Unde ergo habet zizania ? Et 
ait illis : Inimicus homo hoc 
fecit. Servi autem dixerunt 
ei : Vis, imus, et colligimus 
ea ? Et ait : Non ; ne forte 
colligentes zizania, eradice- 
tis simul cum eis et triticum. 
Siniteutraque crescere usque 
ad messem, et in tempore 
messis dicam messoribus : 
Colligite primum zizania, et 
alligate ea in fasciculos ad 
comburendum, triticum au- 
tem congregate in horreum 

the blade was sprung up, and 
had brought forth fruit, then 
appeared also the cockle. Then 
the servants of the goodman of 
the house, coming said unto 
him : Sir, didst thou not sow 
good seed in thy field ? whence 
then hath it cockle? And he 
said to them : An enemy hath 
done this. And the servants 
said to him : Wilt thou that we 
go and gather it up ? And he 
said : No, lest perhaps gather- 
ing up the cockle, you root up 
the wheat also together with it. 
Suffer both to grow until the 
harvest, and in the time of 
harvest I will say to the reapers : 
Gather up first the cockle, and 
bind it into bundles to burn, 
but the wheat gather ye into 
my barn. 

The kingdom of heaven, here spoken of by our 
Lord, is the Church militant, the society of them 
that believe in Him. And yet, the field He has 
tilled with so much care is oversown with cockle ; 
heresies have crept in, scandals have abounded; 
are we, on that account, to have misgivings about 
the foresight of the Master, who knows all things, 
and without whose permission nothing happens? 
Far from us be such a thought ! He Himself tells 
us that these things must needs be. Man has been 
gifted with free-will ; it is for him to choose between 
good and evil ; but God will turn all to His own 
greater glory. Heresies, then, like weeds in a field, 
may spring up in the Church ; but the day must 
come when they will be uprooted ; some of them 
will wither on the parent . stems, but the whole 
cockle shall be gathered into bundles to burn. Where 
are now the heresies that sprang up in the first 
ages of the Church? And in another hundred 
years, what will have become of the heresy, which, 

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under the pretentious name of ' the reformation,' 
has caused incalculable evil ? It is the same with 
the scandals which rise up within the pale of the 
Church : they are a hard trial ; but trials must 
come. The divine Husbandman wills not that this 
cockle be torn up, lest the wheat should suffer injury. 
First of all, the mixture of good and bad is an 
advantage ; it teaches the good not to put their 
hopes in man, but in God. Then, too, the mercy 
of our Lord is so great, that at times the very cockle 
is converted, by divine grace, into wheat. We must 
therefore have patience. But, whereas it is while 
the men are asleep that the enemy oversows the field 
with cockle, it behoves us to pray for pastors, and 
ask their divine Master to bless them with that 
vigilance, which is the primary condition of the 
flock being safe, and is so essential a quality in 
every bishop, that his very name is ' one who 


Dextera Domini fecit vir- The right hand of the Lord 
tutem, dextera Domini ex- hath wrought strength, the 
altavit me : non moriar, sed right hand of the Lord hath 
vivam, et narrabo opera exalted me: I shall not die, 
Domini. but live, and shall declare the 

works of the Lord. 


Hostias tibi, Domine, pla- We offer thee, O Lord, this 
cationis offerimus, ut et de- sacrifice of propitiation, that 
licta nostra miseratus absol- thou wouldst mercifully for- 
vas, et nutantia corda tu give us our sins, and guide 
dirigas. Per Dominum. our faltering hearts. Through, 



Exaudi nos, Deus saluta- 
ris noster, ut per hujus Sa- 
cramenti virtutem, a cun- 
ctis nos mentis et corporis 

Graciously grant us, O God 
our Saviour, that by virtue of 
this Sacrament, thou mayst 
defend us from all enemies, 

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hostibus tueari8, gratiam both of soul and body ; giving 
tribuens in praesenti, et glo- us grace in this life, and glory 
riam in futuro. in the next. 

A third Secret, at the choice of the priest, is 


Mirabantur omnes de his, All wondered at the words 
quae procedebant de ore Dei. that came from the mouth of 



Qusesumus, omnipotens We beseech thee, O almighty 
Deus, ut illius salutaris ca- God, that we may one day 
piamus effectum, cujus per receive the effects of that salva- 
haec mysteria pignus acce- tion, of which we have received 
pimus. Per Dominum. the pledge in these mysteries. 

Through, etc. 


Mundet et muniat nos, 
qusesumus, Domine, divini 
Sacramentimunus oblatum : 
et intercedente beata Virgine 
Dei genitrice Maria, cum 
beato Joseph, beatis apostolis 
tuis Petro et Paulo, atque 
beato N. et omnibus Sanctis, 
a cunctis nos reddat et per- 
versitatibus expiatos, et ad- 
versitatibus expeditos. 

May the oblation of this 
divine Sacrament, we beseech 
thee, O Lord, both cleanse 
and defend us; and, by the 
intercession of blessed Mary, 
the Virgin-Mother of God, of 
blessed Joseph, of thy blessed 
apostles, Peter and Paul, of 
blessed N. and of all the saints, 
free us from all sin, and deliver 
us from all adversity. 

The third Postcommunion is at the choice of the 


The psalms and antiphons as on page 72. 

(2 Cor, i.) 

Benedictus Deus et Pater Blessed be the God and 
Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Father of our Lord Jesus 
Pater misericordiarum et Christ, the Father of mercies, 


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Deus totius consolationis, and the God of all consolation, 
qui consolatur nos in omni who comforteth us in all our 
tribuiatione nostra. tribulations. 

The hymn and versicle, page 79. 


Colligite primum zizania, 
et alligate ea in fasciculos 
ad comburendum : triticum 
autem congregate in hor- 
reum meum, dicit Dominus. 

Gather up first the cockle, 
and bind it into bundles to 
burn : but gather the wheat 
into my barn, saith the Lord. 


Familiam tuam, qusesu- 
mus Domine, continua pie- 
tate custodi : ut quae in sola 
spe gratiae coelestis innititur, 
tua semper protectione mu- 
niatur. Per Dominum. 


Preserve, we beseech thee, 
O Lord, thy family by thy 
constant mercy ; that, as it 
leans solely on the hope of 
heavenly grace, it may always 
be defended by thy protection. 
Through, etc. 




Adorate Deum omnes an- 
geli ejus: audivit et lsetata 
est Sion : et exsultaverunt 
filisB Judae. 

P». Dominus regnavit : 
exsultet terra, lsetentur in- 
sulse multse. V. Gloria 
Patri. Adorate. 

Adore God, all ye his angels : 
Sion heard and was glad, and 
the daughters of Juda rejoiced. 

P*. The Lord hath reigned : 
let the earth rejoice, let many 
islands be glad. V, Glory, etc. 


Prsesta qusesumus omni- Grant, we beseech thee, O 
potens Deus : ut semper ra- almighty God, that, ever medi- 
tionabilia meditantes, quse tating on such things as are 
Jji>i sunt placita et dictis reasonable, we may, both in 

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exsequamur et factis. Per word and deed, carry out the 
Dominum. things which are pleasing unto 

thee. Through, etc. 

For the other Collects, see page 94. 

Lectio Epistolse beati Pauli 
ApostoH ad Thessaloni- 

1 Cap, i. 

Fratres, gratias agimus 
Deo semper pro omnibus 
vobis, memoriam vestri fa- 
cientes in orationibus no- 
stris sine intermissione, me- 
mores operis fidei vestrse, 
et laboris, et charitatis, et 
sustinentise spei Domini no- 
stri Jesu Christi, ante Deum 
et Patrem nostrum: scien- 
tes, fratres dilecti a Deo, 
electionem vestram : quia 
Evangelium nostrum non 
fuit ad vos in sermone tan- 
tum, sed et in virtute, et in 
Spiritu sancto, et in pleni- 
tudine multa, sicut scitis 
quales fuerimus in vobis 
propter vos. Et vos imitato- 
res nostri facti estis et Do- 
mini, excipientes verbum in 
tribulatione multa, cum gau- 
dio Spiritus sancti: ita ut 
facti sitis forma omnibus 
credentibus in Macedonia, 
et in Achaia. A vobis enim 
diffamatus est sermo Domi- 
ni, non solum in Macedonia, 
et in Achaia, sed et in omni 
loco fides vestra, quae est 
ad Deum, profecta est, ita 
ut non sit nobis necesse 
quidquam loqui. Ipsi enim 
de nobis annuntiant qualem 

Lesson of the Epistle of St. 
Paul the Apostle to the 

1 CK i. 

Brethren, we give thanks to 
God always for you all : mak- 
ing a remembrance of you in 
our prayers without ceasing : 
being mindful of the work of 
your faith, and labour, and 
charity, and of the enduring of 
the hope of our Lord Jesus 
Christ, before God and our 
Father ; knowing, brethren 
beloved of God, your election. 
For our Gospel hath not been 
to you in word only, but in 
power also, and in the Holy 
Ghost, and in much fullness, as 
you know what manner of men 
we have been among you for 
your sakes. And you became 
followers of us, and of the Lord, 
receiving the word in much 
tribulation, with joy of the Holy 
Ghost ; so that you were made 
a pattern to all that believe, in 
Macedonia and in Achaia. For 
from you was spread abroad 
the word of the Lord, not only 
in Macedonia and in Achaia, 
but also in every place your 
faith, which is towards God, is 
gone forth, so that we need not 
to speak anything. For they 
themselves relate of us, what 
manner of entering in we had 
unto you ; and how you turned 

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introitum habuerimus ad to God from idols, to serve the 

vos : et quomodo conversi living and true God, and to 

estis ad Deum a simulacris, wait for his Son from heaven 

servire Deo vivo, et vero,' et (whom he raised up from the 

exspectare Filium ejus de dead) Jesus, who hath delivered 

coelis (quern suscitavit ex us from the wrath to come, 
mortuis) Jesum, qui eripuit 
nos ab ira ventura. 

The praise which the apostle here gives to the 
Thessalonians for their fervour in the faith they 
had embraced, conveys a reproach to the Christians 
of our own times. These neophytes of Thessalonica, 
who, a short time before, were worshippers of idols, 
had become so earnest in the practice of the Christian t 
religion, that even the apostle is filled with admira- 
tion. We are the descendants of countless Christian 
ancestors ; we received our regeneration by Baptism 
at our first coming into the world ; we were taught 
the doctrine of Jesus Christ from our earliest child- 
hood : and yet, our faith is not so strong, or our 
lives so holy, as were those of the early Christians. 
Their main occupation was serving the living and 
true God, and waiting for the coming of their 
Saviour. Our hope is precisely the same as that 
which made their hearts so fervent ; how comes it 
that our faith is not like theirs in its generosity ? 
We love this present life, as though we had not the 
firm conviction that it is to pass away. 

As far as depends upon us, we are handing down 
to future generations a Christianity very different 
from that which our Saviour established, which the 
apostles preached, and which the pagans of the 
first ages thought they were bound to purchase at 
any price or sacrifice. 

Timebunt gentes nomen The Gentiles shall fear thy 
tuum, Domine, et omnes name, 0 Lord, and all the 
reges terrse gloriam tuam. kings of the earth thy glory. 




V. Quoniam sedificavit 
Dominus Sion, et videbitur 
in majestate sua. 

Alleluia, alleluia. 

F. Dominus regnavit, ex- 
sultet terra : lsetentur insulae 
multae. Alleluia. 

V. For the Lord hath built 
up Sion, and he shall be seen 
in his glory. 

Alleluia, alleluia. 

V. The Lord hath reigned, 
let the earth rejoice : let many 
islands, be glad. Alleluia. 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii 
secundum Matthaeum. 

Cap. xiii. 

In illo tempore : Dixit Je- 
sus turbis parabolam hanc : 
Simile est regnum coelorum 
grano sinapis, quod acci- 
piens homo seminavit in 
agro suo, quod minimum 
quidem est omnibus semi- 
nibus : cum autem creverit, 
ma jus est omnibus oleribus, 
et fit arbor, ita ut volucres 
cceli veniant, et habitent in 
ramisejus. Aliam parabolam 
locutus est eis. Simile est 
regnum coelorum fermento, 
quod acceptum mulier ab- 
scondit in f arinse satis tribus, 
donee fermentatum est to- 
turn. Hsec omnia locutus 
est Jesus in parabolis ad 
turbas : et sine parabolis 
non loquebatur eis: ut im- 
pleretur quod dictum erat 
per prophetam dicentem : 
Aperiam in parabolis os 
meum, eructabo abscondita 
a constitutione mundi. 

Sequel of the holy Gospel 
according to Matthew. 

Ch. xiii. 

At that time : Jesus spoke 
to the multitude this parable: 
The kingdom of heaven is like 
to a grain of mustard-seed, 
which a man took and sowed 
in his field. Which indeed is 
the least of all seeds ; but when 
it is grown up, it is greater 
than all herbs, and becometh 
a tree, so that the birds of the 
air come and dwell in the 
branches thereof. Another 
parable he spoke to them: 
The kingdom of heaven is like 
to leaven, which a woman took 
and hid in three measures of 
meal, until the whole was 
leavened. All these things 
Jesus spoke in parables to the 
multitudes, and without par- 
ables he did not speak to them ; 
that the word might be ful- 
filled which was spoken by the 
prophet, saying: I will open 
my mouth in parables, I will 
utter things hidden from the 
foundation of the world. 

Our Lord here teaches us, under the symbolism 
of two parables, what we are to believe concerning 
His Church, which is His kingdom, a kingdom that 
rises indeed here on the earth, but is to be perfected 

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in heaven. What is this grain of mustard- seed, 
which is hidden under ground, is unseen by man's 
eye, then appears as the least of herbs, but, finally, 
becomes a tree ? It is the Word of God, at first 
hidden in Judea, trampled on by man's malice 
even so as to be buried in a tomb, but, at length, 
rising triumphantly and reaching rapidly to every 
part of the world. Scarcely had a hundred years 
elapsed since Jesus was put to death, when His 
Church was vigorous even far beyond the limits of 
the Roman empire. During the past nineteen 
centuries, every possible effort has been made to 
uproot the tree of God; persecution, diplomacy, 
human wisdom, all have tried, and all have but 
wasted their time. True, they succeeded, from 
time to time, in severing a branch; but another 
grew in its place, for the sap of the tree is vigorous 
beyond measure. The birds that come and dwell 
upon it, are, as the holy fathers interpret it, the 
souls of men aspiring to the eternal goods of the 
better world. If we are worthy of our name of 
Christians, we shall love this tree, and find our 
rest and safety nowhere but beneath its shade. 
The woman, of whom the second parable speaks, is 
the Church, our mother. It was she that, from the 
commencement of Christianity, took the teaching 
of her divine Master, and hid it in the very hearts of 
men, making it the leaven of their salvation. The 
three measures of meal which she leavened into 
bread, are the three great families of mankind, the 
three that came from the children of Noah, who 
are the three fathers of the whole human race. 
Let us love this mother ; and let us bless that 
heavenly leaven, which made us become children 
of God, by making us children of the Church. 

tutem, dextera Domini ex- hath wrought strength, the 


Dextera Domini fecit vir- 

The right hand of the Lord 


altavit me : Don moriar, sed right hand of the Lord hath 
vivam, et narrabo opera exalted me : I shall not die, 
Domini. but live, and shall declare the 

works of the Lord. 


Haec nos oblatio, Deus, May this oblation, O God, 
mundet. quaesumus, et re- we beseech thee, cleanse, re- 
novet, gubernet, et protegat. new, govern, and protect us. 
Per Dominum. Through, etc. 

The other Secrets are given on page 98. 


Mirabantur omnes de his, All wondered at the words 
quae procedebant de ore Dei. that came from the mouth of 



Coelestibus, Domine, pasti Being fed, 0 Lord, with 
deliciis, quaesumus, ut sem- heavenly dainties, we beseech 
per eadem, per quae veraci- thee, that we may always 
ter vivimus, appetamus. hunger after them, for by 
Per Dominum. them we have true life. 

Through, etc. 

The other Postcommunions are given on page 99. 


The psalms and antiphons as on page 72. 

(2 Cor. i.) 

Benedictus Deus et Pater Blessed be the God and 
Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Father of our Lord Jesus 
Pater misericordiarum et Christ, the Father of mercies, 
Deus totius consolationis, and the God of all consolation, 
qui consolatur nos in omni who comforteth us in all our 
tribulatione nostra. tribulations. 

The hymn and versicle, page 79. 

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Simile est regmim coelo- 
rum fermento, quod acce- 
ptum mulier abscondit in 
farinse satis tribus, donee 
fermentatum est totum. 


Prsesta, qusesumus omni- 
potens Deus : ut semper 
rationabilia meditantes, quae 
tibi sunt placita, et dictis 
exsequamur, et factis. Per 


The kingdom of heaven is 
like to leaven, which a woman 
took and hid in three measures 
of meal, until the whole was 


Grant, we beseech thee, O 
almighty God, that ever medi- 
tating on such things as are 
reasonable, we may, both in 
word and deed, carry out the 
things which are pleasing unto 
thee. Through, etc. 



The calendar of the liturgical year will soon bring 
us to the commemoration of the Passion and Eesur- 
rection of our Eedeemer; we are but nine weeks 
from these great solemnities. It is time for the 
Christian to be preparing his soul for a fresh visit 
from his Saviour; a visit even more sacred and 
more important than that He so mercifully paid us 
at His Birth. 

Our holy mother the Church knows how neces- 
sary it is for her to rouse our hearts from their 
lethargy, and give them an active tendency towards 
the things of God. On this day, the eve of 
Septuagesima, she uses a powerful means for 
infusing her own spirit into the minds of her 
children. She takes the song of heaven away from 
us : she forbids our further uttering that Alleluia, 
which is so dear to us, as giving us a fellowship 
with the choirs of angels, who are for ever repeat- 
ing it. How is it that we poor mortals, sinners, 

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and exiles on earth, have dared to become so 
familiar with this hymn of a better land? It is 
true, our Emmanuel, who established peace between 
God and men, brought it us from heaven on the 
glad night of His Birth; and we have had the 
courage to repeat it after the angels, and shall 
chant it with renewed enthusiasm when we reach 
our Easter. But to sing the Alleluia worthily, we 
must have our hearts set on the country whence it 
came. It is not a mere word, nor a profane un- 
meaning melody ; it is the song that recalls the land 
we are banished from, it is the sweet sigh of the 
soul longing to be at home. 

The word Alleluia signifies praise God: but it* 
says much more than this, and says it as no other 
word or words could. The Church is not going to 
interrupt her giving praise to God during these 
nine weeks. She will replace this heaven-lent word 
by a formula also expressive of praise : Laus tibi, 
Domine, Rex ceternce gloria ! Praise be to Thee, 0 
Lord, King of eternal glory ! But this is the lan- 
guage of earth ; whereas Alleluia was sent us from 
heaven. ' Alleluia,' says the devout Abbot Rupert, 
'is like a stranger amidst our other words. Its 
mysterious beauty is as though a drop of heaven's 
overflowing joy had fallen down on our earth. The 
patriarchs and prophets relished it, and then the 
Holy Ghost put it on the lips of the apostles, from 
whom it flowed even to us. It signifies the eternal 
feast of the angels and saints, which consists in 
their endless praise of God, and in ceaselessly 
singing their ever new admiration of the beauty of 
the God on whose Face they are to gaze for ever- 
lasting ages. This mortal life of ours can in no 
wise attain such bliss as this. But, to know where 
it is to be found, and to have a foretaste of it by 
the happiness of hope, and to hunger and thirst for 
what we thus taste, this is the perfection of saints 

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here below. For this reason, the word Alleluia has 
not been translated ; it has been left in its original 
Hebrew, as a stranger to tell us that there is a joy 
in his native land, which could not dwell in ours : 
he has come among us to signify, rather than to 
express that joy.' 1 

During this season of Septuagesima, we have to 
gain a clear knowledge of the miseries of our 
banishment, under pain of being left for ever in 
this tyrant Babylon. It was, therefore, necessary 
that we should be put on our guard against the 
allurements of our place of exile. It is with this 
view that the Church, taking pity on our blindness 
and our dangers, gives us this solemn warning. 
By taking from us our Alleluia, she virtually tells 
us that our lips must first be cleansed, before they 
again be permitted to utter this word of angels and 
saints ; and that our hearts, defiled as they are by 
sin and attachment to earthly things, must be 
purified by repentance. She is going to put before 
our eyes the sad spectacle of the fall of our first 
parents, that dire event whence came all our woes, 
and our need of Bedemption. This tender mother 
weeps over us, and would have us weep with her. 

Let us, then, comply with the law she thus 
imposes upon us. If spiritual joy is thus taken 
away from us, what are we to think of the frivolous 
amusements of the world ? And if vanities and 
follies are insults to the spirit of Septuagesima, 
would not sin be an intolerable outrage on that 
same spirit ? We have been too long the slaves of 
this tyrant. Our Saviour is soon to appear, bearing 
His cross; and His sacrifice is to restore fallen 
man to all his rights. Surely, we can never allow 
that precious Blood to fall uselessly on our souls, 
as the morning dew that rains on the parched 
sands of a desert ! Let us with humble hearts 
1 De divinis Officids, lib. i., cap. xxxv. 

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confess that we are sinners, and, like the publican 
of the Gospel, who dared not so much as to raise 
up his eyes, let us acknowledge that it is only 
right that we should be forbidden, at least for a few 
weeks, those divine songs of joy, with which our 
guilty lips had become too familiar ; and that we 
should interrupt those sentiments of presumptuous 
confidence which prevented our hearts from having 
the holy fear of God. 

That indifference for the liturgy of the Church, 
which is the strongest indication of a weak faith, 
and which now reigns so universally in the world, 
is the reason why so many, even practical Catholics, 
can witness this yearly suspension of the Alleluia, 
without profiting by the lesson it conveys. A 
passing remark, or a chance thought, is the most 
they give to it, for they care for no other devotions 
but such as are private ; the spirit of the Church, 
in her various seasons, is quite beneath their notice. 
If these lines should meet their eye, we would beg 
of them to reflect for a moment that the Church is 
their mother ; that her authority is the highest on 
earth ; that her wisdom enables her to know what 
is best for her children. Why, then, keep aloof 
from her spirit, as though there were some other 
to be found, that could better lead them to their 
God ? Why be indifferent in this present instance ? 
Why deem of no interest to piety this suspension of 
the Alleluia, which she, the Church, considers as 
one of the principal and most solemn incidents in 
her liturgical year? Perhaps we shall be doing 
them a service, by showing them how keenly this 
interruption of the word of heavenly joy was felt by 
the Christians of those ages, when faith was the 
grand ruling principle, not only with society at 
large, but with each individual. 

The farewell to Alleluia, in the Middle Ages, 
varied in the different Churches. Here, it was an 



affectionate enthusiasm, speaking the beauty of the 
celestial word ; there, it was a heart-felt regret at 
the departure of the much-loved companion of all 
their prayers. 

We begin with two antiphons, which would seem 
to be of Eoman origin. We find them in the Anti- 
phonarium of Saint Cornelius of Compiegne, pub- 
lished by Dom Denys de Sainte Marthe. They are 
a farewell to Alleluia made by our Catholic fore- 
fathers in the ninth century ; they express, too, the 
hope of its coming back, as soon as the Eesurrec- 
tion of Jesus shall have brightened up the firma- 
ment of the Church. 

Ant. Angelus Domini 
bonus comitetur tecum, Al- 
leluia, et bene disponat iti- 
neri tuo, ut iterum cum 
gaudio revertaris ad nos, 
Alleluia, Alleluia. 

Ant, Alleluia, mane apud 
nos hodie, et crastina pro- 
ficisceris, Alleluia; et dum 
ortus fuerit dies, ambulabis 
via tua, Alleluia, Alleluia, 

Ant. May the good angel 
of the Lord accompany thee, 
Alleluia, and give thee a good 
journey, that thou mayst come 
back to us in joy, Alleluia, 

Ant. Alleluia, abide with 
us to-day, and to-morrow thou 
shalt set forth, Alleluia; and 
when the day shall have risen, 
thou shalt proceed on thy way, 
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. 

The Gothic Church of Spain thus saluted the 
Alleluia, on the eve of its interruption. We merely 
make a selection from what is almost a complete 


Alleluia piis edite laudi- 

Cives setherei, psallite 

Alleluia perenne. 
Hinc vos perpetui luminis 


Ad summum resonate hym- 
niferis choris 
Alleluia perenne. 

Citizens of heaven! give 
forth Alleluia in your holy 
canticles; sing with one voice 
your eternal Alleluia. 

Inhabitants of light ever- 
lasting ! make heaven resound, 
as ye sing to the great God, 
in your hymning choirs, the 
eternal Alleluia. 


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Vos urbs eximia suscipiet 

Quae lsetis resonans canti- 
bus, excitat 
Alleluia perenne. 
Almum siderese jam pa- 
triae decus 
Victores capite, quo canere 
Alleluia perenne. 
Illic Kegis honor vocibus 
Jocundum reboat carmine 
Alleluia perenne. 
Hoc fessis requies, hoc 
cibus, hoc potus 
Oblectans reduces, hausti- 
bus affluens 
Alleluia perenne. 

Te suavisonis Conditor 
Rerum carminibus, laude- 
que pangimus 
Alleluia perenne. 
Te Christe celebrat gloria 
Nostris, omnipotens, ac tibi 
Alleluia perenne : 
Alleluia perenne. Amen. 
Felici reditu gaudia su- 

Reddentes Domino glorifi- 
cum melos, 
Alleluia perenne. 

The glorious city of God 
will receive you, the city 
which echoes with songs of 
joy, and awakens the eternal 

Ye have conquered ; go, take 
the fair beauty of the starry 
land, wherein ye may chant 
the eternal Alleluia. 

'Tis there the glory of the 
King is proclaimed with sweet- 
est voices singing ever their 
joyous, their eternal Alleluia. 

This is the rest to the wea- 
ried ; this is the food and 
drink giving delight to exiles 
reaching home ; and this is 
their cup of overflowing nec- 
tar : the eternal Alleluia. 

We, too, 0 God, Creator of 
all things 1 in sweetest hymns 
we praise thee, singing our 
eternal Alleluia. 

To thee, Jesus almighty I 
our voices give glory: to thee 
we say: Eternal Alleluia! 
Eternal Alleluia ! Amen. 

Be glad on the day of its 
happy return; and return to 
your Lord with your melody 
of glory, the eternal Alle- 


Alleluia in coelo, et in Alleluia is in heaven and on 

terra : in ccelo perpetuatur, earth : it is eternal in heaven, 

et in terra cantatur. Ibi and is even sung on earth, 

sonat jugitur: hie fideliter. There, unceasingly; here, 

Illic perenniter, hie suavi- faithfully. There, everlasting- 

ter. Illic feliciter, hie con- ly; here, sweetly. There, 

corditer : illic ineffabiliter, happily ; here, concordantly. 

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hie instanter. Illic sine syl- 
labis : hie modulis. Illic 
ab angelis, hie a populis, 
quam Christo Domino nas- 
cente in laude et confessione 
nimis ejus, non solum in 
coelo, sed et in terra coeli- 
colse cecinerunt: dum glo- 
riam in excelsis Deo, et 
pacem in terra bonse volun- 
tatis hominibus nuntiave- 
runt. Qusesumus ergo, Do- 
mine, ut quorum ministeria 
nitimur imitari laudando, 
eorum mereamur consor- 
tium beatse vitae vivendo. 

There, ineffably; here, heart- 
ily. There, it needs no syl- 
lables ; here, it needs our 
melodies. There, it has angels 
for its chanters ; here, it has 
men. When Christ our Lord 
was born, the heavenly host 
gave him exceeding praise and 
honour, singing Alleluia both 
in heaven and on earth, and 
proclaiming glory to God in 
the highest, and peace on 
earth to men of good -will. 
Therefore do we beseech thee, 
0 Lord, that as we strive to 
imitate the angels in their 
ministry of praise, we may 
live in such manner as to de- 
serve to be their companions 
in eternal life. 


Ibis, Alleluia. Prosperum Thou shalt go, Alleluia ; thy 
iter habebis Alleluia ; et journey shall be prosperous, 
iterum cum gaudio rever- Alleluia; and again come 
taris ad nos, Alleluia. In back to us with joy, Alleluia, 
manibus enim suis porta- For they shall bear thee up in 
bunt te : ne unquam offen- their hands, lest at any time 
das ad lapidem pedem thou dash thy foot against a 
tuum. Et iterum cum gau- stone. And again come back 
dio revertaris ad nos, Alle- to us with joy, Alleluia, 


Alleluia, nomen pium, at- 
que jocundum, dilate tur ad 
laudem Dei in ora omnium 

B. Amen. 

Sit in vocibus credentium 
clara, quae in angelorum 
ostenditur concentibus glo- 

B, Amen. 

May Alleluia, that sacred 
and joyful word, resound to 
God's praise from the lips of 
all people. 

B. Amen. 

May this word, which ex- 
presses glory as chanted by 
the choirs of angels, be sweet 
as sung by the voices of be- 

B. Amen. 

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Et, quae in seternis civi- 
bus sine sonorum strepitu 
enitet, in vestris cordibus 
effectu planiore fructificet. 

B. Amen. 

Angelus Domini bonus co- 
mi tetur tecum, Alleluia; et 
omnia bona prseparet iti- 
neri tuo. Et iterum cum 
gaudio revertaris ad nos. 

And may that which noise- 
lessly gleams in the citizens 
of heaven, yield fruit in your 
hearts by ever growing love. 

B. Amen, 

May the Lord's good an- 
gel go with thee, Alleluia; 
and prepare all good things 
for thy journey. And again 
come back to us with joy, 

The Churches of Germany, in the Middle Ages, 
expressed their farewell to the Alleluia in the 
following fine sequence, which is to be found in all 
their missals up to the fifteenth century. 


Cantemus cuncti melo- 
dum nunc Alleluia. 

In laudibus seterni regis, 
heec plebs resultet Alleluia. 

Hoc denique coelestes 
chori cantent in altum Al- 

Hoc beatorum per prata 
Paradisiaca psallat concen- 
tus Alleluia. 

Quin et astrorum mican- 
tia luminaria jubilent al- 
tum Alleluia. 

Nubium cursus, ventorum 
volatus, fulgurum corus- 
catio et tonitruum sonitus, 
dulce consonent simul Alle- 

Fluctus et undse, imber et 
procellse, tempestas et sere- 
nitas, cauma, gelu, nix, 
pruinse, saltus, nemora, 
pangant Alleluia. 

TTinc varise volucres Crea- 
torem laudibus concinite 
cum Alleluia. 

Let us all now sing the 
melodious Alleluia. 

In praise of the eternal 
King, let this assembly give 
forth Alleluia. 

And let the heavenly choirs 
loudly chant Alleluia. 

Let the choir of the blessed 
sing in the land of paradise, 

Nay, let the bright stars 
hymn one loud Alleluia. 

Fleet clouds, swift winds, 
flashing lightning, and peal- 
ing thunder, let all unite in 
a sweet Alleluia. 

Waves and billows, showers 
and storms, tempest [and calm, 
heat, cold, snow, frost, woods 
and groves, let them tell their 

And ye countless birds, sing 
the praises of your Maker with 
an Alleluia. 


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Ast illic respondeant voces 
altse diversarum bestiarum 

Istinc montium celsi ver- 
tices sonent Alleluia. 

Hinc vallium profundi- 
tates saltent Alleluia. 

Tu quoque maris jubilans 
abysse, die Alleluia. 

Necnon terrarum molis 
inimensitates : Alleluia. 

Nunc omne genus huma- 
num laudans exsultet Alle- 

Et Creatori grates fre- 
quentans consonet Alleluia. 

Hoc denique nomen au- 
dire jugiter delectatur Al- 

Hoc etiam carmen coeleste 
comprobat ipse Christus 

Nunc vos socii cantate 
lsetantes : Alleluia. 

Et vos pueruli respondete 
semper : Alleluia. 

Nunc omnes canite simul, 
Alleluia Domino, Alleluia 
Christo, Pneumatique Alle- 

Laus Trinitati seternse in 
baptismo Domini quae cla- 
rificatur : hinc canamus Al- 

To which let the loud-voiced 
beasts respond another Alle- 

Let the high mountain -tops 
ring with Alleluia. 

And the deep valleys echo 

Thou, too, deep jubilant sea, 
say Alleluia ; 

And thou, boundless earth, 
Alleluia ! 

Now let the whole race of 
men say its praiseful Alleluia, 

And oft to its Creator give 
this canticle of thanks, Al- 
leluia ! 

He loves to hear this word 
eternally repeated, Alleluia ; 

And Jesus too applauds the 
song, the heavenly Alleluia. 

Do you, then, brethren, be 
glad, and sing : Alleluia ! 

And you, little children, 
never fail to respond : Alleluia ! 

Let all, then, sing together: 
Alleluia to the Lord ; Alleluia 
to Christ; and to the Holy 
Ghost, Alleluia ! 

Praise be to the eternal 
Trinity, whose glory was de- 
clared at the baptism of our 
Lord ! Sing we, then, Al- 
leluia ! 

The Churches of France, in the thirteenth 
century, and long even after that, used to sing at 
Vespers of the Saturday before Septuagesima the 
following beautiful hymn : 

Alleluia dulce carmen, 
Vox perennis gaudii, 


The sweet Alleluia-song, the 
word of endless joy, is the 

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Alleluia laus suavis 

Est choris coelestibus, 
Quam canunt Dei ma- 

In domo per ssecula. 
Alleluia lseta mater 

Concivis Jerusalem : 
Alleluia vox tuorum 

Civium gaudentium : 
Exsules nos flere cogunt 

Babylonia flumina. 
Alleluia non meremur 

In perenne psallere ; 
Alleluia vox reatus 

Cogit intermittere ; 
Tempus instat quo peracta 

Lugeamus crimina. 
Unde laudando precamur 

Te beata Trinitas, 
Ut tuum nobis videre 

Pascba des in aethere, 
Quo tibi lseti canamus 

Alleluia perpetim. 

melody of heaven's choir, 
chanted by them that dwell 
for ever in the house of God. 

O joyful mother, O Jerusa- 
lem our city, Alleluia is the 
language of thy happy citizens. 
The rivers of Babylon, where 
we poor exiles live, force us to 

We are unworthy to sing a 
ceaseless Alleluia. Our sins 
bid us interrupt our Alleluia. 
The time is at hand when it 
behoves us to bewail our 

We, therefore, beseech thee 
whilst we praise thee, O blessed 
Trinity f that thou grant us to 
come to that Easter of heaven, 
where we shall sing to thee 
our joyful everlasting Alleluia. 

In the present form of the liturgy, the farewell to 
Alleluia is more simple. The Church, at the con- 
clusion; of to-day's Vespers, repeats the mysterious 
word four times : 

Benedicamus Domino, Al- 
leluia, Alleluia. 

Deo gratias, Alleluia, Al- 

Let us bless the Lord, Al- 
leluia, Alleluia. 

Thanks be to God, Alleluia, 

This song of heaven, then, is taken from us. It 
will return, when the triumph of Jesus' Eesurrec- 
tion is proclaimed upon our earth. 


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The holy Church calls us together to-day in order 
that we may hear from her lips the sad history of 
the fall of our first parents. This awful event im- 
plies the Passion and cruel Death of the Son of 
God made Man, who has mercifully taken upon 
Himself to expiate this and every subsequent sin 
committed by Adam and us his children. It is of 
the utmost importance that we should understand 
the greatness of the remedy ; we must, therefore, 
consider the grievousness of the wound inflicted. 
For this purpose, we will spend the present week in 
meditating on the nature and consequences of the 
sin of our first parents. 

Formerly, the Church used to read in her Matins 
of to-day that passage of the Book of Genesis, where 
.Moses relates to all future generations, but in 
words of most impressive and sublime simplicity, 
how the first sin was brought into the world. In 
the present form of the liturgy, the reading of this 
history of the fall is deferred till Wednesday, and 
the preceding days give us the account of the six 
days of creation. will anticipate the great 

instruction, and begin it at once, inasmuch as it 
forms the basis of the whole week's teaching. 

De Libro Genesis. 
Cap. iii. 

Sed et serpens erat calli- 
dior cunctis animantibus 
terrae, quae fecerat Dominus 
Deus. Qui dixit ad mulie- 
rem : Cur praecepit vobis 
Deus ut non comederetis de 
omni ligno paradisi? Cui 
respondit muter : Defructu 
lignorum quae sunt in pa- 

From the Book of Genesis. 
Ch. iii. 

Now the serpent was more 
subtle than any of the beasts 
of the earth, which the Lord 
God had made. And he said 
to the woman : Why hath God 
commanded you, that you 
should not eat of every tree of 
paradise? And the woman 
answered him, saying: Of the 

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radiso vesoimur: de fructu 
vero ligni, quod est in medio 
paradisi, praecepit nobis 
Deus ne comederemus, et 
ne tangeremus illud, ne 
forte moriamur. Dixit au- 
tem serpens ad mulierem: 
Nequaquam morte morie- 
mini ; scit enim Deus quod 
in quocumque die comede- 
ritis ex eo, aperientur oculi 
vestri, et eritis sicut dii, 
scientes bonum et malum. 
Vidit igitur mulier, quod 
bonum esset lignum ad ves- 
cendum, et pulchrum oculis, 
aspectuque delectabile : et 
tulit de fructu illius, et corn- 
edit: deditque viro suo, 
qui comedit. Et aperti sunt 
oculi amborum. 

Cumque cognovissent se 
esse nudos, consuerunt folia 
ficus, et fecerunt sibi peri- 
zomata. Et cum audissent 
vocem Domini Dei deambu- 
lantis in paradiso, ad auram 
post meridiem, abscondit se 
Adam et uxor ejus a facie 
Domini Dei, in medio ligni 
paradisi. Vocavitque Domi- 
nus Deus Adam, et dixit ei : 
Ubi es? Qui ait: Vocem 
tuam audivi in paradiso, et 
timui, eo quod nudus es- 
sem et abscondi me. Cui 
dixit: Quis enim indicavit 
tibi quod nudus esses, nisi 
quod ex ligno de quo 
prseceperam tibi ne come- 
deres, comedisti ? Dixitque 
Adam: Mulier, quam de- 
disti mi hi sociam dedit 
mihi de ligno, et comedi. 
Et dixit Dominus Deus ad 

fruit of the trees that are in 
paradise we do eat; but of 
the fruit of the tree which is 
in the midst of paradise, God 
hath commanded us that we 
should not eat, and that we 
should not touch [it, lest per- 
- haps we die. And the serpent 
said to the woman : No, you 
shall not die the death; for 
God doth know, that in what 
day soever you shall eat there- 
of, your eyes shall be opened, 
and you shall be as gods, 
knowing good and evil. And 
the woman saw that the tree 
was good to eat, and fair to 
the eyes, and delightful to be- 
hold: and she took of the 
fruit thereof, and did eat : and 
gave to her husband, who did 
eat. And the eyes of them 
both were opened. 

And when they perceived 
themselves to be naked, they 
sewed together fig-leaves, and 
made themselves aprons. And 
when they heard the voice of 
the Lord God walking in pa- 
radise, at the afternoon air, 
Adam and his wife hid them- 
selves from the face of the 
Lord God, amidst the trees of 
paradise. And the Lord God 
called Adam, and said to him : 
Where art thou? And he 
said : I heard thy voice in 
paradise, and I was afraid, be- 
cause I was naked, and I hid 
myself. And he said to him: 
And who hath told thee that 
thou wast naked, but that thou 
hast eaten of the tree whereof 
I commanded thee that thou 
shouldst not eat ? And Adam 
said : The woman, whom thou 
gavest me, to be my compan- 

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mulierem : Quare hoc fe- ion, gave me of the tree, and 
cisti ? Quae respondit : Ser- I did eat. And the Lord God 
pens decepit me, et comedi. said to the woman : Why hast 

thou done this? And she an- 
swered : The serpent deceived 
me, and I did eat. 
Et ait Dominus Deus ad And the Lord God said to 
serpentem : Quia fecisti hoc, the serpent : Because thou 
maledictus es inter omnia hast done this thing, thou art 
animantia, et bestias terrae: cursed among all cattle,' and 
super pectus tuum gradieris, beasts of the earth : upon thy 
et terram comedes cunctis breast shalt thou go, and earth 
diebus vitse tuse. Inimicitias shalt thou eat all the days of 
ponam inter te et mulierem, thy life. I will put enmities 
et semen tuum et semen il- between thee and the woman, 
lius ; ipsa conteret caput tu- and thy seed and her seed ; 
urn, et tu insidiaberis calca- she shall crush thy head, and 
neo ejus. Mulieri quoque di- thou shalt lie in wait for her 
xit : Multiplicabo aerumnas heel. To the woman, also, he 
tuas, et conceptus tuos: in said: I will multiply thy sor- 
dolore paries fiUos, et sub rows, and thy conceptions : 
viri potestate eris, et ipse in sorrow shalt thou bring 
dominabitur tui Adte vero forth children, and thou shalt 
dixit : Quia audisti vocem be under thy husband's power, 
uxoris tuse, et comedisti de and he shall have dominion 
ligno, ex quo praeceperam over thee. And to Adam he 
tibi ne comederes, maledicta said : Because thou hast hear- 
terra in opere tuo : in labori- kened to the voice of thy wife, 
bus comedes ex ea cunctis and hast eaten of the tree, 
diebus vitae tuae. Spinas et whereof I commanded thee 
tribulos germinabit tibi, et that thou shouldst not eat, 
comedes herbam terrae. In cursed is the earth in thy 
sudore vultus tui vesceris work: with labour and toil 
pane, donee revertaris in ter- Bhalt thou eat thereof all the 
ram, de qua sumptus es : days of thy life. Thorns and 
quia pulvis es, et in pulve- thistles shall it bring forth to 
rem reverteris. thee, and thou shalt eat the 

herbs of the earth. In the 
sweat of thy face shalt thou 
eat bread, till thou return to 
the earth, out of which thou 
was taken: for dust thou art, 
and into dust thou shalt re- 

Oh ! terrible page of man's history ! It alone 
explains to us oar present position on the earth. 

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It tells us what we are in the eyes of God, and how 
humbly we should comport ourselves before His 
divine Majesty. We will make it the subject of this 
week's meditation. And now, let us prepare to 
profit by the liturgy of this Sunday, which we call 

In the Greek Church, it is called Prophone (Pro- 
clamation), because on this day they announce to 
the people the coming fast of Lent, and the precise 
day of Easter. It is also called the Sunday of the 
prodigal son, because that parable is read in their 
liturgy for this Sunday, as an invitation to sinners 
to draw nigh to the God of mercy. But it is the 
last day of the week Prophoni, which, by a strange 
custom, begins \rith the preceding Monday, as do 
also the two following weeks. 


The Station, at Borne, is in the church of Saint 
Lawrence outside the walls. The ancient liturgists 
observe the relation between the just Abel (whose 
being murdered by Cain is the subject of one of the 
responsories of to-day's Matins), and the courageous 
martyr, over whose tomb the Church of Eome com- 
mences her Septuagesima. 

The Introit describes the fears of death, where- 
with Adam and his whole posterity are tormented, 
in consequence of sin. But in the midst of all this 
misery there is heard a cry of hope, for man is still 
permitted to ask mercy from his God. God gave 
man a promise, on the very day of his condemna- 
tion : the sinner needs but to confess his miseries, 
and the very Lord against whom he sinned will 
become his deliverer. 


Circumdederunt me ge- The groans of death' sur- 
mitus mortis, dolores infer- rounded me, and the sorrows 

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ni circumdederunt me : et 
in tribulatione mea invoca- 
vi Dominum, et exaudivit 
de templo sancto suo vocem 

Ps. Diligam te, Domine, 
fortitudo mea : Dominus 
firmamentum meum, et re- 
fugium meum, et liberator 
meus. V. Gloria Patri. 

of hell encompassed me; and 
in my affliction I called upon 
the Lord, and he heard my 
voice from his holy temple. 

P«. I will love thee, 0 Lord, 
my strength : the Lord is my 
firmament, my refuge, and 
my deliverer. V. Glory. The 

In the Collect, the Church acknowledges that her 
children justly suffer the chastisements which are 
the consequences of sin; but she beseeches her 
divine Lord to send them that mercy which will 
deliver them. 


Preces populi tui, quaesu- Mercifully hear, we beseech 
mus, Domine, clementer Jihee, 0 Lord, the prayers of 
exaudi : ut qui juste pro thy people ; that we who are 
peccatis nostris affligimur, justly afflicted for our sins, 
pro tui nominis gloria mi- may be mercifully delivered 
sericorditer liberemur. Per for the glory of thy name. 
Dominum. Through, etc. 


A cunctis nos, quaesumus, 
Domine, mentis et corporis 
defende periculis: et inter- 
cedente beata et gloriosa 
semperque Virgine Dei Ge- 
nitrice Maria, cum beato 
Joseph, beatis apostolis tuis 
Petro et Paulo, atque beato 
N., et omnibus Sanctis, salu- 
tem nobis tribue benignus 
et pacem : ut destructis ad- 
versitatibus et erroribus 
universis, Ecclesia tua se- 
cura tibi serviat Jibertate. 

Preserve us, O Lord, we be- 
seech thee, from all dangers of 
soul and body : and by the in- 
tercession of the glorious and 
blessed Mary, the ever Virgin 
Mother of God, of blessed 
Joseph, of thy blessed apostles, 
Peter and Paul, of blessed N. 
(here is mentioned the titular 
samt of the church), and of all 
the saints, grant us, in thy 
mercy, health and peace ; that, 
all adversities and errors being 
removed, thy Church may serve 
thee with undisturbed liberty. 

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The priest adds a third Collect, which is left to 
his own choice. 


Lectio Epistolse beati Pauli 
Apostoli ad Corinthios. 

1 Cap ix., x. 

Fratres, nescitis quod ii 
qui in stadio currunt, om- 
nes quidem currunt, sed 
unus accipit bravium ? Sic 
currite, ut comprehendatis. 
Omnis autem, qui in agone 
contendit, ab omnibus se 
abstinet : et illi quidem ut 
corruptibilem coronam ac- 
cipiant, nos autem incor- 
ruptam. Ego igitur sic cur- 
ro, non quasi in incertum: 
sic pugno, non quasi aerem 
verberans : sed castigo cor- 
pus meum et in servitutem 
redigo : ne forte cum aliis 
prsedicaverim, ipse repro- 
bus efficiar. Nolo enim vos 
ignorare, fratres, quoniam 
patres nostri omnes sub 
nube fuerunt, et omnes ma- 
re transierunt, et omnes in 
Moyse baptizati sunt, in 
nube et in mari ; et omnes 
eamdem escam spir^alem 
manducaverunt, et omnes 
eumdem potum spiritalem 
biberunt (bibebant autem de 
spiritali, consequente eos 
petra; petra autem erat 
Christus). Sed non in plu- 
ribus eorum beneplacitum 
est Deo. 

Lesson of the Epistle of St. 
Paul the Apostle to the 

1 Ch. ix., x. 

Brethren, know you not 
that they that run in the race, 
all run indeed, but one 
receiveth the prize ? So run 
that you may obtain. And 
every one that striveth for the 
mastery, refraineth himself 
from all things; and they in- 
deed that they may receive a 
corruptible crown, but we an 
incorruptible one. I therefore 
so run, not as at an uncer- 
tainty : I so fight, not as one 
beating the air : but I chastise 
my body and bring it into 
subjection : lest, perhaps, when 
I have preached to others, I 
myself should become a cast- 
away. For I would not have 
you ignorant, brethren, that 
our fathers were all under the 
cloud, and all passed through 
the sea, and all in Moses were 
baptized in the cloud, and in 
the sea : and did all eat the 
same spiritual food; and all 
drank the same spiritual drink 
(and they drank of the spiri- 
tual rock that followed them, 
and the rock was Christ). But 
with the most of them God 
was not well pleased. 

These stirring words of the apostle deepen the 
sentiments already produced in us by the sad 

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recollections of which we are this day reminded. 
He tells us that, this world is a race, wherein all 
must run ; but that they alone win the prize, who 
run well. Let us, therefore, rid ourselves of every- 
thing that could impede us, and make us lose our 
crown. Let us not deceive ourselves : we are never 
sure, until we reach the goal. Is our conversion 
more solid than was St. Paul's? Are our good 
works better done, or more meritorious, than were 
his ? Yet he assures us that he was not without 
the fear that he might perhaps be lost ; for which 
cause he chastised his body, and kept it in subjec- 
tion to the spirit. Man, in his present state, has 
not the same will for all that is right and just, 
which Adam had before he sinned, and which, not- 
withstanding, he abused to his own ruin. We have 
a bias which inclines us to evil ; so that our only 
means of keeping our ground is to sacrifice the flesh 
to the spirit. To many this is very harsh doctrine ; 
hence, they are sure to fail ; they never can win the 
prize. Like the Israelites spoken of by our apostle, 
they will be left behind to die in the desert, and so 
lose the promised land. Yet they saw the same 
miracles that Josue and Caleb saw ! So true is it 
that nothing can make a salutary impression on a 
heart which is obstinately bent on fixing all its 
happiness in the things of this present life; and 
though it is forced, each day, to own that they are 
vain, yet each day it returns to* them, vainly but 
determinedly loving them. 

The heart, on the contrary, that puts its trust in 
God, and mans itself to energy by the thought of 
the divine assistance being abundantly given to him 
that asks it, will not flag or faint in the race, and 
will win the heavenly prize. God's eye is un- 
ceasingly on all them that toil and suffer. These 
are the truths expressed in the Gradual. 

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Adjutor in opportunitati- 
bus, in tribulatione : sperent 
in te qui noverunt te, quo- 
niam non derelinquis quae- 
rentes te, Domine. 

V. Quoniam non in finem 
oblivio erit pauperis; pa- 
tientia pauperum non peri- 
bit in aeternum: exsurge, 
Domine, non prsevaleat ho- 

A helper in due time, in 
tribulation : let them trust in 
thee, who know thee, for thou 
hast not forsaken them that 
seek thee, 0 Lord. 

V. For the poor man shall not 
be forgotten to the end ; the 
patience of the poor man shall 
not perish for ever : arise, 0 
Lord, let not man prevail. 

The Tract sends forth our cry to God, and the 
cry is from the very depths of our misery. Man is 
humbled exceedingly by the fall; but he knows 
that God is full of mercy, and that, in His goodness, 
He punishes our iniquities less than they deserve : 
were it not so, none of us could hope for pardon. 


De profundis clamavi ad 
te, Domine : Domine, exaudi 
vocem meam. 

V. Fiant aures tuse inten- 
dentes in orationem servi 

V. Si iniquitates obser- 
vaveris, Domine : Domine, 
quis sustinebit ? 

V. Quia apud te propi- 
tiatio est, et propter legem 
tuam sustinui te, Domine. 

From the depths I have 
cried to thee, 0 Lord : Lord, 
hear my voice. 

V. Let thine ears be atten- 
tive to the voice of thy ser- 

V. If thou shalt observe 
iniquities, O Lord, Lord, who 
shall endure it ? 

V. For with thee is propitia- 
tion, and by reason of thy law 
I have expected thee, 0 Lord. 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii Sequel of the holy Gospel 

secundum Matthseum. according to Matthew. 

Cap. xx. Ch. xx. 

In illo tempore, dixit At that time, Jesus spoke 

Jesus discipulis suis para- to his disciples this parable: 

bolam hanc : Simile est The kingdom of heaven is like 

regnum cselorum homini to a householder who went out 

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patrifamilias, qui exiit 
primo mane conducere ope- 
rarios in vineam suam. Con- 
ventione autem facta cum 
operariis ex denario diurno, 
misit eos in vineam suam. 
Et egressus circa horam 
tertiam, vidit alios stantes 
in foro otiosos, et dixit il- 
lis : Ite et vos in vineam 
meam, et quod justum 
fuerit, dabo vobis. Illi au- 
tem abierunt. Iterum autem 
exiit circa sextam et nonam 
horam, et fecit similiter. 
Circa undecimam vero exiit ; 
et invenit alios stantes, et 
dicit illis : Quid hie statis 
tota die otiosi ? Dicunt ei : 
Quia nemo nos conduxit. 
Dicit illis: Ite et vos in 
vineam meam. Cum sero 
autem factum esset, dicit 
dominus vineae procuratori 
suo : Voca operarios, et 
redde illis mercedem, inci- 
piens a novissimis usque ad 
primos. Cum venissent ergo 
qui circa undecimam horam 
venerant, acceperunt singu- 
los denarios. Venientes 
autem et primi, arbitrati 
sunt quod plus essent acce- 
pturi : acceperunt autem et 
ipsi singulos denarios. Et 
accipientes murmurabant 
ad versus patremfamilias, di- 
centes : Hi novissimi una 
hora fecerunt, et pares illos 
nobis fecisti qui portavimus 
pondus diei et aestus ? At 
ille respondens uni eorum, 
dixit : Amice, non f acio tibi 
injuriam ; nonne ex denario 
convenisti mecum ? Tolle 
quod tuum est, et vade : 
volo autem et huic novis- 

early in the morning to hire 
labourers into his vineyard. 
And having agreed with the 
labourers for a penny a day, he 
sent them into his vineyard. 
And going out about the third 
hour, he saw others standing 
in the market-place idle. And 
he said to them : Go you also 
into my vineyard, and I will 
give you what shall be just. 
And they went their way. 
And again he went out about 
the sixth and the ninth hour, 
and did in like manner. But 
about the eleventh hour he 
went out and found others 
standing, and he saith to them : 
Why stand you here all the 
day idle? They say to him: 
Because no man hath hired us. 
He saith to them : Go you also 
into my vineyard. And when 
evening was come, the lord of 
the vineyard saith to his stew- 
ard : Call the labourers and 
pay them their hire, beginning 
from the last even to the first. 
When, therefore, they were 
come that came about the 
eleventh hour, they received 
every man a penny. But when 
the first also came, they 
thought that they should re- 
ceive more : and they also re- 
ceived every man a penny. 
And receiving it they mur- 
mured against the master of 
the house, saying : These last 
have worked but one hour, 
and thou hast made them 
equal to us that have borne 
the burden of the day, and the 
heats. But he answering said 
to. one of them : Friend, I do 
thee no wrong : Didst thou not 
agree with me for a penny? 

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simo dare sicut et tibi. Aut Take what is thine, and go thy 

non licet mihi quod volo way: I will also give to this 

facere ? An oculus tuus last even as to thee. Or, is it 

nequam est, quia ego bonus not lawful for me to do what 

sum ? Sic erunt novissimi I will ? Is thy eye evil, because 

primi, et primi novissimi. I am good ? So shall the last 

Multi enim sunt vocati, be first, and the first last, 

pauci vero electi. For many are called, but few 

It is of importance that* we should well under- 
stand this parable of the Gospel, and why the 
Church inserts it in to-day's liturgy. Firstly, then, 
let us recall to mind on what occasion our Saviour 
spoke this parable, and what instruction He 
intended to convey by it to the Jews. He wishes 
to warn them of the fast approach of the day when 
their Law is to give way to the Christian Law ; and 
He would prepare their minds against the jealousy 
and prejudice which might arise in them, at the 
thought that God was about to form a Covenant 
with the Gentiles. The vineyard is the Church in 
its several periods, from the beginning of the world 
to the time when God Himself dwelt among men, 
and formed all true believers into one visible and 
permanent society. The morning is the time from 
Adam to Noah ; the third hour begins with Noah 
and ends with Abraham ; the sixth hour includes 
the period which elapsed between Abraham and 
Moses ; and lastly, the ninth hour opens with the 
age of the prophets, and closes with the birth of 
the Saviour. The Messias came at the eleventh hour, 
when the world seemed to be at the decline of its 
day. Mercies unprecedented were reserved for this 
last period, during which salvation was to be given 
to the Gentiles by the preaching of the apostles. 
It is by this mystery of mercy that our Saviour 
rebukes the Jewish pride. By the selfish murmur- 
ings made against the master of the house by the 
early labourers, our Lord signifies the indignation 




which the scribes and pharisees would show at the 
Gentiles being adopted as God's children. Then 
He shows them how their jealousy would be 
chastised : Israel, that had laboured before us, shall 
be rejected for their obduracy of heart, and we 
Gentiles, the last comers, shall be made first, for 
we shall be made members of that Catholic Church, 
which is the bride of the Son of God. 

This is the interpretation of our parable given by 
St. Augustine and St. Gregory the Great, and by 
the generality of the holy fathers. But it conveys 
a second instruction, as we are assured by the two 
holy doctors just named. It signifies the calling 
given by God to each of us individually, pressing 
us to labour, during this life, for the kingdom 
prepared for us. The morning is our childhood. 
The third hour, according to the division used by 
the ancients in counting their day, is sunrise ; it is 
our youth. The sixth hour, by which name they 
called our midday, is manhood. The eleventh hour, 
which immediately preceded sunset, is old age. 
The Master of the house calls His labourers at all 
these various hours. They must go that very hour. 
They that are called in the morning may not put 
off their starting for the vineyard, under pretext of 
going afterwards, when the Master shall call them 
later on. Who has told them that they shall live 
to the eleventh hour ? They that are called at the 
third hour may be dead at the sixth. God will call 
to the labours of the last hour such as shall be 
living when that hour comes ; but, if we should die 
at midday, that last call will not avail us. Besides, 
God has not promised us a second call, if we excuse 
ourselves from the first. 

At the Offertory, the Church invites us to cele- 
brate the praises of God. God has mercifully granted 
us, that the hymns we sing to the glory of His name 
should be our consolation in this vale of tears. 

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Bonum est confiteri Do- It is good to give praise to 
mino, et psallere nomini tuo, the Lord, and to sing to thy 
Altissime. name, 0 Most High. 


Muneribus nostris, quae- Having received, O Lord, 

sumus, Domine, precious- our offerings and prayers, 

que susceptis : et coelestibus cleanse us, we beseech thee, by 

nos munda mysteriis, et cle- these heavenly mysteries, and 

menter exaudi. Per Domi- mercifully hear us. Through, 

num. etc. 


Exaudi nos, Deus saluta- Graciously grant us, O God, 

ris noster : ut per hujus Sa- our Saviour, that by virtue of 

cramenti virtutem, a cun- this Sacrament, thou mayst 

ctis nos mentis et corporis defend us from all enemies, 

hostibus tuearis, gratiam both of soul and body ; giving 

tribuens in praesenti, et glo- us grace in this life, and glory 

riam in futuro. in the next. 

The third Secret is left to the priest's own 

In the Communion antiphon, the Church prays 
that man, having now been regenerated by the 
Bread of heaven, may regain that likeness to his 
God which Adam received at his creation. The 
greater our misery, the stronger should be our hope 
in Him, who descended to us that we might ascend 
to Him. 


Illumina faciem tuam Make thy face to shine upon 
super servum tuum, et sal- thy servant ; save me in thy 
vum me fac in tua miseri- mercy. Let me not be Con- 
cordia : Domine, non con- founded, 0 Lord, for I have 
fundar, quoniam invocavi called upon thee, 


Fideles tui, Deus, per tua May thy faithful, 0 God, 
dona firmentur : ut eadem be strengthened by thy gifts ; 

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et percipiendo requirant, et that by receiving them, they 
quaerendo sine fine perci- may ever hunger after them, 
piant. Per Dominum. and hungering after them, 

they may have their desires 
satisfied in the everlasting 
possession of them. Through, 


Mundet et muniat nos, 
qusesumus Domine, divini 
Sacramenti munus oblatum, 
et intercedente beata Virgine 
Dei Genitrice Maria, cum 
beato Joseph, beatis aposto- 
lis Petro et Paulo, atque 
beato N. et omnibus Sanctis, 
a cunctis nos reddat et per- 
versitatibus expiatos, et ad- 
versitatibus expeditos. 

May the oblation of this 
divine Sacrament, we beseech 
thee, O Lord, both cleanse 
and defend us ; and by the 
intercession of blessed Mary, 
the Virgin- Mother of God, of 
blessed Joseph, of the blessed 
apostles, Peter and Paul, of 
blessed N., and of all the 
saints, free us from all sin, 
and deliver us from all adver- 

The third Postcommunion is left to the priest's 
own choice. 


The psalms and antiphons as on page 72. 

1 Cor. ix. 

Fratres, nescitis quod ii, Brethren, know you not, that 
qui in stadio currunt, om- they that run in the race, all 
nes quidem currunt, sed run indeed, but one receiveth 
unus accipit bravium ? Sic the prize ? So run, that you 
currite, ut comprehendatis. may obtain. 

The hymn and versicle, page 79. 


Dixit paterfamilias opera- The householder said to the 

riis suis : Quid hie statis labourers : Why stand you here 

tota die otiosi? At illi re- all the day idle? But they 

spondentes, dixerunt: Quia answering said to him: Be- 

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nemo nos conduxit. Ite et 
vos in vineam meam: et 
quod justum fuerit, dabo 


Preces populi tui, quaesu- 
mu8 Domine, clementer ex- 
audi, ut qui juste pro pec- 
catis nostris affligimur, pro 
tui nominis gloria miseri- 
corditer liberemur. Per 

cause no man hath hired us. 
Go ye, also, into my vineyard, 
and I will give you what is 


Mercifully hear, we beseech 
thee, O Lord, the prayers of 
thy people; that we who are 
justly afflicted for our sins, 
may be mercifully delivered 
for the glory of thy name. 
Through, etc. 

For each day of this week we select a few stanzas 
from the hymn, which the Greek liturgy uses in 
the Office for the Sunday preceding the fast of Lent. 
It is a lamentation over Adam's fall. 


Excidit e paradiso volu- 
ptatis Adamus, Domini prae- 
ceptum, amaro cibo intem- 
peranter degustato, trans- 
gressus, damnatusque fuit 
terras unde desumptus fue- 
rat cole n dee, suoque pani 
per sudorem multum co- 
medendo ; nos igitur tem- 
perantiam appetamus, ne 
velut ille extra paradisum 
ploremus, sed intus admit- 

Conditor meus Dominus, 
pulvere e terra accepto, me 
vivifico spiritu animavit, 
atque visibilium omnium 
super terram dominatione, 
angelorumque consortio di- 
gnatus est; dolosus autem 
Satan, serpentis instrumento 
usu8, esca decepit, et a Dei 
gloria procul amandavit, 


Because he broke the com- 
mandment of his Lord, and 
was led by intemperance to 
taste a food which was to be 
one of bitterness to him, Adam 
was banished from the para- 
dise of delight, and condemned 
to till the earth whence he 
himself was taken, and to eat 
his bread in the sweat of his 
brow. Let us, therefore, covet 
temperance, lest, like him, we 
may have to weep out of para- 
dise; let us be temperate and 
enter heaven. 

God, my Creator, took dust' 
from the earth, quickened me 
with a living soul, graciously 
made me the king of all 
visible things on earth, and 
gave me fellowship with the 
angels; but crafty Satan, 
making the serpent his instru- 
ment, allured me with food, 
banished me far from the glory 

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mortique in infimis terrse 
addkxit : tu vero, utpote Do- 
minus, atque benignus, ab 
exilio me revoca. 

Stola divinitus texta spo- 
liatus fui miser ego, divino 
prsecepto tuo, Domine, ex 
inimici fraude violato, fo- 
liisque ficulneis et pelliceis 
tunicis modo circumdor ; 
panem laboris in sudore 
manducandi sententiam ex- 
cepi, utque spinas et tribu- 
tes tellus mihi ferat, diris 
devota est ; sed qui postre- 
mis temporibus e Virgine 
incarnatus es, revocatum 
me in paradisum restitue. 

Paradise, omni honore 
dignissime, pulcherrima 
species, tabernaculum di- 
vinitus structum, perenne 
gaudium et oblectamentum, 
gloria justorum, prophe- 
tarum lsetitia, sanctorumque 
domicilium, foliorumtuorum 
sonitu Conditorem univer- 
sorum deprecare, ut fores, 
quas prsevaricatione clausi, 
mihi adaperiat, utque di- 
gnus efficiar ligni vitae parti- 
cipatione, eoque gaudio quod 
dulcissime prius in temetipso 

of God, and made me a slave 
to death in the bowels of the 
earth: but thou, O God, art 
my Lord, and full of mercy : 
recall me from exile. 

Being deceived by the craft 
of the enemy, I, miserable 
man, violated thy command- 
ment, O Lord ; and being strip- 
ped of the garment which thy 
divine hand had woven for me, 
I am now clad with leaves of 
the fig-tree, and with a skin 
garment; I am condemned 
to eat a bread for which I 
must toil with the sweat of 
my brow, and the earth is 
cursed, so that it may yield 
me thorns and thistles: but 
do thou, that in after -times 
tookest flesh from the Virgin, 
recall and restore me to para- 

0 paradise ! most worthy of 
all our reverence, beautiful 
beyond measure, tabernacle 
built by God, joy and delight 
without end, glory of the just, 
joy of the prophets, and dwel- 
ling of the saints; may thy 
prayers, the sound of thy 
leaves, obtain for me from the 
Creator of all things, that thy 
gates, which my sin hath shut 
against me, may be thrown 
open to me, and that I may be 
made worthy to partake of 
the tree of life, and of that 
joy which I once so sweetly 
tasted|in thy bosom. 

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The serpent said to the woman : ' Why hath God 
commanded you, that you should not eat of every 
tree of paradise ?' 1 Thus opened the conversation, 
which our mother Eve so rashly consents to hold 
with God's enemy. She ought to refuse all inter- 
course with Satan ; she does not ; and thereby she 
imperils the salvation of the whole human race. 

Let us recall to mind the events that have 
happened up to this fatal hour. God, in His 
omnipotence and love, has created two beings, upon 
whom He has lavished all the riches of His good- 
ness. He has destined them for immortality ; and 
this undying life is to have everything that can 
make it perfectly happy. The whole of nature is 
made subject to them. A countless posterity is to 
come from them, and love them with all the tender- 
ness of grateful children. Nay, this God of good- 
ness who has created them, deigns to be on terms 
of intimacy with them; and such is their simple 
innocence, that this adorable condescension does 
not seem strange to them. But there is something 
far beyond all this. He, whom they have hitherto 
known by favours of an inferior order, prepares for 
them a happiness which surpasses all they could 
picture with every effort of thought. They must 
first go through a trial ; and if faithful, they will 
receive the great gift as a recompense they have 
merited. And this is the gift : God will give them 
to know Him in Himself, make them partakers of 
His own glory, and make their happiness infinite 
and eternal. Yes, this is what God has done, and 
is preparing to do for these two beings, who but a 

while ago were nothing. 

1 Gen. iii. 1. 




In return for all these gratuitous and magnificent 
gifts, God asks of them but one thing : that they 
acknowledge His dominion over them. Nothing, 
surely, can be sweeter to them than to make such 
a return; nothing could be more just. All they 
are, and all they have, and all the lovely creation 
around them, has been produced out of nothing by 
the lavish munificence of this God; they must, 
then, live for Him, faithful, loving, and grateful. 
He asks them to give Him one only proof of this 
fidelity, love, and gratitude : He bids them not to 
eat of the fruit of one single tree. The only return 
He asks for all the favours He has bestowed upon 
them, is the observance of this easy commandment. 
His sovereign justice will be satisfied by this act of 
obedience. They ought to accept such terms with 
hearty readiness, and comply with them with a 
holy pride, as being not only the tie which will 
unite them with their God, but the sole means in 
their power of paying Him what He asks of them. 

But there comes another voice, the voice of a 
creature, and it speaks to the woman : ' Why hath 
God commanded you, that you should not eat of 
every tree V And Eve dares, and has the heart, to 
listen to him that asks why her divine Benefactor 
has put a command upon her ! She can bear to 
hear the justice of God's will called in question! 
Instead of protesting against the sacrilegious words, 
she tamely answers them ! Her God is blasphemed, 
and she is not indignant! How dearly we shall 
have to pay for this ungrateful indifference, this 
indiscretion! 'And the woman answered him, 
saying : Of the fruit of the trees that are in para- 
dise we do eat ; but of the fruit of the tree which is 
in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us 
that we should not eat, and that we should not 
touch it, lest perhaps we die.' 1 Thus Eve not only 
\ (3ren. iii. 2, 3, 

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listens to the serpent's question, she answers him ; 
she converses with the wicked spirit that tempts 
her. She exposes herself to danger; her fidelity 
to her Maker is compromised. True, the words she 
uses show that she has not forgotten His command ; 
but they imply a certain hesitation, which savours 
of pride and ingratitude. 

The spirit of evil finds that he has excited, in this 
heart, a love of independence ; and that, if he can 
but persuade her that she will not suffer from her 
disobedience, she is his victim. He, therefore, 
further addresses her with these blasphemous and 
lying words : ' No, you shall not die the death ; for 
God knoweth, that in what day soever you shall eat 
thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be 
as gods, knowing good and evil.' 1 What he pro- 
poses to Eve is open rebellion. He has enkindled 
within her that perfidious love of self which is 
man's worst evil, and which, if it be indulged, 
breaks the tie between him and his Creator. Thus 
the blessings God has bestowed, the obligation of 
gratitude, personal interest, all are to be disregarded 
and forgotten. Ungrateful man would become a 
god ; he would imitate the rebel angels : he shall 
fall as they did. 


Adesdum anima mea in- 
felix, actus tuos hodie defle, 
memoria recolens priorem 
in Eden nuditatem, pro- 
pter quam deliciis et perenni 
gaudio excidisti. 

Pro multa pietate atque 
miserationibus, Conditor 
creator© et factor universo- 
rum, me pnlvere prius ani- 
matum una cum angelis 

Come, my poor soul ! bewail 
this day tby deeds. Think 
within thyself of that sin 
which made thee naked in 
Eden, and robbed thee of 
delight and joy eternal. 

Creator of me and of all 
things! in thy great goodness 
and mercy, thou, having made 
me out of dust, and given me 
a soul, didst command me to 

1 Gen. iii. 4, 5. 

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ttds te collaudare praece- 

Propter bonitatis divi- 
tias, plantas tu, Conditor 
et Domine, paradisi delicias 
in Eden, jubens me speciosis 
jucundisque minimeque «ca- 
ducis fructibus oblectari. 

Hei mibi ! anima mea 
misera, fruendarum Eden 
voluptatum facultatem a 
Deo acceperas, vetitunique 
tibi ne scientise lignum 
manducares : qua de causa 
Dei legem violasti ? 

(Virgo Dei Genitrix, ut- 
pote Adami ex genere filia, 
per gratiam vero Christi 
Dei Mater, nunc me revoca 
ex Eden ejectum.) 

Serpens dolosus honorem 
meum quondam •mihi in- 
videns, in Evee auribus do- 
lum insusurravit, unde ego 
deceptus, hei mihi! e vitse 
sede exsulavi. 

Manu temere extensa, 
scientise lignum degustavi, 
quod ne contingerem mihi 
Deus omnino prsescripserat, 
et cum acerbo doloris sensu 
divinam gloriam exsul amisi. 

Hei mihi ! misera anima 
mea, quomodo dolum non 
nosti? Quomodo fraudem 
et inimici invidiam minime 
sensisti? Sed mente obte- 
nebrata Conditoris tui man- 
datum neglexisti. 

(Spes et protectio mea, 
0 veneranda, quae sola olim 
lapsi Adami nuditatem co- 
operuisti puerperio tuo, rur- 
sus, 0 pura, me incorru- 
ptionis veste circumda.) 

unite with the angels in praising 

. My Maker and Lord ! in the 
riches of thy goodness, thou 
plantest a paradise of delights 
in Eden, and biddest me feast 
on its lovely, sweet, and in- 
corruptible fruits. 

Woe is me, O my wretched 
soul ! Thy God permitted thee 
that thou shouldst enjoy the 
Eden of delights, if thou 
wouldst obey him and not eat 
of the tree of knowledge. 
Wherefore didst thou violate 
his law ? 

(0 Virgin-Mother of God ! 
Daughter of Adam by nature, 
but Mother of Christ by grace ! 
recall me now the exile from 

The crafty serpent envying 
me such honour, whispered 
his guile into Eve's ear ; and I, 
alas ! deceived by her, was 
banished from the land of 

Rashly stretching forth my 
hand, I tasted of the tree of 
knowledge, which God forbade 
me even to touch : and then, 
with keen sense of grief, I, an 
exile, lost the glory of God. 

Alas, miserable man ! How 
came I not to know the snare ? 
How was it that I suspected 
not the enemy's craft and 
envy ? My soul was darkened 
and I set at nought my Creator's 

(O most venerable one ! my 
hope and refuge ! who by giv- 
ing birth to thy Jesus, didst 
cover the nakedness of fallen 
Adam, clothe me too, O Vir- 
gin, with this incorruptible 
garb 1) 

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The serpent's promises had stifled, in Eve's heart, 
every sentiment of love for the God that had 
created her and loaded her with blessings : she 
ambitions to be God like Him ! Her faith, too, is 
wavering ; she is not sure that God may not have 
deceived her, by threatening her with death should 
she disobey His command. Flushed by pride, she 
looks up to the forbidden fruit; it seems good to 
eat, and it is fair to her eyes. 1 So that her senses 
too conspire against God, and against her own 
happiness. The sin is already committed in her 
heart; it needs but a formal act to make it com- 
plete. She cares for nothing but self ; God is no 
more heeded than if He did not exist. She stretches 
forth her daring hand ; she plucks the fruit ; she 
puts it to her mouth, and eats ! 

God had said that if she broke His command- 
ment she should die ; she has eaten, she has sinned, 
and yet she lives as before ! Her pride exults at 
this triumph, and, convinced that she is too strong 
for God's anger to reach her, she resolves on 
making Adam a partner in her victory. Boldly she 
hands him the fruit, which she herself has eaten 
without any evil coming to her. Whether he was 
emboldened by the impunity of his wife's sin, or, 
from a feeling of blind affection, wished to share 
the lot of her who was the ' flesh of his flesh and 
bone of his bones,' our first father, also, forgets all 
he owes to his Creator, and, as though there had 
never been aught of love between him and his God, 
he basely does as Eve suggests : he eats of the fruit, 
and by that act ruins himself and all his posterity. 

No sooner have they broken the tie which united 
them with God, than they sink into themselves. 

1 Gen. iii. 6. 

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As long as God dwells in the creature, whom He 
has raised to the supernatural state, his being is 
complete; but, let that creature drive his God 
away from himself by sin, and he finds himself in 
a state worse than nothing — the state of evil. 
That soul which, a moment before, was so beautiful 
and pure, is a hideous wreck. Thus is it with our 
first parents : they stand alone ; creatures without 
God ; and an intolerable shame seizes them. They 
thought to become gods, they aspired at infinite 
being ; see them now : — sinners, the prey of concu- 
piscence. Hitherto, their innocence was their all- 
sufficient garb ; the world was obedient to them ; 
they knew not how to blush, and there was nothing 
to make them fear ; but now, they tremble at their 
nakedness, and must needs seek a place wherein to 
hide ! 

The same self-love that had worked their ruin, 
had made them forget the greatness and goodness 
of God, and despise His commandment. Now that 
they have committed the great sin, the same blind- 
ness prevents them from even thinking of confess- 
ing it, or asking the forgiveness of the Master they 
have offended. A sullen fear possesses them. 
They can think of nothing but how and where to 
hide ! 


Miser ego, honore a te, 
Domine, in Eden affectus 
fui : hei mihi ! quomodo in 
errorem inductus, et dia- 
bolica invidia appetitus, de- 
pulsus sum e facie tua ? 

Angelorum ordines, pa- 
radisi ornamenta, et plan- 
tarum qure iUic sunt decus, 
me fraude misera abductum 
et a Deo longius digressum 

Unhappy me ! thou hadst 
laden me, 0 Lord, with hon- 
ours in Eden. But, alas ! I 
was led into sin ; I became a 
victim to the envy of the devil ; 
I have been driven from thy 

O ye choirs of angels ! ye 
that give paradise such beauty, 
and to its flowers their loveli- 
ness ; weep over me the dupe of 
wretched craft, now far from 
your God. 

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Pratum beatum, plantatje 
a Deo arbores, paradisi de- 
liciae, e foliis velut ex oculis 
lacrymas nunc effundite su- 
per me, nudum et a Dei 
gloria abdicatum. 

(Domina sancta, quas fide- 
libus omnibus paradisi ja- 
nuas ab Adam per inobe- 
dientiam quondam clausas 
aperuisti, misericordiae mihi 
fores expande.) 

Invidens mihi olim ini- 
micus, hominum osor, bea- 
tum paradisi domicilium 
me specie serpentis sup- 
plantavit, atque ab seterna 
gloria submovit. 

Lugeo et animo discru- 
cior, oculisque lacrymarum 
multitudinem adjungere 
exopto, respiciens et intel- 
ligens partam mihi ex trans- 
gressione nuditatem. 

Dei manus me e terra 
plasma vit; at in terram 
rursus revertendi miser le- 
gem accepi; quisnam me 
ejectum a Deo, et inferos 
pro Eden assecutum, non 
defleat ? 

(Te, labis omnis expers 
Dei Genitrix, fideles uni- 
versi mysticum glorise tha- 
lam um annunciamus, unde 
lapsum me, precor, o pura, 
aptum fac paradisi tha- 

O fair garden land ! 0 ye 
trees, charm of paradise, 
planted by God's own hand, 
let yojir leaves be turned into 
eyes, and shed your tears over 
me, for I am a naked king, 
dethroned of God's glory. 

(0 holy Mother! thou that 
didst throw open to the faith- 
ful those gates of heaven that 
had been shut by Adam's dis- 
obedience, open now to me the 
gates of God's mercy.) 

The enemy, the hater of 
mankind, envied me my bliss- 
ful home in Eden; under the 
form of a serpent he supplanted 
me, and robbed me of eternal 

My soul weeps and is racked, 
and I fain would give floods of 
tears to mine eyes, when I see 
and understand the nakedness 
that has come to me by my 

The hand of God formed me 
out of the earth ; but I have 
miserably brought on myself 
the sentence : I must return 
into the earth. Who is there 
that will not weep over me, 
that have lost my God, and 
have given up Eden for 

(Sinless Mother of God! 
the faithful throughout the 
world proclaim thee to be 
the mystic throne of glory. 
I, then, that am fallen, be- 
seech thee, spotless Virgin ! 
prepare me for a throne in 
heaven !) 

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The guilty pair appear before the great God, whom 
they have offended ; and instead of acknowledging 
their guilt, they seek to palliate and excuse it. But 
divine justice pronounces their condemnation, and 
the sentence will be felt by their posterity, even to 
the last generation. The two beings, that had 
committed the heinous crime, had been enriched 
with every gift of nature and grace. It was not 
with them, as it is with us. Concupiscence which 
gives us an inclination for what is wrong ; ignorance 
and forgetf ulness which cloud the intellect of fallen 
man, these miseries had nothing whatever to do 
with the fall of our first parents. They sinned 
through sheer ingratitude. They began by weigh- 
ing the proposal of revolt, when they ought to have 
spurned it with indignation and conquered by flight. 
Then, by degrees, the proposed crime seemed no 
great harm, because, though God would lose their 
obedience, they would gain by the disobedience! 
And at length, the love of God was made to give 
place to the love of self, and they declared their 
independence ! Yet God had mercy on them, 
because of their posterity. 

The angels were all created at one and the same 
instant, and each of them was subjected to the trial, 
which was to decide his eternal future. Each 
angel depended on his own act, on his own choice 
between fidelity to his Creator and rebellion against 
Him ; so that they who rebelled drew on themselves 
the eternity of God's chastisement. The human 
race, on the contrary, existed not save as repre- 
sented in its two first parents, and was plunged by 
and with them into the abyss of God's reprobation : 
therefore, God, who spared not the angels, merci- 
fully spared the human race. 

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But let us listen to the three sentences pro- 
nounced by God after the fall of man. The first is 
against the serpent, and is the severest. The curse, 
which is already upon him, is deepened, and the 
pardon, which is about to be promised to the human 
race, is to be given in the form of an anathema 
against that wicked spirit, that has dared to war 
with God in the work of His hands. 

' 1 will put enmities between thee and the woman ; 
she shall crush thy head/ 1 Thus does God avenge 
Himself on His enemy. The victory won over the 
woman is made to turn against the proud conqueror, 
and become his humiliation and his defeat. In his 
fiendish craft, he had directed his first attack, not 
against the man, but against the woman. She, by 
nature, was weaker and more credulous ; and if he 
conquered her, he hoped — too well, alas! — that 
Adam would be led to turn against his Creator, in 
order not to displease the creature. All happened 
as he willed it: but now, see how God uses the 
woman to foil and punish him. He enkindles in 
her heart an implacable hatred against His and our 
enemy. This cruel serpent may raise his proud 
head, and, here and there, find men that will adore 
him : the day will come, when a woman's foot shall 
crush this head, which refused to bend before God. 
This daughter of Eve, whom all generations are to 
call blessed, 2 shall be prefigured by other women : 
by Debbora, Judith, Esther, and others, all cele- 
brated for their victories over the serpent. She 
shall be followed, until the end of time, by an 
uninterrupted succession of Christian virgins and 
matrons, who, with all their weakness, shall be 
powerful in co-operating with God's designs, and, 
as the apostle says, ' the unbelieving husband shall 
be sanctified by the believing wife.' 3 

Thus will God punish the serpent's pride. Before 

1 Gen. iii. 15. 2 St. Luke i. 48. 3 1 Cor. vii. 14. 

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pronouncing upon our first parents the sentence 
they have deserved, He promises to bless their pos- 
terity, and pours into their own hearts a ray of hope. 


Tunc sedit Adamus, plo- 
ravitque contra paradisi de- 
licias, ocuIob manibus fe- 
riens, atque dicebat: Mise- 
ricors, miserere mei lapsL 

Intuitus Adamus ange- 
lum impellentem clauden- 
temque divini horti fores, 
ingemuit vehementer, dice- 
batque : Misericors, miserere 
mei lapsi. 

Doleas vices, paradise, 
domini tui ad mendicitatem 
detrusi, foliorumque tuo- 
rum sonitu Conditorem de- 
precare ne te claudat. Mi- 
sericors, miserere mei lapsi. 

Then did Adam look back 
on the Eden of delights, and 
sitting wept ; he hid his face 
in his hands, and said : O mer- 
ciful God ! have mercy on me 
the fallen one ! 

He saw the angel that drove 
him from the garden of God; 
and as he beheld him shutting 
its gates against him, he heaved 
a deep sigh, and said : O mer- 
ciful God I have mercy on me 
the fallen one ! 

Weep, Eden, over thy mas- 
ter thus made poor! Let the 
rustling of thy leaves become 
a prayer, asking our Creator 
that he close thee not. 0 mer- 
ciful Godl have mercy on me 
the fallen one I 


Forgiveness is promised ; but atonement must be 
made. Divine justice must be satisfied, and future 
generations be taught that sin can never pass un- 
punished. Eve is the guiltier of the two, and her 
sentence follows that of the serpent. Destined by 
God to aid man in peopling the earth with happy 
and faithful children, formed by this God out of 
man's own substance ' flesh of his flesh, and bone 
of his bones/ woman was to be on an Quality with 
man. But sin has subverted this 6rder, and God's 
sentence is this : conjugal union, notwithstanding 
the humiliation of concupiscence now brought upon 

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it, is to be, as before, holy and sacred ; but it is to 
be inferior in dignity, before both God and man, 
to the state of virginity, which disdains the ambitions 
of the flesh. 

Secondly, woman shall be mother still, as she 
would have been in the state of innocence ; but her 
honour shall be a burden. Moreover, she shall give 
birth to her children amidst cruel pains, and some- 
times even death must be the consequence of her 
infant's coming into the world. The sin of Eve 
shall thus be memorialized at every birth, and 
nature shall violently resist the first claims of him, 
whom sin has made her unwelcome lord. 

Lastly, she who was at first created to enjoy 
equality of honour with man, is now to forfeit her 
independence. Man is to be her superior, and she 
must obey him. For long ages, this obedience will 
be no better than slavery; and this degradation 
shall continue till that Virgin comes, whom the 
world shall have expected for four thousand years, 
and whose humility shall crush the serpent's head. 
She shall restore her sex to its rightful position, 
and give to Christian woman that influence of gentle 
persuasiveness, which is compatible with the duty 
imposed upon her by divine justice, and which can 
never be remitted : the duty of submission. 

Dominatorsseculorumom- O Lord I King of all ages! 

nium Domine, qui me vo- who didst create me by thy 

luntate tua procreasti, dolosi love ; I have been injured by 

draconis invidia quondam the envy of the crafty serpent, 

afflictum, teque, Salvator, and have provoked thee, my 

ad iracundiam concitantem, Saviour, to anger : but despise 

ne despicias, Deus, sed re- me not, O God ! Call me back 

voca me. to thee. 

Heimihi! pro stola splen- Alas! my bright robe has 

dida, turpitudinis indumen- been changed into this garb of 

tis obvolutus, lugeo, Salva- shame. I bewail my ruin, O 




tor, exitium meum, et fide 
ad te clamo ; ne despicias 
me bone Deus, sed revoca. 

Serpentium feraruinque 
dominus effectus, quo pacto 
serpenti animabus exitiali 
familiariter congressus es, 
inimico veluti bono con- 
siliario usus? O errorem 
tuum, miserrima anima 
mea ! 

(Canimus te, Maria, Dei 
gratia plena, lucidum divi- 
nse incarnationis tabernacu- 
lum; quare me cupiditati- 
bus foede obtenebratum illu- 
mina, fons misericordise, 
spes eorum quos omnis spes 

Saviour, and to thee do I cry 
with confidence : My good 
God ! Despise me not, but 
call me back to thee. 

How, my soul, couldst thou, 
that wast made the lord of 
serpents and beasts, treat the 
soul-slaying serpent with fa- 
miliarity, and use thine enemy 
as a trusty counsellor ? Bewail, 
my wretched soul, thy fatal 
error ! 

(To thee do we sing, O Mary, 
full of divine grace I Hail 
bright tabernacle of the Incar- 
nation 1 0 fount of mercy, 
hope of them that are in des- 
pair, enlighten me that am 
dishonoured by the dark clouds 
of my passions.) 


The curse, which is henceforth to lie so heavily on 
every human being, has been expressed in the sen- 
tence pronounced against Eve ; the curse, to which 
the earth itself is to be subjected, is Adam's sen- 
tence. ' Because thou hast hearkened to the voice 
of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I 
commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat, cursed 
is the earth in thy work (that is, on account of 
what thou hast done)/ 1 Adam had excused his sin. 
God does not admit his excuse ; yet He mercifully 
makes allowance for him, seeing that he sinned, 
not so much to gratify himself, as to please the 
frail creature that had been formed out of his own 
substance. He is not the originator of the dis- 
obedient act. God, therefore, sentences him to the 
personal humiliation of labour and toil, and of eat- 

1 Gen. iiu 17. 

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ing his bread in the sweat of his brow. 1 Outside 
the garden of Eden, there lies the immense desert 
of the earth. It is to be the valley of tears ; and 
there must Adam dwell in exile for upwards of nine 
hundred years, with the sad recollection in his 
heart of the few happy days spent in paradise ! 
This desert is barren : Adam must give it fruitful- 
ness by his toil, and draw from it, by the sweat of 
his brow, his own and his children's nourishment. 
If, in after ages, some men shall live without toil, 
they are the exception confirming the general law 
and chastisement. They rest, because others have 
laboured long and hard for them ; neither will God 
ratify their exceptional dispensation from labour, 
except on the condition that they give encourage- 
ment, by their charity and other virtues, to their 
fellow-men, in whom Adam's sentence is literally 
carried out. Such is the necessity of toil, that if it 
be refused, the earth will yield but thorns and 
thistles ; 2 such, too, the importance of this law 
imposed on fallen man, that idleness shall not only 
corrupt his heart, it shall also enervate his bodily 

Before his sin, the trees of paradise bent down 
their branches, and man fed on their delicious 
fruits; but now he must till the earth and draw 
from it, with anxiety and fatigue, the seed which is 
to give him bread. Nothing could better express 
the penal relation between him and the earth, from 
which he was originally formed, and which is hence- 
forth to be his tomb, than this law to which God 
sentences him, of being indebted to the earth for 
the nourishment which is to keep him in life. And 
yet here also divine mercy shall show itself ; for, 
when God shall have been appeased, it shall be 
granted to man to unite himself to his Creator by 
eating the Bread of life, which is to come down 

1 Gen. iii. 17, 19. 2 Ibid., 18. 

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from heaven, and whose efficacy for the nourishing 
of our souls shall be greater than ever the fruit of 
the tree of life could have been for the immortal- 
izing of our bodily existence. 


Dulcis ad vescendum 
fructus scientise in Eden 
visus est mihi, amore capto ; 
at demum in bilem conver- 
sus est. Hei mihi 1 misera 
anima, quomodo intempe- 
rantia te e paradisi laribus 
exturbavit ? 

Deus universorum, mise- 
ricordise Domine, ad humi- 
litatein meam benigne re- 
spice, nec a divino Eden 
longe me ejicias, quo venu- 
states unde excidi aspiciens, 
fletibus rursus amissa bona 

Fleo, ingemo, atque la- 
mentor Cherubim ad para- 
disi ingressum custodien- 
dum igneo ense locata 
conspiciens, transgressori- 
bus omnibus, hei mihi I 
inaccessum, nisi tu, Salva- 
tor, aditum mihi facilem 

Confido in multitudine 
misericordise tuse, Chris te 
salvator, ac divini lateris 
tui sanguine, unde homi- 
num naturam sanctificasti, 
et colentibus te aperuisti, o 
bone, paradisi portas antea 
Adamo prseclusas. 

(VitsB porta, impervia, 
spiritualis, virgo Deipara, 
innupta, pande mihi pre- 
cibus tuis, paradisi clausas 
olim fores, quo te meam 

My desire blinded me ; and 
the fruit that grew on Eden's 
tree of knowledge seemed to 
me to be sweet to eat ; but it 
has been turned into bitterness. 
Unhappy man, I have been 
driven from my home of para- 
dise by intemperance ! 

0 God of the universe 1 0 
merciful Lord ! look with pity 
upon my lowliness, and suffer 
me to dwell near thy divine 
Eden, that so my eyes may 
turn towards the fair land I 
have lost, and I, by my tears, 
regain it. 

1 weep, and sigh, and am 
afflicted, as I behold the Cher- 
ubim guarding, with a flaming 
sword, the gate of paradise, 
which is shut against all sinners. 
Alas ! how can I enter, unless 
thou, my Saviour, grant me 
admission ? 

0 Christ, my Saviour, my 
hope is in thy great mercy, and 
in the Blood which flowed from 
thy sacred Side, whereby thou 
didst sanctify mankind, and 
open, 0 good Jesus, to them 
that serve thee, the gate of 
paradise, which heretofore was 
shut against Adam. 

(O gate of life! Spiritual 
gate, which God has kept for 
himself ! 0 Virgin-Mother of 
God, espoused to none but him ! 
Open to me, by thy prayers, 

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post Deum auxiliatricem 
firmumque refugium glori- 

the once closed gate of heaven ; 
that so I may glorify thee, who, 
after God, art my helper and 
sure refuge I) 


The sentence pronounced by the Almighty upon 
our first parents was to fall upon their children to 
the end of time. We have been considering, during 
this week of Septuagesima, the penalties of the 
great sin ; but the severest and most humiliating of 
them all remains to be told. It is the transmission 
to the whole human race of original sin. It is true 
that the merits of the promised Eedeemer will be 
applied to each individual man, in the manner 
established by God at various periods of time: still, 
this spiritual regeneration, whilst cleansing us from 
the leprosy which covered us, and restoring us to 
the dignity of children of God, will not remove 
every scar of the old wound. It will save us from 
eternal death, and restore us to life ; but, as long 
as our pilgrimage lasts, we shall be weak and sickly. 
Thus it is that ignorance makes us short-sighted in 
those great truths, which should engross all our 
thoughts ; and this fills us with illusions, which, 
* by an unhappy inclination of our will, we cling to 
and love. Concupiscence is ever striving to make 
our soul a slave to the body ; and in order to escape 
this tyranny, our life has to be one continual 
struggle. An unruly love for independence is un- 
ceasingly making us desire to be our own masters, 
and forget that we were born to obey. We find 
pleasure in sin, whereas virtue rewards us with 
nothing, in this life, save the consciousness of our 
having done our duty. 

Knowing all this, we are filled with admiration 
and love when we think of thee, 0 Mary! thou 


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purest of God's creatures. Thou art our sister in 
nature ; thou art a daughter of Eve ; but thou wast 
conceived without sin, and art therefore the honour 
of the human race. Thou art of the same flesh and 
blood as ourselves ; and yet thou art immaculate. 
The divine decree, which condemned us to inherit 
the disgrace of original sin, could not include thy 
most pure conception ; and the serpent felt, as thy 
foot crushed his haughty head, that thou hadst 
never been under his power. In thee, 0 Mary ! we 
find our nature such as it was when our God first 
created it. Hail, then, spotless Mirror of justice ! 

0 Mary ! beautiful in thine unsullied holiness, 
pray for us who are weighed down by the conse- 
quences of that sin of our first parents, which God 
would not suffer to approach thee. Thou art the 
implacable enemy of the serpent; watch over us, 
lest his sting inflict death on our souls. We were 
conceived in sin, and born in sorrow ; pray for us, 
that we may so live as to merit blessing. We are 
condemned to toil, to suffering, and to death ; inter- 
cede for us, that our atonement may find acceptance 
with our Lord. We are exposed to the treachery of 
our evil inclinations ; we are in love with this pre- 
sent life ; we forget eternity ; we are ever striving 
to deceive our own hearts : how could we escape 
hell, were the grace of thy divine Son not unceas- 
ingly offered to us, enabling us to triumph over 
all our enemies ? Thou, 0 Immaculate Mother of 
Jesus, art the Mother of divine grace ! Pray for 
us, that we, who glory in being thy kindred by 
nature, may be daily more and more enriched with 
this priceless gift. 

Let us salute the blessed Mother of God in the 
words of the following sequence, taken from the 
ancient missal of Cluny. Catholic piety has conse- 
crated to Mary the Saturday of each week. 

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Ad laudem Matris Dei 
Modulemur licet rei, 
Poscentes remedia. 

Hsec nostra forma spei, 
Spes mirandse speciei, 
Qusb vernat in gloria. 
Hsec virtutis nutrimen- 

Spes Solaris, sola laris 
Terreni fiducia. 

Stella maris quae vocaris, 
Passus rectos et directos, 
Da pacis suffragia. 
Sicut sidus naufrago, 
Fulgens dux in pelago, 
Tu praeclara. 

Mundi lux in tenebris, 
Stella nitens Celebris, 
Deo cara. 

In sede coelica 
Hesidens, hsec mellica 
Admitte cantica, 
Virgo pia. 
Paventi psallere, 
Trementi. pro scelere 
Des ausus, 
Tu plausus, 
Veri vena. 
Tu coeli regina, 
Mundi medicina, 
Munda scelus nostrum, 

In mortis ruina, 
Nos ad vitam mina, 
Placans Deum, 
Tu benignissima. 
Cara parens, 0 Maria, 
Patris parens, Virgo pia, 
Nos in umbrae mortis via 
Sedentes illumina ! 

Let us, though sinners, sing a 
hymn in praise of the Mother 
of God ; let us sing our prayer 
for help. 

Oh ! how well may we hope 
in her, that beautiful Mother, 
whose glory is bright as 
spring 1 

It is she that trains us to 
virtue, and warms our earthly 
home with the sunny beam of 

Thou that art called Star of 
the sea, direct us, steer us, get 
us the calm of peace. 

Thou brightly shinest on 
life's sea, guiding us, as does 
the friendly star which leads 
the shipwrecked into port. 

Thou art a light to world- 
lings in their darkness, thou 
art the shining well-known 
star, so dear to God. 

Seated on thy heavenly 
throne, receive, O Virgin - 
Mother, these our sweet can- 

To the sinner who fears to 
sing, do thou, fount of truth, 
give courage and applause. 

Thou art the Queen of 
heaven, thou art the solace of 
the world; may thy loving 
prayers cleanse us from our 

We have merited death ; 
but intercede for us to God, 
most merciful Queen 1 and so 
lead us unto life. 

O Mary, dear Mother ! 
Mother of thy Creator I Virgin 
ever merciful ! enlighten us 
that are sitting in the shades 
of death. 


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Ut te nobis stella duoe, 
Tui Nati tuti cruce, 
Mereamur coeli luce 

Per te frui, Domina. 

That, guided *by thee our 
star, and protected by the cross 
of thy Son, we may, through 
thy intercession, be brought to 
the enjoyment of light eternal. 


Tee Church offers to our consideration, during this 
week of Sexagesima, the history of Noah and the 
deluge. Man has not profited by the warnings 
already given him. God is obliged to punish him 
once more, and by a terrible chastisement. There 
is found out of the whole human race one just man ; 
God makes a covenant with him, and with us 
through him. But, before He draws up this new 
alliance, He would show that He is the sovereign 
Master, and that man, and the earth whereon he 
lives, subsist solely by His power and permission. 

As the ground-work of this week's instructions, 
we give a short passage from the Book of Genesis : 
it is read in the Office of this Sunday's Matins. 

De Libro Genesis. From the Book of Genesis. 

Cap, vi. Ch. vi. 

Videns autem Deus quod And God seeing that the 

multa malitia hominum es- wickedness of men was great 

set in terra, et cuncta cogi- on the earth, and that all the 

tatio cordis intenta esset thought of their heart was bent 

ad malum omni tempore, upon evil at all times, it re- 

poenituit eum quod homi- . pented him that he had made 

nem feoisset in terra. Et man on the earth. And being 

tactus dolore cordis intrin- touched inwardly with sorrow 

secus : Delebo, inquit, ho- of heart, he said : I will destroy 

minem quern creavi, a facie man, whom I have created, 

terrsB, ab homine usque ad from the face of the earth, from 

animantia, a reptili usque man even to beasts, from the 

ad volucres coeli. Poenitet creeping thing even to the fowls 

enim me fecisse eos. Noe of the air. For it repenteth 

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vero invenit gratiam coram me that I have made them. 

Domino. But Noah found grace before 

the Lord. 

Hse sunt generationes These are the generations of 

Noe : Noe vir justus atque Noah : Noah was a just and 

perfectus f uit in generatio- perfect man in his generations : 

nibus suis, cum Deo ambu- he walked with God. And he 

lavit. Et genuit tres filios, begot three sons : Sem, Cham, 

Sem, Cham, et Japheth. and Japheth. And the earth 

Corrupta est autem terra was corrupted before God, and 

coram Deo, et repleta est was filled with iniquity. And 

iniquitate. Cumque vidisset when God had seen that the 

Deus terram esse corruptam earth was corrupted (for all 

(omnis quippe caro cor- flesh had corrupted its way 

ruperat viam suam super upon the earth), he said to 

terram) dixit ad Noe : Finis Noah : The end of all flesh is 

universse carnis venit coram come before me : the earth is 

me: repleta est terra ini- filled with iniquity through 

quitate a facie eorum, et ego them, and I will destroy them 

disperdam eos cum terra. with the earth. 

This awful chastisement of the human race by 
the deluge was a fresh consequence of sin. This 
time, however, there was found one just man ; and 
it was through him and his family that the world 
was restored. Having once more mercifully re- 
newed His covenant with His creatures, God allows 
the earth to be repeopled, and makes the three sons 
of Noah become the fathers of the three great fami- 
lies of the human race. 

This is the mystery of the Divine Office during 
the week of Sexagesima. The mystery expressed 
in to-day's Mass is of still greater importance, and 
the former is but a figure of it. The earth is 
deluged by sin and heresy. But the word of God, 
the seed of life, is ever producing a new genera* 
tion : a race of men, who, like Noah, fear God. It 
is the word of God that produces those happy 
children, of whom the beloved disciple speaks, 
saying : * They are born not of blood, nor of the 
will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of 

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God.' 1 Let us endeavour to be of this family ; or, 
if we are already numbered among its members, 
let us zealously maintain our glorious position. 
What we have to do, during these days of Septua- 
gesima, is to escape from the deluge of worldliness, 
and take shelter in the Ark of salvation ; we have 
to become that good soil, which yields a hundred- 
fold from the heavenly seed. Let us flee from the 
wrath to come, lest we perish with the enemies of 
God : let us hunger after that word of God, which 
converteth and giveth life to souls. 2 

With the Greeks, this is the seventh day of their 
week Apocreos, which begins on the Monday after 
our Septuagesima Sunday. They call this week 
Apocreos, because they then begin to abstain from 
flesh-meat, which abstinence is observed till Easter 


At Borne the Station is in the basilica of St. 
Paul outside the walls. It is around the tomb of 
the Doctor of the Gentiles, the zealous sower of the 
divine seed, the father by his preaching of so many 
nations, that the Eoman Church assembles her 
children on this Sunday, whereon she is about to 
announce to them how God spared the earth on 
the condition that it should be peopled with true 
believers and with faithful adorers of His name. 

The Introit, which is taken from the Psalms, 
cries out to our Lord for help. The human race, all 
but extinct after the deluge, is here represented as 
beseeching its Creator to bless and increase it. The 
Church adopts the same prayer, and asks her 
Saviour to multiply the children of the Word, as 
He did in former days. 

^St.JJohn i. 13. 2 Ps. xviii. 

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Exsurge, quare obdormis, 
Domine ? Exsurge, et ne 
repellas in finem ; quare 
faciem tuam avertis, obli- 
visceris tribulationem no- 
stram? Adhsesit in terra 
venter noster : exsurge, Do- 
mine, adjuva nos, et libera 

Ps. Deus, auribus nostris 
audivimus : patres nostri 
annuntiaverunt nobis. V. 
Gloria Patri. Exsurge. 

Arise, why sleepest thou, 0 
Lord ? Arise, and cast us not 
off to the end. Why turnest 
thou thy face away ? and for- 
gettest our tribulation ? Our 
belly cleaveth to the earth. 
Arise, O Lord, help us, and 
deliver us. 

Ps. We have heard, 0 God, 
with our ears : our fathers have 
declared to us thy wonders. 
V. Glory. Arise. 

In the Collect, the Church expresses the con- 
fidence she puts in the prayers of the great apostle 
St. Paul, that zealous sower of the divine seed, who 
laboured more than the other apostles in preaching 
the word to the Gentiles. 


Deus, qui conspicis quia 0 God, who seest l^hat we 

ex nulla nostra actione con- place no confidence in anything 

fidimus : concede propitius, we do : mercifully grant that, 

ut contra adversa omnia, by the protection of the Doctor 

Doctoris Gentium prote- of the Gentiles, we may be 

ctione, muniamur. Per Do- defended against all adversity, 

minum. Through, etc. 

Then are added two other Collects, as in the 
Mass of Septuagesima Sunday, page 120. 

The Epistle is that admirable passage from one 
of St. Paul's Epistles, in which the great apostle, 
for the honour and interest of his sacred ministry, 
is necessitated to write his defence against the 
calumnies of his enemies. We learn from this his 
apology what labours the apostles had to go through, 
in order to sow the word of God in the barren soil 
of the Gentile world, and make it Christian. 

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Lectio Epistolse beati Pauli 
Apostoli ad Corinthios. 

2 Cap. xi. 

Fratres, libenter suffertis 
insipientes, cum sitis ipsi 
sapientes. Sustinetis enim 
si quis vos in servitutem re- 
digit, si quis devorat, si quis 
accipit, si quis extollitur, si 
quis in faciem vos csedit. 
Secundum ignobilitatem 
dico, quasi nos infirmi fueri- 
mus in hac parte. In quo 
quis audet (in insipientia 
dico), audeo et ego. He- 
brsei sunt, et ego. Israe- 
litsB sunt, et ego. Semen 
.Abrahse sunt, et ego. Mi- 
nistri Christi sunt (ut minus 
sapiens dico), plus ego: in 
laboribus plurimis, in car- 
ceribus abundantius, in 
plagis supra modum, in 
mortibus frequenter. A Ju- 
dseis quinquies quadrage- 
nas, una minus, accepi, Ter 
virgis caesus sum, semel 
lapidatus sum, ter naufra- 
gium feci, nocte et die in 
profundo maris fui; in iti- 
neribus ssepe, periculis flu- 
minum, periculis latronum, 
periculis ex genere, pericu- 
lis ex gentibus, periculis 
in civitate, periculis in so- 
litudine, periculis in mari, 
periculis in falsis fratribus ; 
in labore et aerumna, in vi- 
giliis multis, in fame et siti, 
in jejuniis multis, in frigore 
et nuditate. Praeter ilia, quae 
extrinsecus sunt, instantia 
mea quotidiana, sollicitudo 

Lesson of the Epistle of Saint 
Paul the Apostle to the 

2 Ch. xi. 

Brethren, you gladly suffer 
the foolish, whereas yourselves • 
are wise. For you suffer if a 
man bring you into bondage, 
if a man devour you, if a man 
take from you, if a man be 
lifted up, if a man sfrike you 
on the face. I speak according 
to dishonour, as if we had been 
weak in this part. Wherein if 
any man dare (I speak fool- 
ishly) I dare also. They are 
Hebrews : so am I. They are 
Israelites : so am I. They are 
the seed of Abraham : so am I. 
They are the ministers of Christ: 
(I speak as one less wise) I am 
more : in many more labours, 
in prisons more frequently, in 
stripes above measure, in deaths 
often. Of the Jews five times 
did I receive forty stripes, save 
one. Thrice was I beaten with 
rods, once I was stoned, thrice 
I suffered shipwreck; a night 
and a day I was in the depth 
of the sea. In journeying often, 
in perils of waters, in perils of 
robbers, in perils from my own 
nation, in perils from the Gen- 
tiles, in perils in the city, in 
perils in the wilderness, in 
perils in the sea, in perils from 
false brethren. In labour and 
painfullness, in much watch- 
ings, in hunger and thirst, in 
fastings often, in cold and 
nakedness. Besides those things 
which are without : my daily 
instance, the solicitude for all 

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omnium Ecclesiarum. Quia the churches. Who is weak, 

infirmatur, et ego non in- and I am not weak ? Who is 

firmor? Quis scandalizatur, scandalized, and I am not on 

et ego non uror ? Si gloriari fire ? If I must needs glory, 

oportet, quae infirmitatis I will glory of the things that 

meae sunt, gloriabor. Deus concern my infirmity. The 

et Pater Domini nostri Jesu God and Father of our Lord 

Christi, qui est benedictus Jesus Christ, who is blessed for 

in saecula, scit quod non ever, knoweth that I lie not. 

mentior. Damasci praeposi- At Damascus the governor of 

tus gentis Aretae regis, cus- the nation under Aretas the 

todiebat civitatem Damas- king, guarded the city of the 

cenorum, ut me compre- Damascenes, to apprehend me ; 

henderet; et per fenestram and through a window in a 

in sporta dimissus sum per basket was I let down by the 

murum, et sic effugi manus wall, and so escaped his hands, 

ejus. Si gloriari oportet (non If I must glory (it is not expe- 

expedit quidem), veniam dient indeed), but I will come 

autem ad visiones et reve- to the visions and revelations 

lationes Domini. Scio homi- of the Lord. I know a man in 

nem in Christo ante annos Christ about fourteen years ago 

quatuordecim (sive in cor- (whether in the body, I know 

pore nescio, sive extra corpus not, or out of the body, I know 

nescio, Deus scit), raptum not, God knoweth), such an one 

hujusmodi usque ad tertium rapt even to the third heaven, 

caelum. Et scio hujus- And I know such a man 

modi hominem (sive in cor- (whether in the body, or out 

pore, sive extra corpus of the body, I cannot tell, God 

nescio, Deus scit), quoniam knoweth), that he was caught 

raptus est in paradisum, et up into paradise, and heard 

audivit arcana verba quae secret words, which it is not 

non licet homini loqui. Pro granted to man to utter. For 

hujusmodi gloriabor ; pro such an one I will glory ; but 

me autem nihil gloriabor, for myself I will glory nothing, 

nisi in infirmitatibus meis. but in my infirmities. For 

Nam, et si voluero gloriari, though I should have a mind 

non ero insipiens ; verita- to glory, I shall not be foolish : 

tern enim dicam : parco au- for I will say the truth. But 

tern, ne quis me existimet I forbear, lest any man should 

supra id quod videt in me, think of me above that which 

aut aliquid audit ex me. Et he seeth in me, or anything he 

ne magnitudo revelationum heareth from me. And lest the 

extollat me, datus est mihi greatness of the revelations 

stimulus carnis meae, ange- should exalt me, there was 

lus Satanae, qui me colaphi- given me a sting of my flesh, 

zet. Propter quod ter Do- an angel of Satan to buffet me. 

minum rogavi ut discederet For which thing thrice I be- 



a me : et dixit mihi : Suffi- 
cit tibi gratia mea ; nam 
virtus in infirmitate perfi- 
citur. Libenter igitur glo- 
riabor in infirmitatibus 
meis, ut inhabitet in me 
virtus Christi. 

sought the Lord that it might 
depart from me : and he said 
to me: My grace is sufficient 
for thee : for power is made 
perfect in infirmity. Gladly, 
therefore, will I glory in my 
infirmities, that the power of 
Christ may dwell in me. 

In the Gradual, the Church beseeches her Lord 
to give her strength against those who oppose the 
mission He has entrusted to her, of gaining for Him 
a new people, adorers of His sovereign Majesty. 


Sciant gentes, quoniam Let the Gentiles know that 

nomen tibi Deus : tu solus God is thy name : thou alone 

Altissimus super omnem art the Most High over all the 

terram. earth. 

V. Deus meus, pone illos V. 0 my God, make them 

ut rotam, et sicut stipulam like a wheel, and as stubble 

ante faciem venti. before the wind. 

Whilst the earth is being moved, and is suffering 
those terrible revolutions which, deluge-like, come 
first on one nation and then on another, the Church 
prays for her faithful children, in order that they 
may be spared, for they are the elect, and the hope 
of the world. It is thus she prays in the following 
Tract, which precedes the Gospel of the word. 


Commovisti, Domine, ter- Thou hast moved the earth, 
ram, et conturbasti earn. O Lord, and hast troubled it. 

V. Sana contritiones ejus, V. Heal the breaches there- 
quia mota est. of, for it is moved. 

V. Ut f ugiant a facie ar V. That they may flee from 
cus : ut liberentur electi tui. before the bow : that thy elect 

may be delivered. 

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Sequentia sancti Evangelii 
secundum Lucain. 

Cap, viii. 

In illo tempore, cum tur- 
ba plurima convenirent, et 
de civitatibus properarent 
ad Jesum, dixit per simili- 
tudinem : Exiit, qui semi- 
nat, seminare semen suum : 
et dum seminat, aliud ce- 
cidit secus viam, et concul- 
catum est, et volucres cceli 
comederunt illud. Et aliud 
cecidit supra petram : et 
natum, aruit ; quia non ha- 
bebat humorem. Et aliud 
cecidit inter spinas, et simul 
exortae spin© suffocaverunt 
illud. Et aliud cecidit in 
terram bonam : et ortum 
fecit fructum centuplum. 
Haec dicens clamabat : Qui 
habet aures audiendi, au- 
diat. Interrogabant autem 
eum discipuli ejus, quae 
esset haec parabola. Quibus 
ipse dixit : Vobis datum est 
nosse mysterium regni Dei, 
caeteris autem in parabolis ; 
ut videntes non videant, et 
audientes non intelligant. 
Est autem haec parabola. 
Semen est verbum Del Qui 
autem secus viam, hi sunt 
qui audiunt : deinde venit 
diabolus, et tollit verbum 
de corde eorum, ne cre- 
dentes salvi fiant. Nam qui 
supra petram : qui cum au- 
dierint, cum gaudio susci- 
piunt verbum : et hi radices 
non habent : quia ad tern pus 
credunt, et in tempore ten- 
tationis recedunt. Quod au- 

Sequel of the holy Gospel 
according to Luke. 

Ch. viii. 

At that time, when a very 
great multitude was gathered 
together, and hastened out of 
the cities to meet Jesus, he 
spoke by a similitude. The 
sower went out to sow his seed; 
and as he sowed, some fell by 
the wayside, and it was trodden 
down, and the fowls of the air 
devoured it. And other some 
fell upon a rock: and as soon 
as it was sprung up, it withered 
away, because it had no mois- 
ture. And other some fell 
among thorns ; and the thorns 
growing up with it, choked it. 
And other some fell upon good 
ground, and being sprung up, 
yielded fruit a hundred-fold. 
Saying these things he cried 
out : He that hath ears to hear, 
let him hear. And his disciples 
asked him what this parable 
might be. To whom he said : 
To you it is given to know the 
mystery of the kingdom of God ; 
but to the rest in parables : that 
seeing they may not see, and 
hearing they may not under- 
stand. Now the parable is this : 
The seed is the word of God. 
And they by the wayside are 
they that hear ; then the devil 
cometh, and taketh the word 
out of their heart, lest believing 
they should be saved. Now 
they upon the rock are they 
who, when they hear, receive 
the word with joy : and these 
have no roots ; for they believe 
for a while, and in time of 

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tem in spinas cecidit, hi sunt 
qui audierunt, et a sollici- 
tudinibus, et divitiis, et 
voluptatibus vitse, euntes, 
suffocantur, et non referunt 
fructum. Quod autem in 
bonam terram : hi sunt, qui 
in corde bono et optimo 
audientes verbum retinent, 
et fructum afferunt in pati- 

temptation fall away. And 
that which fell among thorns, 
are they who have heard, and 
going their way, are choked 
with the cares and riches and 
pleasures of this life, and yield 
no fruit. But that on the good 
ground, are they, who in a good 
and very good heart hearing 
the word, keep it, and bring 
forth fruit in patience. 

St. Gregory the Great justly remarks, that this 
parable needs no explanation, since eternal Wisdom 
Himself has told us its meaning. All that we have 
to do, is to profit by this divine teaching, and 
become the good soil, wherein the heavenly seed 
may yield a rich harvest. How often have we, 
hitherto, allowed it to be trampled on by them that 
passed by, or to be torn up by the birds of the air ! 
How often has it found our heart like a stone, that 
could give no moisture, or like a thorn plot, that 
could but choke ! We listened to the word of God ; 
we took pleasure in hearing it ; and from this we 
argued well for ourselves. Nay, we have often re- 
ceived this word with joy and eagerness. Some- 
times, even, it took root within us. But, alas ! some- 
thing always came to stop its growth. Henceforth, 
it must both grow and yield fruit. The seed given 
to us is of such quality, that the divine Sower has a 
right to expect a hundred-fold. If the soil, that is, 
our heart, be good ; if we take the trouble to prepare 
it, by profiting of the means afforded us by the 
Church ; we shall have an abundant harvest to show 
our Lord on that grand day, when, rising triumphant 
from His tomb, He will come to share with His 
faithful people the glory of His Eesurrection. 

Inspirited by this hope, and full of confidence in 
Him who has once more thrown this seed into this 
long ungrateful soil, let us sing with the Church, in 

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her Offertory, these beautiful words of the royal 
psalmist : they are a prayer for holy resolution and 


Perfice gressus meos in Perfect thou my goings in 
semitis tuis, ut non move- thy paths ; that my footsteps 
antur vestigia mea : inclina be not moved. 0 incline thy 
aurem tuam et exaudi verba ear unto me and hear my 
mea : mirinca misericordias words. Show forth thy won- 
tuas, qui salvos facis spe- derful mercies ; who savest 
rantes in te, Domine. them that hope in thee, 0 



Oblatum tibi, Domine, May the sacrifice we have 
sacrificium vivificet nos offered to thee, O Lord, always 
s toper, et muniat. Per enliven us and defend us. 
Dominum. Through, etc. 

To this are added the other Secrets, as on Septua- 
gesima Sunday, page 127. 

The visit, which our Lord makes to us in the 
Sacrament of His love, is the grand means whereby 
He gives fertility to our souls. Hence it is that the 
Church invites us, in the Communion antiphon, to 
draw nigh to the altar of our God ; there, our heart 
shall regain all the youthful fervour of its best days. 


Introibo ad altare Dei, ad I will go up to the altar of 
Deum qui laetificat juven- God ; to God, who rejoiceth 
tutem meam. my youth. 


Supplices te rogamus, om- Grant, we humbly beseech 

nipotens Deus; ut quos tuis thee, O almighty God, that 

refici8sacramentis,tibietiam those whom thou refreshest 

placitis moribus dignanter with thy sacraments, may, by 

deservire concedas. Per Do- a life well pleasing to thee, 

minum. worthily serve thee. Through, 


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Two other Postcommunions are said after this, as 
on Septuagesima Sunday, page 128. 


The psalms and antiphons as on page 72. 


\2 Cor. xi.) 

Fratres, libenter suffertis Brethren, you gladly suffer 
insipientes, cum sitis ipsi the fooftsh, whereas yourselves 
sapientes. Sustinetis enim are wise. For you suffer if a 
si quis vos in servitutem re- man bring you into bondage, 
digit, si quis devorat, si quis if a man devour you, if a man 
accipit, si quis extollitur, si take from you, if a man be 
quis in faciem vos caedit. lifted up, if a man strike you 

on the face. 

The hymn and versicle, page 79. 


Vobis datum est nosse 
mysterium regni Dei, cseteris 
autem in parabolis, dixit 
Jesus discipulis suis. 


Deus, qui conspicis quia 
ex nulla nostra actione con- 
fidimus: concede propitius, 
ut contra adversa omnia, 
Doctoris Gentium prote- 
ction, muniamur. Per Do- 

To you it is given to know 
the mystery of the kingdom of 
God, but to the others in par- 
ables, said Jesus to his dis- 


0 God, who seest that we 
place no confidence in anything 
we do : mercifully grant that 
by the protection of the Doctor 
of the Gentiles, we may be 
defended against all adversity. 
Through, etc. 

We will end our Sunday by a hymn taken from 
the ancient breviaries of the Churches of France : 
it will help us to keep up in our souls the sentiments 
proper to the season of Septuagesima. 

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Dies absoluti prsetereunt; 
Dies observabiles redeunt. , 

Tempus adest sobrium : 
Quaeramus puro corde Do- 

Hymnis et in confessioni- 

Judex complacabitur Domi- 

Non negabit hie veniam, 
Qui vult ut homo quaerat 

Post jugum servile Pha- 


Post catenas dirae Babylonis: 

Liber homo patriam 
Quaerat ccelestem Hieroso- 
Fugiamus de hoc exilio : 
Habitemus cum Dei Filio : 

Hoc decus est famuli 
Si sit cohaeres sui Domini. 

Sis Christe nobis dux hu- 
jus vitae : 
Memento quod sumus oves 

Pro quibus ipse tuam 
Pastor ponebas morte ani- 

• Gloria sit Patri et Filio : 
Sancto simul honor Para- 
clito : 
Sicut erat pariter 
In principio et.nunc et sem- 
per. Amen. 

The days of ease are about to 
close ; the days of holy obser- 
vance are returning ; the time 
of temperance is at hand; let 
us seek our Lord in purity of 

Our sovereign Judge will be 
appeased by our hymns and 
praise. He who would have 
us sue for grace, will not refuse 
us pardon. 

The slavish yoke of Pharaoh, 
and the fetters of cruel Baby- 
lon, have been borne too long : 
let man now claim his freedom, 
and seek his heavenly country, 

Let us quit this place of exile : 
let us dwell with the Son of 
God. Is it not the servant's 
glory, to be made co-heir with 
his Lord ? 

O Jesus! be thou our guide 
through life. Remember that 
we are thy sheep, for whom 
thou, the Shepherd, didst lay 
down thine own life. 

Glory be to the Father, and 
to the Son ; honour too be to 
the holy Paraclete: as it was 
in the beginning, now is, and 
shall ever be. Amen. 

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All flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth. 1 
The terrible lesson, then, which men had received, 
by being driven out of paradise in the person of our 
first parents, had been without effect. Neither the 
certainty of death, when they would have to stand 
before the divine Judge, nor the humiliations which 
attend man's first coming into this world, nor the 
pains and fatigues and trials which beset the whole 
path of life, had subdued men's hearts, or brought 
them into submission to that sovereign Master 
whose hand lay thus heavy upon them. They had 
the divine promise that a Saviour should be given 
to them, and that this Eedeemer (who was to be the 
Son of her that was to crush the serpent's head), 
would not only bring them salvation, but would 
moreover reinstate them in all the happiness and 
honours they had lost. But even this was not 
enough to make them rise above the base passions 
of corrupt nature. The example of Adam's nine 
hundred years' penance, and the admonitions he 
could so feelingly give who had received such proofs 
of God's love and anger, began to lose their influence 
upon his children ; and when he at last descended 
into the grave, his posterity grew more and more 
heedless of what they owed to their Creator. The 
long life, which had been granted to man in this the 
first age of the world, was made but a fresh means 
of offending Him who gave it. When, finally, the 
sons of Seth took to themselves wives of the family 
of Cain, the human race reached the height of 
wickedness, rebelled against the Lord, and made 
their own passions their god. 

Yet, all this while, they had had granted to them 
the power of resisting the evil propensities of their 
1 Gen vi. 12. 

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hearts. God had offered them His grace, whereby 
they were enabled to conquer pride and concupis- 
cence. The merits of the Eedeemer to come were 
even then present to divine justice, and the Lamb, 
slain, as St. John tells us, from the beginning of 
the world, 1 applied the merits of His Blood to this 
as to every generation which existed before the 
great Sacrifice was really immolated. Each indi- 
vidual of the human family might have been just, 
as Noah was, and, like him, have found favour with 
the Most High ; but the thought of their heart was 
bent upon evil, and not upon good, and the earth 
became peopled with enemies of God. Then it was 
that it repented God that He had made man, 2 as 
the sacred Scripture forcibly expresses it. He 
decreed that man's life on earth should be shortened, 
in order that the thought of death might be ever 
before us. He, moreover, resolved to destroy, by a 
universal deluge, the whole of this perverse genera- 
tion, saving only one family. The world would thus 
be renewed, and man would learn from this awful 
chastisement to serve and love this his sovereign 
Lord and God. 

We find the following liturgical formula in the 
Mozarabic missal. Nothing could be more appro- 
priate to the season of Septuagesima. 


(Dominica ante carnes tollendas.) 

Ecce jam in proximo sunt Behold, now are close at 

dies illi salutis, in quibus hand those days of salvation, 

revoluto anni circulo, per which the cycle of the year 

salutaris abstinentise opus, brings round to us, and in 

remedia cupimus suscipere which we desire, by the exer- 

pravorum actuum nostro- cise of salutary abstinence, to 

1 Apoc. xiii. 8. 2 Gen. vi. 6. 


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rum. Etenim sicut ait apo- 
stolus : Hoc est acceptable 
tempus, et hi sunt dies sa- 
lutis, in quibus spiritualis 
medela exquirenti adveniat 
animse, et mala dulcia sera- 
bra peccaminum evellantur 
a mente; ut qui consuetu- 
dine noxia semper cogimur 
deorsum fluere, tandem di- 
vina nos erigente dementia, 
conemur sursum surgere, ut 
horum dierum votiva exhi- 
bente3 susceptione, et malo- 
rum nostrorum levemur a 
crimine, et beatitudinis ele- 
ctorum mereamur compotes 
esse. Amen. 

apply a remedy to our evil 
doings. For, as the apostle 
says : This is the acceptable 
time, and, these are the days of 
salvation, wherein a spiritual 
cure is given to the soul that 
seeks it, and the evil delights 
of sin are rooted from the 
mind. Hereby, we, whose 
evil habits are ever forcing us 
to a downward tendency, are 
by the uplifting mercy of God, 
encouraged to rise above this 
earth ; that thus, by the de- 
vout observance of what these 
days require, we may not only 
be delivered from the guilt of 
our sins, but may moreover 
deserve to be companions with 
the elect in eternal bliss. 


When we reflect upon ihe terrible events which 
happened in the first age of the world, we are lost 
in astonishment at the wickedness of man, and at 
the effrontery wherewith he siris against his God. 
How was it that the dread words of God, which 
were spoken against our first parents in Eden, 
could be so soon forgotten ? How could the 
children of Adam see their father suffering and 
doing such endless penance, without humbling 
themselves and imitating this model of repentance? 
How was it that the promise of a Mediator, who 
was to reopen the gate of heaven for them, could 
be believed, and yet not awaken in their souls the 
desire of making themselves worthy to be His 
ancestors, and partakers of that grand regenera- 
tion, which He was to bring to mankind? And 
yet, the years which followed the death of Adam 

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were years of crime and scandal ; nay, he himself 
lived to see one of his own children become the 
murderer of a brother. But why be thus surprised 
at the wickedness of these our first brethren? 
The earth is now six thousand years old in the 
continued reception of divine blessings and chas- 
tisements ; and are men less dull of heart, less 
ungrateful, less rebellious towards their Maker? 
For the generality of men— we mean, of those who 
deign to believe in the fall and chastisement of our 
first parents, and in the destruction of the world by 
the deluge — what are these great truths ? Mere 
historical facts, which have never once inspired 
them with a fear of God's justice. More favoured 
than these early generations of the human race, 
they know that the Messias has been sent, that 
God has come down upon the earth, that He 
has been made Man, that He has broken Satan's 
rule, that the way to heaven has been made easy 
by the graces embodied by the Eedeemer in the 
Sacraments : and yet, sin reigns and triumphs in 
the midst of Christianity. Undoubtedly, the just 
are more numerous than they were in the days of 
Noah ; but then, what riches of grace has our 
Eedeemer poured out on our degenerate race by 
the ministry of His bride the Church ! Yes, there 
are faithful Christians to be found upon the earth, 
and the number of the elect is every day being 
added to ; but the multitude are living at enmity 
with God, and their actions are in contradiction to 
their faith. 

When, therefore, the holy Church reminds us of 
those times, wherein all flesh had corrupted its way, 
she is urging us to think about our own conversion. 
Her motive in relating to us the history of the sins 
committed at the beginning of the world, is to 
induce us to examine our own consciences. Why, 
too, does she read to us those pages of sacred Writ, 


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which so vividly describe the flood-gates of heaven 
opening and deluging the guilty earth, if not that 
she would warn us against mocking that great God, 
who thus chastised the sins of His rebellious 
creatures? Last week we were called upon to 
consider the sad consequences of Adam's sin, a sin 
which we ourselves did not commit, but the effects 
of which lie so heavy upon us. This week we must 
reflect upon the sins we ourselves have committed. 
Though God has loaded us with favours, guided us 
by His light, redeemed us with His Blood, and 
strengthened us against all our enemies by His 
grace, yet have we corrupted our way, and caused 
our God to repent of having created us. Let us 
confess our wickedness, and humbly acknowledge 
that we owe it to the mercies of the Lord, that we 
have not been consumed. 1 

The Ambrosian missal contains the following 
exhortation for this season of the year. 

Convertiminiomnessimul Be converted to God, all ye 

ad Deum mundo corde et people, in purity of heart and 

animo, in oratione, jejuniis, soul, in prayer, fasting, and 

et vigiliis multis. Fundite much watching. Pour out 

preces vestras cum lacrymis ; your prayers with tears; that 

ut deleatis chirographa pec- the hand-writing of your sins 

catorum vestrorum, prius- may be blotted out, before 

quam vobis repentinus su- sudden destruction come upon 

perveniat interitus ; ante- you, and before the deep flood 

quam vos profundum mortis of death engulf you. When 

absorbeat ; et cum Creator our Creator comes, let him 

noster advenerit, paratos nos find us ready, 


(Dominica in Septuagesima.) 

1 Lam. iii. 22, 



0 God of infinite justice ! we have sinned ; we 
have abused the life Thou hast given us : and when 
we read, in Thy Scriptures, how Thine anger 
chastised the sinners of former days, we are forced 
to acknowledge, that we have deserved to be treated 
in like manner. We have the happiness to be 
Christians and children of Thy Church ; the light 
of faith, and the power of Thy grace, have brought 
us once more into Thy friendship ; but how can we 
forget that we were once Thy enemies ? And are 
we so deeply rooted in virtue, that we can promise 
ourselves perseverance in it to the end ? Pierce, 0 
Lord! pierce my flesh with Thy fear. 1 Man's 
heart is hard, and unless it fear Thy sovereign 
Majesty, it may again offend Thee. 

We are penetrated with fear, when we remember 
that Thou didst bury the world and destroy man- 
kind by the waters of the deluge ; for we learn by 
this, how Thy patience and long-suffering may be 
changed into inexorable anger. Thou art just, 0 
Lord ! and who shall presume to take scandal, or 
to murmur, when Thy wrath is enkindled against 
sinners ? 

We have defied Thy justice, we have braved 
Thine anger ; for, though Thou hast told us that 
Thou wilt never more destroy sinners by a deluge 
of water, yet we know that Thou hast created, in 
Thy hatred for sin, a fire, which shall eternally 
prey on them that depart this life without being 
first reconciled with Thy offended Majesty. 

0 wonderful dignity of our human nature ! We 
cannot be indifferent towards that infinite Being 
that created us: we must be His friends or His 

1 Ps. cxviii. 120. 

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enemies ! It could not have been otherwise. He 
gave us understanding and free-will: we know 
what is good and what is evil, and we must choose 
the one or the other: we cannot remain neutral. 
If we choose good, God turns towards us and loves 
us ; if evil, we separate from Him, who is our 
sovereign Good. But, whereas He bears most 
tender mercy towards this frail creature whom He 
created out of pure love, and because He wills that 
all men should be saved, He waits with patience 
for the sinner to return to Him, and, in countless 
ways, draws his heart to repentance. 

But woe to him that obeys not the divine call, 
when that call is the last! Then justice takes the 
place of mercy, and revelation tells us how fearful 
a thing it is to fall into the hands of the living 
God. 1 Let us, then, flee from the wrath to come, 2 
by making our peace with the God we have 
offended. If we be already restored to grace, let 
us walk in His fear, until love shall have grown 
strong enough in our hearts to make us run the 
way of the commandments. 3 

The following prayer is from the Mozarabic 
breviary of the Gothic Church of Spain. 

Averte faciem tuam a Turn away thy face from 

peccatis nostris, Domine, et our sins, O Lord, and blot out 

omnes iniquitates nostras all our iniquities. Take from 

dele ; remove ab oculis tuis thine eyes the guilt of our 

malarum nostrarum facinus sinful pleasures, and merci- 

voluptatum, nostrseque con- fully incline thine ear to our 

fessioni clementer tuum ap- confession. Have mercy, we 

pone auditum. Miserere, beseech thee, upon us thy sup- 

qusesumus, rogantibus nobis, pliants, O thou that lookest 

1 Heb. x. 31. 2 St. Matt. iii. 7. 3 Ps. cxviii. 32. 


(In capite jejtmii.) 



qui propitius respicis in ad- 
versis, et qui desperatis cor 
poenitens tribuis ad confes- 
sionem glorias tuse. Sed 
quia publicanus a longe 
stans et percutiens pectus 
suuui, sola confessione pur- 
gatus est, similiter et nos 
peccatores exaudi ; ut sicut 
illi meritos petitionis suae 
fructus donasti, ita et nobis 
supplicantibus indignis ser- 
vis tuis veniam digneris im- 
pendere peccatis. Amen. 

with pity on them that are in 
affliction, and givest to the dis- 
consolate a penitent heart, that 
so they may praise thy name. 
The publican who stood afar 
off and struck his breast, found 
forgiveness by this alone, that 
he confessed his sin; do thou, 
in like manner, mercifully hear 
us sinners : and as thou didst 
give to him the fruit his prayer 
deserved, so also vouchsafe to 
grant unto us, thy suppliant 
unworthy servants, the pardon 
of our sins. Amen. 


God promised Noah that He would never more 
punish the earth with a deluge. But, in His 
justice, He has many times visited the sins of men 
with a scourge which, in more senses than one, 
bears a resemblance to a deluge: the invasion of 
enemies. We meet with these invasions in every 
age ; and each time we see the hand of God. We 
can trace the crimes that each of them was sent to 
punish, and in each we find a manifest proof of the 
infinite justice wherewith God governs the world. 

It is not requisite that we should here mention 
the long list of these revolutions, which we might 
almost say make up the history of mankind, for in 
its every page we read of conquests, extinction of 
races, destruction of nations, and violent amalga- 
mations, which effaced the traditions and character 
of the several peoples that were thus forced into 
union. We will confine our considerations to the 
two great invasions, which the just anger of God 
has permitted to come upon the world since the 
commencement of the Christian era. 

The Roman Empire had made itself as pre- 

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eminent in crime as it was in power. It conquered 
the world, and then corrupted it. Idolatry and 
immorality were the civilization it gave to the 
nations which had come under its sway. Christi- 
anity could save individuals in the great empire, 
but the empire itself could not be made Christian. 
God let loose upon it the deluge of barbarians. 
The stream of the wild invasion rose to the very 
dome of the Capitol; the empire was engulfed. 
The ruthless ministers of divine justice were con- 
scious of their being chosen for this mission of 
vengeance, and they gave themselves the name of 
' God's scourge.' 

When, later on, the Christian nations of the 
east had lost the faith which they themselves had 
transmitted to the western world ; when they had 
disfigured the sacred symbol of faith by their 
blasphemous heresies ; the anger of God sent upon 
them, from Arabia, the deluge of Mahometanism. 
It swept away the Christian Churches, that had 
existed from the very times of the apostles. Jeru- 
salem, the favoured Jerusalem, on which Jesus had 
lavished His tenderest love, even she became a 
victim to the infidel hordes. Antioch and Alex- 
andria, with their patriarchates, were plunged into 
the vilest slavery ; and at length Constantinople, 
that had so obstinately provoked the divine indig- 
nation, was made the very capital of the Turkish 

And we, the western nations, if we return not to 
the Lord our God, shall we be spared ? Shall the 
flood-gates of heaven's vengeance, the torrent of 
fresh Vandals, ever be menacing to burst upon us, 
yet never come ? Where is the country of our own 
Europe, that has not corrupted its way, as in the 
days of Noah ? that has not made conventions 
against the Lord and against His Christ ? 1 that has 
1 Ps. ii 2. 

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not clamoured out that old cry of revolt : Let us 
break their bonds asunder, let us cast away their 
yoke from us ? x Well may we fear lest the time is 
at hand, when, despite our haughty confidence in 
our means of defence, Christ our Lord, to whom all 
nations have been given by the Father, shall rule 
us with a rod of iron, and break us in.pieces like a 
potter's vessel. 2 Let us propitiate the anger of our 
offended God, and follow the inspired counsel of the 
royal prophet: Serve ye the Lord with fear; 
embrace the discipline of His Law ; lest, at any 
time, the Lord be angry, and ye perish from the 
just way. 3 

We find the following beautiful words in the 
Ambrosian liturgy for Septuagesima. They occur 
in the missal. 


(Dominica in Quinquagesima.) 

Venite, convertimini ad Come, be converted unto me* 
me, dicit Dominus. Venite saith the Lord. Let us come 
flentes, fundamus lacrymas weeping, and pour out our 
ad Deum : quia nos neglexi- tears before God, for we have 
muB, et propter nos terra been negligent, and because of 
patitur. Nos iniquitatem us is the earth suffering. We 
fecimus, et propter nos fun- have committed iniquity, and 
damenta commota sunt, because of us are the founda- 
Festinemus iram Dei ante- tions of the world moved. Let 
vertere, flentes, et dicentes : us hasten to avert the wrath of 
Qui tollis peccata mundi, God ; let us weep, and say : O 
miserere nobis. thou, that takest away the sins 

of the world, have mercy upon 

us ! 

1 Ps. ii. 3. 2 Ibid., 9. 3 Ibid., 12. 

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God chastises the world by the deluge ; but He is 
faithful to the promise made to our first parents, 
that the head of the serpent should be crushed. 
The human race has to be preserved, therefore, 
until the time shall come for the fulfilment of this 
promise. The Ark gives shelter to the just Noah, 
and to his family. The angry waters reach even to 
the tops of the highest mountains ; but the frail yet 
safe vessel rides peacefully on the waves. When the 
day fixed by God shall come, they that dwell in this 
Ark shall once more tread the earth, purified as it 
then will be; and God will say to them, as here- 
tofore to our first parents : 'Increase, and multiply, 
and fill the earth.' 1 

Mankind, then, owes its safety to the Ark. 0 
saving Ark, that wast planned by God Himself, and 
didst sail unhurt amidst the universal wreck ! But 
if we can thus bless this contemptible wood, 2 how 
fervently should we love that other Ark, of which 
Noah's was but the figure, and which, for now 
eighteen-hundred years, has been saving and bring- 
ing men to their God ! How fervently should we 
bless that Church, the bride of our Jesus, out of 
which there is no salvation, and in which we find 
that truth which delivers us from error and doubt, 3 
that grace which purifies the heart, and that food 
which nourishes the soul and fits her for immor- 

0 sacred Ark ! thou art inhabited, not by one 
family alone, but by people of every nation under 
the sun. Ever since that glorious day, when our 
Lord launched thee in the sea of this world, thou 
hast been tossed by tempests, yet never wrecked. 

1 Gen. ix. 1. 2 Wisd. x. 4. 3 St. John viii. 32. 

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Thou wilt reach the eternal shore, witnessing, by 
thy unworn vigour and beauty, to the divine 
guidance of the Pilot, who loves thee, both for thine 
own sake, and for the work thou art doing for His 
glory. It is by thee that He peoples the world with 
His elect, and it is for them that He created the 
world. 1 When He is angry, He remembers mercy, 2 
because of thee, for it is through thee that He has 
made His covenant with mankind. 

0 venerable Ark ! be thou our refuge in the 
deluge. When Kome's great empire, that was drunk 
with the blood of the martyrs, 3 sank beneath the 
invasion of the barbarians, the Christians were safe, 
because sheltered by thee ; the waters slowly sub- 
sided, and the race of men that had fled to thee for 
protection, though conquered according to the flesh, 
was victorious by the spirit. Kings, who till then 
had been haughty despots and barbarians, kissed 
reverently the hand of the slave, who was now their 
pastor and baptized them. New peoples sprang up, 
and, with the Gospel as their law, began their 
glorious career in those very countries which the 
CsBsars had degraded and forfeited. 

When the Saracen invasion came sweeping into 
ruin the eastern world, and menacing the whole of 
Europe, which would have been lost had not the 
energy of thy sons repelled the infidel horde, was it 
not within thee, 0 Ark of salvation ! that the few 
Christians took refuge, who had resisted schism and 
heresy, and who, whilst the rest of their brethren 
apostatized from the faith, still kept alive the holy 
flame? Under thy protection they are even now 
perpetuating, in their unfortunate countries, the 
traditions of faith, until the divine mercy shall 
bring happier times, and they be permitted to 
multiply, as did of old the sons of Sem, in that land 
once so glorious and holy. 

1 St. Matt. xxiv. 22. 2 Hab. iii. 2. 3 Apoc. xvii. 6. 

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Oh ! happy we, dear Church of God ! that are 
sheltered within thee, and protected by thee against 
that wild sea of anarchy, which the sins of men 
have let loose on our earth ! We beseech our Lord 
to check the tempest with that word of His omnipo- 
tence : ' Thus far shalt thou come, and no further, 
and here shalt thou break thy swelling waves.' 1 
But if His divine justice has decreed that it prevail 
for a time, we know that it cannot reach such as 
dwell in thee. Of this happy number are we. In 
thy peaceful bosom, dear mother, we find those 
true riches, the riches of the soul, of which no 
violence can deprive us. 2 The life thou givest us 
is the only real life. Our true fatherland is the 
kingdom formed by thee. Keep us, 0 thou Ark of 
our God ! Keep us, and all that are dear to us, 
and shelter us beneath thy roof, until the deluge of 
iniquity be passed away. 3 When the earth, purified 
by its chastisements, shall once more receive the 
seed of the divine word which produces the children 
of God, those among us, whom thou shalt not have 
led to our eternal home, will then venture forth, 
and preach to the world the principles of authority 
and law, of family and social rights : those sacred 
principles, which came from heaven, and which 
thou, 0 holy Church, art commissioned to maintain 
and teach, even to the end of time. 

We borrow from the Mozarabic missal the fol- 
lowing eloquent appeal to divine mercy. 


[In Dominica V. post Epiphaniam.) 

Exaudi nos Domine Deus Graciously hear, 0 Lord our 
noster, et humanse iniqui- God, and forgetting man's 
tatis oblitus, divinse so- iniquity, remember only thine 

1 Job xxxviii. 11. 2 St. Matt. vi. 20. 3 Ps. lvi. 2. 

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litis misericordiee recordare. 
Exaudi, quaesumus, dum 
peccare non pateris, dum 
emendare nos prascipis, dum 
rogare permittis: dum pa- 
tientia reditum quserendse 
correctionis exspectat : dum 
justitia metum futurse dis- 
cus8ionis insinuat : dum 
misericordia locum eva- 
dendsB mortis ostentat. In- 
veniant ante oculos tuos 
sacrificia nostra gratiam : 
peccata veniam : vulnera 
medicjnam : suspiria pie- 
tatem : flagella consolatio- 
nem : lamenta temperiem : 
tempora quietem : officia 
dignitatem : vota merce- 
dem. Mereatur petitio ef- 
fectum, contritio solatium, 
consecratio Sacramentum. 
Oblatio sanctificatione pin- 
guescat, trepidatio securi- 
tate discedat, benedictio 
salubritate proficiat; ut in 
omnibus multiplied pietatis 
tuse gratia redundante, 
erigas plebem, dum laetificas 
sacerdotem. Amen. 

own mercy. Graciously hear 
us, we beseech thee, O thou 
that forbiddest us to sin, that 
commandest us to repent, that 
permittest us to pray! Thy 
patience awaits our return to 
the needed repentance ; thy 
justice inspires us with a fear 
of the future judgment; thy 
mercy shows us how we may 
avoid death. May our sacri- 
fices find favour in thine eyes ; 
our sins, pardon ; our wounds, 
cure; our sighs, pity; our 
chastisements, consolation ; our 
tears, joy; our days, peace; 
our duties, honour; our pray- 
ers, reward. May our petition 
produce its effect; our con- 
trition, forgiveness ; our con- 
secration, the sacred mystery. 
May our oblation be rich unto 
sanctification, our fear be cast 
out by security, and our blessing 
be fruitful unto salvation ; that 
thus in all things, by the mani- 
fold and overflowing grace 
of thy mercy, thou mayst 
bless the people, whilst thou 
givest joy to the priest. Amen. 


On the Saturday of the preceding week, which was 
devoted to the consideration of the fall of our first 
parents both in its own malice and in its sad con- 
sequences upon us, we turned our thoughts towards 
our blessed Lady, who, though a daughter of Eve, 
was, by the special mercy of God, preserved from 
the stain of original sin. Let us end this week 
with a like act of veneration and love towards this 
Immaculate Queen of heaven. We, even the most 

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saintly among us, have not only been stained with 
original sin ; we have our actual sins to grieve over 
and do penance for. This should give us a higher 
appreciation of her, the one single member of the 
human family who never committed the slightest 
sin. Let us turn towards her, and give expression 
to our feelings. 

We, 0 Mary ! have corrupted our way ; we have 
disobeyed our Lord ; we have broken His law ; we 
have preferred our own selfish gratifications to the 
service we owed Him: but thou wast ever filled 
with His holy love, and there passed not even a 
shadow of sin upon thy soul, 0 spotless mirror of 
justice and holiness! Virgin most faithful! the 
grace of tljy Son ever triumphed in thy heart. 
Mystical rose! the fragrance of thy virtues un- 
ceasingly ascended to His throne, changing only in 
its daily increase of sweetness. Tower of ivory! 
fair beyond measure, without one spot to mar thy 
purity ! House of gold ! thou didst ever reflect the 
precious gifts of the Holy Ghost. Have pity, then, 
upon us, for we are sinners. 

We have obliged our God to repent that He made 
us : but in thee, dear Mother, He has ever been well 
pleased. Thou art the good land, wherein His 
divine seed yielded its thousandfold of fruit : pray 
for us, that He give fresh fertility to our hearts, 
and root up from them the thorns, which choke the 
heavenly plant. We are defiled by sin ; may He, 
through the merits of the tears thou didst shed at 
the foot of the cross, mercifully cleanse us. If thy 
divine Son have already pardoned us, there are the 
consequences of our sins, which still weaken and 
humble us, like the sores of wounds that have been 
cured : take us, sweet Mother of our Jesus, under 
the mantle of thy tender care. We have too little 
dread of sin ; we are so often on the verge of offend- 
ing our God ; oh ! get courage for these poor children 

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of thine, and firmness of resolution, and ambition 
for holiness of life. Thy intercession must win for 
us that precious devotedness to God's honour, 
which kills self-love, the root of sin. Oh ! accursed 
self-love, which may lead us to hell, who are now 
perhaps in the grace of thy divine Son ! 

The deluge, brought on by our sins, is hurrying 
its vengeance against mankind ; and we, 0 Mary ! 
are resolved to seek our refuge in the Ark of the 
Church, the safe shelter created for us by thy Jesus. 
But we presume to pray to thee for our brethren 
throughout the world. Our God has given thee a 
power to stay His anger, and to win for guilty 
mortals an extension of mercy: show this power 
now, for our world is provoking its Master to 
destroy it. If the flood-gate of His just indignation 
burst upon the face of our earth, millions of souls 
that have been redeemed by the Blood of thy divine 
Son would be lost eternally. If the sweet dove of 
peace bring her olive-branch only when that 
terrible justice is appeased, it would be too late for 
thy loving heart. Come before the deluge, 0 beau- 
tiful rainbow of our Father's reconciliation ! The 
love of a Mother, who is the very Queen of mercy, 
emboldens us to sue for universal mercy. Can the 
prayer of her, in whose purity and innocence the 
very God of holiness finds no blemish, be denied? 
Pray Him, then, to pardon us, and all sinners ! 

We select a few stanzas from the celebrated 
'Complaint to Mary,' composed by the monk 
Euthymius. The Greek Church has inserted it in 
her liturgy. 


Quomodo, 0 Domina, vi- 0 blessed Lady ! how shall 
tarn meam impuram et I worthily lament over my im- 
immensorum peccatorum pure life, and the multitude of 
meorum multitudinem la- my grievous sins? I know 

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mentabor? Nescio quid di- 
cam tibi, castissima, et male 
metuo ; sed adjuva me. 

Unde exordiar dicere ego 
miser de improbitate mea, 
et delictis nefandis? Hal 
quid de me fiet ? Verum 
age, Domina, et mei ante 
exitum ex hac luce mise- 

Omnem viam peccato- 
rum cum ambulassem, im- 
maculata Virgo, salutis se- 
mitam haudquaquam in- 
veni. Sed ad bonitatem 
tuam confugio; ne me ex 
ammo pcenitentem asper- 

Mortis horam, 0 puris- 
sima, terribileque tribunal 
assidue cogito; sed pec- 
candi consuetudine vehe- 
menter ad peccatum illicior. 
Fer mini opem. 

Bonorum exitiabilis ini- 
micus cernens me nunc nu- 
dum, et patrono ac tutore 
destitutum, et a divinis vir- 
tutibus alienissimum, ad 
devorandum me irruit. 
Prseveni, et averte ilium, 
o Domina. 

Proh dolor ! imaginem Dei 
in me ego miser mentis ar- 
rogantia contaminavi. Quo 
in posterum me vertam? 
Festina, Virgo, ad auxilium. 

Angelorum ordines et 
exercitus, Virtutes ccelo- 
rum, potentiam Filii tui 
contremiscunt, o castissima. 
Ego vero desperatus omni 
timore vaco. 

not how to address thee, most 
chaste Virgin ! I tremble with 
fear ; but do thou help me. 

I will speak of my wicked- 
ness and my hateful sins ; but 
where shall I begin ? Alas ! 
what will become of me, a 
wretched sinner ? Do thou, 0 
blessed Lady, have compas- 
sion on me before my depar- 
ture from this life. 

I, having gone in every path 
that sinner ever trod, how 
shall I find now the way of 
salvation, O Immaculate Vir- 
gin? Yet have I recourse to 
thy goodness ; despise me not, 
for I repent from my heart. 

My thoughts are ever on 
the hour of death, and on the 
dread tribunal; and yet an 
evil habit violently tempts me 
to sin. 0 most pure Virgin, 
do thou help me. 

The deadly enemy of all 
that is good, seeing me poor 
and naked, without patron or 
protector, and most destitute 
of heavenly virtue, rushes 
forward that he may devour 
me. O blessed Lady! forbid 
him, and drive him far from me. 

Alas, unhappy man ! in the 
arrogance of my soul, I have 
defiled the image of God that 
was in me. Whither shall I 
now turn ? Hasten to my as- 
sistance, O Virgin ever holy! 

The choirs and hosts of 
Angels, the heavenly Powers, 
tremble in the presence of thy 
all-powerful Son, O Immacu- 
late Mother ! and I, who have 
nothing wherein to hope, am 
so devoid of fear ! 

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In fovea delictorum meo- 
rum suffocatum non me 
derelinquas, Domina. Im- 
probissimus enim hostis me 
desperatione conflictantem 
videns, ridet ; sed tu potenti 
manu tua me erige. 

Formidable est judicium, 
0 misera et stolida anima 
mea, et poena horribilis at- 
que sempiterna. Nihilomi- 
nus vel nunc ante Matrem 
judicis ac Dei tui, supplex 
procumbe. Cur enim te 
ipsam desperas ? 

0 intaminata Virgo, ego 
ob multitudinem immenso- 
rum peccatorum meorum 
repletus sum tenebris, ocu- 
lique animse mesB, et mens 
mea immutata sunt. Quare 
tu luminis tui splendoribus 
ad dulcedinem in vacuitate 
passionum sitam celeriter 
me revoca. 

Gemitus perennes mihi 
largire, Domina, fontemque 
lacrymarum, ut tarn multa 
flagitia mea vulneraque in- 
explicabilia eluam, quo vi- 
tam aeternam adipiscar. 

En ego servus tuus, in- 
corruptissima Virgo, multo 
cum timore et desiderio ad 
te accedo : gnarus quantum 
saepenumero tua valuerit 
deprecatio. Valet sane plu- 
rimum, 0 benedictissima, 
apud Filium Matris suppli- 
catio, et ejus viscera com- 

Judicem misericordem et 
benignum exspecto Filium 
tuum, O Unguis omnium 
praedicanda; ne me despi- 
cias, sed eum mihi redde 

Suffer me not, O blessed 
Lady! to perish in the pit, I 
have fallen into, of my sins. 
The cruel enemy sees me 
struggling in despair, and 
mocks me. Do thou stretch 
forth thy hand, that can so 
well deliver me. 

Awful is the judgment of 
God, unhappy senseless soul! 
and everlasting is the punish- 
ment. But turn thee, whilst 
yet there is time, and prostrate 
in prayer before the Mother of 
thy Judge and Lord. Why 
wouldst thou despair ? 

0 Immaculate Virgin! the 
multitude of my grievous sins 
has set a thick darkness 
around me ; the eyes of my 
soul, and my understanding, 
are blinded. Wherefore, I 
beseech thee, quickly lead me, 
by the brightness of thy light, 
to sweet freedom from my 

Grant me an unceasing sor- 
row, O blessed Lady, and a 
fount of tears, that I may 
wash away my countless sins 
and wounds, and gain eternal 

Lo ! I thy servant, most sin - 
less Virgin! approach thee in 
deep reverence and love, for I 
know the power of thy prayer. 
Great, indeed, with her Son, 
is the power of the Mother's 
prayer, and his heart is moved 
when she asks, 0 most blessed 
Mother ! 

0 Mother worthy of the 
whole world's praise ! thy Son 
will be to me a merciful and 
compassionate Judge. De- 
spise me not, but let me find 

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propitium, ut me tunc ad 
dexteram tribunalis sui in- 
corrupti statuat : in te enim 

favour in his sight, that he 
may set me on the right hand 
of his most just tribunal ; for 
in thee have I put my trust. 


The Church gives us to-day another subject for our 
meditation : it is the vocation of Abraham. When 
the waters of the deluge had subsided, and man- 
kind had once more peopled the earth, the immor- 
ality, which had previously excited God's anger, 
again grew rife among men. Idolatry, too, into 
which the antediluvian race had not fallen, now 
showed itself, and human wickedness seemed thus 
to have reached the height of its malice. Fore- 
seeing that the nations of the earth would fall into 
rebellion against Him, God resolved to select one 
people that should be peculiarly His, and among 
whom should be preserved those sacred truths, 
which the Gentiles were to lose sight of. This new 
people was to originate from one man, who would be 
the father and model of all future believers. This 
was Abraham. His faith and devotedness merited 
for him that he should be chosen to be the father of 
the children of God, and the head of that spiritual 
family, to which belong all the elect of both the old 
and the new Testament. 

It is necessary, therefore, that we should know 
Abraham, our father and our model. This is his 
grand characteristic: fidelity to God, submissive- 
ness to His commands, abandonment and sacrifice 
of everything in order to obey His holy will. Such 
ought to be the prominent virtues of every Christian. 
Let us, then, study the life of our great patriarch, 
and learn the lessons it teaches. 

The following passage from the Book of Genesis, 

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which the Church gives us in her Matins of to-day, 
will serve as the text of our considerations. 

De Libro Genesis. 

Coup. xii. 

Dixit autem Dominus ad 
Abram : Egredere de terra 
tua, et de cognatione tua, 
et de domo patris tui, et 
veni in t err am quam mon- 
strabo tibi. Faciamque te in 
gentem magnam, et bene- 
dicam tibi, et magnificabo 
nomen tuum, erisque bene- 
dictus. Benedicam benedi- 
centibus tibi, et maledicam 
maledicentibus tibi ; atque in 
te benedicentur universse cog- 
nationes terrae. Egressus est 
itaque Abram siout prsecep- 
erat ei Dominus, et ivit cum 
eo Lot. Septuaginta quin- 
que annorum erat Abram, 
cum egrederetur de Haran. 
Tulitque Sarai uxorem 
suam, et Lot filium fratris 
sui, universamque substan- 
tiam quam possederant, et 
animas quas fecerant in 
Haran : et egressi sunt ut 
irent in terram Chanaan. 
Cumque venissent in earn, 
pertransivit Abram terram 
usque ad locum Sichem, us- 
que ad convallem illustrem : 
Chananseus autem tunc erat 
in terra. Apparuit autem 
Dominus Abram, et dixit ei : 
Semini tuo dabo terram 
hanc. Qui sedificavit ibi 
altare Domino, qui appa- 
ruerat ei. Et inde transgre- 
diens ad montem, qui erat 
contra orientem Bethel 
tetendit ibi tabernaoulum 

From the Book of Genesis. 

Ch. xii. 

And .the Lord said to 
Abram: Go forth out of thy 
country, and from thy kindred 
and out of thy father's house, 
and come into the land which 
I shall show thee. And I will 
make of thee a great nation, 
and I will bless thee, and mag- 
nify thy name, and thou shalt 
be blessed. I will bless them 
that bless thee, and curse them 
that curse thee; and in thee 
shall all the kindred of the 
earth be blessed. So Abram 
went out as the Lord had com- 
manded him, and Lot went 
with him. Abram was seventy- 
five years old when he went 
forth from Haran. And he 
took Sarai his wife, and Lot, his 
brother's son, and all the sub- 
stance which they had gathered, 
and the souls which they had 
gotten in Haran : and they 
went out to go into the land 
of Chanaan. And when they 
were come into it, Abram 
passed through the country 
into the place of Sichem, as far 
as the noble vale : now the 
Chanaanite was at that time 
in the land. And the Lord 
appeared to Abram, and said 
to him : To thy seed will I 
give this land. And he built 
there an altar to the Lord, 
who had appeared to him. 
And passing on from thence 
to a mountain, that was on 
the east side of Bethel, he 

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suum, ab occidente habens there pitched his tent, having 

Bethel, et ab oriente Hal. Bethel on the west, and Hai 

iEdificavit quoque ibi altare on the east. He built there, 

Domino, et invocavit no- also, an altar to the Lord, and 

men ejus. called upon his name. 

Could the Christian have a finer model than this 
holy patriarch, whose docility and devotedness in 
following the call of his God are so perfect ? We 
are forced to exclaim, with the holy fathers : ' 0 true 
Christian, even before Christ had come on the 
earth ! He had the spirit of the Gospel, before the 
Gospel was preached ! He was an apostolic man 
before the apostles existed!' God calls him: he 
leaves all things — his country, his kindred, his 
father's house — and he goes into an unknown land. 
God leads him, he is satisfied; he fears no diffi- 
culties ; he never once looks back. Did the apostles 
themselves more? But see how grand is his 
reward ! God says to him : ' In thee shall all the 
kindred of the earth be blessed.' This Chaldean is 
to give to the world Him that shall bless and save 
it. Death will, it is true, close his eyes ages before 
the dawning of that day, when one of his race, who 
is to be born of a Virgin and be united personally 
with the divine Word, shall redeem all generations, 
past, present, and to come. But meanwhile, till 
heaven shall be thrown open to receive this Bedeemer 
and the countless just who have won the crown, 
Abraham shall be honoured, in the limbo of expecta- 
tion, in a manner becoming his great virtue and 
merit. It is in his bosom, 1 that is, around him, that 
our first parents (having atoned for their sin by 
penance), Noah, Moses, David, and all the just, 
including poor Lazarus, received that rest and 
happiness, which were a foretaste of, and a pre- 
paration for, eternal bliss in heaven. Thus is 

1 St. Luke xvi. 22. 

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Abraham honoured ; thus does God requite the love 
and fidelity of them that serve Him. 

When the fullness of time came, the Son of God, 
who was also Son of Abraham, declared His eternal 
Father's power, by saying that He was about to 
raise up a new progeny of Abraham's children from 
the very stones, that is, from the Gentiles. 1 We 
Christians are this new generation. But are we 
worthy children of our father? Let us listen to 
the apostle of the Gentiles : ' By faith, Abraham, 
when called (by God), obeyed to go out into a place, 
which he was to receive for an inheritance : and he 
went out not knowing whither he went. By faith, 
he abode in the land, dwelling in tents, with Isaac 
and Jacob, the co-heirs of the same promise ; for 
he looked for a city that hath foundations, whose 
builder and maker is God.' 2 

If, therefore, we be children of Abraham, we 
must, as the Church tells us during Septuagesima, 
look upon ourselves as exiles on the earth, and dwell 
by hope and desire in that true country of ours, 
from which we are now banished, but towards which 
we are each day drawing nigher, if, like Abraham, 
we are faithful in the various stations allotted us by 
our Lord. We are commanded to use this world 
as though we used it not ; 3 to have an abiding con- 
viction of our not having here a lasting city, 4 and 
of the misery and danger we incur when we forget 
that death is one day to separate us from every 
thing we possess in this life. 

How far from being true children of Abraham 
are those Christians who spend this and the two 
following days in intemperance and dissipation, 
because Lent is soon to be upon us ! We can easily 
understand how the simple manners of our Catholic 
fbrefathers could keep a leave-taking of the ordinary 

1 St. Matt. iii. 9. 2 Heb. xi. 8-10. 

3 1 Cor. vii. 81. 4 Heb. xiii. 14. 

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way of living, which Lent was to put a stop to, and 
reconcile their innocent carnival with Christian 
gravity; just as we can understand how their 
rigorous observance of the laws of the Church for 
Lent would inspire certain festive customs at Easter. 
Even in our own times, a joyous shrovetide is not 
to be altogether reprobated, provided the Christian 
sentiment of the approaching holy season of Lent 
be strong enough to check the evil tendency of 
corrupt nature ; otherwise the original intention of 
an innocent custom would be perverted, and the 
forethought of penance could in no sense be con- 
sidered as the prompter of our joyous farewell to 
ease and comforts. While admitting all this, we 
would ask, what right or title have they to share in 
these shrovetide rejoicings, whose Lent will pass 
and find them out of the Church, because they will 
not have complied with the precept of Easter Com- 
munion ? And they> too, who claim dispensations 
from abstinence and fasting during Lent, and, for 
one reason or another, evade every penitential 
exercise during the solemn forty days of penance, 
and will find themselves at Easter as weighed down 
by the guilt and debt of their sins as they were on 
Ash Wednesday — what meaning, we would ask, can 
there possibly be in their feast-making at shrove- 

Oh ! that Christians would stand on their guard 
against such delusions as these, and gain that holy 
liberty of children of God, 1 which consists in not 
being slaves to flesh and blood, and preserves man 
from moral degradation ! Let them remember that 
we are now in that holy season, when the Church 
denies herself her songs of holy joy, in order the 
more forcibly to remind us that we are living in a 
Babylon of spiritual danger, and to excite us to regain 
that genuine Christian spirit, which everything in 


1 Bom. viii. 21. 



the world around us is quietly undermining. If the 
disciples of Christ are necessitated, by the position 
they hold in society, to take part in the profane 
amusements of these few days before Lent, let it be 
with a heart deeply imbued with the maxims of the 
Gospel. If, for example, they are obliged to listen 
to the music of theatres and concerts, let them 
imitate St. Cecily, who thus sang, in her heart, in 
the midst of the excitement of worldly harmonies : 
* May my heart, 0 God, be pure, and let me not be 
confounded !' Above all, let them not countenance 
certain dances, which the world is so eloquent in 
defending, because so evidently according to its own 
spirit ; and therefore they who encourage them will 
be severely judged by Him, who has already pro- 
nounced woe upon the world. Lastly, let those 
who must go, on these days, and mingle in the 
company of worldlings, be guided by St. Francis of 
Sales, who advises them to think, from time to 
time, on such considerations as these : — that while 
all these frivolous, and often dangerous, amuse- 
ments are going on, there are countless souls being 
tormented in the fire of hell, on account of the sins 
they committed on similar occasions ; that, at that 
very hour of the night, there are many holy religious 
depriving themselves of sleep in order to sing the 
divine praises and implore God's mercy upon the 
world, and upon them that are wasting their time 
in its vanities; that there are thousands in the 
agonies of death, while all that gaiety is going on ; 
that God and His angels are attentively looking 
upon this thoughtless group ; and finally, that life 
is passing away, and death so much nearer each 
moment. 1 

We grant that, on these three days immediately 
preceding the penitential season of Lent, some pro- 
vision was necessary to be made for those countless 
1 * Introduction to a Devout Life,' part iii., chapter xxxiii. 



souls, who seem scarce able to live without some 
excitement. The Church supplies this want. She 
gives a substitute for frivolous amusements and 
dangerous pleasures ; and those of her children upon 
whom faith has not lost its influence, will find, in 
what she offers them, a feast surpassing all earthly 
enjoyments, and a means whereby to make amends 
to God for the insults offered to His divine Majesty 
during these days of carnival. The Lamb, that 
taketh away the sins of the world, is exposed upon 
our altars. Here, on this His throne of mercy, He 
receives the homage of them who come to adore 
Him, and acknowledge Him for their King; He 
accepts the repentance of those who come to tell 
Him how grieved they are at having ever followed 
any other Master than Him ; He offers Himself to 
His eternal Father for poor sinners, who not only 
treat His favours with indifference, but seem to 
have made a resolution to offend Him during these 
days more than at any other period of the year. 

It was the pious Cardinal Gabriel Paleotti, arch- 
bishop of Bologna, who first originated the admirable 
devotion of the Forty Hours. He was a contem- 
porary of St. Charles Borromeo, and, like him, was 
eminent for his pastoral zeal. His object in this 
solemn Exposition of the most blessed Sacrament 
was to offer to the divine Majesty some compensa- 
tion for the sins of men, and, at the very time when 
the world was busiest in deserving His anger, to 
appease it by the sight of His own Son, the Mediator 
between heaven and earth. St. Charles immediately 
introduced the devotion into his own diocese and 
province. This was in the sixteenth century. 
Later on, that is, in the eighteenth century, Prosper 
Lambertini was archbishop of Bologna; he zealously 
continued the pious design of his ancient prede- 
cessor, Paleotti, by encouraging his flock to devo- 
tion towards the blessed Sacrament during the 

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three days of carnival; and when he was made 
Pope, under the name of Benedict XIV., he granted 
many Indulgences to all who, during these days, 
should visit our Lord in this mystery of His love, 
and should pray for the pardon of sinners. This 
favour was, at first, restricted to the faithful of the 
Papal States; but in the year 1765 it was extended, 
by Pope Clement XIII. , to the universal Church. 
Thus, the Forty Hours Devotion has spread through- 
out the whole world, and become one of the most 
solemn expressions of Catholic piety. Let us, then, 
who have the opportunity, profit by it during these 
last three days of our preparation for Lent. Let us, 
like Abraham, retire from the distracting dangers 
of the world, and seek the Lord our God. Let us 
go apart, for at least one short hour, from the 
dissipation of earthly enjoyments, and, kneeling in 
the presence of our Jesus, merit the grace to keep 
our hearts innocent and detached, whilst sharing 
in those we cannot avoid. 1 

"We will now resume our considerations upon the 
liturgy of Quinquagesima Sunday. The passage of 
the Gospel selected by the Church, is that wherein 
our Saviour foretells to His apostles the sufferings 
He was to undergo in Jerusalem. This solemn an- 
nouncement prepares us for Passiontide. We ought 
to receive it with feeling and grateful hearts, and 
make it an additional motive for imitating the de- 
voted Abraham, and giving our whole selves to our 
God. The ancient liturgists tell us that the blind 
man of Jericho spoken of in this same Gospel is a 
figure of those poor sinners, who, during these days, 
are blind to their Christian character, and rush 
into excesses, which even paganism would have 
coveted. The blind man recovered his sight, be- 
cause he was aware of his wretched state, and 

1 The Litanies for the Forty Hours are given at the end 
of this volume. 



desired to be cured and to see. The Church wishes 
us to have a like desire, and she promises us that it 
shall be granted. 

In the Greek Church, this Sunday is called 
Tyrophagos, because it is the last day on which is 
allowed the use of white meats, or, as we call them, 
milk-meats. Beginning with to-morrow, it is for- 
bidden to eat them, for Lent then begins, and with 
all the severity wherewith the oriental Churches 
observe it. 


The station is in the church of St. Peter, on the 
Vatican. The choice was suggested, as we learn 
from the Abbot Rupert's ' Treatise on the Divine 
Offices,' by the lesson of the Law given to Moses, 
which used then to be read in this Sunday's Office. 
Moses was looked upon, by the early Christians of 
Eome, as a type of St. Peter. The Church having, 
since that time, substituted the vocation of Abra- 
ham for the passage from Exodus (which is now 
deferred till Lent), the station for this Sunday is 
still in the basilica of the prince of the apostles, 
who was prefigufed also by Abraham, the father of 

The Introit is the prayer of mankind, blind and 
wretched as the poor man of Jericho ; it asks for 
pity from its Eedeemer, and beseeches Him to 
guide and feed it. 


Esto mihi in Deum pro- Be thou unto me a God, a 
tectorem, et in locum refu- protector, and a house of re- 
gii, ut salvum me facias : fuge, to save me ; for thou art 
quoniam firmamentum me- my strength, and my refuge ; 
um, et refugium meum es and for thy name's sake thou 
tu : et propter nomen tuum wilt lead me, and nourish me. 
dux mihi eris et enutries me. 

P*. In te, Domine, spe- Ps. In thee, 0 Lord, have I 
ravi, non confundar in seter- hoped, let me never be con- 

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num : in justitia tua libera founded ; deliver me in thy 
me, et eripe me. V. Gloria justice, and rescue me. V. 
Patri. Esto. Glory. Be thou. 


Preces nostras, qusesu- Mercifully hear our prayers, 
mus, Domine, clementer 0 Lord, we beseech thee ; and 
exaudi : atque a peccatorum delivering us from the bonds of 
vinculis absolutos, ab omni sin, preserve us from all ad- 
nos adversitate custodi. Per versity. Through, etc. 

Then are added two other Collects, as in the 
Mass of Septuagesima Sunday, page 120. 

Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli 
Apostoli ad Corinthios. 

1 Cap. xiii. 

Fratres, si linguis homi- 
num loquar, et angelorum, 
charitatem autem non ha- 
beam, factus sum velut ses 
sonans, aut cymbalum tin- 
niens. Et si habuero pro- 
phetiam, et noverim mys- 
teria omnia, et omnem 
scientiam: et si habuero 
omnem fidem, ita ut mon- 
tes transferam, charitatem 
autem non habuero, nihil 
sum. Et si distribuero in 
cibos pauperum omnes fa- 
cilitates meas : et si tradi- 
dero corpus meum ita ut 
ardeam, charitatem autem 
non habuero, nihil mini 
prodest. Charitas patiens 
est, benigna est : charitas 
non semulatur, non agit per- 
peram, non inflatur, non 
est ambitiosa, non quaerit 

Lesson of the Epistle of Saint 
Paul the Apostle to the 

1 Ch. xiii. 

Brethren, if I speak with the 
tongues of men and of angels, 
and have not charity, I am 
become as sounding brass, or 
a tinkling cymbal. And if I 
should have prophecy, and 
should know all mysteries, and 
all knowledge, and if I should 
have all faith, so that I could 
remove mountains, and have 
not charity, I am nothing. 
And if I should distribute all 
my goods to feed the poor, 
and if I should deliver my 
body to be burned, and have 
not charity, it profiteth me 
nothing. Charity is patient, 
is kind, charity envieth not, 
dealeth not perversely ; is not 
puffed up, is not ambitious, 
seeketh not her own, is not 
provoked to anger, thinketh no 
evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, 

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but rejoiceth with the truth ; 
beareth all things, believeth all 
things, hopeth all things, en- 
dureth all things. Charity never 
f alleth away ; whether prophe- 
cies shall be made void, or 
tongues shall cease, or know- 
ledge shall be destroyed. For 
we know in part, and we pro- 
. phesy in part ; but when that 
which is perfect is come, that 
which is in part shall be done 
away. When I was a child, I 
spoke as a child, I understood 
as a child, I thought as a child ; 
but when I became a man, I 
put away the things of a child. 
We see now through a glass in 
a dark manner ; but then, face 
to face. Now I know in part ; 
but then I shall know, even as 
I am known. And now there 
remain faith, hope, charity, 
these three ; but the greater of 
these is charity. 

quae sua sunt, non irritatur, 
non cogitat malum, non 
gaudet super iniquitate, 
congaudet autem veritati : 
omnia suffert, omnia credit, 
omnia sperat, omnia susti- 
net. Charitas nunquam ex- 
cidit : sive prophetiae evacu- 
abuntur, sive linguae cessa- 
bunt, sive scientia destrue- 
tur. Ex parte enim cognos- 
cimus, et ex parte propheta- 
mus. Cum autem venerit 
quod perfectum est, evacua- 
bitur quod ex parte est. 
Cum essem parvulus, loque- 
bar ut parvulus, sapiebam 
ut parvulus, cogitabam ut 
parvulus. Quando autem 
factus sum vir, evacuavi 
quae erant parvuli. Vide- 
mus nunc per speculum in 
aenigmate : tunc autem facie 
ad faciem. Nunc cognosco 
ex parte : tunc autem co- 
gnoscam sicut et cognitus 
sum. Nunc autem manent 
fides, spes, charitas, tria 
haec: major autem horum 
est charitas. 

How appropriate for this Sunday is the magni- 
ficent eulogy of charity, here given by our apostle- ! 
This virtue, which comprises the love both of God 
and of our neighbour, is the light of our souls. 
Without charity we are in darkness, and all our 
works are profitless. The very power of working 
miracles cannot give hope of salvation, unless he 
who does them have charity. Unless we are in 
charity, the most heroic acts of other virtues are 
but one snare more for our souls. Let us beseech 
our Lord to give us this light. But let us not 
forget that, however richly He may bless us with it 
here below, the fullness of its brightness is reserved 


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for when we are in heaven ; and that the sunniest 
day we can have in this world, is but darkness 
when compared with the splendour of our eternal 
charity. Faith will then give place, for we shall be 
face to face with all truth ; hope will have no object, 
for we shall possess all good; charity alone will 
continue, and, for this reason, is greater than faith 
and hope, which must needs accompany her in this 
present life. This being the glorious destiny re- 
served for man when redeemed and enlightened by 
Jesus, is it to be wondered at that we should leave 
all things, in order to follow such a Master ? What 
should surprise us, and what proves how degraded 
is our nature by sin, is to see Christians, who have 
been baptized in this faith and this hope, and have 
received the first-fruits of this love, indulging, 
during these days, in every sort of worldliness, 
which is only the more dangerous because it is 
fashionable. It would seem as though they were 
making it their occupation to extinguish within 
their souls the last ray of heavenly light, like men 
that had made a covenant with darkness. If there 
be charity within our souls, it will make us feel 
these offences that are committed against our God, 
and inspire us to pray to Him to have mercy on 
these poor blind sinners, for they are our brethren. 

In the Gradual and Tract, the Church sings the 
praises of God's goodness towards His elect. He 
has set them free from the slavish yoke of the 
world, by enlightening them with His grace ; they 
are His own children, the favoured sheep of His 

rabilia solus : notam fecisti dost wonders : thou hast made 
in gentibus virtutem tuam. thy power known among the 


V. Liberasti in brachio V. Thou hast delivered thy 


Tu es Deus qui facis mi- 

Thou art God, who alone 



tuo populum tuum, filios 
Israel et Joseph. 

people, the children of Israel 
and Joseph, by the strength of 
thine arm. 


Jubilate Deo omnis terra : 
servite Domino in leetitia. 

V. Intrate in conspectu 
ejus, in exsultatione ; scitote 
quoniam Dominus ipse est 

V. Ipse fecit nos, et non 
ipsi nos : nos autem popu- 
lus ejus et oves pascuse ejus. 

Sing joyfully to God, all the 
earth : serve ye the Lord with 

V. Come in before his pre- 
sence with joy ; know ye that 
the Lord he is God. 

V. He made us, and not we 
ourselves: and we are his 
people and the sheep of his 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii 
secundum Lucam. 

Cap. xviil 

In illo tempore, assumpsit 
Jesus duodecim, et ait ilHs : 
Ecce ascendimus Jerosoly- 
mam, et consummabuntur 
omnia quae scripta sunt per 
prophetas de Filio hominis. 
Tradetur enim gentibus, et 
illudetur, et flagellabitur, et 
conspuetur, et postquam 
flagellaverint, Occident eum, 
et tertia die resurget. Et 
ipsi nihil horum intelle- 
xerunt, et erat verbum istud 
absconditum ab eis, et non 
intelligebant quae diceban- 
tur. Factum est autum, 
cum appropinquaret Jeri- 
cho, caecus quidam sedebat 
secus viam, mendicans. Et 
cum audiret turbam prse- 
tereuntem, interrogabat quid 
hoc esset. Dixerunt autem 

Sequel of the holy Gospel 
according to Luke. 

Ch. xviii. 

At that time, Jesus took 
unto him the twelve, and said 
to them : Behold we go up to 
Jerusalem, and all things shall 
be accomplished which were 
written by the prophets con- 
cerning the Son of Man. For 
he shall be delivered to the 
Gentiles, and shall be mocked, 
and scourged, and spit upon ; 
and after they have scourged 
him, they will put him to 
death, and the third day he 
shall rise again. And they 
understood none of these things. 
And this word was hid from 
them, and they understood not 
the things that were said. Now 
it came to pass, when he drew 
nigh to Jericho, that a certain 
blind man sat by the wayside, 
begging. And when he heard 

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the multitude passing by, he 
asked what this meant. And 
they told him that Jesus of 
Nazareth was passing by. And 
he cried out, saying: Jesus, 
Son of David, have mercy on 
me. And they that went 
before, rebuked him, that he 
should hold his peace. But he 
cried out much more: Son of 
David, have mercy on me. 
And Jesus standing, com- 
manded him to be brought 
unto him. And when he was 
come near, he asked him, say- 
ing : What wilt thou that I do 
to thee ? But he said : Lord, 
that I may see. And Jesus 
said to him : Receive thy sight : 
thy faith hath made thee whole. 
And immediately he saw, and 
followed him, glorifying God. 
And all the people when they 
saw it gave praise to God. 

Jesus tells His apostles, that His bitter Passion is 
at hand ; it is a mark of His confidence in them ; 
but they understand not what He says. They are 
as yet too carnal-minded to appreciate our Saviour's 
mission ; still, they do not abandon Him ; they love 
Him too much to think of separating from Him. 
Greater by far than this is the blindness of those 
false Christians, who, during these three days, not 
only do not think of the God who shed His Blood 
and died for them, but are striving to efface from 
their souls every trace of the divine image ! Let 
us adore that sweet mercy, which has drawn us, as 
it did Abraham, from the midst of a sinful people ; 
and let us, like the blind man of our Gospel, cry 
out to our Lord, beseeching Him to grant us an 
increase of His holy light. This was his prayer : 
Lord ! ,that I may see! God has given us His 
light ; but He gave it us in order to excite within us 

ei, quod Jesus Nazarenus 
transiret. Et clamavit di- 
cens : Jesu, fili David, mi- 
serere mei. Et qui prseibant, 
increpabant eum ut taceret. 
Ipse vero multo magis cla- 
mabat: Fili David, miserere 
mei. Stans autem Jesus, 
jussit ilium adduci ad se. Et 
cum appropinquasset, inter- 
rogavit ilium dicens : Quid 
tibi vis faciam ? At ille 
dixit : Domine, ut videam. 
Et Jesus dixit illi : Kespice, 
fides tua te salvum fecit. 
Et confestim vidit, et seque- 
batur ilium, magnificans 
Deum. Et omnis plebs ut 
vidit, dedit laudem Deo. 

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the desire of seeing more and more clearly. He 
promised Abraham, that He would show him the 
place He had destined for him ; may He grant us, 
also, to see the land of the living ! But our first 
prayer must be, that He show us Himself, as St. 
Augustine has so beautifully expressed it, that we 
may love Him, and show us ourselves that we may 
cease to love ourselves. 

In the Offertory, the Church prays that her 
children may have the light of life, which consists 
in knowing the Law of God. She would have our 
lips pronounce His doctrine and the divine com- 
mandments, which He has brought us from heaven. 


Benedictus es, Domine, Blessed art thou, 0 Lord 
doce me justificationes tuas : teach me thy justifications : 
in labiis meis pronuntiavi with my lips I have pro- 
omnia judicia oris tui. nounced all the judgments of 

thy mouth. 


Haechostia, Domine, quae- May this offering, we be- 
sumus, emundet nostra de- seech thee, 0 Lord, cleanse 
licta ; et ad sacrificium cele- away our sins ; and sanctify 
brandum, subditorum tibi the bodies and souls of thy 
corpora, mentesque sanctifi- servants, to prepare them for 
cet. Per Dominum. worthily celebrating this sacri- 

fice. Through, &c. 

Then are added two other Secrets, as ffiven in the 
Mass of Septuagesima Sunday, page 127. 

The Communion antiphon commemorates the 
miracle of the manna, which fed in the desert the 
descendants of Abraham ; and yet this food, though 
it came from heaven, did not preserve them from 
death. The living Bread, which we have had given 
to us from heaven, gives eternal life to the soul : 
and he who eats it worthily shall never die. 

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Manducaverunt et satu- They did eat and were filled 
rati sunt nimis, et deside- exceedingly, and the Lord gave 
rium eorum attulit eis Do- them their desire : they were 
minus : non sunt fraudati a not defrauded of that which 
desiderio suo. they craved. 


Queesumus, omnipotens We beseech thee, 0 almighty 

Deus ; ut qui ccelestia ali- God, that we who have taken 

menta percepimus, per haec this heavenly food, may be de- 

contra omnia adversa mu- fended by it from all adversity, 

niamur. Per Dominum. Through, etc. 

Two other Postcommunions are said after this, 
as on Septuagesima Sunday, page 128. 


The psalms and antiphons as on page 72. 

(1 Cor. xiii.) 

Fratres, si linguis homi- Brethren, if I speak with 
num loquar et angelorum, the tongues of men and of 
charitatem autem non ha- angels, and have not charity, 
beam, factus sum velut aes I am become as sounding brass, 
sonans, aut cymbalum tin- or a tinkling cymbal, 

The hymn and versicle, page 79. 


Stans autem Jesus, jussit 
caecum adduci ad se, et ait 
illi : Quid vis ut faciam 
tibi? Domine, ut videam. 
Et Jesus ait illi : Bespice, 
fides tua te salvum fecit. 
Et confestim vidit, et se- 
quebatur ilium, magnificans 

But Jesus standing, ordered 
the blind man to be brought, 
and said to him : What wilt 
thou, that I do for thee ? Lord, 
that I may see. And Jesus 
saith to him : See : thy faith 
hath made thee whole. And 
he immediately saw, and fol- 
lowed him, praising God. 


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Preces nostras, queesu- Mercifully hear our prayers, 
mus, DomiBe. clementer ex- we beseech thee, 0 Lord, and 
audi : atque a peccatorum delivering us from the bonds of 
vinculis absolutos, ab omni sin, preserve us from all ad- 
nos adversitate custodi. Per versity. Through, etc. 

Before the day is over, we may recite the follow- 
ing stanzas of the hymn, in which the Greek 
Church proclaims the annual fast of Lent. 


(Feria II. 

Advenit nunc, ver desi- 
gnans, preepurgatrix hebdo- 
mas haec sacrorum jejunio- 
rum, omnino veneranda, 
corporibus et animabus om- 
nium lucem ministrans. 

En reserata est pceniten- 
tise janua, Dei amatores ; 
adeste igitur, alacriter ip- 
sam ingrediamur, prius- 
quam a Christo nobis velut 
indignis claudatur. 

Puritatem, abstinentiam, 
et modestiam, et fortitudi- 
nem, ac prudentiam, ora- 
tiones et lacrymas compa- 
remus, fratres, per quae 
patet nobis justitise semita. 

Ne corpori saginando, ne- 
que ciborum deliciis incum- 
bamus, mortales, imo vero 
parcimonia ipsum pingue- 
faciamus, quo semper in 
pugnis cum adversario, ani- 
mse junctum prsevaleat. 

Primum jejuniuni prse- 
vise expiationis animarum 
et corporum nostrorum or- 


The week, the harbinger of 
spring, is come ; the week that 
cleanses away sin by the sacred 
and ever venerable fast, which 
enlightens the body and soul of 
every man. 

Lol the gate of penance is 
thrown open, 0 ye that love 
God ! Come, then, let us joy- 
ously go in, before Christ shut 
it against us as being unworthy 
to enter. 

Brethren, let us prepare, and 
bring with us purity, absti- 
nence, and modesty, and for- 
titude, and prudence, and 
prayers, and tears ; for it is by 
these we enter on the path of 

Be not solicitous, 0 mortals ! 
about the body, how you may 
pamper it, nor seek delicacies 
in what you give it to eat ; 
give it, rather, fullness of 
vigour by abstinence ; that so 
it may aid the soul to conquer 
in the battle with the enemy. 

This day, 0 ye that love 
God! begins the fast, which 
is to prepare our souls and 

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turn est hodie, spargens in 
cordibus nostris, Dei ama- 
tores, sacrse et venerandae 
Christi Paesionis, luminis 
instar, largum splendorem. 

Laeto animo amplectamur 
jejunium, o populi : advenit 
siquidem spiritualiuni cer- 
taminum exordium : abji- 
ciamus carnis mollitudinem, 
animae charismata augea- 
mus, compatiamur, ut servi 
Christi, quo tanquam filii 
Dei conglorificemur, ani- 
masque nostras Spiritus 
sanctus in nobis inhabitans 

Alacriter excipiamus, fide- 
les, divinitus inspiratum je- 
junii nuntium, ut olim Ni- 
nivitse, itemque meretrices, 
et publicani ab Joanne 
pcenitentise prsedicationem 
acceperunt. Prseparemur 
per abstinentiam ad parti- 
cipationem Dominici in Sion 
sacrificii ; prius lacrymis 
quam divina ejus lotione 
purgemur, petamus typici 
ibi Paschatis consummatio- 
nem, et veri demonstratio- 
nem intueri; parati simus 
ad crucis et Kesurrectionis 
Christi Dei adorationem, 
clamantes ad ipsum : Ne 
confundas nos ab exspecta- 
tione nostra, o philanthrope. 

bodies by expiation, and infuse 
into our hearts the generous 
light of the sacred and vener- 
able Passion of Christ. 

Let us, 0 ye people! enter 
on our fast with a glad heart ; 
for lo 1 the spiritual combat 
begins. Let us throw off the 
effeminacy of the flesh, re- 
double the gifts of the spirit, 
and suffer with Christ, as it 
behoves them that are his ser- 
vants ; that thus, we may 
rejoice together with him, and 
our souls be enlightened by the 
indwelling of the Holy Ghost 
within us. 

Let us, 0 ye faithful I cheer- 
fully receive the divinely in- 
spired messenger of our fast, 
as did the Ninivites ; and as 
the harlots and the publicans 
did, of old, receive John, when 
he preached penance unto them. 
Let us prepare, by abstinence, 
for a participation in the Sacri- 
fice of our Lord on Sion. Let 
his divine laver be preceded 
by that of our tears. Let us 
beseech him to show unto us, 
when the time is come, the 
consummation of both Paschs, 
the figurative, and the true. 
Let us put ourselves in readi- 
ness to adore the cross and 
Resurrection of Christ ; say- 
ing unto him : Let me not be 
confounded in my expecta- 
tion, 0 thou Lover of man- 


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The life of a faithful Christian, like that of the 
patriarch Abraham, is neither more nor less than a 
courageous journeying onwards to the place des- 
tined for him by his Creator. He must put aside 
everything that could impede his progress, nor 
must he look back. This is, undoubtedly, hard 
doctrine; but if we reflect, for a moment, on the 
dangers which surround fallen man during his 
earthly pilgrimage, and on what our own sad expe- 
rience has taught us, we shall not think it hard or 
strange, that our Saviour has made the renouncing 
and denying of ourselves an essential condition of 
our salvation. But, independently of this, is it not 
far better to put our life under God's guidance, 
than to keep it in our own ? Are we so wise or so 
strong, as to be able to guide ourselves ? We may 
resist as we please, but God is our sovereign Lord 
and Master ; and by giving us free-will, whereby we 
may either resist His will or follow it, He has not 
abdicated His own infinite rights to His creatures' 
obedience. Our refusal to obey would not make 
Him less our Master. 

Had Abraham, after receiving the divine call, 
chosen to remain in Chaldea, and refused to break 
up the home which God had bade him leave, God 
would then have selected some other man to be the 
patriarch of His chosen people, and father of that 
very family, which was to have the Messias as one 
of its children. This substitution of one for another 
in the order of grace is frequently forced upon 
divine justice ; but what a terrible punishment it is 
for him that caused the substitution ! When a soul 
refuses salvation, heaven does not therefore lose 
one of its elect : God, finding that He is despised 

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by the one He called, offers the grace to another, 
until His call is followed. 

The Christian life consists in this untiring, un- 
reserved obedience to God. The first effect of this 
spirit of submission is, that it takes the soul from 
the region of sin and death, wherein she was wasting 
away her existence ; it takes her from the dark 
Chaldea, and places her in the promised land of 
light. Lest she should faint on her way along the 
narrow path, and fall a victim to the dangers which 
never leave her because they are within herself, 
God asks her for sacrifices, and these brace her. 
Here, again, we have Abraham for our model. God 
loves him, and promises him the richest of bless- 
ings ; He gives him a son, as pledge of the promise; 
and then, shortly after, tests the holy patriarch's 
devotedness, by commanding him to slay with his 
own hand this dear child, on whom he has been 
told to build his hopes ! 

Man's path on earth is sacrifice. We cannot go 
out from evil except by the way of self-resistance, 
nor keep our footing on good ground but by con- 
stant combating. Let us imitate Abraham : fix our 
eyes steadfastly on the eternal hills, and consider 
this world as a mere passing dwelling, a tent, put 
up for a few days. Our Jesus has said to us : 'I 
came not to send peace, but the sword ; for I came 
to separate.' 1 Separation, then, and trials are sure 
to be sent us ; but we are equally sure that they 
are for our good, since they are sent us by Him 
who so loved us, that He became one of ourselves. 
But this same Jesus has also said : ' Where thy 
treasure is, there too is thy heart.' 2 Christians! 
can our treasure be in this wretched world ? No 
it must be in that fair land above. There, then, 
must we be, in desire and affection. 

These are the thoughts the Church would have 
1 St. Matt. x. 34, 35. 2 Ibid., vi 21. 

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tis meditate upon during these days, which imme- 
diately precede the forty of Lent. They will help 
to purify our hearts and make them long to be 
with their God. The noise of the world's sins and 
scandals reaches our ears : let us pray, that the 
kingdom of God may come to us and to those poor 
sinners ; for God's infinite mercy can change them, 
if He will, into children of Abraham. Not a day 
passes but He so changes many a sinner. He- has, 
perhaps, shown that miracle of His mercy to us, 
and those words of the apostle may be applied to 
us : ' You, who some time were afar off, are now 
made nigh (to God) by the Blood of Christ.' 1 

' Let us pray for ourselves and for all sinners, in 
these beautiful words of the Mozarabic breviary. 


Dum te, omnipotens We beseech thee, 0 al- 

Deus, nostrse delinquentiae mighty God 1 that whereas 

reddunt adversum, tua in- our sins have angered thee 

spiratione, queesumus, no- against us, our prayers and 

stra te invocatio propitium praise, which thou inspirest, 

et confessio faciat esse pla- may propitiate and please 

catum : ut, te miserante, thee : that thus, by thy mercy, 

nec tribulatio saecularis the vexations of this world 

nostram mentem dejiciat, may not cast down our soul, 

nec persuasio nociva possi- nor hurtful delusion possess 

deat, nec infidelitas tene- her, nor the darkness of un- 

brosa concludat ; sed vultus belief surround her ; but may 

tui super nos signato lumine we gleam with the light of thy 

fulgeamus, semperque in countenance, wherewith thou 

eodem splendor e stabilitate hast signed us, and ever, by 

verae fidei gradiamur. firmness in the true faith, walk 

Amen. in the brightness of the same. 


1 Eph. ii. 13. 

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The fundamental rule of Christian life is, as almost 
every page of the Gospel tells us, that we should 
live out of the world, separate ourselves from the 
world, hate the world. The world is that ungodly 
land which Abraham, our sublime model, is com- 
manded by God to quit. It is that Babylon of our 
exile and captivity, where we are beset with dangers. 
The beloved disciple cries out to us : ' Love not the 
world, nor the things which are in the world. If 
any man love the world, the charity of the Father 
is not in him.' 1 Our most merciful Jesus, at the 
very time when He was about to offer Himself as a 
sacrifice for all men, spoke these awful words : ' I 
pray not for the world.' 2 When we were baptized, 
and were signed with the glorious and indelible 
character of Christians, the condition required of 
us, and accepted, was that we should renounce the 
works and pomps of the world (which we expressed 
under the name of Satan); and this solemn bap- 
tismal promise we have often renewed. 

But what is the meaning of our promise to re- 
nounce the world ? Is it that we cannot be Chris- 
tians, unless we flee into the desert and separate 
ourselves from our fellow- creatures ? Such cannot 
be God's will for all, since, in that same Scripture, 
wherein He commands us to flee from the world, He 
also tells us what are our duties to each other, and 
sanctions and blesses those ties which He Himself 
has willed should exist among us. His apostle, 
also, tells us to use this world as though we did not 
use it. 8 It is not, therefore, forbidden us to live in, 
and to use, the world. Then, what means this re- 
nouncing of the world ? Can there be contradiction 

1 St. John ii. 15. 2 Ibid., xvii. 9. 3 1 Cor. vii. 31. 

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in God's commandments ? Is it possible that we 
are condemned to wander blindly on the brink of 
a precipice, into which we must at last inevitably fall?, 

There is neither contradiction nor snare. If by 
the world, we mean these visible things around us 
which God created in His power and goodness ; if 
we mean this outward world, which He made for 
His own glory and our benefit ; it is worthy of its 
divine Author, and to us, if we but use it aright, is 
a ladder whereby our souls may ascend to their God. 
Let us gratefully use this world; go through it, 
without making it the object of our hope ; not waste 
upon it that love, which God alone deserves ; and 
ever be mindful, that we are not made for this, but 
for another and a happier, world. 

But the majority of men are not thus prudent in 
their use of the world. Their hearts are fixed upon 
it, and not upon heaven. Hence it was, that when 
the Creator deigned to come into this world, in 
order that He might save it, the world knew Him 
not. 1 Men were called after the name of the object 
of their love. They shut their eyes to the light ; 
they became darkness ; God calls them ' the world.' 

In this sense, then, the world is everything that 
is opposed to our Lord Jesus Christ, that refuses to 
recognize Him, and that resists His divine guidance. 
Those false maxims which tend to weaken the love 
of God in our souls ; which recommend the vanities 
that fasten our hearts to this present life ; which 
cry down everything that can raise us above" our 
weaknesses or vices ; which decoy and gratify our 
corrupt nature by dangerous pleasures, which, far 
from helping us to the attainment of our last end, 
only mislead us — all these are ' the world.' 

This world is everywhere, and holds a secret 
league within our very hearts. Sin has brought it 
into this exterior world created by God for Himself, 

i St, John i. 10. 

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and has given it prominence. Now, we must con- 
quer it, and trample upon it, or we shall perish with 
it. There is no being neutral ; we must be its 
enemies, or its slaves. During these three days, its 
triumphs are fearful ; and thousands of those who, 
at their Baptism, swore eternal enmity to it, are 
enrolling themselves its votaries. Let us pray for 
them; but let us also tremble for ourselves; and 
that our courage may not fail us, let us ponder 
those consoling words, which our Saviour, at His 
last Supper, addressed to His eterpal Father. He 
is speaking of His disciples, and He says : ' Father ! 
I have given them Thy word, and the world hath 
hated them, because they are not of the world, as 
I also am not of the world. I pray not, that Thou 
shouldst take them out of the world, but that Thou 
shouldst keep them from evil.' 1 

As an appropriate conclusion of this day, we may 
use this formula of the Ambrosian liturgy. It puts 
two truths in contrast : the spiritual indifference of 
worldlings, and the dread severity of God's future 

(Dominica in Quinquagesima) 

Jucunda est praesens vita, Sweet is this present life, 

et transit : t'erribile est, but it passes away ; terrible, O 

Christe, judicium tuum, et Christ, is thy judgment, and 

permanet. Quapropter in- it endures for ever. Let us, 

certum amorem relinqua- therefore, cease to love what is 

mus, et de infinito ti- unstable, and fix our thoughts 

more cogitemus, clamantes : on the fear of what is eternal ; 

Christe, miserere nobis. saying : Christ, have mercy 

upon us ! 

i St. John xvii. 14, 15. 

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Yesterday, the world was busy in its pleasures, 
and the very children of God were taking a joyous 
farewell to mirth : but this morning, all is changed. 
The solemn announcement, spoken of by the 
prophet, has been proclaimed in Sion i 1 the solemn 
fast of Lent, the season of expiation, the approach 
of the great anniversaries of our Kedemption. Let 
us, then, rouse # ourselves, and prepare for the 
spiritual combat. ' 

But in this battling of the spirit against the flesh 
we need good armour. Our holy mother the Church 
knows how much we need it; and therefore does 
she summon us to enter into the house of God, 
that she may arm us for the holy contest. What 
this armour is we know from St. Paul, who thus 
describes it : ' Have your loins girt about with 
truth, and having on the breastplate of justice . 
And your feet shod with the preparation of the 
Gospel of peace. In all things, taking the shield 
of faith. Take unto you the helmet of salvation, 
and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word 
of God.' 2 The very prince of the apostles, too, 
addresses these solemn words to us : ' Christ having 
suffered in the flesh, be ye also armed with the same 
thought.' 3 We are entering, to-day, upon a long 
campaign of the warfare spoken of by the apostles : 
forty days of battle, forty days of penance. We 
shall not turn cowards, if our souls can but be 
impressed with the conviction, that the battle and 
the penance must be gone through. Let us listen 
to the eloquence of the solemn rite which opens our 
Lent. Let us go whither our mother leads us, that 
is, to the scene of the fall. 

1 See the Epistle of to-day's Mass. 2 Eph. vi. 14-17. 
3 1 St. Pet. iv. 1. 

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The enemies we have to fight with, are of two 
kinds: internal, and external. The first are our 
passions; the second are the devils. Both were 
brought on us by pride, and man's pride began 
when he refused to obey his God. God forgave 
him his sin, but He punished him. The punish- 
ment was death, and this was the form of the divine 
sentence : ' Thou art dust, and into dust thou shalt 
return.' 1 Oh that we had remembered this ! The 
recollection of what we are and what we are to be, 
would have checked that haughty rebellion, which 
has so often led us to break the law of God. And 
if, for the time to come, we would persevere in 
loyalty to Him, we must humble ourselves, accept 
the sentence, and look on this present life as a path 
to the grave. The path may be long or short ; but 
to the tomb it must lead us. Kemembering this, 
we shall see all things in their true light. We shall 
love that God, who has deigned to set His heart on 
us notwithstanding our being creatures of death : 
we shall hate, with deepest contrition, the insolence 
and ingratitude, wherewith we have spent so many 
of our few days of life, that is, in sinning against 
our heavenly Father: and we shall be not only 
willing, but eager, to go through these days of 
penance, which He so mercifully gives us for making 
reparation to His offended justice. 

This was the motive the Church had in enriching 
her liturgy with the solemn rite, at which we are to 
assist this morning. When, upwards of a thousand 
years ago, she decreed the anticipation of the lenten 
fast by the last four days of Quinquagesima week, 
she instituted this impressive ceremony of signing 
the forehead of her children with ashes, while 
saying to them those awful words, wherewith God 
sentenced us to death : ' Eemember, 0 man, that 
thou art dust, and into dust thou shalt return !' 
1 Gen. iii. 19. 

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But the making use of ashes as a symbol of humilia- 
tion and penance, is of a much earlier date than 
the institution we allude to. We find frequent 
mention of it in the Old Testament. Job, though a 
Gentile, sprinkled his flesh with ashes, that, thus 
humbled, he might propitiate the divine mercy: 1 
and this was two thousand years before the coming 
of our Saviour. The royal prophet tells us of him- 
self, that he mingled ashes with his bread, because 
of the divine anger and indignation. 2 Many such 
examples are to be met with in the sacred Scriptures ; 
but so obvious is the analogy between the sinner 
who thus signifies his grief, and the object whereby 
he signifies it, that we read such instances without 
surprise. When fallen man would humble himself 
before the divine justice, which has sentenced his 
body to return to dust, how could he more aptly 
express his contrite acceptance of the sentence, 
than by sprinkling himself, or his food, with ashes, 
which is the dust of wood consumed by fire ? This 
earnest acknowledgment of his being himself but 
dust and ashes, is an act of humility, and humility 
ever gives him confidence in that God, who resists 
the proud and pardons the humble. 

It is probable that, when this ceremony of the 
Wednesday in Quinquagesima week was first insti- 
tuted, it was not intended for all the faithful, but 
only for such as had committed any of those crimes 
for which the Church inflicted a public penance. 
Before the Mass of the day began, they presented 
themselves at the church, where the people were all 
assembled. The priests received the confession of 
their sins, and then clothed them in sackcloth, and 
sprinkled ashes on their heads. After this cere- 
mony, the clergy and the faithful prostrated, and 
recited aloud the seven Penitential Psalms. A 
procession, in which the penitents walked bare- 

i Job xvi. 16. 2 Ps. ci. 10, 11. 



footed, then followed ; and on its return, the bishop 
addressed these words to the penitents : ' Behold, 
we drive you from the doors of the church by reason 
of your sins and crimes, as Adam, the first man, 
was driven out of paradise because of his trans- 
gression.' The clergy then sang several respon- 
sories, taken from the Book of Genesis, in which 
mention was made of the sentence pronounced by 
God when He condemned man to eat his bread in 
the sweat of his brow, for that the earth was cursed 
on account of sin. The doors were then shut, and 
the penitents were not to pass the threshold until 
Maundy Thursday, when they were to come and 
receive absolution. 

Dating from the eleventh century, the discipline 
of public penance began to fall into disuse, and the 
holy rite of putting ashes on the heads of all the 
faithful indiscriminately became so general that, at 
length, it was considered as forming an essential 
part of the Boman liturgy. Formerly, it was the 
practice to approach bare-footed to receive this 
solemn memento of our nothingness; and in the 
twelfth century, even the Bope himself, when 
passing from the church of St. Anastasia to that 
of St. Sabina, at which the station was held, 
went the whole distance bare-footed, as also did the 
Cardinals who accompanied him. The Church no 
longer requires this exterior penance ; but she is as 
anxious as ever that the holy ceremony, at which 
we are about to assist, should produce in us the 
sentiments she intended to convey by it, when she 
first instituted it. 

As we have just mentioned, the station in Borne 
is at St. Sabina, on the Aventine Hill. It is 
under the patronage of this holy martyr that we 
open the penitential season of Lent. 




The function begins with the blessing of the 
ashes, which are to be put on our foreheads. These 
ashes are made from the palms, which were blessed 
the previous Palm Sunday. The blessing they are 
now to receive in this their new form, is given in 
order that they may be made more worthy of that 
mystery of contrition and humility which they are 
intended to symbolize. 

The choir begins by chanting this antiphon, 
which is a prayer for mercy. 


Exaudi nos, Domine, quo- 
niam benigna est miseri- 
cordia tua: secundum mul- 
titudinem miserationum tu- 
arum, respice nos, Domine. 

P*. Salvum me f ac, Deus : 
quoniam intraverunt aquae 
usque ad aniruam me am. V. 
Gloria Patri. Exaudi nos. 

Hear us, O Lord, for thy 
mercy is kind : look on us, O 
Lord, according to the multi- 
tude of thy mercies. 

Ps. Save me, O God: for 
the waters have reached my 
soul. V. Glory, etc. Hear 
us, etc. 

The priest, standiftg at the altar, and having the 
ashes near him, begs of God, by the following 
prayers, that He would make them an instrument 
of our sanctification. 

V. Dominus vobiscum. 
E, Et cum spiritu tuo. 

V. The Lord be with you. 
B. And with thy spirit. 


Omnipotens sempiterne 
Deus, parce poenitentibus ; 
propitiare supplicantibus : 
et mittere digneris sanctum 
angelum tuum de ccelis, qui 
benedicat, et sanctificet hos 
cineres, ut sint remedium 
salubre omnibus nomen 
sanctum tuum humiliter im- 


O almighty and eternal God, 
spare those that repent, show 
mercy to those that humbly 
entreat thee ; and vouchsafe to 
send from heaven thy holy 
angel, to bless, and sanctify 
these ashes, that they may be 
a wholesome remedy to all who 
humbly call upon thy holy 

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plorantibus, ac semetipsos 
pro conscientia delictorum 
suorun accusantibus, ante 
conspectum divinse demen- 
tias tuae facinora sua deplo- 
rantibus, vel serenissimam 
pietatem tuam suppliciter 
obnixeque flagitantibus : et 
praesta, per invocationem 
sanctissiini nominis tui : ut 
quicumque per eos aspersi 
fuerint, proredemptione pec- 
catorum suorum, corporis 
sanitatem et animae tutelam 
percipiant. Per Christum 
Dominum nostrum. B. 


Deus, qui non mortem sed 
poenitentiam desideras pec- 
catorum : fragilitatem con- 
ditionis humanae benignis- 
sime respice : et hos cineres, 
quos causa proferendae hu- 
militatis, atque promerendae 
veniae, capitibus nostris im- 
poni decernimus, benedicere 
pro tua pietate dignare : ut, 
qui nos cinerem esse, et ob 
pravitatis nostrae demeritum 
in pulverem reversuros co- 
gnoscimus, peccatorum om- 
nium veniam, et praeinia poe- 
nitentibus repromissa, mi- 
sericorditer consequi merea- 
mur. Per Christum Domi- 
num nostrum. E. Amen. 


Deus qui humiliatione 
flecteris et satisfactione pla- 
caris : aurem tuae pietatis 
inclina precibus nostris: et 
capitibus servorum tuorum, 
horum cinerum aspersione 
contactis, effunde propitius 

name, and conscious of their 
sins, accuse themselves, and 
deplore their crimes in sight 
of thy divine Majesty, or 
humbly and earnestly have re- 
course to thy sovereign bounty ; 
and grant, by our calling on thy 
most holy name, that whoever 
shall be touched by these ashes 
for the remission of their sins, 
may receive health of body and 
defence of soul. Through Christ 
our Lord. B. Amen. 


O God, who desirest the con- 
version, and not the death of 
sinners, graciously consider the 
weakness of human nature, and 
mercifully vouchsafe to bless 
these ashes, which we design to 
receive on our heads, in token 
of our humiliation, and to ob- 
tain forgiveness ; that we, who 
know that we are but ashes, and 
must return "to dust because of 
our wickedness, may obtain 
through thy mercy, pardon of 
all our sins, and the recom- 
pense promised to penitents. 
Through Christ our Lord. 
B. Amen. 


0 God, who art appeased 
by humiliation, and pacified 
by satisfaction, incline to our 
prayers the ears of thy mercy ; 
and pour upon the heads of thy 
servants, covered with these 
ashes, the grace of thy blessing, 

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gratiam tuae benedictionis : 
ut eo8 et spiritu conipun- 
ctionis repleas, et quse juste 
postulaverint, efficaciter tri- 
buas ; et concessa perpetuo 
stabilita et intacta manere 
decernas. Per Christum Do- 
minum nostrum. B. Amen. 


Omnipotens sempiterne 
Deus, qui Ninivitis in cinere 
et cilicio poenitentibus indul- 
gentise tuse remedia prsesti- 
tisti : concede propitius, ut 
sic eos imitemur habitu, qua- 
tenus venise prosequamur 
obtentu. PerDominum. B. 

so as both to fill them with the 
spirit of compunction, and to 
grant them the effects of their 
just desires ; and, when granted, 
to remain stable and untouched 
for ever. Through Christ our 
Lord. B. Amen. 


O almighty and eternal God, 
who forgavest the Ninivites, 
when they did penance in sack- 
cloth and ashes ; mercifully 
grant us so to imitate their 
penance, that we may obtain 
pardon of our sins. Through, 
etc. B. Amen. 

Having said the last of these prayers, the priest 
sprinkles the ashes with holy water, and censes 
them. The first in order of the priests who are 
present, marks the celebrant's forehead with them. 
Then the ministers at the altar and the clergy 
receive them from the celebrant, who finally gives 
them to the faithful, saying : 

Memento homo, quia pul- Bemember man, that thou art 
vis es, et in pulverem re- dust, and into dust thou shalt 
verteris. return. 

When the priest puts the holy emblem of penance 
upon you, accept in a spirit of submission, the 
sentence of death, which God Himself pronounces 
against you: 'Kemember, 0 man, that thou art 
dust, and into dust thou shalt return !' Humble 
yourself, and remember what it was that brought 
the punishment of death upon us : man wished to 
be as a god, and preferred his own will to that of 
his sovereign Master. Eeflect, too, on that long 
list of sins, which you have added to the sin of your 
first parents, and adore the mercy of your God, 

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who asks only one death for all these your trans- 

During the time the priest is giving the ashes, the 
choir sings the following antiphons and responsory. 


Immutemur habitu, in 
cinere et cilicio : jejunemus 
et ploremus ante Dominum, 
quia multum misericors est 
dimittere peccata nostra 
Deus noster. 

Let us change our dress for 
ashes and sackcloth ; let us fast 
and weep in the presence of the 
Lord ; for our God is very 
merciful to forgive us our sins. 


Inter vestibulum et altare The priests, the ministers of 
plorabunt sacerdotes mini- the Lord, shall weep between 
stri Domini, et dicent : the porch and the altar, and 
Parce, Domine, parce populo say : Spare, 0 Lord, spare thy 
tuo : et ne claudas ora canen- people, and shut not the mouths 
tium te, Domine. of those who praise thee, O 



Emendemus in melius 
quaB ignoranter peccavimus : 
ne subito prseoccupati die 
mortis, quaeramus spatium 
pcenitentiae, et in venire non 
possimus. * Attende, Do- 
mine, et miserere, quia pec- 
cavimus tibi. 

Ps. Adjuva nos Deus sa- 
lutaris noster : et propter 
honorem nominis tui Do- 
mine, libera nos. * Attende. 
V. Gloria Patri. * Attende. 

Let us amend of the sins we 
have committed through igno- 
rance : lest suddenly overtaken 
by the day of our death, we 
seek for time to do penance, 
and be not able to find it. * 
Look down on us, 0 Lord, and 
take pity ; for we have sinned 
against thee. 

Pa. Help us, O God our 
Saviour : and deliver us for the 
glory of thy name, O Lord. * 
Look down, etc. V. Glory, etc. 
Look down, etc. 

As soon as all the faithful have received the 
ashes, the priest sings the following prayer : 

V. Dominus vobiscum. 
B. Et cum spiritu tuo. 

V. The Lord be with you. 
B. And with thy spirit. 


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Concede nobis, Domine, Grant us, O Lord, to begin 
praesidia militise christian® with holy fasting our Christian 
Sanctis inchoare jejuniis : ut warfare ; that being to fight 
contra spirituales nequitias against spiritual wickedness, 
pugnaturijContinentisemuni- we may be aided therein by 
amur auxiliis. Per Chri- temperance. Through Christ 
stum Dominum nostrum, our Lord. B. Amen. 
B. Amen. 


The soul has regained her confidence by the act 
of humility she has performed. She approaches 
the God of mercy, and reminds Him of the tender 
love He bears to His creature man, and of the 
patience wherewith He waits for his repentance. 
These are the sentiments expressed in the Introit, 
which is taken from the Book of Wisdom. 


Misereris omnium, Do- 
mine, et nihil odisti eorum 
quaB fecisti, dissimulans peo- 
cata hominum propter poeni- 
tentiam, et parcens illis : 
quia tu es Dominus Deus 

P*. Miserere mei Deus, 
miserere mei; quoniam in 
te confidit anima mea. V. 
Gloria Patri. Misereris. 

Thou, O Lord, hast mercy on 
all, and hatest none of those 
things which thou hast created ; 
thou overlookestthe sins of men, 
to draw them to repentance, 
and thou pardonest them ; be- 
cause thou art the Lord our 

P«. Have mercy on me, 0 
God, have mercy on me ; for 
my soul trusteth in thee. V. 
Glory, etc. Thou, O Lord, etc. 

In the Collect, the Church prays that her children 
may have the two-fold grace of a fervent commence- 
ment and steady perseverance in the salutary fast 
of Lent. 


Prsesta, Domine, fidelibus Grant, 0 Lord, that thy f aith- 
tuis, ut jejuniorum vene- ful may enter on this solemn 
randa solemnia, et congrua and venerable fast with suitable 

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pietate suscipiant, et secura 
devotione percurrant. Per 


A cunctis nos, qusesunius, 
Domine, mentis et corporis 
defende periculis: et inter- 
cedente beata et gloriosa 
semperque Virgine Dei Ge- 
nitrice Maria, cum beato 
Joseph, beatis apostolis tuis 
Petro et Paulo, atque beato 
N. et omnibus Sanctis, sa- 
lutem nobis tribue benignus 
et pacem : ut, destructis ad- 
versitatibus et erroribus uni- 
versis, Ecclesia tua secura 
tibi serviat libertate. 

$ iety, and go through it with 
unmolested devotion. Through, 


Preserve us, O Lord, we be- 
seech thee, from all dangers 
of soul and body : and by the 
intercession of the glorious and 
blessed Mary, the ever Virgin 
Mother of God, of blessed 
Joseph, of thy blessed apostles 
Peter and Paul, of blessed N. 
(here is mentioned the titular 
saint of the church), and of all 
the saints, grant us, in thy 
mercy, health and peace ; that 
all adversities and errors being 
removed, thy Church may serve 
thee with undisturbed liberty. 


Omnipotens sempiterne 
Deus, qui vivorum domi- 
naris simul et mortuorum, 
omniumque misereris, quos 
tuos fide et opere futuros 
esse prsenoscis : te supplices 
exoramus; ut pro quibus 
effundere preces decrevimus 
quosque vel prsesens saecu- 
lum adhuc in carne retinet, 
vel futurum jam exutos cor- 
pore suscepit, intercedenti- 
bus omnibus Sanctis tuis, 
pietatis tuae dementia, om- 
nium delictortim suorum 
veniam consequantur. Per 

O almighty and eternal God, 
who hast dominion over the 
living and the dead, and art 
merciful to all whom thou 
knowest will be thine by faith 
and good works : we humbly 
beseech thee, that they, for 
whom we have proposed to 
offer our prayers, whether this 
world still retains them in the 
flesh, or the next world hath 
already received them divested 
of their bodies, may, by the 
clemency of thine own good- 
ness, and the intercession of 
thy saints, obtain pardon and 
full remission of their sins. 
Through, etc. 


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Lectio Joelis Prophetae. 
Cap. ii. 

Hsec dicit Dominus : Con- 
vertimini ad me in toto 
oorde vestro, in jejunio, et 
in fletu, et in planctu. Et 
scindite corda vestra, et non 
vestimenta vestra, et con- 
vertimini ad Dominum 
Deum vestrum : quia beni- 
gnus et misericors est, pa- 
tiens et multse misericordiae, 
et praestabilis super malitia. 
Quis scit si convertatur et 
ignoscat, et relinquat post 
se benedictionem, sacrifi- 
cium et libamen Domino 
Deo vestro ? Canite tuba in 
Sion, sanctificate jejunium, 
vocate coetum, congregate 
populum, sanctificate Eccle- 
siam, coadunate senes, con- 
gregate parvulos et sugentes 
ubera : egrediatur sponsus 
de cubili suo, et sponsa de 
thalamo suo. Inter vesti- 
bulum et altare plorabunt 
sacerdotes ministri Domini, 
et dicent : Parce, Domine, 
parce populo tuo : et ne des 
haereditatem tuam in oppro- 
brium, ut dominentur eis 
nationes. Quare dicunt in 
populis : Ubi est Deus 
eorum ? Zelatus est Domi- 
nus terram suam, et pepercit 
populo suo. Et respondit 
Dominus, et dixit populo 
suo : Ecce ego mittam vobis 
frumentum, et vinum, et 
oleum, et replebimini eis : 
et non dabo vos ultra oppro- 
brium in gentibus : dicit 
Dominus omnipotens. 

Lesson from the Prophet Joel. 
Ch. ii 

Thus saith the Lord : Be 
converted to me with all your 
heart, in fasting, and in weep- 
ing, and in mourning. And 
rend your hearts, and not your 
garments, and turn to the Lord 
your God: for he is gracious 
and merciful, patient and rich 
in mercy, and ready to repent 
of the evil. Who knoweth but 
he will return, and forgive, and 
leave a blessing behind him; 
sacrifice and libation to the 
Lord your God? Blow the 
trumpet in Sion, sanctify a fast, 
call a solemn assembly, gather 
together the people, sanctify 
the Church, assemble the 
ancients, gather together the 
little ones, and them that suck 
at the breasts : let the bride- 
groom go forth from his bed, 
and the bride out of the bride- 
chamber. Between the porch 
and the altar the priests, the 
Lord's ministers, shall weep, 
and shall say : Spare, 0 Lord, 
spare thy people ; and give not 
thine inheritance to reproach, 
that the heathens should rule 
over them. Why should they 
say among the nations : Where 
is their God ? The Lord hath 
been zealous for his land, and 
hath spared his people. And 
the Lord answered, and said to 
his people : Behold, I will send 
you corn, and wine, and oil; 
you shall be filled with them, 
and I will no more make you 
a reproach among the nations, 
saith the Lord almighty. 

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We learn from this magnificent passage of the 
prophet Joel how acceptable to God is the expiation 
of fasting. When the penitent sinner inflicts cor- 
poral penance upon himself, God's justice is ap- 
peased. We have a proof of it in the Ninivites*. If 
the Almighty pardoned an infidel city, as Ninive 
was, solely because its inhabitants sought for mercy 
under the garb of penance ; what will He not do in 
favour of His own people, who offer Him the two- 
fold sacrifice, exterior works of mortification, and 
true contrition of heart ? Let us, then, courageously 
enter on the path of penance. We are living in an 
age when, through want of faith and of fear of God, 
those practices which are as ancient as Christianity 
itself, and on which we might almost say it was 
founded, are falling into disuse ; it behoves us to be 
on our guard, lest we, too, should imbibe the false 
principles, which have so fearfully weakened the 
Christian spirit. Let us never forget our own 
personal debt to the divine justice, which will remit 
neither our sins nor the punishment due to them, 
except inasmuch as we are ready to make satisfac- 
tion. We have just been told that these bodies, 
which we are so inclined to pamper, are but dust ; 
and as to our souls, which we are so often tempted 
to sacrifice by indulging the flesh, they have claims 
upon the body, claims of both restitution and 

In the Gradual, the Church again pours forth the 
expressions of her confidence in the God of all good- 
ness, for she counts upon her children being faith- 
ful to the means she gives them of propitiating His 

The Tract is that beautiful prayer of the psalmist, 
which she repeats thrice during each week of Lent, 
and which she always uses in times of public cala- 
mity, in order to appease the anger of God. 

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Miserere mei Deus, mise- 
rere mei: quoniam in te 
eonfidit anima mea. 

V. Misit de coelo, et libe- 
ra vit me : dedit in oppro- 
brium conculcantes me. 

Have mercy on me, 0 God, 
have mercy on me ; for my soul 
hath trusted in thee. 

V. He hath sent from heaven, 
and delivered me ; he hath 
made them a reproach that 
trod upon me. 


V, Domine non secundum 
peccata nostra, quae fecimus 
nos, neque secundum ini- 
quitates nostras retribuas 

V. Domine, ne memineris 
iniquitatum nostrarum anti- 
quarum : cito anticipent nos 
misericordisB tuae, quia pau- 
peres facti sumus nimis. 

V. Deal not with us, 0 Lord, 
according to our sins, which we 
have committed, nor punish us 
according to our iniquities. 

V. Remember not, 0 Lord, 
our former iniquities ; let thy 
mercies speedily prevent us, for 
we are become exceeding poor. 

At this next verse the priest kneels down. 

V. Adjuva nos, Deus Sa- 
lutaris noster: et propter 
gloriam nominis tui, Do- 
mine, libera nos : et propi- 
tius esto peccatis nostris, 
propter nomen tuum. 

V. Help us, 0 God, our 
Saviour, and for the glory of 
thy name, O Lord, deliver us 
and forgive us our sins for thy 
name's sake. 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii Sequel of the holy Gospel 
secundum Matth&sum. according to Matthew. 

Cap, vi. 

In illo tempore : Dixit 
Jesus discipulis suis: Cum 
jejunatis, nolite fieri sicut 
hypocritae tristes. Extermi- 
nant enim facies suas, ut 
appareant hominibus jeju- 
nantes. Amen dico vobis, 
quia receperunt mercedem 
suam. Tu autem cum jeju- 

Ch. vi. 

At that time, Jesus said to 
his disciples : When you fast, 
be not as the hypocrites, sad. 
For they disfigure their faces, 
that they may appear unto men 
to fast. Amen, I say to you, 
they have received their re- 
ward. But thou, when thou 
fastest, anoint thy head, and 

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nas, unge caput tuum, et wash thy face, that thou 

faciem tuam lava, ne videa- appear not to men to fast, but 

ris hominibus jejunans, sed to thy Father, who is in secret : 

Patri tuo, qui est in abscon- and thy Father, who seeth in 

dito : et Pater tuus qui videt secret, will repay thee. Lay 

in abscondito, reddet tibi. not up to yourselves treasures 

Nolite thesaurizare vobis on earth, where the rust and 

thesauros in terra, ubi seru- moth consume, and where 

go et tinea demolitur, et ubi thieves break through and 

fures efFodiunt, et furantur. steal. But lay up to your- 

Thesaurizate autem vobis selves treasures in heaven, 

thesauros in coelo : ubi where neither rust nor moth 

neque aerugo, neque tinea doth consume, and where 

demolitur ; et ubi fures non thieves do not break through, 

efFodiunt, nec furantur. nor steal. For where thy 

Ubi enim est thesaurus treasure is, there is thy heart 

tuus, ibi est et cor tuum. also. 

Our Eedeemer would not have us receive the 
announcement of the great fast as one of sadness 
and melancholy. The Christian who understands 
what a dangerous thing it is to be behindhand with 
divine justice, welcomes the season of Lent with 
joy ; it consoles him. He knows that if he be faith- 
ful in observing what the Church prescribes, his 
debt will be less heavy upon him. These penances, 
these satisfactions (which the indulgence of the 
Church has rendered so easy), being offered to God 
unitedly with those of our Saviour Himself, and 
being rendered fruitful by that holy fellowship 
which blends into one common propitiatory sacrifice 
the good works of all the members of the Church 
militant, will purify our souls, and make them 
worthy to partake in the grand Easter joy. Let us 
not, then, be sad because we are to fast ; let us be 
sad only because we have sinned and made fasting 
a necessity. In this same Gospel, our Eedeemer 
gives us a second counsel, which the Church will 
often bring before us during the whole course of 
Lent : it is that of joining almsdeeds with our fast- 
ing. He bids us to lay up treasures in heaven. For 

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this, we need intercessors ; let us seek them amidst 
the poor. 

In the Offertory, the Church rejoices in her 
children being set free; she foresees that the 
wounds of our souls will be healed, for she has 
confidence in us that we shall persevere, and this 
fills her with gladness. 


Exaltabo te, Domine, quo- I will extol thee, 0 Lord, 
niam suscepisti me, nec for thou hast upholden me, 
delectasti inimicos meos and hast not made my ene- 
super me : Domine, ola- mies to rejoice over me. O 
mavi ad te, et sanasti me. Lord, I have cried to thee, and 

thou hast healed me. 


Fac nos, quaesumus, Grant, 0 Lord, that we may 

Domine, his muneribus be duly prepared to present 

offerendis convenienter ap- these our offerings, by which 

tari; quibus ipsius venera- we celebrate the institution 

bilis sacramenti celebramus of this venerable mystery, 

exordium. Per Dominum. Through, etc. 


Exaudi nos, Deus Saluta- Graciously grant us, O God 

ris noster : ut per hujus Sa- our Saviour, that by virtue of 

cramenti virtutem, a cun- this Sacrament, thou mayst 

ctis nos mentis et corporis defend us fr©m all enemies, 

hostibus tuearis, gratiam both of soul and body ; giving 

tribuens in praesenti, et us grace in this life, and glory 

gloriam in futuro. in the next. 


Deus, cui soli cognitus est O God, to whom alone is 

numerus electorum in su- known the number of thine 

perna felicitate locandus; elect to be placed in eternal 

tribue qusesumus, ut inter- bliss: grant, we beseech thee, 

cedentibus omnibus Sanctis by the intercession of all thy 

tuis, universorum, quos in saints, that the book of pre- 

oratione commendatos sus- destination may contain the 

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cepimus, et omnium fide- names of all those whom we 

Hum nomina, beatse praede- have undertaken to pray for, 

stinationis liber adscripta as well as those of all the 

retineat. Per Dominum. faithful. Through, etc. 


Vere dignum et justum 
est, sequum et salutare, nos 
tibi semper, et ubique gra- 
tias agere, Domine sancte, 
Pater omnipotens, seterne 
Deus. Qui corporaU jejunio 
vitiacomprimis, mentem ele- 
vas, virtutem largiris et prse- 
mia, per Christum Dominum 
nostrum. Per quern maje- 
statem tuam laudant Angeli, 
adorant Dominationes, tre- 
munt Potestates : Cceli, coe- 
lorumque Virtutes, ac beata 
Seraphim, socia exsultatione 
concelebrant. Cum quibus 
et nostras voces, ut admitti 
jubeas deprecamur, supplici 
confessione, dicentes: San- 
ctus, Sanctus, Sanctus. 

It is truly meet and just, 
right and available to salva- 
tion, that we should always 
and in all places give thanks 
to thee, O holy Lord, Father 
almighty, eternal God. Who 
by this bodily fast extin- 
guishest our vices, elevatest 
our understanding, bestowest 
on us virtue and its rewards, 
through Christ our Lord. By 
whom the Angels praise thy 
majesty, the Dominations 
adore it, the Powers tremble 
before it ; the Heavens and the 
heavenly Virtues, and the 
blessed Seraphim, with com- 
mon jubilee, glorify it. To- 
gether with whom, we beseech 
thee that we may be admitted 
to join our humble voices, say- 
ing": Holyl Holy! Holy! 

The words of the Church in the Communion 
antiphon contain an instruction of great importance 
to us. During this long career of penance, we shall 
stand in need of something to keep up our courage : 
let us meditate on the law and the mysteries of our 
Lord. If we relish the word of God as it is offered 
us by the Church on each day of this holy season, 
our hearts will receive an increase of light and love, 
and when our Lord shall rise from His tomb, the 
brightness of His Eesurrection will shine upon us. 


Qui meditabitur in lege He that meditateth day and 
Domini die ac nocte, dabit night on the law of the Lord, 

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fructum suum in tempore shall yield his fruit in due 
suo. season. 


Percepta nobis, Domine May the mysteries we have 

prsebeant Sacramenta subsi- received, 0 Lord, afford us 

dium: ut tibi grata sint help, that our fasting may be 

nostra jejunia, et nobis pro- acceptable to thee, and become 

ficiant ad medelam. Per Do- a remedy to us. Through, etc. 


Mundet et muniat nos, 
quaesumus, Domine, divini 
Sacramentimunus oblatum : 
et intercedente beata Virgine 
Dei Genitrice Maria, cum 
beato Joseph, beatis apostolis 
tuis Petro et Paulo, atque 
beato N. et omnibus Sanctis, 
a cunctis nos reddat et per- 
versitatibus expiatos, et ad- 
versitatibus expeditos. 

May the oblation of this 
divine Sacrament, we beseech 
thee, 0 Lord, both cleanse and 
defend us : and by the inter- 
cession of blessed Mary, the 
Virgin Mother of God, of blessed 
Joseph, of thy blessed apos- 
tles, Peter and Paul, of blessed 
N., and of all the saints, free us 
from all sin, and deliver us 
from all adversity. 


Purificent nos, quaesu- 
mus, omnipotens et miseri- 
cors Deus, Sacramenta quae 
sumpsimus : et interceden- 
tibus omnibus Sanctis tuis, 
praesta ut hoc tuum Sacra- 
mentum non sit nobis rea- 
tus ad poenam, sed inter- 
cessio salutaris ad veniam : 
sit ablutio scelerum, sit for- 
titudo fragilium, sit contra 
omnia mundi pericula fir- 
mamentum : sit vivorum 
atque mortuorum fidelium 
remissio omnium delicto- 
rum. PerDominum. 

May the mysteries we have 
received, purify us, we beseech 
thee, O almighty and merciful 
God; and grant by the inter- 
cession of all thy saints, that 
this thy Sacrament may not 
increase our guilt to punish- 
ment, but be a means of ob- 
taining pardon in order to 
Salvation. May it wash away 
sin, strengthen our frailty, 
secure us against the dangers 
of the world; and procure 
forgiveness for all the faith- 
ful, both living and dead. 
Through, etc. 

Every day during Lent, Sundays excepted, the 
priest, before dismissing the faithful, here adds a 

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special prayer, which is preceded by these words of 
admonition : 


Humiliate capita vestra Bow down your heads to 
Deo. God. 


Inclinantes se, Domine, Mercifully look down upon 
majestati tuse, propitiatus us, 0 Lord, bowing down be- 
intende: ut qui divino mu- fore thy divine Majesty, that 
nere sunt refecti, ccelestibus they who have been refreshed 
semper nutriantur auxiliis. with thy divine mysteries, may 
Per Dominum. always be supported by thy 

heavenly aid. Through, etc. 


Although the law of fasting began yesterday, 
yet Lent, properly so called, does not begin till the 
Vespers of Saturday next. In order to distinguish 
the rest of Lent from these four days which have 
been added to it, the Church continues to chant 
Vespers at the usual hour, and allows her ministers 
to break their fast before having said that Office. 
But, beginning with Saturday, the Vespers will be 
anticipated; every day (Sundays excepted, which 
always exclude fasting), they will be said at such an 
early hour, that when the faithful take their full 
meal, the evening Office will be over. It is a 
remnant of the discipline of the primitive Church, 
which forbade the faithful to break their fast before 
sunset, in other words, before Vespers or Even- 

The Church has given to these three days after 
Ash Wednesday a resemblance to the other ferias 
of her lenten season, by assigning to each of them 
a lesson from the Old Testament, and a Gospel, for 

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Mass. We, of course, insert them, adding a few 
reflections to each. We also give the Collects of 
these three days. 

The station, in Rome, for the Thursday after 
Ash Wednesday, is in the church of St. George 
in Velabro (the veil of gold). 


Deus, qui culpa offenderis, 
poenitentia placaris : preces 
populi tui supplicantis pro- 
pitius respice : et flagella 
tuae iracundiae, quae pro 
peccatis nostris meremur, 
averte. Per Christum Do- 
minum nostrum. Amen. 

0 God, who by sin art offend- 
ed, and by penance pacified, 
mercifully regard the prayers 
of thy suppliant people : and 
turn away the scourges of thy 
wrath, which we deserve for 
our sins. Through Christ our 
Lord. Amen. 


Lectio Isaiae Prophetae. 

Cap. xxxviii. 

In diebus illis, aegrotavit 
Ezechias usque ad mortem : 
et introivit ad eum Isaias 
filius Amos propheta, et 
dixit ei : Haec dicit Domi- 
nus : Dispone domui tuae, 
quia morieris tu, et non 
vives. Et convertit Ezechias 
faciem suam ad parietem, et 
oravit ad Dominum, et dixit : 
Obsecro, Domine, memento, 
quaeso, quomodo ambula- 
verim coram te in veritate, 
et in corde perfecto, et quod 
bonum est in oculis tuis fe- 
cerim. Et flevit Ezechias 
fletu magno. » Et factum est 
verbum Domini ad Isaiam 
dicens : Vade, et die Eze- 
chiae : Haec dicit Dominus 
Deus David patris tui : Au- 

Lesson from Isaias the 

Ch. xxxviii. 

In those days, Ezechias was 
sick even to death, and Isaias 
the son of Amos the prophet 
came unto him, and said to 
him : Thus saith the Lord : 
Take order with thy house, for 
thou shalt die, and not live. 
And Ezechias turned his face 
towards the wall, and prayed 
to the Lord, and said : I 
beseech thee, O Lord, remem- 
ber how I have walked before 
thee in truth, and with a per- 
fect heart, and have done that 
which is good in thy sight. 
And Ezechias wept with great 
weeping. And the word of 
the Lord came to Isaias, 
saying: Go and say to Eze- 
chias : Thus saith the L ord 
the God of David thy fath er : 

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divi orationem tuam, et vidi I have heard thy prayer, and I 

lacrymas tuas : ecce ego ad- have seen thy tears : behold 

jiciam super dies tuos quin- I will add to thy days fifteen 

decim annos : et de manu years: and- 1 will deliver thee 

regis Assyriorum eruam te, and this city out of the hands 

et civitatem istani, et pro- of the king of the Assyrians, 

tegam earn ait Dominus and I will protect it, saith the 

omnipotens. Lord almighty. 

Yesterday, the Church spoke to us upon the cer- 
tainty of death. Die we must : we have not only 
God's infallible word for it, but no reasonable man 
could ever entertain the thought that he was to be 
an exception to the rule. But if the fact of our 
death be certain, the day on which we are to die is 
also fixed. God, in His wisdom, has concealed the 
day from us ; it becomes our duty not to be taken 
by surprise. This very night, it might be said to 
us, as it was to Ezechias : Take order with thy house, 
for thou shalt die. We ought to spend each day, as 
though it were to be our last. Were God even to 
grant us, as He did to the holy king of Juda, a pro- 
longation of life, we must come, sooner or later, to 
that last hour, beyond which there is no time, and 
eternity begins. The Church's intention in thus 
reminding us of our mortality, is to put us on our 
guard against the allurements of this short life, and 
urge us to earnestness in the great work of regene- 
ration, for which she has been preparing us during 
these last three weeks. How many there are of 
those who yesterday received the ashes, who will 
never see the joys of Easter, at least in this world ! 
To them, the ceremony has been a prediction of 
what is to happen to them, perhaps before the 
month is out. And yet the very same words that 
were pronounced over them, were said to us. May 
not we ourselves be of the number of those who 
are thus soon to be victims of death? In this 
uncertainty, let us gratefully accept the warning, 
which our Jesus came down from heaven to give 

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us: 'Do penance; for the kingdom of God is at 
hand.' 1 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii 
secundum Matthseuin. 

Cap. viii. 
In illo tempore : Cum in- 
troisset Jesus Capharnaum, 
accessit ad eum centurio, 
rogans eum et dicens : Do- 
mine, puer meus jacet in 
domo paralyticus, et male 
torquetur. Et ait illi Jesus : 
Ego veniam, et curabo eum. 
Et respondens centurio, ait : 
Domine, non sum dignus ut 
intres sub tectum meum ; 
sed tantum die verbo, et sa- 
nabitur puer meus. Nam et 
ego homo sum sub potestate 
constitutus, habens sub me 
milites, et dico huic : Vade, 
et vadit ; et alii : Veni, et 
venit ; et servo meo : Fac 
hoc, et facit. Audiens autem 
Jesus miratus est, et sequen- 
tibus se dixit : Amen dico 
vobis, non inveni tantam 
fidem in Israel : Dico autem 
vobis, quod multi ab oriente 
et occidente venient, et re- 
cumbent cum Abraham, et 
Isaac, et Jacob in regno coe- 
lorum ; filii autem regni 
ejicientur in tenebras exte- 
riores : ibi erit fletus et stri- 
dor dentium. Et dixit Jesus 
centurioni : Vade, et sicut 
credidisti, fiat tibi. Et sana- 
tus est puer in ilia hora. 

Sequel of the holy Gospel ac- 
cording to Matthew. 

Ch. viii. 
At that time: When Jesus 
had entered into Capharnaum, 
there came to him a centurion, 
beseeching him, and saying : 
Lord, my servant lieth at home 
sick of the palsy, and is griev- 
ously tormented. And Jesus 
saith to him : I will come and 
heal him. And the centurion 
making answer said: Lord, I 
am not worthy that thou 
shouldst enter under my roof ; 
but only say the word, and my 
servant shall be healed. For I 
also am a mai} under authority, 
having under me soldiers ; and 
I "Say to this, Go, and he goeth ; 
and to another, Come, and he 
cometh ; and to my servant, 
Do this, and he doth it. And 
Jesus hearing this, marvelled, 
and said to them that followed 
him : Amen, I say to you, I 
have not found so great faith 
in Israel. And I say to you, 
that many shall come from the 
east and the west, and shall sit 
down with Abraham, and Isaac, 
and Jacob, in the kingdom of 
heaven ; but the children of the 
kingdom shall be cast out into 
exterior darkness: there shall 
be weeping and gnashing of 
teeth. And Jesus said to the 
centurion: Go, and as thou 
hast believed, so be it done to 
thee. And the servant was 
healed at the same hour. 

1 St. Matt. iv. 17. 

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The sacred Scriptures, the fathers, and theolo- 
gians, tell us that there are three eminent good 
works which are, at the same time, works of penance : 
prayer, fasting, and almsdeeds. In the lessons 
she gives us on these three days, which form as it 
were the threshold of Lent, the Church instructs us 
upon these works. To-day it is prayer she recom- 
mends to us. Look at this centurion, who comes to 
our Saviour, beseeching Him to heal his servant. 
His prayer is humble ; in all the sincerity of his 
heart, he deems himself unworthy to receive Jesus 
under his roof. His prayer is full of faith; he 
doubts not for an instant that Jesus is able to 
grant him what he asks. And with what ardour he 
prays ! The faith of this Gentile is greater than 
that of the children of Israel, and elicits praise 
from the Son of God. Such ought to be our prayer, 
when we solicit the cure of our souls. Let us 
acknowledge that we are not worthy to speak to 
God, and yet, let us have an unshaken confidence 
in the power and goodness of Him, who only 
commands us to pray that He may pour out His 
mercies upon us. The season we are now in is one 
of prayer ; the Church redoubles her supplications ; 
it is for us that she makes them ; we must take our 
share in them. Let us, during this season of grace, 
cast off that languor which fastens on the soul at 
other times; let us remember that it is prayer 
which repairs the faults we have already committed, 
and preserves us from sin for the future. 

Humiliate capita vestra Bow down your heads to God. 

Parce Domine, parce po- Spare, 0 Lord, spare thy 

pulo tuo, ut dignis flagella- people ; that having been justly 

tionibus castigatus, in tua chastised, they may find com- 

miseratione respiret. Per fort in thy mercy. Through 

Christum Dominum no- Christ our Lord. Amen, 
strum. Amen. 

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The station for to-day is in the church of the holy 
martyrs, St. John and St. Paul. 


Inchoata jejunia, quaesu- 
mus Domine, benigno f avore 
prosequere : ut observan- 
tiam, quam corporaliter ex- 
hibemus, mentibus etiam 
sinceris exercere valeamus. 
Per Christum Dominum 
nostrum. Amen. 

Graciously favour us, O Lord, 
we beseech thee, in the fast we 
have undertaken : that what 
we observe outwardly, we may 
perform with sincere minds. 
Through Christ our Lord. 


Lectio Isaiae Prophet®. 

Cap, lviii. 

Haec dicit Dominus Deus : 
Clama, ne cesses ; quasi tuba 
exalta vocem tuam, et an- 
nuntia populo meo scelera 
eorum, et domui Jacob pec- 
cata eorum. Me etenim de 
die in diem quaerunt, et scire 
vias meas volunt : quasi gens 
quae justitiam fecerit, et 
judicium Dei sui non dere- 
liquerit : rogant me judicia 
justitiae : appropinquare Deo 
volunt. Quare jejunaviinus 
et non aspexisti : humiliavi- 
mus animas nostras et ne- 
scisti ? Ecce in die jejunii 
vestri invenitur voluntas 
vestra, et omnes debitores 
vestros repetitis. Ecce ad 
lites et contentiones jejuna- 
tis, et percutitis pugno impie. 
Nolite jejunare sicut usque 
ad hanc diem,ut 
excelso clamor vester. Num- 

Lesson from Isaias the 

Ch. lviii. 

Thus saith the Lord God : 
Cry, cease not, lift up thy voice 
like a trumpet, and show my 
people their wicked doings, and 
the house of Jacob their sins. 
For they seek me from day to 
day, and desire to know my 
ways, as a nation that hath 
done justice, and hath not for- 
saken the judgment of their 
God ; they ask of me the judg- 
ments of justice : they are will- 
ing to approach to God. Why 
have we fasted, and thou hast not 
regarded : why have we humbled 
our souls, and thou hast not 
taken notice ? Behold, in the 
day of your fast, your own will 
is found, and you exact of all 
your debtors. Behold you fast 
for debates and strife, and 
strike with the fist wickedly. 
Do not fast as you have done 
until this day, to make your 

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quid tale est jejunium, quod 
elegi, per diem amigere 
hominem animam suam ? 
numquid contorquere quasi 
circulum caput suum, et 
saccum et cinerem sternere ? 
numquid istum vocabis jeju- 
nium, et diem acceptabilem 
Domino? Nonne hoc est 
magis jejunium, quod elegi? 
dissolve colligationes impie- 
tatis, solve fasciculos depri- 
mentes, dimitte eos qui con- 
fracti sunt liberos, et omne 
onus disrumpe. Frange 
esurienti panem tuum, et 
egenos vagosque indue in 
domum tuam : cum videris 
nudum, operi eum, et carnem 
tuam ne despexeris. Tunc 
erumpet quasi mane lumen 
tuum, et sanitas tua citius 
orietur, et anteibit faciem 
tuam justitia tua, et gloria 
Domini colliget te. Tunc 
in vocabis, et Dominus ex- 
audiet : clamabis, et dicet : 
Ecce adsum. Quia miseri- 
cors sum, Dominus Deus 

cry to be heard on high. Is 
this such a fast as I have 
chosen : for a man to afflict 
his soul for a day ? is this it, 
to wind his head about like a 
circle, and to spread sackcloth 
and ashes ? wilt thou call this 
a fast, and a day acceptable to 
the Lord ? Is not this rather 
the fast that I have chosen? 
loose the bands of wickedness, 
undo the bundles that oppress, 
let tbem that are broken go 
free, and break asunder every 
burden. Deal thy bread to the 
hungry, and bring the needy 
and the harbourless into thy 
house ; when thou shalt see one 
naked, cover him, and despise 
not thy own flesh. Then shall 
thy light break forth as the 
morning, and thy health shall 
speedily arise, and thy justice 
shall go before thy face, and 
the glory of the Lord shall 
gather thee up. Then shalt 
thou call, and the Lord shall 
hear: thou shalt cry, and he 
shall say : Here I am ; for I 
the Lord thy God am merciful. 

We are told, in this lesson from the prophet 
Isaias, what are the dispositions which should 
accompany our fast. It is God Himself who here 
speaks to us— that God who had Himself com- 
manded His people to fast. He tells us that the 
fasting from material food is a mere nothing in His 
eyes, unless they who practise it abstain also from 
sin. He demands the sacrifice of the body ; but it 
is not acceptable to Him, unless that of the soul 
goes along with it. The living God can never 
consent to be treated as were the senseless gods of 
wood and stone, which the Gentiles adored, and 
which were incapable of receiving any other than a 


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mere external homage. Let, then, the heretic cease 
to find fault with the Church for her observance of 
practices, which he pretends to scorn as being 
material ; it is he that grows material by his system 
of letting the body have every indulgence. The 
children of the Church fast, because fasting is 
recommended in almost every page of both the old 
and the new Testament, and because Jesus Christ 
Himself fasted for forty days; but they are fully 
aware that this practice, which is thus recommended 
and urged, is then alone meritorious, when it is 
ennobled and completed by the homage of a heart 
that is resolved to reform its vicious inclinations. 
And after all, it would be an injustice, if the body, 
which has been led into guilt solely through the 
malice of the soul, were to be made to suffer, and 
the soul herself be allowed to continue in her sinful 
course. Hence it is that they whose ill-health 
prevents them from observing the bodily austerities 
of Lent, are equally bound to impose on their soul 
that spiritual fast, which consists in the amendment 
of their life, in avoiding everything that is sinful, 
and in the zealous performance of every good work 
in their power. 

gospel . 

Sequentia sancti Evangelii Sequel of the holy Gospel ac- 
secundum Matthaeum. cording to Matthew. 

Cap, v., vi. Ch. v., vi. 

In illo tempore : Dixit At that time : Jesus said to 

Jesus discipulis suis : Au- his disciples : You have heard 

distis quia dictum est : Di- that it hath been said : Thou 

liges proximum tuum, et shalt love thy neighbour, and 

odiohabebisiniinicumtuum. hate thy enemy. But I say to 

Ego autem dico vobis : Dili- you : love your enemies, do 

gite inimicos vestros, bene- good to them that hate you, 

facite his qui oderunt vos : and pray for them that perse- 

et orate pro persequentibus cute and calumniate you ; that 

et calumniantibus vos : ut you may be the children of 

sitis filii Patris vestri, qui in your Father who is in heaven, 

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coelis est, qui solem suum 
oriri facit super bonos et 
malos, et pluit super justos 
et injustos. Si enim dUigitis 
eos qui vos diligunt, quam 
mercedem habebitis ? Nonne 
et publicani hoc faciunt ? 
Et si salutaveritis fratres 
vestros tantum : quid ani- 
plius facitis? Nonne et 
ethnici hoc faciunt ? Es- 
tote ergo vos perfecti, sicut 
et Pater vester coelestis per- 
fectus est. Attendite ne 
justitiam vestram faciatis 
coram hoininibus, ut vide- 
amini ab eis : alioquin mer- 
cedem non habebitis apud 
Patrem vestrum qui in coelis 
est. Cum ergo facis eleemo- 
synam, noli tuba canere ante 
te, sicut hypocritse faciunt 
in synagogis, et in vicis, ut 
honorificentur abhominibus. 
Amen dico vobis, receperunt 
mercedem suam. Te autem 
faciente eleemosynam, ne- 
sciat sinistra tua, quid faciat 
dextera tua : ut sit eleemo- 
syna tua in abscondito, et 
Pater tuus qui videt in ab- 
scondito, reddet tibi. 

who maketh his sun to rise 
upon the good and bad, and 
raineth upon the just and the 
unjust. For if you love them 
that love you, what reward 
shall you have? do not even 
the publicans this ? And if 
you salute your brethren only, 
what do you do more ? do not 
also the heathens this? Be 
you therefore perfect, as also 
your heavenly Father is perfect. 
Take heed that you do not your 
justice before men to be seen 
by them: otherwise you shall 
not have a reward of your 
Father who is in heaven. 
Therefore, when thou dost an 
almsdeed, sound not a trumpet 
before thee, as the hypocrites 
do in the synagogues and in 
the streets, that they may be 
honoured by men. Amen, I 
say to you, they have received 
their reward. But when thou 
dost alms, let not thy left hand 
know what thy right hand doth ; 
that thy alms may be in secret, 
and thy Father, who seeth in 
secret, will repay thee. 

Almscleeds is the third of the great penitential 
works : it is the sister virtue of prayer and fasting. 
For this reason, the Church puts before us, to-day, 
the instructions given by our Saviour on the manner 
in which we ought to do works of mercy. He puts 
upon us the duty of loving our fellow-men, without 
distinction of friends or enemies. God, who has 
created them all, loves them Himself ; this is motive 
enough to make us show mercy to all. If He bears 
with them even when they are His enemies by sin, 
and patiently waits for their conversion even to the 


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end of their lives, so that they who are lost are lost 
through their own fault, what ought not we to do, 
we who are sinners as they are, and their brethren, 
and created like them out of nothing? When, 
therefore, we do an act of kindness or mercy towards 
those who have God for their Father, we offer Him 
a most acceptable homage. Charity, the queen of 
virtues, absolutely requires of us the love of our 
neighbour, as being part of our love of God ; and 
this charity, at the same time that it is a sacred 
obligation incumbent upon each member of the 
family of mankind, is, in the acts it inspires us to do 
towards each other, a work of penance, because it 
imposes upon us certain,privations, and requires us 
to overcome every repugnance which nature stirs up 
within us, when we have to show this charity to 
certain individuals. And finally, we must in our 
almsdeeds follow the counsel our blessed Saviour 
gives us ; it is the one He recommended to us, when 
He bade us fast : we must do it in secret, and shun 
ostentation. Penance loves humility and silence ; 
it has a dread of being noticed by men ; the only 
one whose applause it seeks, is He who seeth in 

Humiliate capita vestra Bow down your heads to 

Tuere, Domine, populum Defend, 0 Lord, thy people, 

tuum, et ab omnibus pecca- and mercifully cleanse them 

tis clementer emunda : quia from all their sins : for no mis- 

nulla ei nocebit adversitas, fortune can hurt them, if no 

si nulla ei dominetur ini- wickedness rule over them, 

quitas. Per Christum Do- Through Christ our Lord, 

minum nostrum. Amen. Amen. 





The station for to-day is, as noted in the missal, 
in the church of St. Trypho, martyr; but this 
church having been destroyed many centuries ago, 
the station is now in that of St. Augustine, which 
is built on the same site. 


Adesto, Domine, suppli- Give ear, O Lord, to our 

cationibus nostris, et con- prayers, and grant that we 

cede ut hoc solemne jeju- may, with true devotion, ob- 

nium, quod animabus cor- serve this solemn fast which 

poribusque curandis salu- was wholesomely instituted for 

briter institutum est, devoto giving health to both our souls 

servitio celebremus. Per and bodies. Through Christ 

Christum Dominum no- our Lord. Amen, 
strum. Amen. 


Lectio Isaiae Prophet®. 

Cap. lviii. 

Haec dicit Dominus Deus : 
Si abstuleris de medio tui ca- 
tenam, et desieris extendere 
digitum et loqui quod non 
prodest ; cum effuderis esu- 
rienti animam tuam, et ani- 
mam afnictam repleveris, 
orietur in tenebris lux tua, 
et tenebrse tuse erunt sicut 
meridies. Et requiem tibi 
dabit Dominus semper, et 
implebit splendoribus ani- 
mam tuam, et ossa tua libe- 
rabit, et eris quasi hortus 
irriguus et sicut fons aqua- 
rum, cujus non deficient 

Lesson from Isaias the 

Ch. lviii. 

Thus saith the Lord God : If 
thou wilt take away the chain 
out of the midst of thee, and 
cease to stretch out the finger, 
and to speak that which pro- 
fiteth not; when thou shalt 
pour out thy soul to the hungry, 
and shalt satisfy the afflicted 
soul, then shall thy light rise 
up in darkness, and thy dark- 
ness shall be as the noon-day. 
And the Lord will give thee 
rest continually, and will fill 
thy soul with brightness, and 
del liver thy bones, and thou 
shalt be like a watered garden, 

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aquae. Et sedificabuntur in 
te deserta sseculorum : fun- 
damenta generationis et ge- 
nerationis suscitabis : et vo- 
caberis aedificator sepium, 
avertens semitas in quietern. 
Si averteris a Sabbato pe- 
dem tuum, facere volunta- 
tem tuam in die sancto meo, 
et vocaveris Sabbatuni de- 
licatum, et sanctum Domini 
gloriosum, et glorificaveris 
eum dum non facis vias tuas, 
et non invenitur voluntas 
tua, ut loquaris sermonem : 
tunc delectaberis super Do- 
mino ; et sustollam te super 
altitudines terrae, et cibabo 
te hereditate Jacob patris 
tui: os enim Domini locu- 
tum est. 

and like a fountain of water, 
whose waters shall not fail. 
And the places that have been 
desolate for ages, shall be built 
in thee ; thou shalt raise up 
the foundations of generation 
and generation : and thou shalt 
be called the repairer of the 
fences, turning the paths into 
rest. If thou turn away thy 
foot from the Sabbath, from 
doing thy own will in my holy 
day, and call the Sabbath de- 
lightful, and the holy of the 
Lord glorious, and glorify him, 
while thou dost not thy own 
ways, and thy own will is not 
found, to speak a word : then 
shalt thou be delighted in the 
Lord, and I will lift thee up 
above the high places of the 
earth, and will feed thee with 
the inheritance of Jacob thy 
father. For the mouth of the 
Lord hath spoken it. 

Saturday is a day replete with mystery. It is the 
day of God's rest; it is a figure of the eternal 
peace, which awaits us in heaven after the toils of 
this life are over. The object of the Church in 
giving us, to-day, this lesson from Isaias, is to teach 
us how we are to merit our eternal Sabbath. We 
have scarcely entered on our campaign of penance, 
when this affectionate mother of ours comes to 
console us. If we abound in good works during 
this holy season, in which we have taken leave of 
the distracting vanities of the world, the light of 
grace shall rise up even in the darkness which now 
clouds our soul. This soul which has been so long 
obscured by sin and by the love of the world and 
self, shall become bright as the noon-day ; the glory 
of Jesus' Eesurrection shall be ours too ; and, if we 

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are faithful to grace, the Easter of time will lead us to 
the Easter of eternity. Let us, therefore, build tip 
the places that have been so long desolate; let us 
raise up the foundations, repair the fences, turn away 
our feet from the violation of holy observances, do 
not our own ways and our own will in opposition to 
those of our divine Master ; and then He will give 
us everlasting rest, and fill our soul with His own 


Sequentia sancti Evangelii 
secundum Marcum. 

Cap. vi. 

In illo tempore : Cum 
sero esset, erat navis in me- 
dio mari, et Jesus solus in 
terra. Et videns discipulos 
suos laborantes in remigan- 
do (erat enim ventus con- 
trarius eis), et circa quar- 
tam vigiliam noctis, venit 
ad eos ambulans supra 
mare : et volebat prseterire 
eos. At illi, ut viderunt 
eum ambulantem supra 
mare, putaverunt phan- 
tasma esse, et exclamave- 
runt. Omnes enim viderunt 
eum, et conturbati sunt. 
Et statim locutus est cum 
eis, et dixit eis : Confidite, 
ego sum, nolite timere. Et 
ascendit ad illos in navim, 
et cessavit ventus. Et plus 
magis intra se stupebant : 
non enim intellexerunt de 
panibus : erat enim cor 
eorum obcaecatum. Et cum 
transfretassent, venerunt in 
terram Genesareth, et ap- 
plicuerunt. Cumque egressi 

Sequel of the holy Gospel 
according to Mark. 

Ch. vi. 

At that time : When it was 
late, the ship was in the midst 
of the sea, and Jesus alone on 
the land. And seeing them 
labouring in rowing (for the 
wind was against them), and 
about the fourth watch of the 
night, he cometh to them, 
walking upon the sea, and he 
would have passed by them. 
But they seeing him walking 
upon the sea, thought it was 
an apparition, and they cried 
out. For they all saw him and 
were troubled. And immedi- 
ately he spoke with them, and 
said to them : Have a good 
heart, it is I, fear ye not. And 
he went up to them into the 
ship, and the wind ceased. And 
they were far more astonished 
within themselves : for they 
understood not concerning the 
loaves : for their heart was 
blinded. And when they had 
passed over, they came into 
the land of Genesareth, and 
set to the shore. And when 

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assent de navi, continuo co- they were gone out of the ship 

gnoverunt eum : et percur- immediately they knew him ; 

rentes universam regionem and running through that whole 

illam, coeperunt in grabatis country, they began to carry 

eos qui se male habebant about in beds those that were 

circumferre, ubi audiebant sick, where they heard he was, 

eum esse. Et quocumque And whithersoever he entered, 

introibat, in vicos, vel in vil- into towns, or into villages, or 

las, aut civitates, in plateis cities, they laid the sick in 

ponebant infirmos, et de- the streets, and besought him 

precabantur eum, ut vel that they might touch* but 

fimbriam vestimenti ejus the hem of his garment : and 

tangerent : et quotquot tan- as many as touched him were 

gebant eum, salvi fiebant. made whole. 

The ship, the Church, has set sail ; the voyage is 
to last forty days. The disciples labour in rowing., 
for the wind is against them; they begin to fear 
lest they may not be able to gain the port. But 
Jesus comes to them on the sea ; He goes up to them 
in the ship ; the rest of the voyage is most pros- 
perous. The ancient liturgists thus explain the 
Church's intention in her choice of to-day's Gospel. 
Forty days of penance are, it is true, little enough 
for a long life that has been spent in everything 
save God's service; and yet our cowardice would 
sink under these forty days, unless we had Jesus 
with us. Let us not fear ; it is He ; He prays with 
us, fasts with us, and does all our works of mercy 
with us. Was it not He that first began these 
forty days of expiation? Let us keep our eyes 
fixed on Him, and be of good heart. If we grow 
tired, let us go to Him, as did the poor sick ones of 
whom our Gospel speaks. The very touch of His 
garments sufficed to restore health to such as had 
lost it ; let us go to Him in His adorable Sacrament ; 
and the divine life, whose germ is already within 
us, will develop itself, and the energy, which was 
beginning to droop in our hearts, will regain all its 

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Humiliate capita vestra 

Fideles tui, Deus, per tua 
dona firmentur : ut eadem 
et percipiendo requirant, et 
quserendo sine fine perci- 
piant. Per Christum Do- 
minum nostrum. Amen. 

Bow down you heads to 

May thy faithful, O God, be 
strengthened by thy gifts ; that, 
by receiving them, they may 
ever hunger after them, and 
hungering after them, they 
may have their desires satisfied 
in the everlasting possession of 
them. Through Christ our 
Lord. Amen. 

Let us close our Saturday with a prayer to Mary, 
the refuge of sinners- Let us express the confidence 
we have in her, by the following devout sequence. 
It is taken from the German missals of the four- 
teenth century. 


Tibi cordis in altari 
Decet preces immolari, 
Virgo sacratissima. 

Nam cum in se sit inspta, 
Tuo Nato sit accepta 
Per te precum victima. 

Pro peccatis immolato 
Peccatorum prsesentato 
Precum sacrificia. 

Per te Deum adit reus, 
Ad quern per te venit Deus : 
Amborum tu media. 

Nec abhorre peccatores 
Sine quibus nunquam fores 
Tanto digna Filio. 

Si non essent redimendi, 
Nulla tibi pariendi 
Bedemptorem ratio. 

It behoves us, 0 most holy/ 
Virgin, to offer thee, on the 
altar of our hearts, the offering 
of bur prayers. 

For whereas the sacrifice of 
our prayers has no merit of its 
own, it may be made accept- 
able, through thee, to thy Son. 

Present to him, who was 
sacrificed for sin, the sacrifice 
of sinners' prayers. 

It is through thee the sinner 
comes to God, for this God 
came to the sinner through 
thee, O thou the mediatrix 
between God and man ! 

It was for the sake of sinners 
that thou wast made worthy of 
such a Son : canst thou, then, 
despise them ? 

It was because there were 
sinners to be redeemed, that 
thou wast made Mother of the 

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Sed nec Patris ad conses- 

Habuisses hue accessum, 
Si non ex te genitum 
Esset ibi positum. 

Virgo, Virgo sic promota 
Causa nostri, nostra vota 
Promovenda suscipe 
Coram summo Principe. 

Neither wouldst thou be 
seated nigh the Father's 
throne, hadst thou not been 
Mother of him who shares his 
Father's throne. 

Take, then, O holy Virgin, 
who for our sake hast been 
thus exalted, take thou our 
prayers, and present them to 
our sovereign Lord. Amen. 

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February 3 


Now that the Church has closed the joyous period 
of her forty days of Christmas, and is putting us 
through a course of meditations on subjects which 
are to excite a spirit of penance within us, each of 
the saints' feasts must produce an impression, 
which shall be in accordance with that spirit. From 
this day till Easter, we will study the saints, as they 
come to us, in this special light : how much they 
laboured and suffered during their pilgrimage of 
life, and what was the plan they took for conquering 
the world and the flesh. 'They went/ says the 
psalmist, 'and wept, casting their seeds: but 
coming they shall come with joyfulness, carrying 
their sheaves/ 1 It shall be the same with us ; and 
at the end of our lenten labours, our risen Jesus 
will hail us as His living, regenerated children. 

The calendar of this portion of the year abounds 
with martyrs ; and, at the very outset, we meet with 
one of the most celebrated of these glorious cham- 
pions of Christ. The scene of his pastoral virtues 
and of his martyrdom was Sebaste, a city of 
Armenia, the same that will give us forty martyred 
soldiers on a single day. The devotion to St. Blase 
is, even to this day, most fervently kept up in the 
east, especially in Armenia. The western Churches 
soon began to love and honour his memory, and so 
universally, that we might call him one of the most 
popular of our saints. His feast, however, with us 
1 Ps. cxxv. 6, 7. 

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is only a simple, and the Church of Rome has 
given only one lesson on his life. 

Blasius, Sebaste in Arme- 
nia cum virtutum laude flo- 
reret, ejusdem civitatis epi- 
scopu8 eligitur. Qui quo 
tempore Diocletianus insa- 
tiabilem crudelitatem in 
Christianos exercebat, se in 
speluncam abdidit montis 
Argsei, ubi tamdiu latuit, 
dum ab Agricolai pnesidis 
militibus venantibus depre- 
hensus, et ad prsesidem 
ductus, ejus jussu conjectus 
est in vincula. Quo in loco 
multos segrotos sanavit, qui 
ad Blasium, ejus fama san- 
ctitatis adducti, defereban- 
tur. In illis puer fuit, qui, 
desperata a medicis salute, 
transversa spina faucibus 
inhserente, animam agebat. 
Productus autem ad prsesi- 
dem Blasius semel et iterum, 
cum nec blanditiis, nec mi- 
nis adduci posset ut diis 
sacrificaret, primum virgis 
caesus, deinde in equuleo 
ferreis pectinibus dilaniatus 
est : postremo, dempto capi- 
te, illustre fidei testimonium 
Christo Domino dedit, tertio 
Nonas Februarii. 

Blase, whose signal virtues 
made him dear to the people of 
Sebaste in Armenia, was chosen 
bishop of that city. When 
the emperor Diocletian waged 
his cruel persecution against 
the Christians, the saint hid 
himself in a cave on Mount 
Argeus, and there he remained 
some time concealed, but was 
at length discovered by some 
soldiers of the governor Agri- 
colaus, while they were hunt- 
ing. They led him to the 
governor, who gave orders that 
he should be put into prison. 
During his imprisonment, many 
sick people, attracted by the 
reputation of his sanctity, came 
to him, and he healed them. 
Among these was a boy, whose 
life was despaired of by the 
physicians, on account of his 
having swallowed a bone, which 
could not be extracted from his 
throat. The saint was twice 
brought before the governor, 
but neither fair promises nor 
threats could induce him to 
offer sacrifice to the gods. 
Whereupon, he was first beaten 
with rods, and then his flesh 
was torn with iron hooks while 
he lay stretched on the rack. 
At length he was beheaded, and 
nobly gave testimony to the 
faith of Christ our Lord, on the 
third of the Nones of February 
(February 3). 

Accept, 0 glorious martyr, the praise which we, 
too, offer thee in union with that given thee by the 
whole Church. In return for this homage of our 

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veneration, look down upon the Christian people, 
who are now preparing to enter on the season of 
penance, and to be converted to the Lord their God 
by holy compunction and tears. We ask it of thee by 
thine own combat : assist us in the one for which we 
are preparing. When duty required thee to undergo 
tortures and death, it found thee ready and brave ; 
our duty is expiation by penance, and thy prayers 
must get us courage. Our enemies are not more 
cruel than thine, but they are more treacherous, 
and if we spare them we are lost. Obtain for us 
that heavenly assistance, which enabled thee to 
conquer. We are children of the martyrs; God 
forbid we should be degenerate ! Pray, too, 0 holy 
pontiff, for the country thou didst water with thy 
blood. Armenia lost the faith for which thou didst 
lay down thy life. Intercede for her, that she may 
be restored to the Church, and let her conversion 
bring consolation to the few that have remained 
orthodox and faithful. 

February 4 


The saintly bishop, whose feast we keep to-day, 
pressingly invites us, by his austere life and his 
burning zeal for the salvation of souls, to procure, 
at all costs, our own reconciliation with the divine 
justice. We are indebted for this feast to a member 
of the illustrious family of the Corsini, Pope 
Clement XII., who, however, was but the instrument 
used by divine Providence. The holy bishop of the 
little town of Fiesole ever sought to be unknown 
during his life, and God, who willed that he should 
be glorified by the whole Church, inspired the 

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sovereign Pontiff to inscribe his name among the 
saints of the universal calendar. Andrew the saint 
was once a sinner ; his example will encourage us in 
the work of our conversion. 

Let us read the account of his virtues as given us 
by the Church. 

Andream Florentise ex no- 
bili Corsinorum familia na- 
tum parentes precibus a Deo 
impetrarunt, et beat© Vir- 
gini spoponderunt. Qualis 
autem futurus esset, divino 
praesagio, antequam nasce- 
retur, ostensum est ; nam 
mater gravida sibi visa est 
per quietem lupum edidisse, 
qui, ad Carmelitarum sedem 
pergens, in ipso templi vesti- 
bulo statim in agnum con- 
versus est. Adolescens pie 
et ingenue educatus, cum 
sensim ad vitia declinaret, 
saepe a matre increpatus 
fuit. Ubi autem cognovit, 
se parentum voto Deiparse 
Virgini dicatum fuisse, Dei 
amore succensus, deque visu 
matris admonitus, Carmeli- 
tarum institutum amplexus 
est, in quo variis tentatio- 
nibus a dsemone vexatus, 
numquam tamen potuit a 
religionis proposito dimo- 
veri. Mox Lutetiam missus, 
emenso studiorum curricu- 
lo, et laurea donatus in pa- 
triam revocatur, suique Or- 
dinis regimini in Etruria 

Andrew was born at Flo- 
rence, of the noble Corsini 
family. He was the fruit of t 
his parents' prayers, and was 
consecrated by them to the 
blessed Virgin. . His future was 
thus shown by God to the 
mother. She dreamt that she 
had given birth to a wolf, which 
went to the church of the Car- 
melites, and, as it crossed 
the threshold, was suddenly 
changed into a lamb. Though 
his early education was calcu- 
lated to form him to piety, and 
to everything that suited his 
high birth, he, by degrees, fell 
into a vicious manner of life, 
notwithstanding the frequent 
reproaches made him by his 
mother. But as soon as he 
was told that he had been con- 
secrated by his parents to the 
Virgin Mother of God, and 
heard of his mother's vision, 
he entered the Order of Car- 
melites. The devil ceased not 
to molest him, even then, with 
manifold temptations ; but 
nothing could make him 
change his resolution of enter- 
ing the religious life. Shortly 
after his profession, he was 
sent to Paris for a course of 
study ; having completed it, 
and taken his degrees, he re- 
turned to Italy, and was made 
superior of his Order in the 
province of Tuscany. 

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Interea Fesulana Ecclesia 
suo viduata pastore eum sibi 
episcopum elegit : quo mu- 
nere se indignum sestimans, 
diu latuit ignotus, donee 
pueri voce mirabiliter lo- 
quentis proditus, et extra 
• urbem inventus, ne divinse 
contradiceret voluntati 
episcopatum suscepit. Ea 
dignitate auctus, humili- 
tate, quam semper coluerat, 
impensius incubuit et pasto- 
ral! solicitudini, misericor- 
diam in pauperes, liberali- 
tatem, orationis assiduita- 
tem, vigilias, aliasque vir- 
tutes adjunxit, et spiritu 
etiam prophetico clarus fuit, 
adeo ut ejus sanctitas ab 
omnibus celebraretur. 

His permotus Urbanus 
quintus ad sedandas Bono- 
niae turbas An dream lega- 
tum misit: quo in munere 
multa perpessus, civium 
odia, quae ad internecionem 
exarserant, summa pruden- 
tia restinxit ; turn restituta 
tranquillitate ad propria re- 
versus est. Nec multo post 
assiduis laboribus, et volun- 
taria carnis maceratione 
confectus, obitus die a beata 
Virgine sibi prsedicto, ad 
coelestia regna migravit, 
anno Domini millesimo tre- 
centesimo septuagesimo ter- 
tio, setatis suae septuagesimo 

It happened about that time, 
that the Church of Fiesole lost 
its bishop, and Andrew was 
chosen as his successor. But 
looking on himself as unworthy 
of such a dignity, he hid him- 
self so that no one knew where 
he was. But a child, who had 
not yet received the use of 
speech, miraculously revealed 
the place, outside the town, 
where he was ; upon which the 
saint, fearing that further re- 
fusal would be a resistance to 
the divine will, was consecrated 
bishop. Thus exalted to so 
great a dignity, he applied him- 
self more than ever to the 
practice of humility, which had 
always been his favourite vir- 
tue. To the zeal of a good 
pastor, he united tender com- 
passion for the poor, abundant 
almsgiving, a life of prayer, 
long watchings, and other vir- 
tues ; all which, together with 
the gift of prophecy he had 
received, gained for him a great 
reputation for sanctity. 

Pope Urban V., hearing of 
his great merits, sent him as 
his legate to Bologna, that he 
might quell a sedition that had 
arisen in that city. The fulfil- 
ment of this charge cost him 
much suffering ; but such was 
his prudence, that he succeeded 
in restoring peace among the 
citizens, and so preventing 
further bloodshed ; he then 
returned to Fiesole. Not long 
after this, being worn out by 
ceaseless labours and bodily 
mortifications, and having been 
told by the blessed Virgin of 
the precise day of his death, he 
passed from this life to the 

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primo. Quern Urbanus oc- 
tavus multis magnisque mi- 
raculis clarum, sanctorum 
numero adscripsit. Ejus 
corpus Florentiae in ecclesia 
sui Ordinis quiescit, et 
maxima civium veneratione 
colitur : quibus non semel 
in prsesenti discrimine prse- 
sidio fuit. 

kingdom of heaven, in the year 
of our Lord thirteen hundred 
and seventy three, and in the 
seventy-first year of his age. 
Great was the reputation of 
his name on account of the 
many and wonderful miracles 
wrought through his interces- g 
sion, and at length he was 
canonized by Urban VIII. His 
body reposes in the church of 
his Order at Florence, where 
it is held in great veneration, 
the citizens having often expe- 
rienced his protection in times 
of public calamity. 

Hear, 0 holy pontiff, our prayer : we are sinners, 
and would learn from thee how we are to return to 
the God we have offended. His mercy was poured 
out upon thee ; obtain the same for us. Have pity 
on Christians throughout the world, for the grace 
of repentance is now being offered to all ; pray for 
us, that we may be filled with the spirit of compunc- 
tion. We have sinned ; we sue for pardon ; inter- 
cession like thine can win it for us. From wolves, 
change us into lambs. Strengthen us against our 
enemies ; get us an increase of the virtue of humility, 
which thou hadst in such perfection ; and intercede 
for us with our Lord, that He crown our efforts with 
perseverance, as He did thine ; that thus we may be 
enabled to unite with thee in singing, for ever, the 
praises of our Redeemer. 

February 5 


Since the commencement of the ecclesiastical year, 
we have kept the feasts of two out of the four 
illustrious virgins whose names are daily honoured 

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in the holy Sacrifice of the Lamb : the third comes 
to-day, lighting up the heaven of the Church with 
her bright soft rays. Lucy first, then Agnes, and 
now the gracious visit of Agatha. The fourth, Cecily, 
the immortal Cecily, is to be one of that magnificent 
constellation which gives such splendour to the 
closing of the year. To-day, then, let us keep a 
feast in honour of Agatha, the virgin daughter of 
that same fair Sicily which can boast of her Lucy. 
We must not allow the holy sadness of our present 
season to take aught from the devotion we owe to 
our saint. The joy wherewith we celebrate her 
merits will lead us to study her virtues. She will 
repay us by her prayers ; she will encourage us to 
persevere in the path which is to bring us to the 
God she so nobly loved and served, and with whom 
she is now for ever united. 

Let us begin by reading what the Church tells us 
of the virtues and combats of this glorious bride of 

Agatha virgo, in Sicilia 
nobilibus parentibus nata, 
quam Panormitani et Cata- 
nenses civem suam esse di- 
cunt, in persecutione Decii 
imperatoris Catanse gloriosi 
martyrii coronam consecu- 
ta est. Nam cum pari pul- 
chritudinis et castitatis lau- 
de commendaretur, Quin- 
tianus, Siciliae praetor, ejus 
amore captus est. Sed cum, 
tentata modis omnibus ejus 
pudicitia, Agatham in suam 
sententiam perducere non 
posset, Christian© supersti- 
tionis nomine comprehen- 
sam, Aphrodisise cuidam 
mulieri depravandam tra- 
dit. Quae Aphrodisise con- 
suetudine cum de constantia 

The holy virgin Agatha was 
born in Sicily, of noble parents. 
The cities of Palermo and 
Catania both claim the honour 
of having been the place of 
her birth. She received the 
crown of a glorious martyrdom 
at Catania, under the perse- 
cution of the Emperor Decius. 
Her beauty, which was as great 
as her chaste and innocent 
life was praiseworthy, at- 
tracted the notice of Quinti- 
anus, the governor of Sicily. 
He spared no means whereby 
to compass his lustful designs 
upon the innocent virgin ; but 
seeing that she scorned hi 
offers, he had her apprehended 
as being guilty of the Chris- 
tian superstition, and gave 

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colendae Christian© fidei, et 
servanda virginitatis, remo- 
veri non posset, nuntiat ilia 
Quintiano, se in Agatha 
operam perdere. Quare ille 
ad se virginem adduci ju- 
bet : et nonne, inquit, te 
pudet nobili genere natam 
humilem et servilem Chri- 
stianorum vitam agere ? Cui 
Agatha : Multo prsestantior 
est Christiana hnmilitas et 
servitus, regum opibus, ac 
superbia. | 

Quamobrem iratus prae- 
tor hanc ei optionem dat, 
vehtne potius venerari deos, 
an vim tormentorum subire. 
At ilia constans in fide, 
primum colaphis csesa mit- 
titur in carcerem : unde 
postridie educta, cum in sen- 
tentia permaneret, admotis 
candentibus laminis in 
equuleo torquetur : turn ei 
mamilla abscinditur. Quo 
in vulnere Quintianum ap- 
pellans virgo: Crudelis, in- 
quit, tyranne, non te pudet, 
amputare in femina, quod 
ipse in matre suxisti ? Mox 
conjecta in vincula, sequenti 
nocte a sene quodam, qui 
se Christi apostolum esse 
dicebat, sanata est. Bursum 
evocata a pnetore, et in 
Christi confessione perse ve- 
rans, in acutis testulis, et 

her in charge of a woman, 
named Aphrodisia, who was 
noted for her power of allur- 
ing to evil. But finding that 
her words and company had 
no effect on the holy maiden, 
and that she was immovable 
in her resolution to maintain 
both her faith and her vir- 
ginity, Aphrodisia told Quin- 
tianus that she was but los- 
ing her time with Agatha. 
Whereupon, he ordered the 
virgin to be brought before 
him, and he said to her : * Art 
not thou, that art so noble 
by birth, ashamed to lead 
the life of a base and slavish 
Christian ?' She replied : 
* Better by far is the baseness 
and slavery of a Christian 
than the wealth and pride of 

Angered by her words, the 
governor bids her choose one 
of these two : adoration of 
the gods, or sharp tortures. 
On her refusal to deny her 
faith, he ordered her to be 
buffeted, and cast into prison. 
On the following day, she 
was again led to trial. Find- 
ing that she was still firm 
in her purpose, they hoisted 
her on the rack, and laid 
hot iron plates on her flesh, 
and cut off her breast. 
While suffering this last 
torture, she thus spoke to 
Quintianus : 1 Cruel tyrant, 
art thou not ashamed to cut 
a woman's breast, who wast 
thyself fed at the breast of 
thy mother V She was then 
sent back to prison, where, 
during the night, a venerable 
old man, who told her that 

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candentibus carbonibus 
subjectis volutatur. 


he was the apostle of Christ, 
healed her. A third time she 
was summoned by the gover- 
nor, and being still firm in 
confessing Christ, she was 
rolled upon sharp potsherds, 
and burning coals. 

Suddenly, the whole city 
was shaken by a violent 
earthquake, and two of the 
governor's intimate friends 
were killed by the falling of 
two walls. The people were 
in such a state of excitement 
that the governor began to 
fear a sedition, and therefore 
ordered the almost lifeless 
Agatha to be secretly con- 
veyed back to her prison. 
She thus prayed to our Lord : 
' 0 God ! who hast watched 
over me from my infancy, 
who hast separated me from 
the love of this world, and 
hast given me strength to. 
bear the tortures of my execu- 
tioners, receive my soul V 
Her prayer being ended, her 
soul took its flight to heaven, 
on the Nones of February 
(February 5), and the Christians 
buried her body. 

The ancient books of the liturgy abound with 
verses in honour of St. Agatha ; but most of them 
are so poor in sentiment that we pass them over. 
The following beautiful hymn is the composition of 
Pope St. Damasus. 


Quo tempore ingenti terrae 
motu urbs tota contremuit, 
ac duo parietes corruentes, 
Silvinum et Falconium inti- 
mos prsetoris familiares op- 
presserunt. Quare vehemen- 
ter commota civitate, veritus 
populi tumultum Quintia- 
nus, Agatham semimor- 
tuam clam reduci imperat 
in carcerem. Quae sic Deum 
precata: Domine, qui me 
custodisti ab infantia, qui 
abstulisti a me amorem sae- 
culi, qui me carnificum tor- 
mentis superiorem praesti- 
tisti, accipe animam meam. 
Ea in oratione migravit in 
coelum Nonis Februarii : 
cujus corpus a Christianis 

Martyris ecce dies Agathse 
Virginis emicat eximiae : 
Christus earn sibi qua sociat, 
Et diadema duplex decorat. 

Lo ! the bright festal day 
of the glorious martyr and 
virgin Agatha, when Christ 
took her to himself, and 
a double crown wreathed her 


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Stirpe decens, elegans 

Sed magis actibus atque 

Terrea prospera nil repu- 

Jussa Dei sibi corde ligans. 
Fortior hsec trucibusque 

Exposuit sua membra fla- 

Pectore quam fuerit valido 
Torta mamilla docet patulo. 

Delicise cui career erat, 
Pastor ovem Petnis hanc re- 
creat : 

Inde gavisa magisque fla- 

Ouncta flagella cucurrit 

Ethnica turba rogum fu- 

Hujus et ipsa meretur opem ; 
Quos fidei titulus decorat, 
His Venerem magis ipsa 

Jam renitens quasi sponsa 


-fro miseris supplica Domi- 

Sic tua festa coli faciat, 
le c ©lebrantibus ut faveat. 

Gloria cum Patre sit Ge- 
o • . nit .°> 

opirituique proinde sacro, 
SJui Deus unus et omnipo- 

-o-anc nostri faciat memo- 

Though noble by birth and 
blessed with beauty, her 
grandest riches were her deeds 
and her faith. Earthly pros- 
perity was nothing in her 
eyes, but her whole heart was 
on the precepts of her God. 

Her bravery tired out the 
men that tortured her ; she 
flinched not as they lashed 
her limbs : and her wounded 
breast reveals a dauntless 

Her prison was her para- 
dise, where the pastor Peter 
heals his bleeding lamb ; and 
thence once more she runs to 
suffer, gladder and braver at 
every wound. 

A pagan city once in flames 
was saved by Agatha's prayer. 
The same can check, in Chris- 
tian hearts, the threatening fire 
of lust. 

Now that thou art in heaven, 
clad as a bride of Christ, in- 
tercede with him for us miser- 
able sinners, that he grant us 
so to spend thy feast, that our 
celebration may draw down his 

Glory be to the Son, to- 
gether with the Father and 
the Holy Ghost. May the 
one almighty God grant that 
this his saint be mindful of us. 

How lovely are thy palms, 0 Agatha ! But how 
lon g and cruel was thy combat for them ! The day 
was thine ; thy faith and thy virginity triumphed, 
£ut the battle-field streamed with thy blood, and 


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thy glorious wounds bear testimony to the angels 
how stern was the courage of thy fidelity to Jesus 
thy Spouse. When thine enemies left thee, it was 
to Him thou didst look up ; and then thy soul 
flew to its rest, in the bosom of thy King and God. 
The whole Church keeps feast to-day, praising her 
Lord in thee, great martyr and virgin ! She knows 
the love thou bearest her, and how, amidst the 
joys of heaven, her interests and her wants are the 
object of thy prayers. Thou art our sister; be, 
too, our mother, by interceding for us. Centuries 
have passed away since that day, whereon thy soul 
quitted the body thou hadst sanctified by purity 
and suffering; but the great battle between the 
spirit and the flesh is still waging here on earth, 
and will do so to the end of time. Assist us in the 
struggle ; keep up within our hearts the holy fire, 
which the world and our passions are ever seeking 
to quench. 

It is now the season when every Christian should 
renew his whole being by repentance and com- 
punction. We know the power of thy prayer ; let 
it procure us these gifts : the fear of God, which 
keeps down the workings of corrupt nature; the 
spirit of penance, which repairs the injuries caused 
by our sins ; and a solid love for our dear Lord, 
which sweetens the yoke, and ensures perseverance. 
More than once a whole people has witnessed how 
a relic of thine, thy veil, has checked the stream of 
lava which rolled down the sides of Etna ; we are 
threatened with a torrent of vice, which will drive 
the world back to pagan corruption, unless divine 
mercy stay its wild fury ; and prayers such as thine 
can obtain it t for us. Delay not, 0 Agatha ! each 
day gives strength to the danger. Not a nation 
but is now infected with the poison of a literature 
that is infidel and immoral ; by thy prayers keep 
the poisonous cup from them that have not tasted, 

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neutralize its power in them that have drunk its 
venom of death. Oh ! spare us the shame of seeing 
our Europe the slave of sensuality, and the dupe 
of hell. 

February 6 


To-day again, it is one of the most amiable of 
Christ's brides that comes to console us by her 
presence; it is Dorothy, the simple and intrepid 
virgin, who strews the path of her martyrdom with 
prodigies of sweetest charity. The religion of 
Christ alone can produce in timid women, like the 
saint of to-day, an energy which at times surpasses 
that of the most valiant martyrs among men. 
Thus does our Lord glorify His infinite power, by 
crushing Satan's head with what is by nature so 
weak. The enmity put by God between the woman 
and the serpent, 1 is for ever showing itself in those 
sublime Acts of the Martyrs, where the rebel angel 
is defeated by an enemy whom he knew to be weak, 
and therefore scorned to fear ; but that very weak- 
ness, which made her victory the grander, made 
his humiliation the bitterer. Surely, such history 
must have taught him how powerful an enemy he 
has in a Christian woman ; and we, who can boast 
of having so many heroines among the ancestors 
of our holy faith, should cherish their memory, 
and confide in their protection, for their intercession 
is powerful with Him for whom they died. One of 
the noblest of these comes to us to-day ; let us 
celebrate her victory, and merit her patronage. 

The lessons given in the Dominican breviary are 
so much fuller than the legend of the Eoman 

1 Gen. iii. 15. 

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liturgy that we have not hesitated to insert them 

Dorothea virgo, in Caesa- 
rea Cappadociae, propter 
Christi confessionem, ab 
Apricio illius provinciae 
praefecto comprehensa, Cry- 
stae et Callistae sororibus, 
quae a fide defecerant, tradi- 
ta est, ut earn a proposito 
removerent. Sed ipsa re- 
duxit eas ad finem, propter 
quam in cupam missae et 
incens83 sunt. Dorotheam 
vero jussit praeses in catasta 
levari ; quae dixit ad ilium : 
Numquam in tota vita mea 
sic laetata sum sicut hodie. 
Turn ad ejus latera lampa- 
des ardentes apponi, dein 
faciem diutissime caedi, tan- 
dem caput gladio percuti 
praeses imperat. 

Ea porro dum duceretur 
ad supplicium dicente : Gra- 
tias tibi, amator animarum, 
qui me ad paradisum tuum 
vocasti, Theophilus quidam 
praesidis advocatus irridens : 
Eia tu, inquit, sponsa Chri- 
sti, mitte mihi de paradiso 
sponsi tui mala, aut rosas. 
Et Dorothea respondit: Et 
plane ita faciam. Gum ante 
ictum breviter precari per- 
missa esset, pulchra specie 
puer ante earn apparuit, fe- 
rens in orario tria mala, et 
tres rosas. Cui ilia ait : Gb- 
secro ut feras ea Theophilo. 

The holy virgin Dorothy, of 
Cesarea in Cappadocia, was 
apprehended by Apricius, the 
governor of that province, 
for professing the faith of 
Christ. She was put under 
the care of her two sisters, 
Chrysta and Callista, who had 
apostatized from the faith, and 
would be able to shake the 
resolute constancy of Dorothy. 
But she brought them back 
to the faith, for which they 
were burnt to death in a 
cauldron. The governor ordered 
Dorothy to be hoisted on the 
rack, and she said to him, as 
she lay upon it : * Never in my 
whole life have I felt such joy, 
as I do to-day.' Then the 
governor ordered the execu- 
tioners to burn her sides with 
lighted lamps, and beat her for 
a very long time on the face, 
and finally behead her with 
the sword. 

While she was being led to 
the place of execution, she 
said: *I give thee thanks, O 
thou lover of our souls, that 
thou callest me to thy para- 
dise 1' Theophilus, one* of the 
governor's officers, hearing her 
words, laughed, and said to 
her : ' Hear me, bride of 
Christ ! I'll ask thee to 
send me some apples and roses 
from this paradise of thy 
Spouse.' Dorothy replied : 
' Well, and so I will.' Before 
she was beheaded, she was 
allowed a moment for prayer ; 
when lo ! a beautiful child 

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Et mox gladio percussa per- 
rexit ad Christum. 

Igitur cum Theophilus 
irridens, promissionem san- 
ctae Dorothese sodalibus nar- 
raret, ecce puer ante eum 
cum orario, in quo ferens 
tria mala magnifica, et tres 
rosas elegantissimas, dixit 
ei : En sicut petenti promisit 
virgo sacratissima Doro- 
thea, transmisit hsec tibi de 
paradiso sponsi sui. Turn 
Theophilus stupens, quod 
esset Februarius, et gelu 
cuncta rigerent, ea accepit, 
atque exclamavit : Vere 
Deus Christus est. Sicque 
palam fidem Christi profes- 
sus, gravissimum quoque 
pro ea martyrium strenue 

came to her, bringing with 
him in a napkin three apples 
and three roses. She said to 
him : 4 Take them, I pray thee, 
to Theophilus.' Then <the 
executioner struck her head off 
with his sword, and her soul 
fled to Christ. 

While Theophilus was jo- 
cosely telling his fellows the 
promise made him by Dorothy, 
he sees a boy bringing him in 
a napkin three fine apples, and 
three most lovely roses, who, 
as he gave them, said: 'Lo! 
the most holy virgin Dorothy 
sends thee, as she promised, 
these gifts from the paradise 
of her Spouse.' Theophilus 
was beside himself with sur- 
prise, for it was February, 
and the frost most sharp ; but 
taking the gifts he exclaimed : 
' Christ is truly God 1' He 
openly professed the Christian 
faith, and courageously suf- 
fered for the same a most 
painful martyrdom. 

The missals and breviaries of the Middle Ages 
contain several pieces in honour of St. Dorothy. 
The following is one that was used in Germany, 
and is most appropriate for the season of Septua- 


Psallat concors sympho- 

Laudes pangat harmonia, 

Cum sonora melodia 
Cordisque tripudio. 

In hoc festo laetabundo 
Dorothese, corde mundo, 

Let tuneful instruments 
breathe forth concordant 
strains, and harmony sound 
forth her praise, and we, with 
joyous heart, sing sweet melo- 
dious hymns. 

'Tis the pure-hearted Do- 
rothy's happy feast ; let our 

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Sono plaudat vox jucundo 
Neumatum praeludio. 

Generosa Christi verna 
Labe carens, et lucerna 
Mundo lucens, ac pincerna, 
Vina donans mystic a. 

Paradisi tu colona, 
Quae pro malo reddis bona, 

Scribae mittis coeli dona 
Eosas, mala pistica. 

Vitam ducens angelorum, 
Dum in carne praeter forum 

Carnis vivis, spernis to- 

Viri propter Dominum. 

Martyr Christi quae pro- 

Deos sternis, ac paganos 
Fide vestis, et sic sanos 

Mores facis hominum. 
Tota manens speciosa, 

Velut rubens fragrans rosa, 
Ad conflicturn roborosa, 

Minante Fabricio. 

Vinculata carceraris, 
In catasta cruciaris, 

Vultu caesa flagellaris, 
Omni carens vitio. 

Gens perversa malae spei 
Quam dum doces verbum 

Lumen tuae faciei 
Conterit cum baculis. 

Furens auget tormentales 
Poenas saevas et lethales, 

Dum mamillas virginales 
Tuas cremat faculis. 

Supplicamus : nos tuere 
Et peccata fac timere, 

Martyr sancta, confer 

Tempus poenitentiae. 
Virgo bona, crimen terge, 

glad voices, led on by the 
organ's peal, proclaim her 

0 noble and sinless hand- 
maid of Christ ! 0 bright 
lamp shining to the whole 
world ! O cup-bearer, that 
profferest us rich mystic wines ! 

Child of paradise, that payest 
evil with good, and givest to 
thine enemy roses and fragrant 
apples of heaven. 

Thou leadest the life of an 
angel, and whilst in the flesh, 
livest not according to the 
flesh ; scorning to be spouse 
of man, because betrothed to 

Thou art his martyr too, 
trampling on the pagan gods ; 
and, giving faith to infidels, 
convertest them from madness 
to wisdom. 

Bed fragrant rose ! nothing 
could impair thy beauty. Fab- 
ricius may threaten what he 
lists, thou hast a heart brave 
enough for all. 

Chains and prisons, racks 
and buffets, thou sufferest all, 
yet innocent, deserving none. 

Wicked men, whose hopes 
Were bent on evil, beat thy 
beaming face, for that thou 
darest to teach them the word 
of God. 

But they could increase 
their tortures, keen and deadly 
as they were ; furiously, then, 
they burn thy innocent breast. 

0 holy martyr I we beseech 
thee, protect us, get us a fear 
of sin, and pray that time be 
given us for true repentance. 

Kind virgin ! pray for us 

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Victum dona, mores rege, that our sins be cleansed, our 
Ne damneniur gravi lege souls be nourished with grace, 

Causa negligentise. our lives well regulated, that 

so we be not condemned for 
negligence by God's dread law 
of justice. 

Sponsa Christi Dorothea, O Dorothy, thou spouse of 
Tua nos virtute bea, Christ ! may thy merits draw 

Ut purgata mente rea, down his blessing upon us ; 
Digni simus prsemio. and we be found worthy of the 

reward that he gives to those 
whose souls are free from sin. 

Deum nobis fac placatum, Bender our Lord propitious 
Ut post hujus incolatum, to us, and beseech him to give 

Sed et locum det optatum us, after our sojourn here, the 
In coelesti gremio. longed-for place of rest in the 

Amen. bosom of his heaven. Amen. 

Thy promises, 0 Dorothy, are faithful as thyself. 
In the garden of thy heavenly Spouse, thou for- 
gettest not the exiles on earth. How fortunate 
was Theophilus to have had one of thy promises ! 
He asked for fruits and flowers ; he received them, 
and with them the richer gifts of faith and perse- 
verance, which we r also would now ask thee to send 
us. Thou knowest our wants. We want courage 
to conquer the world and our passions ; we want 
the grace of conversion ; we want the spirit of 
penance, without which we can never reach that N 
heaven of our vocation, where we are to be thy 
companions in bliss. Promise us thy prayers, and 
we shall not fail. And on the grand day of Easter 
we are preparing for, our souls, having been 
purified in the Blood of the Lamb, will be as 
fragrant as the fruits and as fair as the flowers 
thou didst send to a pagan, whose prayer was less 
confident than ours. 

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February 7 


The calendar's list of martyrs is interrupted for 
two days ; the first of these is the feast of Bomuald, 
the hero of penance, the saint of the forests of 
Camaldoli. He is a son of the great patriarch 
St. Benedict, and, like him, is the father of many 
children. The Benedictine family has a direct 
line from the commencement, even to this present 
time; but, from the trunk of this venerable tree 
there have issued four vigorous branches, to each 
of which the Holy Spirit has imparted the life and 
fruitfulness of the parent stem. These collateral 
branches of the Benedictine Order are : Camaldoli, 
by Bomuald ; Cluny, by Odo ; Vallombrosa, by 
John Gualbert ; and Citeaux, by Bobert of 

The saint of this seventh day of February is 
Bomuald. The martyrs whom we meet with on our 
way to Lent, give us an important lesson by the 
contempt they had for this short life. But the 
teaching offered us by such holy penitents as the 
great abbot of Camaldoli is even more practical 
than that of the martyrs. ' They that are Christ's,' 
says the apostle, ' have crucified their flesh, with 
its vices and concupiscences ' ; l and in these words 
he tells us what is the distinguishing character of 
every true Christian. We repeat it : what a 
powerful encouragement we have in these models 
of mortification, who have sanctified the deserts by 
their lives of heroic penance ! How they make us 
ashamed of our own cowardice, which can scarcely 
bring itself to do the little that must be done to 
satisfy God's justice and merit His grace ! Let us 
i Gal. v. 24. 

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take the lesson to heart, cheerfully offer our 
offended Lord the tribute of our repentance, and 
purify our souls by works of mortification. 

The Office for St. Komuald's feast gives us the 
following sketch of his life. 

Bomualdus Eavennse, 
Sergio patre nobili genere 
natus, adolescens in propin- 
quum monasterium Clas- 
sense, pcenitentiae causa se- 
cessit : ubi religiosi hominis 
sermone, ad pietatis studium 
vehementius incensus, viso 
etiam semel et iterum per 
noctem in ecclesia beato 
Apollinari, quod Dei servus 
iUi futurum promiserat, 
monachus efficitur. Mox 
ad Marinum, vitee sancti- 
tate ac severiore disciplina 
in finibus Venetorum eo 
tempore celebrem, se con- 
tulit, ut ad arctam et su- 
blimem perfectionis viam eo 
magistro ac duce uteretur. 

Multis Satan© insidiis, et 
hominum invidia oppu- 
gnatus, tanto humilior se 
assidue jejuniis et orationi- 
bus exercebat, et rerum 
ccelestium meditatione, vim 
lacrymarum profundens 
fruebatur : vultu tamen 
adeo laeto semper erat, ut 
intuentes exhilararet. Ma- 
S^o apud principes et reges 
ln honore fuit, multique 
ejus consilio, mundi illece- 
bris abjectis, solitudinem 

Komuald was the son of a 
nobleman, named Sergius. 
He was born at Kavenna, and 
while yet a boy, withdrew to 
the monastery of Classis, there 
to lead a life of penance. The 
conversation of one of the re- 
ligious increased in his soul 
his already ardent love of 
piety ; and after being twice 
favoured with a vision of St. 
Apollinaris, who appeared to 
him, during the night, in the 
church which was dedicated 
to him, he entered the monas- 
tic state, agreeably to the 
promise made him by the holy 
martyr. A few years later on, 
he betook himself to a hermit 
named Marinus, who lived in 
the neighbourhood of Venice, 
and was famed for his holy 
and austere life, that, under 
such a master and guide, he 
might follow the narrow path 
of high perfection. 

Many were the snares laid 
for him by Satan, and envious 
men molested him with their 
persecutions; but these things 
only excited him to be more 
humble, and assiduous in fast- 
ing and prayer. In the hea- 
venly contemplation where- 
with he was favoured, he shed 
abundant tears. Yet such was 
the joy which ever beamed in 
his face, that it made all whc 
looked at him cheerful. Princes 
and kings held him in great 




petierunt. Martyrii quoque 
cupiditate flagravit, cujus 
causa dum in Pannoniam 
proficiscitur, morbo quo af- 
flictabatur cum progredere- 
tur, levabatur cum recede- 
ret, reverti cogitur. 

In vita et post mortem 
miraculis clarus, spiritu 
etiam prophetiaB non caruit. 
Scalam a terra ccelum per- 
tingentem in similitudinem 
Jacob patriarch©, per quam 
homines in veste Candida 
ascendebant et descende- 
bant, per visum conspexit, 
eoque Camaldulenses mo- 
nachos, quorum instituti 
auctor fuit, designari mi- 
rabiliter agnovit. Denique 
cum annos centum et vi- 
ginti ageret, et centum 
ipsos in summa vitae aspe- 
ritate Deo servisset, ad eum 
migravit anno salatis mil- 
lesimo vigesimo septimo. 
Ejus corpus quinquennio 
postquam sepultum fuerat, 
integrum repertum, Fabri- 
ani in ecclesia sui ordinis 
honorifice conditum est. 

veneration, and his advice 
induced many to leave the 
world and its allurements, and 
live in holy solitude. An 
ardent desire for martyrdom 
induced him to set out for 
Pannonia ; but a malady, 
which tormented him as often 
as he went forward, and left 
him when he turned back, 
obliged him to abandon his 

He wrought many miracles 
during his life, as also after 
his death, and was endowed 
with the gift of prophecy. 
Like the patriarch Jacob, he 
saw a ladder that reached from 
earth to heaven, on which men, 
clad in white robes, ascended 
and descended. He inter- 
preted this miraculous ' vision 
as signifying the Camaldolese 
monks, whose founder he was. 
At length, having reached the 
age of a hundred and twenty, 
after having served his God 
by a life of most austere 
penance for a hundred years, 
he went to his reward, in the 
year of our Lord one thousand 
and twenty-seven. His body 
was found incorrupt after it had 
been five years in the grave ; 
and was then buried, with due 
honour, in the church of his 
Order at Fabriano. 

Faithful servant and friend of God ! how different 
was thy life from ours! We love the world and 
its distractions. We think we do wonders if we 
give, each day, a passing thought to our Creator, 
and make Him, at long intervals, the sole end of 
some one of our occupations. Yet we know how 
each hour is bringing us nearer to that moment, 

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when we must stand before the divine tribunal, 
with our good and our evil works, to receive the 
irrevocable sentence we shall have merited. Thou, 
Romuald, didst not thus waste life away. It 
seemed to thee as though there were but one 
thought and one interest worth living for: how 
best to serve thy God. Lest anything should 
distract thee from this infinitely dear object, thou 
didst flee into the desert. There, under the rule 
of the great patriarch, St. Benedict, thou wagedst 
war against the flesh and the devil ; thy tears 
washed away thy sins, though so light if compared 
with what we have committed ; thy soul, invigorated 
by penance, was inflamed with the love of Jesus, 
for whose sake thou wouldst fain have shed thy 
blood. We love to recount these thy merits, for 
they belong to us in virtue of that communion 
which our Lord has so mercifully established 
between saints and sinners. Assist us, therefore, 
during the penitential season, which is soon to be 
upon us. The justice of God will not despise our 
feeble efforts, for He will see them beautified by 
the union He allows them to have with such 
glorious works as thine. When thou wast living in 
the Eden of Camaldoli, thy amiable and sweet 
charity for men was such, that all who came near 
thee were filled with joy and consolation : what 
may we not expect from thee, now that thou art face 
to face with the God of love ? Remember, too, the 
Order thou hast founded ; protect it, give it increase, 
and make it ever, to those who become its children, 
a ladder to lead them up to heaven. 

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February 8 


We were celebrating, not many days ago, the 
memory of Peter Nolasco, who was inspired, by the 
holy Mother of God, to found an Order for the 
ransoming of Christian captives from the infidels : 
to-day, we have to honour the generous saint, to 
whom this sublime work was first revealed. He 
established, under the name of the most holy 
Trinity, a body of religious men, who bound them- 
selves by vow to devote their energies, their priva- 
tions, their liberty, nay, their very life, to the 
service of the poor slaves who were groaning under 
the Saracen yoke. The Order of the Trinitarians, 
and the Order of Mercy, though distinct, have the 
same end in view, and the result of their labours, 
during the six hundred years of their existence, has 
been the restoration to liberty and preservation from 
apostasy of upwards of a million slaves. John of 
Matha, assisted by his faithful co-operator, Felix of 
Valois (whose feast we shall keep at the close of the 
year), established the centre of his grand work at 
Meaux, in France. We are preparing for Lent, 
when one of our great duties will have to be that 
of charity towards our suffering brethren : what 
finer model could we have than John of Matha, and 
his whole Order, which was called into existence 
for no other object than that of delivering from the 
horrors of slavery brethren who were utter strangers 
to their deliverers, but were in suffering and in 
bondage. Can we imagine any almsgiving, let it 
be ever so generous, which can bear comparison 
with this devotedness of men, who bind themselves 
by their rule, not only to traverse every Christian 
land begging alms for the ransom of slaves, but to 

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change places with the poor captives, if their 
liberty cannot be otherwise obtained ? Is it not, as 
far as human weakness permits, following to the 
very letter the example of the Son of God Himself, 
who came down from heaven that He might be our 
ransom and our Eedeemer ? We repeat it : with 
such models as these before us, we shall feel our- 
selves urged to follow the injunction we are shortly 
to receive from the Church, of exercising works of 
mercy towards our fellow-creatures, as being one 
of the essential elements of our lenten penance. 

But it is time we should listen to the account 
given us by the liturgy of the virtues of this 
apostolic man, who has endeared himself, both 
to the Church and to mankind, by his heroism of 

John of Matha, the institu- 
tor of the Order of the most 
Holy Trinity for the ransom 
of captives, was born at Fau- 
con, in Provence, of parents 
conspicuous for their nobility 
and virtue. He went through 
his studies first at Aix, and 
afterwards at Paris, where, 
after having completed his 
theological course, he received 
the degree of doctor. ' His 
eminent learning and virtues 
induced the bishop of Paris 
to promote him, in spite of 
his humble resistance, to the 
holy order of priesthood, that, 
during his sojourn in that 
city, he might be a bright 
example to young students by 
his talents and piety. While 
celebrating his first Mass in 
the bishop's chapel, in the 
presence of the prelate and 
several assistants, he was 
honoured by a signal favour 

Joannes de Matha, Ordi- 
nis sanctissimae Trinitatis 
redemptionis captivorum 
institutor, Falcone in Pro- 
vincia natus est, parentibus 
pietate et nobilitate con- 
spicuis. Studiorum causa 
Aquas Sextias, mox Parisios 
profectus, confectoque theo- 
logise curriculo, magisterii 
lauream adeptus, doctrinse, 
et virtutum splendore eni- 
tuit : quibus motus Pari- 
siensis Antistes, ad sacrum 
presbyteratus ordinem, prse 
humilitate reluctantem pro- 
movit, eo consilio, ut in ea 
civitate commorans, sapien- 
tia et moribus studiosse ju- 
ventuti prseluceret. Cum 
autem in sacello ejusdem 
episcopi, ipso cum aliis ad- 
stante, primum Deo sacrum 
offerret, coelesti favore me- 
ruit recreari. Nam angelus 
Candida et fulgenti veste in- 


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dutus, cui in pectore crux 
rubei et caerulei coloris as- 
suta erat, brachiis cancella- 
tis, et super duos captivos 
ad latera positos, Christia- 
num unum, alterum Mau- 
rum, extensis apparuit. Qua 
visione in exstasim raptus, 
intellexit protinus vir Dei 
se ad redimendos ab infi- 
delibus captivos destinari. 

Quo vero maturius in re 
tanti momenti procederet, 
in solitudinem secessit ; ibi- 
que divino nutu factum est, 
ut Felicem Valesium in ipsa 
eremo jam multis annis de- 
gentem repererit. Cum quo 
inita societate, se per trien- 
nium in oratione et con- 
templatione, omniumque 
virtutum studio exercuit. 
Contigit autem, ut dum se- 
cum de rebus divinis prope 
fontem colloquerentur, cer- 
vus ad eos accesserit, cru- 
cem inter cornua gerens, 
rubei et cserulei coloris. 
Cumque Felix ob rei novi- 
tatem miraretur, narravit ei 
Joannes visionem in pri- 
ma Missa habitam : et exin- 
de ferventius orationi in- 
cumbentes, ter in somnis 
admoniti, Eomam proficisci 
decreverunt, ut a summo 
Pontifice novi Ordinis pro 
redimendis captivis institu- 
tionem impetrarent. Ele- 
ctus fuerat eo tempore In- 
nocentius tertius ; qui, illis 
benigne acceptis, dum se- 
cum de re proposita delibe- 
rate^ in festo sanctse Agne- v 

from heaven. There appeared 
to him an angel clad in a 
white and brilliant robe ; he 
had on his breast a red and 
blue cross, and his arms were 
stretched out, crossed one 
above the other, over two cap- 
tives, one a Christian, the 
other a Moor. Falling into 
an ecstasy at this sight, the 
man of God at once under- 
stood that he was called to 
ransom captives from the in- 

But, that he might the more 
prudently carry out so impor- 
tant an undertaking, he with- 
drew into a solitude. There, 
by divine appointment, he met 
with Felix of Valois, who had 
been living many years in that 
same desert. They agreed to 
live together, and for three 
years did John devote himself 
to prayer and contemplation, 
and the practice of every vir- 
tue. It happened, that as they 
were one day seated near a 
fountain, conferring with each 
other on holy things, a stag 
came towards them, bearing a 
red and blue cross between 
his antlers. John, perceiving 
that Felix was surprised by 
so strange an occurrence, told 
him of the vision he had had 
in his first Mass. They gave 
themselves more fervently than 
ever to prayer, and having 
been thrice admonished in 
sleep, they resolved to set out 
for Eome, there to obtain per- 
mission from the sovereign 
Pontiff to found an Order for 
the ransom of captives. Inno- 
cent III., who had shortly 
before been elected Pope, re- 


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tis secundo, Laterani intra 
Missarum solemnia, ad sa- 
crse Hostise elevationem, 
angelus ei Candida veste, 
cruce bicolori, specie redi- 
mentis captivos apparuit. 
Quo viso, Pontifex institu- 
tuna approbavit, et novum 
Ordinem sanctissimse Tri- 
nitatis redemptionis capti- 
vorum vocari jussit, ejus- 
que profe8Soribus albas ve- 
stes, cum cruce rubei et cse- 
rulei coloris prsebuit. 

Sic stabilito Ordine, sancti 
fundatores in Galliam re- 
dierunt ; primoque coeno- 
bio Cervi Frigidi in dioecesi 
Meldensi constructo, ad 
ejus regimen Felix reman - 
sit, et Joannes Eoman cum 
aliquot sociis reversus est 
ubi Innocentius domum, ec- 
clesiam, et hospitale sancti 
Thomse de Formis in monte 
Coelio eis donavit, cum 
multis redditibus, et pos- 
sessionibus. Datis quoque 
litteris ad Miramolinum re- 
gem Marochii, opus redem- 
ptionis f elici auspicio incho- 
atum fuit. Turn ad Hispa- 
nias, sub jugo Saraceno- 
rum, magna ex parte op- 
pressas, Joannes profectus 
est, regumque, principum, 
atque aliorum fidelium 
animos ad captivorum et 
pauperum commiseratio- 
nem commovit. Monasteria 
aedificavit, hospitalia erexit, 

ceived them kindly, and while 
deliberating upon what they 
proposed, it happened that as 
he was celebrating Mass in 
the Lateran church, on the 
second feast of St. Agnes, 
there appeared to him, during 
the elevation of the sacred 
Host, an angel robed in white, 
bearing a two-coloured cross, 
and in the attitude of one that 
was rescuing captives. Where- 
upon, the Pontiff gave his ap- 
probation to the new institute, 
and would have it called the 
Order of the most Holy Trinity 
for the ransom of captives, 
bidding its members wear a 
white habit, with a red and 
blue cross. 

The Order being thus estab- 
lished, its holy founders re- 
turned to France, and erected 
their first monastery at Cer- 
froid, in the diocese of Meaux. 
Felix was left to govern it, 
and John returned, accom- 
panied by a few of his brethren, 
to Rome. Innocent III. gave 
them the house, church, and 
hospital of St. Thomas 
de Formis, together with 
various revenues and posses- 
sions. He also gave them 
letters to Miramolin, king of 
Morocco, and thus was pros- 
perously begun the work of 
ransom. John afterwards 
went into Spain, a great por- 
tion of which country was 
then under the Saracen yoke. 
He stirred up kings, princes, 
and others of the faithful, to 
compassion for the captives 
and the poor. He built mo- 
nasteries, founded hospitals, 
and saved the souls of many 

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magnoque lncro aniinarum, captives by purchasing their 

plures captivos redemit. freedom. Having, at length, 

Komam tandem reversus, returned to Rome, he spent his 

sanctisque operibus incum- days in doing good. Worn 

bens, assiduis laborious at- out by incessant labour and 

tritus, et morbo confectus, sickness, and burning with a 

ardentissimo Dei et proxi- most ardent love of God and 

mi amore exsestuans, ad his neighbour, it was evident 

extremum devenit. Quare that his death was at hand, 

fratribus convocatis, eisque Wherefore, calling his breth- 

ad opus redemptionis coe- ren round him, he eloquently 

litus praemonstratum em- besought them to labour in 

caciter cohortatis, obdor- the work of ransom, which 

mivit in Domino, sexto- heaven had entrusted to them, 

decimo kalendas Januarii, and then slept in the Lord, on 

anno salutis millesimo du- the sixteenth of the Calends 

centesimo decimo tertio, of January (December 17), in 

eiusque corpus in ipsa ec- the year of grace 1213. His 

clesia Sancti Thomse de body was buried with the 

Formi8 condigno honore tu- honour that was due to him 

mulatum rait. in the same church of St. 

Thomas de Formis. 

And now, generous-hearted saint, enjoy the fruits 
of thy devoted charity. Our blessed Eedeemer 
recognizes thee as one of His most faithful imi- 
tators, and the whole court of heaven is witness of 
the recompense wherewith He loves to honour thy 
likeness to Himself. We must imitate thee; we 
must walk in thy footsteps; for we too hope to 
reach the same eternal resting-place. Fraternal 
charity will lead us to heaven, for the works it 
inspires us to do have the power of freeing the soul 
from sin, as our Lord assures us. 1 Thy charity 
was formed on the model of that which is in the 
heart of God, who loves our soul yet disdains not 
to provide for the wants of our body. Seeing so 
many souls in danger of apostasy, thou didst run 
to their aid, and men were taught to love a religion 
which can produce heroes of charity like thee. 
Thy heart bled at hearing of the bodily sufferings 

1 Ecclus. iii. 33. 


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of these captives, and thy hand broke the chains of 
their galling slavery. Teach us the secret of ardent 
charity. Is it possible that we can see a soul in 
danger of being lost, and remain indifferent ? Have 
we forgotten the divine promise, told us by the 
apostle : ' He that causeth a sinner to be converted 
from the error of his way, shall save his soul from 
death, and shall cover a multitude of his own sins 
Get us, also, a tender compassion for such as are 
in bodily suffering and poverty, that so we may be 
generous in comforting them under these trials, 
which are but too often an occasion of their blas- 
pheming Providence. 1 ear friend and liberator of 
slaves ! pray, during this holy season, for those 
who groan under the captivity of sin and Satan; 
for those, especially, who, taken with the frenzy 
of earthly pleasures, feel not the weight of their 
chains, but sleep on peacefully through their 
slavery. Eansom them by thy prayers, convert 
them to the Lord their God, lead them back to the 
land of freedom. Pray for France which was thy 
country, and save her from infidelity. Protect the 
venerable remnants of thy Order, that so it may 
labour for the present wants of the Christian world, 
since the object for which thou didst institute it 
has ceased to require its devotedness. 


The holy virgin who this day claims the homage 
of our devotion and praise, is offered to us by the 
Church of Alexandria. Apollonia is a martyr of 
Christ ; her name is celebrated and honoured 

February 9 

1 St. James v. 20. 


throughout the whole world ; and she comes to us 
on this ninth day of February, to add her own 
example to that which we have so recently had 
from her sister saints, Agatha and Dorothy ; like 
them, she bids us fight courageously for heaven. 
To her this present life was a thing of little value, 
and no sooner 'did she receive God's inspiration to 
sacrifice it, than she did what her would-be execu- 
tioners intended doing : she threw herself into the 
flames prepared for her. It is no unusual thing, 
nowadays, for men that are wearied of the trials, or 
afraid of the humiliations, of this world, to take 
away their own lives, and prefer suicide to the 
courageous performance of duty: but Apollonia's 
motive for hastening her death by a moment's 
anticipation, was to testify her horror of the apos- 
tasy that was proposed to her. This is not the 
only instance we meet with, during times of perse- 
cution, of the holy Spirit's inspiring this lavish 
sacrifice to saintly virgins, who trembled for their 
faith or their virtue. It is true, such examples are 
rare ; but they teach us, among other things, that 
our lives belong to God alone, and that we should 
be in readiness of mind to give them to Him, when 
and as He pleases to demand them of us. 

There is one very striking circumstance in the 
martyrdom of St. Apollonia. Her executioners, to 
punish the boldness wherewith she confessed our 
Lord Jesus Christ, beat out her teeth. This has 
suggested to the faithful, when suffering the cruel 
pain of toothache, to have recourse to St. Apollonia; 
and their confidence is often rewarded, for God 
would have us seek the protection of His saints, not 
only in our spiritual, but even in our bodily suffer- 
ings and necessities. 

The liturgy thus speaks the praises of our saint. 

Apollonia, virgo Alexan- Apollonia was a virgin of 
drina, sub Decio imperato- Alexandria. In the persecu- 

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re, cum ingravescente jam 
setate ad idola sisteretur, 
ut eis venerationem adhi- 
beret, illis contemptis, Je- 
sum Christum verum Deum 
colendum esse prsedicabat. 
Quamobrem omnes ei con- 
tusi sunt et evulsi dentes: 
ac, nisi Christum detestata 
deos coleret, accenso rogo 
combusturos vivam minati 
sunt impii carnifices. Qui- 
bus ilia, se quamvis mor- 
tem pro Jesu Christi fide 
subituram respondit. Ita- 
que comprehensa ut combu- 
reretur, cum paulisper 
quasi deliberans quid agen- 
dum esset, stetisset, ex illo- 
rum manibus elapsa, alacris 
in ignem sibi paratum, ma- 
jori Spiritus sancti flamma 
intus acoensa, se injecit. 
Unde brevi consumpto cor- 
pore, purissimus spiritus in 
coelum ad sempiternam 
martyrii coronam evolavit. 

tion under the Emperor Decius, 
when she was far advanced in 
years, she was brought up 
to trial, and ordered to pay 
adoration to idols. She turned 
from them with contempt, and 
declared that worship ought to 
be given to Jesus Christ, the 
true God. Whereupon, the 
impious executioners broke 
and pulled out her teeth ; then 
lighting a pile of wood, they 
threatened to burn her alive, 
unless she would hate Christ, 
and adore their gods. She re- 
plied, that she was ready to 
suffer every kind of death for 
the faith of Jesus Christ. Upon 
this, they seized her, intending 
to do as they said. She stood 
for a moment, as though hesi- 
tating what she should do ; 
then, snatching herself from 
their hold, she suddenly threw 
herself into the fire, for there 
was within her the intenser 
flame of the Holy Ghost. Her 
body was soon consumed, and 
her most pure soul took its 
flight, and was graced with 
the everlasting crown of mar- 

What energy was thine, Apollonia ! Thy perse- 
cutors threaten thee with fire; but far from fearing 
it, thou art impatient for it, as though it were a 
throne, and thou ambitious to be queen. Thy dread 
of sin took away the fear of death, nor didst thou 
wait for man to be thy executioner. This thy 
courage surprises our cowardice; and yet, the burn- 
ing pile into which thou didst throw thyself when 
asked to. apostatize, and which was a momentary 
pain leading thy soul to eternal bliss, was nothing 
when we compare it with that everlasting fire, to 

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which the sinner condemns himself almost every 
day of his life. He heeds not the flames of hell, 
and deems it no madness to purchase them at the 
price of some vile passing pleasure. And with all 
this, worldlings can be scandalized at the saints, 
and call them exaggerated, extravagant, imprudent; 
because they believed that there is but one thing 
necessary ! Awaken in our hearts, Apollonia, the 
fear of sin ; for sin gnaws eternally the souls of 
them who die with its guilt upon them. If the fire, 
which had a charm for thee, seems to us the most 
frightful of tortures, let us turn our fear of suffering 
and death into a preservative against sin, which 
plunges men into that abyss, whence the smoke of 
their torments shall ascend for ever and ever, 1 as 
St. John tells us in his Eevelation. Have pity on 
us, most brave and prudent martyr. Pray for. 
sinners. Open their eyes to see the evils that 
threaten them. Get us the fear of God, that so we 
may merit His mercies, and may begin in good 
earnest to love Him. 

February 10 


The sister of the patriarch St. Benedict comes to 
us to-day, sweetly inviting us to follow her to 
heaven. Apollonia the martyr is succeeded by 
Scholastica, the fervent daughter of the cloister. 
Both of them are the brides of Jesus, both of them 
wear crowns, for both of them fought hard, and 
won the palm. Apollonia's battle was with cruel 
persecutors, and in those hard times when one had 
to die to conquer ; Scholastica's combat was the 
lifelong struggle, whose only truce is the soldier's 
1 Apoc. xiv. 11. 

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dying breath. The martyr and the nun are sisters 
now in the Heart of Him they both so bravely 

God, in His infinite wisdom, gave to St. Benedict 
a faithful co-operatrix, a sister of such angelic 
gentleness of character, that she would be a sort of 
counterpoise to the brother, whose vocation, as the 
legislator of monastic life, needed a certain dignity 
of grave and stern resolve. We continually meet 
with these contrasts in the lives of the saints ; and 
they show us that there is a link, of which flesh 
and blood know nothing ; a link which binds two 
souls together, gives them power, harmonizes their 
differences of character, and renders each complete. 
Thus it is in heaven with the several hierarchies of 
the angels; a mutual love, which is founded on 
God Himself, unites them together, and makes 
them live in the eternal happiness of the tenderest 
brotherly affection. 

Scholastica's earthly pilgrimage was not a short 
one ; and yet it has left us but the history of the 
dove, which told the brother, by its flight to heaven, 
that his sister had reached the eternal home before 
him. We have to thank St. Gregory the Great for 
even this much, which he tells us as a sequel to the 
holy dispute she had with Benedict, three days pre- 
vious to her death. But how admirable is the por- 
trait thus drawn in St. Gregory's best style ! We 
seem to understand the whole character of Scholas- 
tica : — an earnest simplicity, and a child-like eager- 
ness for what was worth desiring ; an affectionate 
and unshaken confidence in God ; a winning per- 
suasiveness, where there was opposition to God's 
will, which, when it met such an opponent as Bene- 
dict, called on God to interpose, and gained its 
cause. The old poets tell us strange things about 
the swan, how sweetly it can sing when dying ; how 
lovely must have been the last notes of the dove of 


the Benedictine cloister, as she was soaring from 
earth to heaven ! 

But how came Scholastica, the humble retiring 
nun, by that energy, which could make her resist 
the will of her brother, whom she revered as her 
master and guide ? What was it told her that her 
prayer was not a rash one, and that what she asked 
for was a higher good than Benedict's unflinching 
fidelity to the rule he had written, and which it was 
his duty to teach by his own observance of it ? Let 
us hear St. Gregory's answer : ' It is not to be 
wondered at, that the sister, who wished to prolong 
her brother's stay, should have prevailed over him; 
for, whereas St. John tells us that God is charity, 
it happened, by a most just judgment, that she 
that had the stronger love had the stronger power.' 

Our season is appropriate for the beautiful lesson 
taught us by St. Scholastica, fraternal charity. 
Her example should excite us to the love of our 
neighbour, that love which God bids us labour for, 
now that we are intent on giving Him our undivided 
service, and our complete conversion. The Easter 
solemnity we are preparing for, is to unite us all in 
the grand banquet, where we are all to feast on the 
one divine Victim of love. Let us have our nuptial 
garment ready : for He that invites us insists on 
our having union of heart when we dwell in His 
house. 1 

The Church has inserted in her Office of this 
feast the account given by St. Gregory of the last 
interview between St. Scholastica and St. Benedict. 
It is as follows : 

Ex libro secundo Dialogo- From the second book of the 
rum sancti Gregorii Papse. Dialogues of St. Gregory, Pope. 

Scholastica venerabilis Scholastica was the sister 
patris Benedicti soror, omni- of the venerable father Bene- 

1 Ps. lxvii. 7. 



potenti Domino ab ipso in- 
fantise tempore dedicata, ad 
eum semel per annum ve- 
nire consueverat. Ad quam 
vir Dei non longe extra ja- 
nuam in possessione mona- 
sterii descendebat. Qua- 
dam vero die venit ex more, 
atque ad earn cum* discipu- 
lis venerabilis ejus descen- 
dit frater ; qui totum diem 
in Dei laudibus, sacrisque 
colloquiis ducentes, incum- 
bentibus jam noctis tene- 
bris, simul acceperunt ci- 
bum. Cumque adbuc ad 
mensam sederent, et inter 
sacra colloquia tardior se 
hora protraheret, eadem 
sanctimonialis femina soror 
ejus eum rogavit dicens : 
Quaeso te, ut ista nocte me 
non deseras, ut usque mane 
de coelestis vitee gaudiis lo 
quamur. Cui ille respondit : 
Quid est quod loqueris, so- 
ror ? manere extra cellam 
nullatenus possum. Tanta 
vero erat coeli serenitas, ut 
nulla in aere nubes appare- 
ret. Sanctimonialis autem 
femina, cum verba fratris 
negantis audivisset, inser- 
tas digitis manus super 
mensam posuit, et caput in 
manibus omnipotentemDo- 
minum rogatura declinavit. 
Cumque levaret de mensa 
caput, tanta coruscationis 
et tonitrui virtus, tantaque 
inundatio pluvise erupit, ut 
neque venerabilis Benedi- 
ctus, neque fratres qui cum 
eo aderant, extra loci limen, 
quo consederant, pedemmo- 
vere potuerint. 
Sanctimonialis quippe fe- 

dict. She had been conse- 
crated to almighty God from 
her very infancy, and was ac- 
customed to visit her brother 
once a year. The man of God 
came down to meet her at a 
house belonging to the monas- 
tery, not far from the gate. It 
was the day for the usual visit, 
and her venerable brother 
came down to her accompanied 
by some of his brethren. The 
whole day was spent in the 
praises of God and holy con- 
versation, and at night -fall 
they took their repast together. 
While they were at table, and 
it grew late as they conferred 
with each other on sacred 
things, the holy nun thus 
spoke to her brother : * I be- 
seech thee, stay the night 
with me, and let us talk till 
morning on the joys of 
heaven.' He replied : * What 
is this thou sayest, sister ? 
On no account may I remain 
out of the monastery.' The 
evening was so fair, that not a 
cloud could be seen in the 
sky. When, therefore, the holy 
nun heard her brother's re- 
fusal, she clasped her hands to- 
gether, and resting them on the 
table, she hid her face in them, 
and made a prayer to the God 
of all power. As soon as she 
raised her head from the table, 
there came down so great a 
storm of thunder and light- 
ning, and rain, that neither 
the venerable Benedict, nor 
the brethren who were with 
him, could set foot outside the 
place where they were sitting. 

The holy virgin had shed a 

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mina caput in manibus 
declinans, lacrymarum flu- 
vium in mensam fuderat, 
per quas serenitatem aeris 
ad pluviam traxit. Nec pau- 
lo tardius post orationem 
inundatio ilia secuta est: 
sed tanta fuit convenientia 
orationis et inundationis, 
ut de mensa caput jam cum 
tonitruo levaret: quatenus 
unum idemque esset mo- 
mentum, et levare caput, 
et pluviam deporiere. Tunc 
vir Dei inter coruscos, et 
tonitruos, atque ingentis 
pluvise inundationem, vi- 
dens se ad monasterium non 
posse remeare, coepit con- 
queri contristatus, dicens: 
Parcattibiomnipotens Deus, 
soror, quid est quod fecisti ? 
Cui ilia respondit : Ecce ro- 
gavi te, et audire me no- 
luisti ; rogavi Deum meum, 
et audivit me : modo ergo, 
si potes, egredere, et me di- 
missa, ad monasterium re- 
cede. Ipse autem exire extra 
tectum non valens, qui re- 
manere sponte noluit,in loco 
mansit invitus. Sicque fa- 
ctum est, ut totam noctem 
pervigilem ducerent, atque 
per sacra spiritalis vitse col- 
loquia, sese vicaria rela- 
tione satiarent. 

Cumque die altero eadem 
venerabilis femina ad cel- 
lam propriam recessisset, 
vir Dei ad monasterium re- 
diit. Cum ecce post tri- 
duum in cella consistens, 
elevatis in aera oculis, vidit 
ejusdem sororis suae ani- 
mam de corpore egressam, 
in columbse specie coeli se- 

flood of tears as she leaned 
her head upon the table, and 
the cloudless sky poured down 
the wished-for rain. The 
prayer was said, the rain fell 
in torrents ; there was no in- 
terval ; but so closely on each 
other were prayer and rain, 
that the storm came as she 
raised her head. Then the man 
of God, seeing that it was im- 
possible to reach his monas- 
tery amidst all this lightning, 
thunder, and. rain, was sad, 
and said complainingly : ' God 
forgive thee, sister I What 
hast thou done ?' But she re- 
plied : * I asked thee a favour, 
and thou wouldst not hear 
me ; I asked it of my God, 
and he granted it. Go now, if 
thou canst, to the monastery, 
and leave me here!' But it 
was not in his power to stir 
from the place ; so that, he 
who would not stay willingly, 
had to stay unwillingly, and 
spend the whole night with his 
sister, delighting each other 
with their questions and an- 
swers about the secrets of 
the spiritual life. 

On the morrow, the holy 
woman returned to her monas- 
tery, and the man of God to 
his. When lo 1 three days 
after, he was in his cell ; and 
raising his eyes, he, saw the 
soul of his sister going up to 
heaven, in the shape of a dove. 
Full of joy at her being thus 
glorified, he thanked his God 

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in hymns of praise, and told 
the brethren of her death. He 
straightway bade them go and 
bring her body to the monas- 
tery ; which having done, he 
had it buried in the tomb he 
had prepared for himself. 
Thus it was that, as they had 
ever been one soul in God, 
their bodies were united in the 
same grave. 

creta penetrare. Qui tantae 
ejus gloriae congaudens, om- 
nipotent Deo in hymnis et 
laudibus gratias reddidit, 
ejusque obitum fratribus 
denuntiavit. Quos etiam 
protinus misit, ut ejus cor- 
pus ad monasterium deter- 
rent, atque in sepulchro, 
quod sibi ipsi paraverat, 
ponerent. Quo facto, conti- 
git ut quorum mens una 
semper in Deo fuerat, eorum 
quoque corpora nec sepul- 
tura separaret. 

We select the following from the monastic Office 
for the feast of our saint : 

B. Alma Scholastica, san- 
ctissimi patris Benedicti 
soror, * Ab ipso infantiae 
tempore omnipotenti Do- 
mino dedicata, viam justi- 
tiae non deseruit. 

V. Laudate pueri Domi- 
num, laudate nomen Do- 
mini. * Ab ipso infantiae. 

B. Exemplo vitae venera- 
bilis, et verbo sanctae praedi- 
cationis informari cupiens, 
ad eum semel in anno venire 
consueverat: * Et earn vir 
Dei doctrinis coelestibus in- 

V. Beatus qui audit verba 
ipsius, et servat ea quae 
scripta sunt. * Et earn. 


B. The venerable Scholas- 
tica, the sister of the most holy 
father Benedict, * Being from 
her very infancy consecrated 
to almighty God, never left the 
path of righteousness. 

V. O ye children, praise the 
Lord; praise ye the name of 
the Lord. * Being. 

jR. Anxious to be trained by 
the saintly life and the words 
of his holy teaching, she used 
to visit him once a year : * 
And the man of God instructed 
her in heavenly doctrine. 

V. Blessed is he that heareth 
Benedict's words, and keepeth 
those things which he hath 
written. * And. 

B. Sancta virgo Schola- 
stica, quasi hortus irriguus,* 
Gratiarum coelestium jugi 
rore perfundebatur. 

B. The holy virgin Scho- 
lastica, like a watered garden, * 
Was enriched with the ceaseless 
dew of heaven's graces. 

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V. Sicut foils aquaruni, 
cujus non deficient aquae. * 

B. Desiderium cordis ejus 
tribuit ei Dominus : * A quo 
obtinuit quod a fratre obti- 
nere non potuit. 

V. Bonus est Dominus 
omnibus sperantibus in 
eum, animae quaerenti ilium. 
* A quo obtinuit. 

B. Moram faciente Spon- 
so, ingemiscebat Scholastica 
dicens : * Quis dabit mihi 
pennas sicut columbae, et 
volabo et requiescam ? 

V. En dilectus meus lo- 
quitur mihi: Surge, arnica 
mea, et veni. * Quis dabit. 

B. In columbae specie 
Scholastics anima visa est, 
fraterna mens laetata est 
hymnis et immensis laudi- 
bus : * Benedictus sit talis 
exitus, multo magis talis 
introitus I 

V. Totus coelesti gaudio 
perfusus remansit pater Be- 
nedictus. * Benedictus. 

B. Anima Scholastic© ex 
area corporis instar co- 
lumbae egressa, portans ra- 
mum olivae, signum pacis 
et gratiae. * In ccelos evo- 

V. Quae cum non inveni- 
ret ubi requiesceret pes 
ejus. * In ccelos evolavit. 

Ant. Exsultet omnium 
turba fidelium pro gloria 
virginis almae Scholastic® : 
laetentur praecipue catervae 


V. Like a fountain of water 
whose stream shall not fail * 
Was enriched. 

jR. The Lord granted her 
the desire of her heart : * And 
from him she obtained what 
her brother refused. 

V. The Lord is good to all 
them that trust in him, to the 
soul that seeketh him. * And. 

B. The Bridegroom tarrying, 
Scholastica moaned, saying : * 
Who will give me the wings of 
a dove, and I will fly and take 
my rest ? 

V. Lo ! my beloved speaketh 
unto me : Arise, my love, and 
come. * Who will. 

B. Scholastica's soul was 
seen in the form of a dove, and 
the brother's glad heart sang 
hymns and praises beyond 
measure : * Blessed be such 
a departure, and still more 
blessed such an entrance ! 

V. Father Benedict was 
filled with heavenly joy. * 

B. Scholastica's soul went 
forth, like a dove, from the ark 
of her body, bearing an olive 
branch, the sign of peace and 
grace. * She took her flight to 

V. She found not whereon to 
rest her feet. * She took. 

Ant. Let all the assembly 
of the faithful rejoice at the 
glory of the venerable virgin 
Scholastica; but, above the 

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virginum, celebrantes ejus 
soleronitatem, quae fundens 
lacrymas, Dominum roga- 
vit, et ab eo plus potuit, 
quia plus amavit. 

Ant. Hodie sacra virgo 
Scholastica in specie co- 
lumbse, ad aethera tota fe- 
stiva perrexit: hodie ccele- 
stis vitas gaudiis cum fratre 
suo meretur perfrui in sem- 

rest, let the choirs of virgins 
be glad, as they celebrate 
the feast of her who be- 
sought her Lord with many 
tears, and had more power 
with him, because she had 
more love. 

Ant. On this day, the holy 
virgin Scholastica took her 
flight, in the shape of a dove, 
all joyfully to heaven : on this 
day she is enjoying, with her 
brother, the eternal joys of 
the heavenly life she so well 

The same Benedictine breviary gives us these 
two hymns for this feast : 


Te beata sponsa Christi, 
Te columba virginum, 
Siderum tollunt coloni 
Laudibus, Scholastica : 
Nostra te laetis salutant 
Vocibus praecordia. 

Sceptra mundi cum coro- 

Docta quondam spernere, 
Dogma fratris insecuta 
Atque sanctae regulae, 
Ex odore gratiarum, 
Astra nosti quaerere. 

O potens virtus amoris ! 
O decus victories ! 
Dum fluentis lacrymarum 
Cogis imbres currere, 
Ore Nursini parentis 
Verba cceli suscipis. 

Luce fulges expetita 
In polorum vertice, 
Clara flammis charitatis 
Cum nitore grati© : 

O Scholastica, blessed bride 
of Christ! 0 dove of the 
cloister I the citizens of heaven 
proclaim thy merits, and we, 
too, sing thy praises with 
joyful hymns and loving 

Thou didst scorn the honours 
and glory of the world ; thou 
didst follow the teaching of thy 
brother and his holy rule ; and, 
rich in the fragrance of every 
grace, thou caredst for heaven 

Oh I what power was in thy 
love, and how glorious thy 
victory, when thy tears drew 
rain from the skies, and forced 
the patriarch of Nursia to tell 
thee what he knew of the land 
above ! 

And now thou shinest in 
heaven's longed - for light ; 
thou art as a seraph in thy 
burning love, beautiful in thy 

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Juncta Sponso conquiescis 
In decore glorias. 

Nunc benigna pelle nubes 
Cordibus fidelium, 
Ut serena fronte splendens 
Sol perennis luminis, 
Sempiternse claritatis 
Impleat nos gaudiis. 

Gloriam Patri canamus 
Uniooque Filio ; 
Par tributum proferamus 
Inclyto Paraclito, 
Nutibus cujus creantur, 
Et reguntur sascula. 


bright grace; and united with 
thy divine Spouse, thou art 
reposing in the splendour of 

Have pity on us the faith- 
ful of Christ, and drive from 
us the miseries which cloud 
our hearts ; that thus the Sun 
of light eternal may sweetly 
shine upon us, and fill" us with 
the joys of his everlasting 

Let us sing a hymn of glory 
to the Father, and to his only 
Son ; let us give an equal 
homage of our praise to the 
blessed Paraclete : yea, to God, 
the Creator and Ruler of all, be 
glory without end. Amen. 


Jam noctis umbrae conci- 

Dies cupita nascitur, 
Qua virgini Scholasticee 
Sponsus perennis jungitur. 

Brumae recedit taedium, 
Fugantur imbres nubibus, 
Vernantque campi siderum 
JSternitatis floribus. 

Amoris auctor evocat, 
Dilecta pennas induit ; 
Ardens ad oris oscula 
Columba velox evolat. 

Quam pulchra gressum 
O chara proles Principis I 
Nursinus Abbas aspicit, 
Grates rependit Numini. 

Amplexa Sponsi dextera, 
Metit coronas debitas, 

The shades t)f night are 
passing away : the longed-for 
day is come, when the virgin 
Scholastica is united to her 
God, her Spouse. 

Winter's tedious gloom is 
over ; the rainy clouds are 
gone; and the Spring of the 
starry land yields its eternal 

The God of love bids his 
beloved come ; and she, taking 
the wings of a dove, flies 
swiftly to the embrace so 
ardently desired. 

How beautiful is thy soaring, 
dear daughter of the King! 
Thy brother, the abbot, sees 
thee, and fervently thanks his 

Scholastica receives the em- 
brace of her Spouse, and the 

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Imjnersa rivis glorise, 
Deique pota gaudiis. 

crown her works have won ; 
inebriated with the torrent of 

glory, she drinks of the joys 
of her Lord. 

Te, Christe, flos conval- May the world-wide crea- 

Patremque cum Paraclito, O Jesus, sweet Flower of the 
Cunctos per orbis cardines vale, together with the Father 

Dear bride of the Lamb ! Innocent and simple 
dove! How rapid was thy flight to thy Jesus, 
when called home from thine exile ! Thy brother's 
eye followed thee for an instant, and then heaven 
received thee, with a joyous welcome from the 
choirs of the angels and saints. Thou art now at 
the very source of that love, which here filled thy 
soul, and gained thee everything thou askedst of 
thy divine Master. Drink of this fount of life to 
thy heart's eternal content. Satiate the ambition 
taught thee by thy brother in his rule, when he 
says that we must * desire heaven with all the 
might of our spirit.' 1 Feed on that sovereign 
Beauty, who Himself feeds, as He tells us, among 
the lilies. 2 

But forget not this lower world, which was to thee, 
what it is to us, a place of trial for winning heavenly 
honours. During thy sojourn here, thou wast the 
dove in the clefts of the rock, 3 as the Canticle de- 
scribes a soul like thine own ; there was nothing on 
this earth which tempted thee to spread thy wings 
in its pursuit, there was nothing worthy of the love 
which God had put in thy heart. Timid before 
men, and simple as innocence ever is, thou knewest 
not that thou hadst wounded the Heart of the 
Spouse. 4 Thy prayers were made to Him with all 
the humility and confidence of a soul that had 

1 Ch. iv., Instrument 46. 2 Cant. ii. 16. 

3 Ibid., 14. 4 Ibid., iv. 9. 


tion of every age adore thee, 

Adoret omne sseculum. 

and the Holy Ghost. Amen. 


never been disloyal; and He granted thee thy 
petitions with the promptness of tender love : so 
that thy brother, the venerable saint, who was 
accustomed to see nature obedient to his command, 
was overcome by thee in that contest, wherein thy 
simplicity was more penetrating than his profound 

And who was it, 0 Scholastica, that gave thee 
this sublime knowledge, and made thee, on that 
day of thy last visit, wiser than the great patriarch, 
who was raised up in the Church to be the living 
rule of them that are called to perfection ? It was 
the same God, who chose Benedict to be one of the 
pillars of the religious state, but who wished to 
show that a holy and pure and tender charity is 
dearer to Him than the most scrupulous fidelity to 
rules, which are only made for leading men to 
what thou hadst already attained. Benedict, him- 
self such a lover of God, knew all this ; the subject 
so dear to thy heart was renewed, and brother and 
sister were soon lost in the contemplation of that 
infinite Beauty, who had just given such a proof 
that He would have you neglect all else. Thou 
wast ripe for heaven, 0 Scholastica! Creatures 
could teach thee no more love of thy Creator ; He 
would take thee to Himself. A few short hours 
more, and the divine Spouse would speak to thee 
those words of the ineffable Canticle, which the 
holy Spirit seems to have dictated for a soul like 
thine : ' Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my 
beautiful one, and come ! Show me thy face ; let 
thy voice sound in mine ears; for thy voice is 
sweet, and comely is thy face.' 1 

Thou hast left us, 0 Scholastica! but do not 
forget us. Our souls have not the same beauty in 
the eyes of our God as thine, and yet they are 
called to the same heaven. It may be that years 
1 Cant. ii. 10, 14. 


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are still needed to fit them for the celestial abode, 
where we shall see thy grand glory. Thy prayer 
drew down a torrent of rain upon the earth ; let it 
now be offered for us, and obtain for us tears of 
repentance. Thou couldst endure no conversation 
which had not eternity for its subject ; give us a 
disgust for useless and dangerous talk, and a relish 
for hearing of God and of heaven. Thy heart had 
mastered the secret of fraternal charity, yea of that 
affectionate charity which is so well-pleasing to our 
Lord ; soften our hearts to the love of our neighbour, 
banish from them all coldness and indifference, and 
make us love one another as God would have 
us love. 

Dear dove of holy solitude ! remember the tree, 
whose branches gave thee shelter here on earth. 
The Benedictine cloister venerates thee, not only as 
the sister, but also as the daughter of its sainted 
patriarch. Cast thine eye upon the remnants of 
that tree, which was once so vigorous in its beauty 
and its fruits, and under whose shadow the nations 
of the west found shelter for so many long ages. 
Alas! the hack and hew of impious persecutions 
have struck its root and branches. Every land of • 
Europe, as well as our own, sits weeping over the 
ruins. And yet, root and branches, both must 
needs revive; for we know that it is the will of thy 
divine Spouse, 0 Scholastica, that the destinies of 
this venerable tree keep pace with those of the 
Church herself. Pray that its primitive vigour be 
soon restored ; protect, with thy maternal care, the 
tender buds it is now giving forth; cover them 
from the storm ; bless them ; make them worthy of 
the confidence wherewith the Church deigns to 
honour them ! 

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February 14 


The Church honours, on this fourteenth day of 
February, the memory of the holy priest Valentine, 
who suffered martyrdom towards the middle of the 
third century. The ravages of time have deprived 
us of the details of his life and sufferings ; so that 
extremely little is known of our saint. This is the 
reason of there being no lessons of his life in the 
Roman liturgy. His name, however, has always 
been honoured throughout the whole Church, and it 
is our duty to revere him as one of our protectors 
during the season of Septuagesima. He is one of 
those many holy martyrs, who meet us at this 
period of our year, and encourage us to spare no 
sacrifice which can restore us to, or increase within 
us, the grace of God. 

Pray, then, 0 holy martyr, for the faithful, who 
are so persevering in celebrating thy memory. The 
day of judgment will reveal to us all thy glorious 
merits : oh, intercede for us, that we may then be 
made thy companions at the right hand of the 
great Judge, and be united with thee eternally in 


Ant. Iste sanctus pro lege Ant. This saint fought, even 
Dei sui certavit usque ad unto death, for the law of his 
mortem, et a verbis impio- God, and feared not the words 
rum non timuit; fundatus of the wicked; for he was set 
enim erat supra firmam upon a firm rock, 


Prsesta, qusesumus, om- Grant, we beseech thee, O 
nipotens Deus, ut qui beati almighty God, that we who 
Valentini martyris tui nata- solemnize the festival of blessed 
litia colimus, a cunctis ma- Valentine, thy martyr, may, by 


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lis imminentibus ejus inter- his intercession, be delivered 
cessione liberemur. Per from all the evils that threaten 
Christum Dominum no- us. Through Christ our Lord. 

Februaby 15 


The two brothers whom we are to honour to-day 
suffered martyrdom in the beginning of the second 
century, and their memory has ever been celebrated 
in the Church. The glory of the great ones of this 
world passes away, and men soon forget even their 
very names. Historians have oftentimes a difficulty 
in proving that such heroes ever existed, or, if they 
did exist, that they flourished at such a period, or 
achieved anything worth notice. Brescia, the 
capital of one of the Italian provinces, can scarcely 
mention the names of those who were its governors 
or leading men in the second century ; and yet here 
are two of her citizens, whose names will be handed 
down, with veneration and love, to the end of the 
world, and the whole of Christendom is filled with 
the praise of their glorious martyrdom. Glory, 
then, to these sainted brothers, whose example so 
eloquently preaches to us the great lesson of our 
season, fidelity in God's service. 

The sufferings which merited for them the crown 
of immortality, are thus recorded in the liturgy : 

Faustinus et Jovita fratres The two brothers, Faustinus 

nobiles Brixiani, in multis and Jovita, were born of a 

I.taliae urbibus quo vincti, noble family in Brescia. Dur- 

sseviente Trajani persecu- ing the persecution under 

tione, ducebantur, acerbis- Trajan, they were led captives 

sima supplicia perpessi, through various cities of Italy, 

fortes in christian® fidei con- in each of which they were 

fessione perstiterunt. Nam made to endure most cruel 

Brixiw diu vinculis con- sufferings, by reason of their 

strum. Amen. 



stricti, feris etiam objecti in brave confession of the Chris- 
ignemque conjecti, et a be- tian faith, which nothing could 
stiis et flamma integri et induce them to deny. At 
incolumes servati sunt ; inde Brescia, they were for a long 
vero iisdem catenis colligati time confined in chains ; then 
Mediolanum venerunt, ubi were exposed to wild beasts, 
eorum fides tentata exquisi- and cast into fire, from neither 
tissimis tormentis, tanquam of which tortures did they re- 
igne aurum, in cruciatibus ceive hurt or harm. From 
magis enituit. Postea Ho- Brescia they were sent to 
mammissi,abEvaristoPon- Milan, still fettered with the 
tifice confirmati, ibi quoque same chains : and there their 
crudelissime torquentur. faith was put to the test of 
Denique perducti Neapolim, every torment that cruelty 
in ea etiam urbe varie cru- could devise ; but, like gold 
ciati, vinctis manibus pedi- that is tried by fire, their faith 
busque in mare demergun- shone the brighter by these 
tur : unde per angelos mi- sufferings. After this, they 
rabiliter erepti sunt. Quare were sent to Rome, where 
multos et constantia in tor- they received encouragement 
mentis, et miraculorum from Pope Evaristus ; but 
virtute ad Christi fidem there, also, they were made to 
converterunt. Postremo re- endure most cruel pains. At 
ducti Brixiam, initio sus- length they were taken to 
cepti ab Adriano imperii, Naples, and there, again, put 
securi percussi, illustrem to sundry tortures; after 
martyrii coronam accepe- which, they were bound hand 
runt. and foot, and cast into the 

sea ; but were miraculously 
delivered by angels. Many 
persons were converted to the 
true faith, by seeing their 
courage in suffering, and the 
miracles they wrought. Fin- 
ally, they were led back to 
Brescia, at the commencement 
of the reign of the Emperor 
Adrian ; there they were 
beheaded, and received the 
crown of a glorious martyrdom. 

When we compare our trials with yours, noble 
martyrs of Christ, and our combats with those that 
you had to fight, how grateful ought we to be to 
our Lord for having so mercifully taken our weak- 
ness into account! Should we have been able to 

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endure the tortures, wherewith you had to purchase 
heaven, we that are so easily led to break the law of 
God, so tardy in our conversion, so weak in faith 
and charity ? And yet, we are made for that same 
heaven which you now possess. God holds out a 
crown to us also, and we are not at liberty to refuse 
it. Rouse up our courage, brave martyrs ! Get us 
a spirit of resistance against the world and our evil 
inclinations; that thus we may confess our Lord 
Jesus Christ, not only with our lips, but with our 
works too, and testify, by our conduct, that we are 


How venerable our saint of to-day, with his hundred 
and twenty years, and his episcopal dignity, and 
his martyr-crown! He succeeded the apostle 
St. James in the see of Jerusalem ; he had known 
Jesus, and had been His disciple ; he was related 
to Jesus, for he was of the house of David ; his 
father was Cleophas, and his mother that Mary, 
whom the tie of kindred united so closely to the 
blessed Mother of God that she has been called her 
sister. What grand titles these of Simeon who 
comes with all our other martyrs of Septuagesima, 
to inspirit us to penance ! Such a veteran, who had 
been a contemporary of the Saviour of the world, 
and was a pastor who could repeat to his flock the 
very lessons Jesus had givefri him, could never 
rejoin his divine Master save by the path of martyr- 
dom, and that martyrdom must be the cross. Like 
Jesus, then, he dies on a cross; and his death, 
which happened in the year 106, closes the first 
period of the Christian era, or, as it is called, the 

February 18 



apostolic age. Let us honour this venerable pontiff, 
whose name awakens within us the recollection of all 
that is dear to our. faith. Let us ask him to extend 
to us that fatherly love, which nursed the Church 
of Jerusalem for so many long years. He will 
bless us from that throne which he won by the 
cross, and will obtain for us the grace we so much 
need, the grace of conversion. 

The following is the lesson given on St. Simeon : 

Simeon, filius Cleophse, 
post Jacobum proximus 
Hierosolymis ordinatus epi- 
scopus, Trajano imperatore, 
apud Atticum consularem 
est accusatus, quod christia- 
nu8 esset, et Christi propin- 
quus. Comprehendebantur 
enim omnes eo tempore, qui- 
cumque ex genere David 
orti essent. Quare multis 
cruciatus tormentis, eodem 
passionis genere, quod Sal- 
vator noster subierat, affici- 
tur, mirantibus omnibus, 
quod homo state confectus 
(erat enim centum et vi- 
ginti annorum) acerbissimos 
crucis dolores fortiter con- 
stanterque pateretur. 

Simeon, the son of Cleophas, 
was ordained bishop of Jeru- 
salem, and was Saint James's 
immediate successor in that 
see. In the reign of the Em- 
peror Trajan, he was accused 
to the Consul Atticus of being 
a Christian and a relation of 
Christ; for, at this time, all 
they that were of the house of 
David were seized. After 
having endured various tor- 
tures, Simeon was put to death 
by the same punishment which 
our Saviour suffered, and all 
the beholders were filled with 
astonishment to see how, at 
his age (for he was a hundred 
and twenty years old), he 
could go through the intense 
pains of crucifixion, without 
showing a sign of fear or 

Eeceive, most venerable saint, the humble 
homage of our devotion. What is all human glory 
compared with thine ? Thou wast of the family of 
Christ; thy teaching was that which His divine 
lips had given thee; thy charity for men was 
formed on the model of His sacred Heart ; and thy 
death was the closest representation of His. We 
may not claim the honour thou hadst, of calling 
ourselves brothers of the Lord Jesus : but pray for 

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us, that we may be of those of whom He thus 
speaks : ' Whosoever shall do the will of My Father 
that is in heaven, he is My brother, and sister, and 
mother.' 1 We have not, like thee, received the 
doctrine of salvation from the very lips of Jesus ; 
but we have it in all its purity, by means of holy 
tradition, of which thou art one of the earliest links ; 
oh, obtain for us a docility to this word of God, 
and pardon for our past disobedience. We have 
not to be nailed to a cross, as thou wast; but the 
world is thickly set with trials, to which our Lord 
Himsdf gives the name of the cross. These we 
must bear with patience, if we would have part with 
Jesus in His glory. Pray for us, 0 Simeon, that 
henceforth we may be more faithful ; that we may 
never more become rebels to our duty; and that 
we may repair the faults we have so often committed 
by infringing the law of our God. 

Februaby 22 


We are called upon, a second time, to honour 
St. Peter's chair: first, it was his pontificate in 
Rome; to-day, it is his episcopate at Antioch. 
The seven years spent by the prince of the apostles 
in the second of these cities, were the grandest glory 
she ever had ; and they are too important a portion 
of the life of St. Peter to be passed by without 
being noticed in the Christian cycle. 

Three years had elapsed since our Lord's Ascen- 
sion. The Church had already been made fruitful 
by martyrdom, and from Jerusalem she had spread 
into distant countries. Antioch, the first of the 
cities of Asia, had received the Gospel ; and it was 
1 St. Matt. xii. 50. 

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there that those who professed the faith of Jesus 
were first called Christians. Jerusalem was doomed 
to destruction for having not only refused to 
acknowledge, but even crucified, the Messias: it 
was time for Peter, in whom resided the supreme 
power, to deprive the faithless city of the honour 
she had heretofore enjoyed, of possessing within her 
walls the chair of the apostolate. It was towards 
the Gentiles that the Holy Spirit drove those clouds, 
which were shown to Isaias as the symbol of the 
holy apostles. 1 Accordingly, it is in Antioch, the 
third capital of the Eoman Empire, that Peter 
first places the august throne, on which, as vice- 
gerent of Christ, he presides over the universal 

But the progress of the apostles was so rapid ; the 
conquests they made, in spite of every opposition, 
were so extensive, that the vicar of Christ was in- 
spired to leave Antioch, after he had honoured it 
with the chair during the space of seven years. 
Alexandria, the second city of the empire, is also to 
be made a see of Peter; and Eome, the capital of 
the world, awaits the grand privilege for which 
God has long been preparing her. Onwards, then, 
does the prince advance, bearing with him the 
destinies of the Church ; where he fixes his last 
abode, and where he dies, there will he have his 
successor in his sublime dignity of vicar of Christ. 
He leaves Antioch, making one of his disciples, 
Evodius, its bishop. Evodius succeeds Peter as 
bishop of Antioch ; but that see is not to inherit the 
headship of the Church, which goes whithersoever 
Peter goes. He sends Mark, another of his disciples, 
to take possession, in his name, of Alexandria ; and 
this Church he would have to be the second in the 
world, and though he has not ruled it in person, he 
raises it above that of Antioch. This done, he 
1 Isa. lx. 8. 

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goes to Eome, where he permanently establishes 
that chair, on which he will live, and teach, and 
rule, in his successors, to the end of time. 

And here we have the origin of the three great 
patriarchal sees, which were the object of so much 
veneration in the early ages: the first is Eome, 
invested with all the prerogatives of the prince of 
the apostles, which, when dying, he transmitted to 
her ; the second is Alexandria, which owes her pre- 
eminence to Peter's adopting her as his second 
see ; the third is Antioch, whither he repaired in 
person, when he left Jerusalem to bring to the 
Gentiles the grace of adoption. If, therefore, 
Antioch is below Alexandria in rank, Alexandria 
never enjoyed the honour granted to Antioch, of 
having been governed, in person, by him whom 
Christ appointed to be the supreme pastor of His 
Church. Nothing, then, could be more just, than 
that Antioch should be honoured, as having, for 
seven years, had the privilege of being the centre of 
Christendom; and this is the object of to-day's 

The children of the Church have a right to feel a 
special interest in every solemnity that is kept in 
memory of St. Peter. The father's feast is a feast 
for the whole family ; for to him it owes its very 
life. If there be but one fold, it is because there is 
but one Shepherd. Let us, then, honour Peter's 
divine prerogative, to which Christianity owes its 
preservation; and let us often reflect upon the 
obligations we are under to the apostolic see. On 
the feast of the chair at Rome, we saw how faith is 
taught, and maintained, and propagated by the 
mother-Church, which has inherited the promises 
made to Peter. To-day, let us consider the apostolic 
see as the sole source of the legitimate power, 
whereby mankind is ruled and governed in all that 
concerns eternal salvation. 


Our Saviour said to Peter : ' To thee will I give 
the keys of the kingdom of heaven,' 1 that is to say, 
of the Church. He said to him on another occasion : 
' Feed My lambs, feed My sheep.' 2 So that Peter 
is prince; for, in the language of the sacred 
Scriptures, keys denote princely power : he is also 
pastor, and universal pastor ; for the whole flock is 
comprised under the two terms, lambs and sheep. 
And yet there are other pastors in every portion of 
the Christian world. The bishops, whom the Holy 
Ghost hath placed to rule the Church of God, 3 
govern, in his name, their respective dioceses, and 
are also pastors. How comes it that the keys, 
which were given to Peter, are found in other hands 
than his? The Catholic Church explains the 
difficulty to us by her tradition. She says to us, by 
Tertullian: 'Christ gave the keys to Peter, and 
through him to the Church.' 4 By St. Optatus of 
Milevum : ' For the sake of unity, Peter was made 
the first among all the apostles, and he alone 
received the keys, that he might give them to the 
rest.' 5 By St. Gregory of Nyssa : ' It is through 
Peter that Christ gave to bishops the keys of their 
heavenly prerogative.' 6 By St. Leo the Great : ' If 
our Lord willed that there should be something 
common to Peter and the rest of the princes of His 
Church, it was only on this condition, that what- 
soever He gave to the rest, He gave it to them 
through Peter.' 7 

Yes, the episcopate is most sacred, for it comes 
from the hands of Jesus Christ through Peter and 
his successors. Such is the unanimous teaching of 
Catholic tradition, which is in keeping with the 
language used by the Boman pontiffs, from the 

1 St. Matt. xvi. 19. 
3 Acts xx. 28. 

6 Contra Parmenianum, lib. vii. 

7 In Annzv. asmmjot., serm. iv. 

2 St. John xxi. 15, 17. 
4 Scorpiac, cap. x. 
6 Opp. 9 torn. iii. 

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earliest ages, who have always spoken of the dignity 
of bishops as consisting in their being ' called to a 
share of their own solicitude.' Hence St. Cyprian 
does not hesitate to say that ' our Saviour, wishing 
to establish the episcopal dignity and constitute 
His Church, says to Peter : "To thee will I give the 
keys of the kingdom of heaven "; and here we 
have both the institution of bishops, and the con- 
stitution of the Church.' 1 This same doctrine is 
clearly stated in a letter written to Pope St. Sym- 
machus by St. Cesarius of Aries,' who lived in the 
fifth century: 'The episcopate flows from the 
blessed apostle Peter ; and consequently, it belongs 
to your holiness to prescribe to the several Churches 
the rules which they are to follow.' 2 This funda- 
mental principle, which St. Leo the Great has so 
ably and eloquently developed (as we have seen on 
the feast of the chair at Rome, January 18), this 
principle, which is taught us by universal tradition, 
is laid down with all possible precision in the 
magnificent letters, still extant, of Pope St. Inno- 
cent I., who preceded St. Leo by several years. 
Thus he writes to the Council of Carthage, that 
'the episcopate, with all its authority, emanates 
from the apostolic see ';* to the Council of Milevum, 
that ' bishops must look upon Peter as the source 
whence both their name and their dignity are 
derived '; 4 to St. Victricius, bishop of Rouen, that 
' the apostolate and the episcopate both owe their 
origin to Peter.' 6 

Controversy is not our object. All we aim at by 
giving these quotations from the fathers on the 
prerogatives of Peter's chair, is to excite the faith- 
ful to be devoted to it and venerate it. This we 
have endeavoured to do, by showing them that this 
chair is the source of the spiritual authority, which, 

1 Epist. xxxiii. 2 Ibid., x. 3 Ibid., xxix. 

4 Ibid., xxx. 6 Ibid., ii. 

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in its several degrees, rules and sanctifies them. 
All spiritual authority comes from Peter ; all comes 
from the bishop of Borne, in whom Peter will con- 
tinue to govern the Church to the end of time. Jesus 
Christ is the founder of the episcopate; it is the 
Holy Ghost who establishes bishops to rule the 
Church ; but the mission and the institution, which 
assign the pastor his flock, and the flock its pastor, 
these are given by Jesus Christ and the Holy 
Ghost through the ministry of Peter and his 

How sacred, how divine, is this authority of the 
keys, which is first given by heaven itself to the 
Eoman Pontiff ; then is delegated by him to the 
prelates of the Church ; and thus guides and blesses 
the whole Christian world ! The apostolic see has 
varied its mode of transmitting such an authority 
according to the circumstances of the several ages ; 
but the one source of the whole power was always 
the same, the chair of Peter. We have already 
seen how, at the commencement, there were three 
chairs : Eome, Alexandria, and Antioch ; and all 
three were sources of the canonical institution of the 
bishops of their respective provinces ; but they were 
all three chairs of Peter, for they were founded by 
him that they might preside over their patriarchates, 
as St. Leo, 1 St. Gelasius, 2 and St. Gregory the 
Great, 3 expressly teach. But of these three chairs, 
the Pontiff of Eome had his authority and his 
institution from heaven ; whereas, the two other 
patriarchs could not exercise their rights, until they 
were recognized and confirmed by him who was 
Peter's successor, as vicar of Christ. Later on, two 
other sees were added to these first three : but it 
was only by the consent of the Eoman Pontiff that 

1 Epist. civ. Ad Anatolium, 

s Condi. Romanwn. Labb., torn, iv. 

3 Epist. Ad Eulogvum. 

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Constantinople and Jerusalem obtained such an 
honour. Let us notice, too, the difference there is 
between the accidental honours conferred on four of 
these Churches, and the divine prerogative of the 
Church of Eome. By God's permission, the sees 
of Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, and Jeru- 
salem, were defiled by heresy ; they became chairs 
of pestilence j 1 and having corrupted the faith they 
received from Eome, they could not transmit to 
others the mission they themselves had forfeited. 
Sad indeed was the ruin of such pillars as these ! 
Peter's hand had placed them in the Church. They 
had merited the love and veneration of men ; but 
they fell ; and their fall gave one more proof of the 
solidity of that edifice, which Christ Himself had 
built on Peter. The unity of the Church was made 
more visible. Obliged by the treachery of her own 
favoured children to deprive them of the privileges 
they had received from her, Rome was, more 
evidently than ever, the sole source of pastoral 

We, then, both priests and people, have a right 
to know whence our pastors have received their 
power. From whose hand have they received the 
keys? If their mission come from the apostolic 
see, let us honour and obey them, for they are sent 
to us by Jesus Christ, who has invested them, 
through Peter, with His own authority. If they 
claim our obedience without having been sent by 
the bishop of Eome, we must refuse to receive 
them, for they are not acknowledged by Christ 
as His ministers. The holy anointing may have 
conferred on them the sacred character of the 
episcopate : it matters not ; they must be as aliens 
to us, for they have not been sent, they are not 

Thus it is that the divine Founder of the Church, 
1 Ps. i. l. 

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who willed that she should be a city seated on a 
mountain, 1 gave her visibility ; it was an essential 
requisite; for since all were called to enter her 
pale, all must be able to see her. But He was not 
satisfied with this. He moreover willed that the 
spiritual power exercised by 'her pastors should 
come from a visible source, so that the faithful 
might have a sure means of verifying the claims of 
those who were io guide them in His name. Our 
Lord (we say it reverently) owed this to us ; for, on 
the last day, He will not receive us as His children, 
unless we shall have been members of His Church, 
and have lived in union with Him by the ministry 
of pastors lawfully constituted. Honour, then, and 
submission to Jesus in His vicar ! honour and 
submission to the vicar of Christ in the pastors he 
sends ! 

As a tribute of our devotion to the prince of the 
apostles, let us recite, in his honour, the following 
hymn, composed by St. Peter Damian : 


Senatus apostolici 
Princeps, et prseco Domini : 
Pastor prime fidelium, 
Custodi gregem creditum. 

Per pascua virentia, 
Nos verbi fruge recrea : 
Refectas oves praevius 
Caulis infer coelestibus. 

Supernae claves januae 
Tibi, Petre, sunt traditae : 
Tuisque patent legibus 
Terrena cum coelestibus. 

O prince of the apostolic 
senate ! Herald of our Lord ! 
First pastor of the faithful ! 
watch over the flock entrusted 
to thee. 

Lead us through verdant 
pastures, feeding us with the 
nourishment of the word ; 
and lead us, thus fed, into the 
heavenly fold, whither thou 
hast already gone. 

To thee, Peter, have been 
delivered the keys of heaven's 
gate ; and all things, both in 
heaven and on earth, acknow- 
ledge thy authority. 

1 St. Matt. v. 14, 

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Tu petram verse fidei, 
Tu basim sedificii 
Fundas, in qua Catholica 
Fixa surgit Ecclesia. 

Umbra tua, dum graderis, 
Fit medicina languidis ; 
Textrinis usa vestium 
Sprevit Tabitha feretrum. 

Catena vinctum gemina, 
Virtus solvit angelica ; 
Veste sunipta cum caligis, 
Patescunt fores carceris. 

Sit Patri laus ingenito, 
Sit decus Unigenito, 
Sit utriusque parili 
Majestas summa FlaminL 

Amen. * 

'Tis thou that choosest the 
city where is to be established 
the rock of the true faith, the 
foundation of the building, on 
which the Catholic Church 
stands immovable. 

Thy shadow, as thou passest 
by, heals the sick ; and Tabitha, 
that made garments for the 
poor, was raised to life at thy 

Bound with two chains, 
thou wast set free by an 
angel's power ; he bids thee 
put on thy garments and thy 
sandals, and lo ! the prison- 
door is opened. 

To the Father unbegotten, 
and to the only-begotten Son, 
and to the coequal Spirit of 
them both, be praise and kingly 
highest power. Amen. 

Glory be to thee, 0 prince of the apostles, on thy 
chair at Antioch, where thou didst for seven years 
preside over the universal Church ! How magni- 
ficent are the stations of thy apostolate ! Jerusalem, 
Antioch, Alexandria (by thy disciple Mark), and 
Rome, these are the cities which have been honoured 
by thy august chair. After Eome, Antioch was the 
longest graced by its presence: justly, therefore, 
do we honour this Church, which was thus made, 
by thee, the mother and mistress of all other 
Churches. Alas ! all her beauty has now left her ; 
her faith is dead ; she is in bondage to the Saracen. 
Save her, take her once more under thy power, 
bring her into allegiance to Eome, where thou hast 
thy chair, not for seven years only, but for all ages. 
The gates of hell have let loose the fury of every 
tempest upon thee, firm rock of the Church ! and 
we ourselves have seen the immortal chair banished 
for a time from Eome. The words of St. Ambrose 
then came to our minds : ( Where Peter is, there is 

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the Church.' How could we despair ? Did we not 
know, that it was God's inspiration which made 
thee choose Eome for the fixed resting-place of thy 
throne ? No human will can put asunder what God 
has united ; the bishop of Rome must ever be the 
vicar of Christ ; and the vicar of Christ, let sacri- 
lege and persecution banish him as they will, must 
ever be the bishop of Eome. Holy apostle ! calm 
the wildness of the tempest, lest the weak should 
take scandal. Beseech our Lord that He permit 
not the residence of thy successor to be disturbed in 
that holy city, which has been chosen for so great 
an honour. If it be that her inhabitants deserve 
punishment for their offences, spare them for the 
sake of their brethren of the rest of the world ; and 
pray for them, that their faith may once more 
become what it was when St. Paul praised it, and 
said to them : ' Your faith is spoken of in the whole 
world.' 1 

February 28 


It is the feast of the austere reformer of the eleventh 
century, Peter Damian, the precursor of the holy 
pontiff Gregory VII., that we are called upon 
to celebrate to-day. To him is due in part that 
glorious regeneration, which was effected at that 
troubled period when judgment had to begin 
at the house of God. 2 The life he had led under 
the monastic rule had fitted him for the great 
contest. So zealously did he withstand the disorders 
and abuses of his times, that we may attribute to 
him, at least in great measure, the ardent faith of 

1 Kom. i. 8. * 1 St. Peter iv. 17. 


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the two centuries which followed the scandals of 
the tenth. The Church ranks him among her 
doctors, on account of his admirable writings : and 
his penitential life ought to excite us to be fervent 
in the work we have in hand, the work of our 
conversion. * 

The following lessons, read by the Church, on 
this feast, give us a sketch of our saint's life : 

Petrus, Ravennae honestis 
parentibus natus, adhuc 
lactens a matre numerosae 
prolis pertaesa abjicitur, sed 
domesticae mulieris opera 
semivivus exceptus ac re- 
creates, genitrici ad huma- 
nitatis sensum revocatae 
redditiir. Utroque orbatus 
parente, tamquam vile rnan- 
cipium sub aspera fratris 
tutela duram servitutem 
exercuit. ReligionisinDeum 
ac pietatis erga patrem egre- 
gium tunc specimen dedit; 
inventum siquidem forte 
nummum non propriae me- 
diae sublevandae, sed sacer- 
doti qui divinum sacrifi- 
cium ad illius expiationem 
offerret, erogavit. A Damia- 
no fratre, a quo, uti fertur, 
cognomentum accepit, be- 
nigne receptus, ejus cur a 
litteris eruditur, in quibus 
brevi tantum profecit, ut 
magistris admirationi esset. 
Quum autem liberalibus 
scientiis floreret et nomine, 
eas cum laude docuit. In- 
terim ut corpus rationi sub- 
deret, sub mollibus vestibus 
cilicium adhibuit. jejuniis, 
vigiliis, et orationibus soler- 
ter insistens. Calente ju- 
venta, dum carnis stimulis 

Peter was born at Ravenna, 
of respectable parents. His 
mother, wearied with the care 
of a large family, abandoned 
him when a babe ; but one of 
her female servants found him 
in an almost dying state, and 
took care of him, until such 
time as the mother, repenting 
of her unnatural conduct, con- 
sented to treat him as her 
child. After the death of his 
parents, one of his brothers, a 
most harsh man, took him as 
a servant, or more truly as his 
slave. It was about this period 
of his life that he performed 
an action, which evinced his 
virtue and his filial piety. 
He happened to find a sum 
of money : but instead of 
using it for his own wants, he 
gave it to a priest, begging 
him to offer up the holy sa- 
crifice for the repose of his 
father's soul. Another of his 
brothers, called Damian (after 
whom, it is said, he was named), 
had him educated ; and so 
rapid and so great was the 
progress he made in his studies, 
that he was the admiration 
of his masters. He became 
such a proficient in the liberal 
sciences, that he was made to 
teach them in the public 

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acriter urgeretur, insultan- schools, which he did with 

tium libidinum faces rigen- great success. During all this 

tibus fluvii inersus aquis time, it was his study to bring 

noctu extinguebat : turn his body into subjection to the 

venerabilia quaeque loca spirit ; and to this end, he wore 

obire, totumque psalterium a hair-shirt under an out- 

recitare consueverat. Ope wardly comfortable dress, and 

assidua pauperes levabat, practised frequent fasting, 

quibus frequenter pastis watching, and prayer. Being 

convivio, propriis ipse mani- in the very ardour of youth, 

bus ministrabat. and being cruelly buffeted by 

plunge himself into a frozen 
pool of water, that he might 
quench the impure flame 
which tormented him ; or he 
would make pilgrimages to 
holy sanctuaries, and recite 
the entire psalter. His charities 
to the poor were unceasing, 
and when he provided them 
with a meal, which was fre- 
quently, he would wait upon 
them himself. 

Perficiendse magis vitse Out of a desire to lead a still 
causa, in Avellanensi Eugu- more perfect life, he became 
binse dicecesis ceenobio, a religious in the monastery 
Ordini monachorum san- of Avellino, in the diocese of 
ctse Crucis Fontis Avellanae, Gubbio, of the Order of the 
a beato Ludulpho sancti monks of holy Cross of Fon- 
Romualdi discipulo fundato, tavellana, which was founded 
nomen dedit. Non ita multo by the blessed Ludolphus, a 
post in monasterium Pom- disciple of St. Romuald. Being 
posianum, mox in ccenobium sent by his abbot, not very 
Sancti Vincentii Petrse Per- long after, first to the inonas- 
tusse ab abbate suo missus, tery of Pomposia, and then to 
utrumque asceterium verbo that of Saint Vincent of Pietra- 
sacro, prseclaris institution^ Pertusa, he edified both 
bus et moribus excoluit. houses by his preaching, ad- 
Ad suos revocatus, post mirable teaching, and holy 
praesidis obitum Avellani- life. At the death of the 
tarum familise praeficitur, abbot of Avellino, he was re- 
quam novis variis in locis called to that monastery, and 
extructis domiciliis, et san- was made its superior. The 
ctissimis institutis ita auxit, institute was so benefited by 
ut alter ejus Ordinis parens his government, not only by 


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ac praecipuum ornamentum 
jure sit habitus. Salutarem 
Petri sollicitudinem alia 
quoque diversi instituti 
coenobia, canonicorum con- 
ventus, et populi sunt 
experti. Urbinati dioecesi 
non uno nomine profuit : 
Theuzoni episcopo in causa 
gravissima assedit, ipsum- 
que in recte administrando 
episcopatu consilio et opera 
juvit. Divinorum contem- 
platione, corporis macera- 
tionibus, caeterisque spectatae 
sanctimoniae exemplis excel- 
luit. His motus Stephanus 
Nonus, Pontifex maximus, 
eum licet invitum et relu- 
ctantem sanctae Eomanae 
Ecclesiae Cardinalem creavit, 
et Ostiensem episcopum. 
Quas Petrus dignitates splen- 
didissimis virtutibus, et con- 
sent aneis episcopali mini- 
sterio operibus gessit. 

Difficillimo tempore Eo- 
manae Ecclesise summis- 
que Pontificibus doctrina, 
legationibus, aliisque sus- 
ceptis laboribus mirifice 
adfuit. Adversus Nicolaita- 
rum et Simoniacam haere- 
ses ad mortem usque stre- 
nue decertavit. Hujusmodi 
depulsis malis, Mediolanen- 
sem Ecclesise Eomanae con- 
ciliavit. Benedicto, et Ca- 
daloo, falsis Pontificibus, 

the new monasteries which he 
founded in several places, but 
also by the very saintly regu- 
lations he drew up, that he 
was justly looked upon as the 
second founder of the Order, 
and its brightest ornament. 
Houses of other Orders, canons, 
yea, entire congregations of the 
faithful, were benefited by 
Peter's enlightened zeal. He 
was a benefactor, in more 
ways than one, to the dio- 
cese of Urbino : he aided the 
bishop Theuzo in a most im- 
portant suit, and assisted him, 
both by advice and work, in 
the right administration of his 
diocese. His spirit of holy 
contemplation, his corporal 
austerities, and the saintly 
tenor of his whole conduct, 
gained for him so high a repu- 
tation, that Pope Stephen IX., 
in spite of Peter's extreme 
reluctance, created him Car- 
dinal of the holy Eoman 
Church and bishop of Ostia. 
The saint proved himself wor- 
thy of these honours by the 
exercise of the most eminent 
virtues, and by the faithful 
discharge of his episcopal 

It would be impossible to 
describe the services he ren- 
dered to the Church and the 
sovereign Pontiffs, during 
those most trying times, by 
his learning, his prudence as 
legate, and his untiring zeal. 
His life was one continued 
struggle against simony, and 
the heresy of the Nicolaites. 
He purged the Church of 
Milan of these disorders, and 
brought her into subjection 

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fortiter restitit. Henricum 
quartum Germanise regem 
ab iniquo uxoris divortio 
deterruit : Kavennates ad 
debita Eomano Pontifici ob- 
sequia revocatos sacris resti- 
tuit. Canonicos Veliternos 
ad sanctions vitae leges corn- 
posuit. In provincia praeser- 
tim Urbinate vix ulla fuit 
episcopalis ecclesia, de qua 
Petrus non sit bene meritus : 
Eugubinam, quam aliquan- 
do creditam habuit, multis 
levavit incommodis : alias 
alibi, quando oportuit, per- 
inde curavit, ac si suae es- 
sent tutelae commissae. Car- 
dinalatu, et episcopali di- 
gnitate depositis, nihil de 
pristina juvandi proximos 
sedulitate remisit. Jejunium 
sextae feriae in honorem 
sanctae crucis Jesu Christi, 
horarias beatae Dei Genitri- 
cis preces, ej usque die Sab- 
bat o cultum propagavit. In- 
ferendae quoque sibi verbe- 
rationis morem ad patrato- 
rum scelerum expiationem 
provexit. Demum sanctita- 
te, doctrina, miraculis, et 
praeclare actis illustris, dum 
e Eavennate legatione re- 
diret, Faventiae octavo Ka- 
lendas Martii migravit ad 
Christum. Ejus corpus ibi- 
dem apud Cistercienses mul- 
tis miraculis clarum fre- 
quenti populorum venera- 
tione colitur. Ipsum Faven- 
tini non semel in praesenti 
discrimine propitium ex- 
perti, patronum apud Deum 
delegerunt: Leo vero duo- 
decimus, Pontifex maximus, 
Omcium Missamque in ejus 

to the Holy See. He courage- 
ously resisted the anti-popes 
Benedict and Cadolaus. He 
deterred Henry IV., king of 
Germany, from an unjust di- 
vorce of his wife. He restored 
the people of Eavenna to 
their allegiance to the Eoman 
Pontiff, and absolved them 
from 'interdict. He reformed 
the abuses which had crept 
in among the canons of Vel- 
letri. There was scarcely a 
singlo cathedral church in the 
province of Urbino that had 
not experienced the bene- 
ficial effects of Peter's holy 
zeal : thus, that of Gubbio, 
which was for some time un- 
der his care, was relieved by 
him of many evils ; and other 
churches, that needed his help, 
found him as earnest for their 
welfare as though he were 
their own bishop. When he 
obtained permission to resign 
his dignity as Cardinal and 
his bishopric, he relented no- 
thing of his former charity, 
but was equally ready in 
doing good to all. He was 
instrumental in propagating 
many devout practices ; among 
these may be mentioned, fast- 
ing on Fridays in honour of 
the holy cross ; the reciting 
the Little Office of our Lady ; 
the keeping the Saturday as 
a day especially devoted to 
Mary ; the taking of the 
discipline in expiation of past 
sins. At length, after a life 
which had edified the world 
by holiness, learning, miracles, 
and glorious works, on his 
return from Eavenna, whither 
he had been sent as legate, 

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honorem tamquam confes- he slept in Christ, on the 
soris pontificis, quae aliqui- eighth of the Calends of March 
bus in dioecesibus, atque in (February 23), at Faenza. 
OrdineCanialdulensiumjam His relics, which are kept in 
celebrabantur, ex Sacrorum the Cistercian church of that 
Eituum Congregationis con- town, are devoutly honoured 
sulto, addita doctoris quali- by the faithful, and many 
tate, ad universam extendit miracles are wrought at the 
Ecclesiam. holy shrine. The inhabitants 

of Faenza have chosen him 
as the patron of their city, 
having several times experi- 
enced his protection when 
threatened by danger. His 
Mass and Office, which were 
kept under the rite of con- 
fessor and bishop, had been 
long observed in several dio- 
ceses, and by the Camaldolese 
Order; but they were extend- 
ed to the whole Church by a 
decree of the Congregation 
of Sacred Bites, which was 
approved by Pope Leo XII., 
who also added to the name 
of the saint the title of 

Thy soul was inflamed by the zeal of God's house, 
0 Peter ! God gave thee to His Church in those sad 
times when the wickedness of the world had robbed 
her of well-nigh all her beauty. Thou hadst the 
spirit of an Elias within thee, and it gave thee 
courage to waken the servants of the Lord : they 
had slept, and while they were asleep, the enemy 
came, and the field was oversown with tares. 1 
Then did better days dawn for the bride of Christ ; 
the promises made by our Lord were fulfilled ; but 
who was the friend of the bridegroom ? 2 Who was 
the chief instrument used by God to bring back to 
His house its ancient beauty ? A saint who bore the 
glorious name of Peter Damian ! In those days, the 

i St. Matt. xiii. 25. 2 St. John iii. 29. 

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sanctuary was degraded by secular interference. 
The princes of the earth said : ' Let us possess the 
sanctuary of God for an inheritance.' 1 The Church, 
which God intended to be free, was but a slave, in 
the power of the rulers of this world ; and the vices, 
which are inherent to human weakness, defiled the 
temple. But God had pity on the bride of Christ, and 
for her deliverance He would use human agency : 
He chose thee, Peter, as His principal co-operator 
in restoring order. Thy example and thy labours 
prepared the way for Gregory, the faithful and 
dauntless Hildebrand, into whose hands the keys 
were no sooner placed, than the work of regenera- 
tion was completed. Thou hast fought the good 
fight ; thou art now in thy rest ; but thy love of 
the Church, and thy power to help, are greater than 
ever. Watch, then, over her interests. Obtain for 
her pastors that apostolic energy and courage, 
which alone can cope with enemies so determined 
as hers are. Obtain for her priests the holiness 
which God demands from them that are the salt of 
the earth. 2 Obtain for the faithful the respect and 
obedience they owe to those who direct them in the 
path of salvation. Thou wast not only the apostle, 
thou wast moreover the model, of penance in the 
midst of a corrupt age ; pray for us, that we may 
be eager to atone for our sins by works of mortifi- 
cation. Excite within our souls the remembrance 
of the sufferings of our Eedeemer, that so His 
Passion may urge us to repentance and hope. 
Increase our confidence in Mary, the refuge of 
sinners, and make us, like thyself, full of filial 
affection towards her, and of zeal that she may be 
honoured and loved by those who are around us. 

i Ps. lxxxii. 13. 2 St. Matt. v. 13. 

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February 24 


In leap-year, the feast of St Mathias is kept on 
February 25 

An apostle of Jesus Christ, St. Mathias, is one of 
the blessed choir which the Church would have 
us honour during the season of Septuagesima. 
Mathias was one of the first to follow our Saviour ; 
and he was an eye-witness of all His divine actions 
up to the very day of the Ascension. He was one 
of the seventy-two disciples ; but our Lord had not 
conferred upon him the dignity of an apostle. 
And yet, he was to have this great glory, for it was 
of him that David spoke, when he prophesied that 
another should take the bishopric 1 left vacant by 
the apostasy of Judas the traitor. In the interval 
between Jesus' Ascension and the descent of the 
Holy Ghost, the apostolic college had to complete 
the mystic number fixed by our Lord Himself, so 
that there might be the twelve on that solemn day, 
when the Church, filled with the Holy Ghost, was 
to manifest herself to the Synagogue. The lot fell 
on Mathias ; 2 he shared with his brother-apostles 
the persecution in Jerusalem, and, when the time 
came for the ambassadors of Christ to separate, he 
set out for the countries allotted to him. Tradition 
tells us that these were Cappadocia and the pro- 
vinces bordering on the Caspian Sea. 

The virtues, labours, and sufferings of St. Mathias 
have not been handed down to us : this explains the 
lack of proper lessons on his life, such as we have 
for the feasts of the rest of the apostles. Clement 
of Alexandria records in his writings several sayings 

1 Ps. cviii. 8; Acts i. 20. 2 Acts i. 26. 

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of our holy apostle. One of these is so very appro- 
priate to the spirit of the present season, that we 
consider it a duty to quote it. ' It behoves us to 
combat the flesh, and make use of it, without pam- 
pering it by unlawful gratifications. As to the 
soul, we must develop her power by faith and 
knowledge.' 1 How profound is the teaching con- 
tained in these few words ! Sin has deranged the 
order which the Creator had established. It gave 
the outward man such a tendency to grovel in 
things which degrade him, that the only means left 
us for the restoration of the image and likeness of 
God unto which we were created, is the forcible 
subjection of the body to the spirit. But the spirit 
itself, that is, the soul, was also impaired by original 
sin, and her inclinations were made prone to evil ; 
what is to be her protection ? Faith and knowledge. 
Faith humbles her, and then exalts and rewards 
her ; and the reward is knowledge. Here we have 
a summary of what the Church teaches us during 
the two seasons of Septuagesima and Lent. Let us 
thank the holy apostle, on this his feast, for leaving 
us such a lesson of spiritual wisdom and fortitude. 
The same traditions, which give us some slight 
information regarding the holy life of St. Mathias, 
tell us that his apostolic labours were rewarded 
with the palm of martyrdom. Let us celebrate his 
triumph by the following stanzas, which are taken 
from the Mensea of the Greeks. 


(Die IX. Augwti) 
Mathia beate, Eden spiri- O blessed Mathias ! spiritual 
Eden! thou didst flow, like 
a full river, from the divine 
fountain ; thou didst water 
the earth with thy mystic 

tualis, fontibus divinis ut 
fluvius inundans scaturisti, 
et mysticis terrain irrigasti 
rivulis, et illam fructiferam 

1 Stromat., lib. iii., cap. iv. 


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reddidisti ; ideo deprecare 
Dominum ut animabus no- 
stris pacem concedat et ma- 
gnam misericordiam. 

Mathia apostole, divinum 
replevisti collegium ex quo 
Judas ceciderat, et divinis 
sapientum sermonuni tuo- 
rum fulgoribus tenebras 
fugasti idololatriae, virtute 
Spiritus sancti ; et nunc de- 
precare Dominuni, ut men- 
tibus nostris concedat pacem 
et magnam misericordiam. 

Ut multifrugiferum pal- 
mitem te Vitis vera direxit, 
colentem uvam quae salutis 
vinum profundit; illud bi- 
bentes qui detinebantur igno- 
rantia, erroris temulentiam 

Erroris axes, iniquitatis 
currus, verbi Dei ipse cur- 
rus factus, gloriose, in per- 
petuum contrivisti ; et ido- 
lolatras, et columnas et tem- 
pi a radicitus divina virtute 
destruxisti, Trinitatis vero 
templa sedificasti claman- 
tia : Populi, superexaltate 
Christum in saecula. 

Ut spirituale coelum ap- 
paruisti, enarrans gloriam 
unigeniti Filii Dei ineffabi- 
lem, Mathia venerabilis ; 
fulgur Spiritus sancti, pisca- 
tor errantium, lumen divinae 
claritatis, mysteriorum do- 
ctor ; ipsum in laetitia una- 
nimi voce celebremus. 

rivulets, and make it fruitful. 
Do thou, therefore, beseech the 
Lord that he grant peace and 
much mercy to our souls. 

O apostle Mathias ! thou 
didst complete the sacred col- 
lege, from which Judas had 
fallen; and by the power of 
the Holy Ghost, thou didst 
put to flight the darkness of 
idolatry by the admirable light- 
nings of thy wise words. Do 
thou now beseech the Lord 
that he grant peace and much 
mercy to our souls. 

He that is the true Vine 
sent thee, a fruitful branch, 
bearing the grapes that give 
out the wine of salvation. When 
they drank it that before were 
slaves to ignorance, they turned 
from the drunkenness of error. 

Being made, 0 glorious 
Mathias, the chariot of God's 
word, thou didst break for 
ever the wheels of error, and 
the chariots of iniquity. By 
the divine power, thou didst 
defeat the idolaters, and de- 
stroy the pillars and the tem- 
ples ; but thou didst build up 
to the Trinity other temples, 
which echoed with these words : 
All ye people, praise Christ 
above all for ever ! 

O venerable Mathias ! thou, 
like a spiritual firmament, 
didst proclaim the glory of 
the only-begotten Son of God. 
Let us with one glad voice 
celebrate the praise of this 
apostle, who was effulgent with 
the Holy Ghost ; he was the 
fisher of them that had gone 
astray, the light that reflected 
the divine brightness, the 
teacher of the mysteries. 

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Amicum te dixit Salvator, 
suis obtemperantem inan- 
datis, beate apostole, et 
ipsius regni hseredem, et 
cum ipso sedentem in throno 
in futura terribili die, sa- 
pientissime Mathia, collegii 
duodenarii apostolorum 
comple men turn. 

Crucis velamine instru- 
ctor, vitse sseviens mare tra- 
jecisti, beate, et ad requiei 
portum pervenisti ; et nunc 
lsetus cum apostolorum 
choro judicum altissimo ad- 
stare digneris, Dominum pro 
nobis exorans misericordem. 

Lampas aureo nitore ful- 
gens, Spiritus sancti elly- 
chnio ardens, lingua tua 
apparuit, extranea combu- 
rens dogmata, extraneum 
extinguens ignem, o sapiens 
Mathia, lucem fulgurans 
sedentibus in tenebris igno- 

O blessed apostle! the Sa- 
viour called thee his friend, 
because thou didst keep his 
commandments. Thou art 
heir to his kingdom, and 
thou art to sit with him, 
on a throne, at the last 
terrible day, O most wise 
Mathias, who didst complete 
the number of the apostolic 

Guided by the sail of the 
cross, thou, O blessed one, 
didst pass over the troubled 
sea of life, and didst reach the 
haven of rest. Do thou now 
vouchsafe to join the glad 
choir of the apostles, and be- 
seech the infinite Judge, that 
he would show himself a mer- 
ciful Lord unto us. 

Thy tongue was a bright 
lamp of glittering gold, burn- 
ing with the flame of the Holy 
Ghost. Thou didst consume 
all strange doctrines, thou 
didst quench all fire that was 
profane, and to them that sat 
in the darkness of ignorance, 
thou, O wise Mathias, didst 
show a brilliant light. 

February 26 


Close to the faithful virgins, who form the court 
of Jesus, there stand those holy women, whose re- 
pentance has merited for them a prominent place 
in the calendar of the Church. They are the bright 
trophies of God's mercy. . They expiated their sins 
by a life of penance ; the tears of their compunction 

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wiped away their guilt ; He that is purity itself has 
found them worthy of His love, and, when pharisees 
affect to be shocked at His allowing them to be near 
Him, He warmly defends them. Foremost among 
these is Mary Magdalene, to whom much was for- 
given, because she loved much ; x but there are two 
on the list of penitent saints whose names shine 
most brightly on the calendar of this portion of the 
year ; and who were, like Mary Magdalene, ardent 
in their love of the divine Master, whom they had 
once offended: these are, Mary of Egypt, and 
Margaret of Cortona. It is the second of these who 
to-day tells us the consoling truth that if sin 
separate us from God, penance has the power not 
only of disarming His anger, but of forming 
between God and the sinner that ineffable bond of 
love, which the apostle alludes to when he says : 
'Where sin hath abounded, grace hath more 
abounded.' 2 

Let us study the virtues of the illustrious penitent 
of the thirteenth century. They are thus summed 
up by the Church in the lessons of to-day's feast. 

Margarita, a loco dormiti- Margaret of Cortona (so 

onis Cortonensis appellata, called from the town where 

Laviani in Tuscia ortum she died), was born at Alviano 

habuit. Primis adolescentise in Tuscany. In her early 

suae annis mundi volupta- youth she was a slave to the 

tibus capta, in Montis Poli- pleasures of this world, and 

tiani civitate, vanam et led a vain and sinful life in 

lubricam vitam duxit : sed the city of Montepulciano. 

cum amasium ab hostibus Her attention was, one day, 

foede transfossum, indicio attracted by a dog, which 

canis in fovea sub strue li- seemed to wish her to follow 

gnorum tumulatum fortuito it. She did so, and it led her to 

reperisset, illico facta est a pile of wood which covered 

manus Domini super earn, a large hole. Looking in, 

quae magno culparum su- she saw the body of her lover, 

arum mcerore tacta, exiit whose enemies had murdered 

foras et flevit amare. Itaque him, and thrown his mangled 

i St. Luke vii. 47. 2 Rom. v. 20. 

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Lavianum reversa, crine 
detonso, neglecto capite, 
pullaque veste contecta, 
erroribus suis mundique 
illecebris nuntium misit ; 
inque sedibus Deo sacris 
fune ad collum alligato, 
humi procumbens, ab om- 
nibus quos antea inoribus 
suis palam offenderat, ve- 
niam exoravit. Mox Corto- 
nam profecta, in cinere et 
cilicio ab se lsesam Dei 
majestatem placare studuit, 
donee post triennale virtu- 
tum experimentum a Fra- 
tribus Minoribus spiritualis 
vitae ducibus, Tertii Ordinis 
habitum impetravit. Ube- 
res exinde lacrymse ei fami- 
liares fuerunt, atque ima 
suspiria tanta animi contri- 
tione ducta, ut diu elinguis 
consisteret. Lectulus nuda 
humus, cervical lapis aut 
lignum porrexit ; atque ita 
noctes insomnes in ccele- 
stium meditatione trahere 
consuevit, nullum amplius 
pravum desiderium per- 
pessa, dum bonus spiritus 
promptior infirmam carnem 
ad subeundos labores eri- 

corpse into that place. She 
suddenly felt that the hand of 
God was upon her, and being 
overwhelmed with intense 
sorrow for her sins, she went 
forth, and wept bitterly. She 
returned to Alviano, cut 
off her hair, laid aside her 
trinkets, and, putting on a 
dark-coloured dress, she aban- 
doned her evil ways and the 
pleasures of the world. She 
was to be found in the 
churches, with a rope tied 
round her neck, prostrate on 
the ground, and imploring 
pardon of all whom she had 
scandalized by her past life. 
She shortly afterwards set out 
for Cortona, and there, in sack- 
cloth and ashes, she sought 
how she might appease the 
divine anger. For three years 
did she try herself in the 
practice of every virtue : and 
at the end of that time, she 
obtained permission from the 
Friars Minors (under whose 
spiritual guidance she had 
placed herself), to receive the 
habit of the Third Order. 
From that time forward, her 
tears were almost incessant; 
and the sighs which deep con- 
trition wrung from her heart 
were such as to leave her 
speechless for hours. Her 
bed was the naked ground ; 
and her pillow, a stone or 
piece of wood : so that she 
frequently passed whole nights 
in heavenly contemplation. 
Evil desires no longer tor- 
mented her, for her fervent 
spirit was so prompt, that the 
weak flesh was made to labour 
and obey. 

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A daemone insidiis, fu- 
nestisque conatibus laces- 
sita, inulier fortis hostem, 
ex verbis detectum, semel 
atque iterum invicta repu- 
lit. Ad eludendum vanae 
gloriae lenocinium, quo a 
malo spiritu petebatur, 
praeteritos mores suos per 
vicos et plateas alta voce 
accusare non destitit, omni 
supplicio se ream incla- 
mans ; nec, nisi a confessa- 
rio deterrita, in speciosam 
faciem, olim impuri amoris 
causam, saevire abstinuit, 
aegre ferens suam formam 
longa carnis maceratione 
non aboleri. Quibus aliis- 
que magnae pcenitentiae ar- 
guments, suorum crimi- 
num labe expiata, atque ita 
de se triumphatrix, ut sen- 
sus plane omnes a mundi 
illecebris custodiret, digna 
facta est quae saepe Domini 
consuetudine frueretur. 
Ejusdem quoque Christi et 
Virginis Matris dolorum, 
quod ipsa ardenter expetie- 
rat, particeps facta, cunctis 
sensibus destituta, et vere 
mortua interdum visa est. 
Ad earn proinde veluti ad 
perfectionis magistram, ex 
dissitis etiam regionibus 
plurimi conveniebant : ipsa 
vero ccelesti, quo erat per- 
fusa, lumine, cordium se- 
creta, conscientias homi- 
num, imo et peccata in 
remotis licet partibus Deum 
offendentium cum dolore et 
lacrymis detegens, summa- 
que in Deum et proximum 
charitate fervens, ingentem 
animarum fructum operata 

The devil spared neither 
snares nor violent assaults, 
whereby to lead ber from her 
holy purpose : but she, like a 
strong woman, detected him 
by his words, and drove him 
from her. This wicked spirit 
having tempted her to vain 
glory, she went into the streets, 
and cried out with a loud 
voice, that she had been a 
great sinner, and deserved the 
worst of punishments. It was 
obedience to her confessor 
that alone prevented her from 
disfiguring her features, which 
had been the cause of much 
sin : for the long and severe 
penance she had imposed on 
herself had not impaired her 
beauty. By these and such 
like exercises of a mortified 
life, she cleansed her soul from 
the stains of her sins, and 
gained such a victory over 
herself, that the allurements 
of the world had not the 
slightest effect upon her, and 
our Lord rewarded her by 
frequently visiting her. She 
also received the grace she so 
ardently desired, of being 
allowed to have a share in the 
sufferings of Jesus and Mary ; 
so much so, indeed, that, at 
times, she lay perfectly un- 
conscious, as though she were 
.really dead. All this made 
her be looked up to as a guide 
in the path of perfection, and 
persons would come to her, 
even from distant countries, in 
order to seek her counsel. By 
the heavenly light granted her, 
she could read the hearts and 
consciences of others, and 
could see the sins committed 

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est. iEgris ad se venienti- 
bus salutem, obsessis a 
dsemone liberationem im- 
petravit. Puerum defun- 
ctuin, lugente matre, ad vi- 
tam reduxit. Imminentes 
bellorum tumultus assiduis 
orationibus sedavit. Deni- 
que Bummse pietatis operi- 
bus vivos et mortuos sibi 

Tot Sanctis operibus occu- 
pata, de rigore, quo assi- 
due corpus suum exercebat, 
nihil remisit, neque a studio 
coslestia meditandi se avelH 
passa est, in utroque vitae 
genere plane admiranda, 
utramque sororem, Magda- 
lenam et Martham, refe- 
rens. Tandem pro se Do- 
minum orans, ut ex hac valle 
lacryinaruin sursum in cue- 
lestem patriam evocaretur, 
exaudita est oratio ejus, die 
atque hora dormitionis ei 
patefactis. Meritis itaque 
et laborious plena, ac coele- 
stibus donis cumulata, coepit 
corporis viribus destitui, 
perque dies decern et septem 
nullo cibo, sed divinis tan- 
tum colloquiis refecta est : 
turn sanctissimis Ecclesise 
sacramentis rite susceptis, 
vultu hilari, atque oculis in 
ccelum conversis, octavo Ka- 

against our Lord in various 
parts of the world, for which 
she would offer up, in atone- 
ment, her own sorrow and 
tears. Great indeed was the 
good she effected by the ardent 
charity she bore to God and 
her neighbour. She healed 
the sick who came to her, 
and drove out the devil from 
such as were possessed. A 
mother besought her, with 
many tears, to restore her 
child to life, which she did. 
Her prayers more than once 
averted war, when on the 
point of being declared. In 
a word, both the living and 
the dead experienced the ef- 
fects of her unbounded 

While engaged in these 
manifold holy works, she re- 
lented not in the severity of 
her bodily mortifications, or 
in her contemplation of hea- 
venly things. The two lives 
of Mary and Martha were 
admirably blended together 
in her ; and rich in the merits 
of each, she besought our Lord 
to take her from this vale of 
tears, and give her to enter 
the heavenly country. Her 
prayer was heard, and the day 
and the hour of her death were 
revealed to her. Laden with 
meritorious works and divine 
favours, her bodily strength 
began to fail. For the last 
seventeen days of her life her 
only food was that of conver- 
sation with her Creator. At 
length, after receiving the 
inost holy Sacraments of the 
Church, with a face beaming 
with joy, and her eyes raised 

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lendas Martias, anno aetatis 
quinquagesimo, suae conver- 
sionis vigesimo tertio, hu- 
manae vero salutis millesimo 
ducentesimo nonagesimo 
septimo, felix migravit ad 
Sponsum. Corpus in hanc 
usque diem vegetum, incor- 
ruptum, illsesum et suaviter 
olens, summa religione co- 
litur in ecclesia fratrum Mi- 
norum, quae jam ab eadem 
Margarita appellatur. Mira- 
culis continuo floruit ; qui- 
bus permoti Bomani Ponti- 
fices, ad augendum ejus cul- 
tum plurima liberaliter in- 
dulserunt. Benedictus vero 
decimus tertius, in festo 
Pentecostes, die sexta de- 
cima Maii anni millesimi 
septingentesimi vigesimi oc- 
tavi, solemnem ejus canoni- 
zationem religiosissime ce- 

up to heaven, her happy soul 
fled to its divine Spouse, on 
the eighth of the Calends of 
March (February 22), in the 
fiftieth year of her age, the 
twenty-third of her conversion, 
and in the year of our Lord 
one thousand two hundred 
and ninety- seven. Her body, 
which, even to this day, is 
fresh, incorrupt, and unaltered, 
and sheds a sweet fragrance, 
is devoutly honoured in the 
church (called after her 
Saint Margaret' 8) belonging 
to the Friars Minors. The 
many miracles which have 
been wrought at her shrine, 
have induced the Sovereign 
Pontiffs to promote devotion 
to Saint Margaret by the 
grant of many spiritual fa- 
vours. She was canonized, 
with great solemnity, by Pope 
Benedict XIII., on May 16, 
which was the feast of Pente- 
cost, in the year 1728. 

If the angels of God rejoiced on. the day of thy 
conversion, when Margaret the sinner became the 
heroic and saintly penitent, what a grand feast 
must they have kept when thy soul left this world, 
and they led thee to the eternal nuptials with the 
Lamb ! Thou art one of the brightest trophies of 
divine mercy, and when we think of the saint of 
Cortona, our hearts glow with hope. We are 
sinners ; we have deserved hell ; and yet, when we 
hear thy name, heaven and mercy seem so near to 
us, yea, even to us. Margaret of Cortona ! see how 
like we are to thee in thy weakness, and thy 
wanderings from the fold; but thou forcest us to 
hope that we may, like - thee, be converted, do 
penance, and reach heaven at last. The instrument 

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of thy conversion was death ; and is not death busy 
enough around us ? The sight of that corpse taught 
thee, and with an irresistible eloquence, that sin is 
madness, for it exposes the soul to fall into infinite 
misery; how comes it that death is almost daily 
telling us that life is uncertain, and that our eternal 
lot may be decided at any hour, and yet the lesson 
is so lost upon us? We are hard-hearted sinners, 
and we need thy prayers, 0 fervent lover of Jesus ! 
The Church will soon preach to us the great 
Memento; she *will tell us that we are but dust, and 
into dust must speedily return. Oh that this 
warning might detach us from the world and our- 
selves, and man us to the resolution of penance, 
that port of salvation for them that have suffered 
shipwreck ! Oh that it might excite within us the 
desire of returning to that God, who knows not how 
to resist the poor soul who comes to Him after all 
her sins, throws herself into the bosom of His 
mercy, and asks Him to forgive ! Thy example 
proves that we may hope for every grace. Pray for 
us, and exercise in our favour that maternal charity 
which filled thy heart even when thou wast living 
here below. 

March 4 


It is from a court that we are to be taught to-day 
the most heroic virtues. Casimir is a prince ; he is 
surrounded by all the allurements of youth and 
luxury; and yet he passes through the snares of 
the world with as much safety and prudence, as 
though he were an angel in human form, flis 
example shows us what we may do. The world has 
not smiled on us as it did on Casimir; but how 


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much we have loved it ! If we have gone so far as 
to make it our idol, we must now break what we 
have adored, and give our service to the sovereign 
Lord, who alone has a right to it. When we read 
the lives of the saints, and find that persons who 
were in the ordinary walks of life practised extra- 
ordinary virtues, we are inclined to think that they 
were not exposed to great temptations, or that the 
misfortunes they met with in the world made them 
give themselves up unreservedly to God's service. 
Such interpretations of the actions of the saints are 
shallow and false, for they ignore this great fact, 
that there is no condition or state, however humble, 
in which man has not to combat the evil inclina- 
tions of his heart, and that corrupt nature alone is 
strong enough to lead him to sin. But in such a 
saint as Casimir we have no difficulty in recognizing 
that all his Christian energy was from God, and 
not from any natural source ; and we rightly 
conclude that we, who have the same good God, may 
well hope that this season of spiritual regeneration 
will change and better us. Casimir preferred death 
to sin. But is not every Christian bound to be 
thus minded every hour of the day ? And yet, such 
is the infatuation produced by the pleasures or 
advantages of this present life, that we every day 
see men plunging themselves into sin, which is the 
death of the soul; and this, not for the sake of 
saving the life of the body, but for a vile and 
transient gratification, which is oftentimes contrary 
to their temporal interests. What stronger proof 
could there be than this, of the sad effects produced 
in us by original sin ? The examples of the saints 
are given us as a light to lead us in the right path, 
let us follow it, and we shall be saved. Besides, we 
have a powerful aid in their merits and intercession : 
let us take courage at the thought that these friends 
of God have a most affectionate compassion for us 

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their brethren, who are surrounded by so many and 
great dangers. 

The Church, in her liturgy, thus describes to us 
the virtues of our young prince : 

Casimirus, patre Casimi- 
ro, matre Elisabetha Au- 
striaca, Poloniae regibus or- 
tus, a pueritia sub optimis 
magistris pietate, et bonis 
artibus instructus, juveniles 
artus aspero domabat cili- 
cio, et assiduis extenuabat 
jejuniis. Regii spreta lecti 
mollitie, dura cubabat hu- 
mo, et clam intempesta 
nocte, prse foribus templo- 
rum pronus in terra cQvi- 
nam exorabat clementiam. 
In Christi contemplanda 
Passione assiduus, Missa- 
rum solemniis adeo erecta in 
Deum mente solebat adesse, 
ut extra se rapi videretur. 

Catholicam promo vere fi- 
dem summopere studuit, et 
Ruthenorum schisma abo- 
lere ; quapropter Casimirum 
patrem induxit,ut legem fer- 
ret, ne schismatici nova tem- 
pla construerent, nec Vetera 
collabentia restaurarent. 
Erga pauperes et calamita- 
tibus oppressos beneficus et 
misericors, patris et defen- 
soris egenorum nomen obti- 
nuit. Virginitatem, quam 
ab incunabulis servavit illae- 
sam, sub extremo vitae ter- 
mino fortiter asseruit, dum 
gravi pressus infirmitate, 

Casimir was the son of Ca- 
isimir, king of Poland, and of 
Elizabeth of Austria. He was 
put, when quite a boy, under 
the care of the best masters, 
who trained him to piety and 
learning. He brought his body 
into subjection by wearing a 
hair-shirt, and by frequent 
fasting. He could not endure 
the soft bed which is given to 
kings, but lay on the hard 
floor, and during the night, 
he used privately to steal from 
his room, and go to the 
church, where, prostrate be- 
fore the door, he besought 
God to have mercy on him. 
The Passion of Christ was his 
favourite subject of medita- 
tion ; and when he assisted at 
Mass, his mind was so fixed 
on God, that he seemed to be 
in one long ecstasy. 

Great was his zeal for the 
propagation of the Catholic 
faith, and the suppression of 
the Russian schism. He per- 
suaded the king, his father, to 
pass a law, forbidding the 
schismatics to build new 
churches, or to repair those 
which had fallen to ruin. 
Such was his charity for the 
poor and air sufferers, that he 
went under the name of the 
father and defender of the 
poor. During his last illness, 
he nobly evinced his love of 
purity, which virtue he had 
maintained unsullied during 

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mori potius, quam castita- 
tisjacturam ex medicorum 
oonsilio subire, constanter 

his whole life. He was suffer- 
ing a cruel malady; but he 
courageously preferred to die, 
rather than suffer the loss of 
his chastity, whereby his phy- 
sicians advised him to purchase 
his cure. 

* Being made perfect in a 
short space of time, and rich 
in virtue and merit, after 
having foretold the day of his 
death, he breathed forth his 
soul into the hands of his God, 
in the twenty-fifth year of his 
age, surrounded by priests and 
religious. His body was taken 
to Vilna, and was honoured by 
many miracles. A young girl 
was raised to life at his shrine ; 
the blind recovered their sight, 
the lame the use of their 
limbs, and the sick their 
health. He appeared to a 
small army of Lithuanians, 
who were unexpectedly at- 
tacked by a large force, and 
gave them the victory over the 
enemy. Leo X. was induced 
by all these miracles to enrol 
him among the saints. 

Enjoy thy well-earned rest in heaven, 0 Casimir ! 
Neither the world with all its riches, nor the court 
with all its pleasures/ could distract thy heart from 
the eternal joys it alone coveted and loved. Thy life 
was short, but full of merit. The remembrance of 
heaven made thee forget the earth. God yielded to 
the impatience of thy desire to be with Him, and 
took thee speedily from among men. Thy life, 
though most innocent, was one of penance, for 
knowing the evil tendencies of corrupt nature, thou 
hadst a dread of a life of comfort. When shall we 
be made to understand that penance is a debt we 
6we to Godj a 4§bt of expiation for the sins we have 

Consummatus in brevi, 
virtutibus et meritis plenus, 
prsenuntiato mortis die, in- 
ter sacerdotum, et religio- 
sorum choros spiritum Deo 
reddidit, anno setatis vige- 
simo quinto. Corpus Vil- 
nam delatum multis claret 
miraculis. Etenim, praeter- 
quam quod puella defuncta 
vitam, caeci visum, claudi 
gressum, et varii infirmi 
sanitatem ad ejus sepul- 
chrum recuperarunt. Li- 
thuanis exiguo numero ad 
potentissimi hostis inspera- 
tam irruptionem trepidan- 
tibus in aere apparens, in- 
signem tribuit victoriam. 
Quibus permotus Leo deci- 
mus, eumdem sanctorum 
catalogo adscripsit. 

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committed against Him ? Thou didst prefer death 
to sin ; obtain for us a fear of sin, that greatest of 
all the evils that can befall us, because it is an evil 
which strikes at God Himself. Pray for us during 
this holy season, which is intended as a preparation 
for penance; impress our minds with the truths 
now put before us. The Christian world is honour- 
ing thee to-day ; repay its homage by thy blessing. 
Poland, thy fatherland, is in mourning ; comfort 
her. She was once the bulwark of the Church, and 
kept back the* invasion of schism, heresy, and 
infidelity ; and now she is crushed by tyrants, who 
seek to rob her of her faith. Pray for her that she 
may be freed from her oppressors, and, by regain- 
ing her ancient zeal for the faith, be preserved from 
the apostasy into which her enemies are seeking to 
drive her. 

March 6 


The real feast of these two illustrious heroines of 
the faith is to-morrow, which is the anniversary of 
their martyrdom and triumph ; but the memory of 
the angel of the schools, St. Thomas of Aquin, 
shines so brightly on the seventh of March, that it 
almost eclipses the two glorious stars of Africa. In 
consequence of this, the Holy See allows certain 
Churches to anticipate their feast, and keep it to- 
day. We take advantage of this permission, and 
at once offer to the Christian reader the glorious 
spectacle of which Carthage was the scene in the 
year 208. Nothing could give us a clearer idea of 
that spirit of the Gospel, according to which we are 
now studying to conform our whole life. Here are 
two women, two mothers ; God asks great sacrifices 

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from them ; He asks them to give Him their lives, 
nay, more than their lives ; and they obey with that 
simplicity and devotedness which made Abraham 
merit to be the father of believers. 

Their two names, as St. Augustine observes, are a 
presage of what awaits them in heaven : a perpetual 
felicity. The example they set of Christian forti- 
tude, is, of itself, a victory, which secures to the 
true faith a triumph in the land of Africa. St. 
Cyprian will soon follow them, with his bold and 
eloquent appeal to the African Christians, inspiring 
them to die for their faith : . but his words, grand 
as they are, are less touching than the few pages 
written by the hand of the brave Perpetua, who, 
though only twenty-two years of age, relates, with 
all the self-possession of an angel, the trials she had 
to go through for God ; and when she has to hurry 
off to the amphitheatre, she puts her pen into 
another's hand, bidding him go on where she leaves 
off, and write the rest of the battle. As we read 
these charming pages, we seem to be in the company 
of the martyrs ; the power of divine grace, which 
could produce such heroism amidst a people de- 
moralized by paganism, appears so great that even 
we grow courageous ; and the very fact that the 
instruments employed by God for the destruction of 
the pagan world were frequently women, induces 
us to say with St. John Chrysostom: 'I feel an 
indescribable pleasure in reading the "Acts of the 
Martyrs " ; but when the martyr is a woman, my 
enthusiasm is doubled. For the frailer the instru- 
ment, the greater is the grace, the brighter the 
trophy, the grander the victory ; and this, not 
because of her weakness, but because the devil is 
conquered by her, by whom he once conquered us. 
He conquered by a woman, and now a woman 
conquers him. She that was once his weapon, is 
now his destroyer, brave and invincible. That first 

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one sinned, and died ; this one died that she might 
not sin. Eve was flushed by a lying promise, and 
broke the law of God ; our heroine disdained to live, 
when her living was to depend on her breaking her 
faith to Him who was her dearest Lord. What 
excuse, after this, for men, if they be soft and 
cowards ? Can they hope for pardon, when women 
fought the holy battle with such brave, and manly, 
and generous hearts ?' 1 

The lessons appointed to be read on the feast of 
our two saints, give us the principal incidents of 
their martyrdom. The passage from the account 
written by Perpetua herself, which is quoted in 
these lessons, will make some of our readers long 
to read the whole of what she has left us. They 
will find it in our first volume of the ' Acts of the 

Severo imperatore, appre- 
hensi sunt in Africa adoles- 
centes catechumeni, Revo- 
catus et Felicitas conserva 
ejus, Saturninus et Secun- 
dulus : inter quos et Vivia 
Perpetua, honeste nata, li- 
beraliter instituta, matrona- 
liter nupta, habens filium 
ad ubera. Erat autem ipsa 
annorum circiter viginti 
duorum. Haec ordinem mar- 
tyrii sui conscriptum manu 
sua reliquit. Quum adhuc, 
inquit, cum persecutoribus 
essemus, et me pater aver- 
tere, pro sua affectione, per- 
severaret : Pater, inquio, 
aliud me dicere non possum, 
nisi quod sum Christiana. 
Tunc pater, motus in hoc 
verbo, misit se in me, ut ocu- 
los mini erueret. Sed vexavit 

During the reign of the 
Emperor Severus, several cate- 
chumens were apprehended at 
Carthage, in Africa. Among 
these were Revocatus and his 
fellow- servant Felicitas, Sa- 
turninus and Secundulus, and 
Vivia Perpetua, a lady by 
birth and education, who was 
married to a man of wealth. 
Perpetua was about twenty- 
two years of age, and was 
suckling an infant. She has 
left us the following particulars 
of her martyrdom. * As soon 
as our persecutors had ap- 
prehended us, my father came 
to me, and out of his great 
love for me, he tried to 
make me change my resolu- 
tion. I said to him : " Father, 
I cannot consent to call 
myself other than what I am, 

1 Homil. de diver sis novi Testamenti locis. 

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tantum ; et prof ectus est 
victus cum argumentis dia- 
boli. In spatio paucorum 
dierum baptizati sunius : 
mihi autem Spiritus dicta vit 
nihil aliud petendum in 
aqua, nisi sufferentiam car- 
nis. Post paucos dies, reci- 
pimur in carcerem : et ex- 
pavi, quia nunquam exper- 
ta eram tales tenebras. Mox 
rumor cucurrit ut audiremur. 
Super venit autem et de civi- 
tate pater meus, consum- 
ptus tsedio ; et ascendit ad 
me, ut me dejiceret, dicens : 
Miserere, filia, canis meis ; 
miserere patri, si dignus 
sum a te pater vocari. A- 
spice ad fratres tuos, aspice 
ad matrem tuam : aspice ad 
filium tuum, qui post te vi- 
vere non poterit. Depone 
animos, ne universos nos 
extermines. Haec dicebat 
pater pro sua pietate : se ad 
pedes meos jactans, et la- 
crymis non fiham, sed domi- 
nant me vocabat. Et ego 
dolebam canos patris mei : 
quod solus de passione mea 
gavisurus non esset de toto 
genere meo. Et confortavi 
eum, dicens : Hoc net quod 
Deus voluerit. Scito enim 
nos non in nostra potestate 
esse constitutos, sed in Dei. 
Et recessit a me contrista- 

a Christian." At these words, 
he rushed at me threatening to 
tear out my eyes. But he only 
struck me, and then he left me, 
when he found that the argu- 
ments suggested to him by the 
devil, were of no avail. A few 
days after this, we were bap- 
tized ; and the Holy Ghost in- 
spired me to look on this Bap- 
tism as a preparation for bodily 
suffering. A few more days 
elapsed, and we were sent to 
prison. I was terrified, for I 
was not accustomed to such 
darkness. The report soon 
spread that we were to be 
brought to trial..' My father 
left the city, for he was heart- 
broken, and he came to me, 
hoping to shake my purpose. 
These were his words to me : 
"My child, have pity on my 
old age. Have pity on thy 
father, if I deserve to be called 
father. Think of thy brothers, 
think of thy mother, think of 
thy son, who cannot live when 
thou art gone. Give up this 
mad purpose, or thou wilt bring 
misery upon thy family." 
Whilst saying this, which he 
did out of love for me, he threw 
himself at my feet, and wept 
bitterly, and said he besought 
this of me not as his child, but 
as his lady. I was moved to 
tears to see my aged parent in 
this, grief, for I knew that he 
was the only one of my family 
that would not rejoice at my 
being a martyr. I tried to con- 
sole him, and said : " I will do 
whatsoever God shall ordain. 
Thou knowest that we belong to 
God, and not to ourselves. ' ' He 
then left me, and was very sad. 

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Alio die, quum prande- 
remus, subito rapti sumus 
ut audiremur : et perveni- 
ruus ad forum. Ascendimus 
in catasta. Interrogati cae- 
teri confessi sunt. Ventum 
est et ad me. Et apparuit 
pater illico cum filio meo : 
et extraxit me de gradu, et 
dixit supplicans: Miserere 
infantL Et Hilarianus pro- 
curator : Parce, inquit, canis 
patris tui, parce infante 
pueri : f ac sacrum pro salute 
imperatorum. Et ego re- 
spondi : Non facio : Chri- 
stiana sum. Tunc nos uni- 
versos pronuntiat et damnat 
ad bestias: et hilares de- 
scendimus ad carcerem. Sed 
quia consueverat a me in- 
fans mammas accipere, et 
mecum in carcere manere, 
statim mitto ad patrem, 
postulans infantem. Sed 
pater dare noluit: et, quo- 
modo Deus voluit, neque ille 
amplius mammas desidera- 
vit, neque mihi fervorem 
fecerunt. Atque hoc scripsit 
beata Perpetua usque in pri- 
die certaminis. Felicitas 
vero, quae praegnans octo 
jam mensium fuerat appre- 
hensa, instante spectaculi 
die, in magno erat luctu, 
ne propter ventrem differre- 
tur. Sed et commartyres 
ejus graviter contristaban- 
tur, ne tarn bonam sociam 
in via ejusdem spei relin- 
querent. Conjuncto itaque 
gemitu, ad Dominum ora- 
tionem fuderunt ante ter- 
tium diem muneris. Statim 
post orationem dolores earn 
invaserunt. Et quum in par- 

* On the following day, as we 
were taking our repast, they 
came upon us suddenly, and 
summoned us to trial. We 
reached the forum. We were 
made to mount a platform. 
My companions were ques- 
tioned, and they confessed the 
faith. My turn came next, 
and I immediately saw my 
father approaching towards 
me, holding my infant son. 
He drew me from the platform, 
and besought me, saying : 
"Have pity on thy babe!" 
Hilarian, too, the governor, 
said to me : " Have pity on thy 
aged father, have pity on thy 
babe! Offer up sacrifice for 
the emperors." I answered 
him : "I cannot; I am a Chris- 
tian." Whereupon, he sen- 
tences all of us to be devoured 
by the wild beasts ; and we, 
full of joy, return to our prison. 
But as I had hitherto always 
had my child with me in prison, 
and fed him at my breasts, I 
immediately sent word to my 
father, beseeching him to let * 
him come to me. He refused; 
and from that moment, neither 
the babe asked for the breast, 
nor did I suffer inconvenience ; 
for God thus willed it.' All 
this is taken from the written 
account left us by the blessed 
Perpetua, and it brings us to 
the day before she was put to 
death. As regards Felicitas, 
she was in the eighth month 
of her pregnancy, when she was 
apprehended. The day of the 
public shows was near at hand, 
and the fear that her martyr- 
dom would be deferred on 
account of her being with child, 

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tu laborans doleret, ait illi made her very sad. Her fellow- 
quidam ex ministris : Quae martys, too, felt much for her, 
sic modo doles, quid facies for they could not bear the 
objecta bestiis, quas con- thought of seeing so worthy a 
tempsisti quum sacrificare companion disappointed in the 
noluisti ? Et ilia respondit : hope, she had in common with 
Modo ego patior quod patior : themselves, of so soon reaching 
illic autem alius erit in me heaven. Uniting, therefore, in 
qui patietur pro me; quia prayer, they with tears be- 
et ego pro illo passura sum. sought God in her behalf. It 
Ita enixa est puellam, quam was but three days before the 
sibi quaedam soror in filiam public shows. No sooner was 
educavit. their prayer ended, than Felici- 

tas was seized with pain. One 
of the gaolers, who overheard 
her moaning, cried out : * If 
this pain seem to thee so great, 
what wilt thou do when thou 
art being devoured by the wild 
beasts, which thou pretendedst 
to heed not when thou wast 
told to offer sacrifice.' She 
answered : * What I am suffer- 
ing now, it is indeed I that 
suffer ; but there, there will be 
another in me, who will suffer 
for me, because I shall be suffer- 
ing for him.' She was delivered 
of a daughter, and one of our 
sisters adopted the infant as 
her own. 

Illuxit dies victories illo- The day of their victory 
rum : et processerunt de dawned. They left their prison 
carcere in amphitheatrum, for the amphitheatre, cheerful, 
quasi in cesium, hilares, and with faces beaming with 
vultu decori : si forte, gau- joy, as though they were going 
dio paventes, non timore. to heaven. They were excited, 
Sequebatur Perpetua pla- but it was from delight, not 
cido vultu, et pedum inces- from fear. The last in the 
su ut matrona Christi di- group was Perpetua. Her 
lecta : vigorem oculorum placid look, her noble gait, 
suorum dejiciens ab omni- betrayed the Christian matron, 
um conspectu. Item Feli- She passed through the crowd 
citas, salvam se peperisse and saw no one, for her beauti- 
gaudens, ut ad bestias pu- ful eyes were fixed upon the 
gnaret. Illis ferocissiinam ground. By her side was 
vaccam diabolus prsepa- Felicitas, rejoicing that her 

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ravit. Itaque reticulis in- 
dutse producuntur. Indu- 
citur prior Perpetua. Ja- 
ctata est et concidit in 
lumbos : et ut conspexit 
tunicam a latere discissam 
ad velamentum femorum 
adduxit, pudoris potius me- 
mor quam doloris. Dehine 
requisita et dispersos capil- 
los infibulavit. Non enini 
decebat martyreni dispersis 
capillis pati : ne in sua glo- 
ria plangere videretur. Ita 
surrexit ; et elisam Felicita- 
tem quum vidisset, accessit 
et manum ei tradidit, et 
sublevavit illam. Et ambae 
pariter steterunt : et populi 
duritia devicta, revocatae 
sunt in portam Sanaviva- 
riam. Ilhc Perpetua, quasi 
a somno expergita, adeo in 
spiritu et extasi fuerat, cir- 
cumspicere coepit : et stu- 
pentibus omnibus, ait : 
Quando producimur ad vac- 
cam illam, nescio. Et quum 
audisset quod jam evenerat ; 
non prius credidit, nisi 
quasdam notas vexationis 
in corpore et habitu suo re- 
cognovisset. Exinde accer- 
situm fratrem suum, et 
catechumenum Busticum 
nomine, allocuta est eos, 
dicens : In fide state, et in- 
vicem omnes diligite ; et 
passionibus nostris ne scan- 

Secundulum Deus matu- 
riore exitu de saeculo adhuc 

safe delivery enabled her to 
encounter the wild beasts. 
The devil had prepared a savage 
cow for them. They were put 
into a net. Perpetua was 
brought forward the first. She 
was tossed into the air, and 
fell upon her back. Observing 
that one side of her dress was 
torn, she adjusted it, heedless 
of her pain, because thoughtful 
for modesty. Having recovered 
from the fall, she put up her 
hair which was dishevelled by 
the shock, for it was not seemly 
that a martyr should win her 
palm and have the appearance 
of one distracted by grief. This 
done, she stood up. Seeing 
Felicitas thrown down she went 
to her, and giving her hand to 
her, raised her from the ground. 
Both were now ready for a 
fresh attack; but the people 
were moved to pity, and the 
martyrs were led to the gate 
called Sana - Vivaria. There 
Perpetua, like one that is 
roused from sleep, awoke from 
the deep ecstasy of her spirit. 
She looked around her, and 
said to the astonished multi- 
tude : 4 When will the cow 
attack us?' They told her 
that it had already attacked 
them. She could not believe 
it, until her wounds and torn 
dress reminded her of what 
had happened. Then beckon- 
ing to her brother, and to a 
catechumen named Rusticus, 
she thus spoke to them: 4 Be 
stanch in the faith, and love 
one another, and be not shocked 
at our sufferings.' 

God had already taken 
Secundulus from this world; 

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in carcere evocaverat. Sa- 
turninus et Revocatus leo- 
pardum experti, etiam ab 
urso vexati sunt. Saturus 
apro oblatus est ; deinde ad 
ursum tractus, qui de cavea 
prodire noluit : itaque bis 
illsesus revocatur. In fine 
spectaculi, leopardo obje- 
ctus, deuno morsu ejus tanto 
perfusus est sanguine, ut 
populus revertenti illi se- 
cundi Baptismatis testimo- 
nium reclamaverit : Salvum 
lotum, salvum lotum. Exin- 
de jam exanimis, prosterni- 
tur cum cseteris ad jugula- 
tionem solito loco. Et quum 
populus illos in medium 
postularet, ut gladio pene- 
trante in eorem corpore, 
oculos suos comites homi- 
cidii adjungeret; ultro sur- 
rexerunt, et se quo volebat 
populus transtulerunt : ante 
jam osculati invicem, ut 
martyrium per solemnia pa- 
cis consummarent. Caeteri 
quidem immobiles et cum 
silentio ferrum receperunt : 
multo magis Saturus, qui 
prior reddidit spiritum. Per- 
petua autem, ut aliquid do- 
loris gustaret, inter costas 
puncta exululavit ; et erran- 
tem dexteram tirunculi gla- 
diatoris ipsa in jugulum 
suum posuit. Fortasse tanta 
femina aliter non potuisset 
occidi, quia ab immundo 
spiritu timebatur, nisi ipsa 

' for he died while he was in the 
prison. Saturninus and Revo- 
catus were exposed first to a 
leopard, and then to a bear. 
Saturus was exposed to a boar, 
and then to a bear, which would 
not come out of its den ; thus 
was he twice left uninjured; 
but at the close of the games, 
he was thrown to a leopard, 
which bit him so severely, that 
he was all covered with blood, 
and as he was taken from the 
amphitheatre, the people jeered 
at him for this second Baptism, 
and said : ' Saved, washed ! 
Saved, washed !' He was then 
carried off, dying as he was, to 
the appointed place, there to be 
dispatched by the sword, with 
the rest. But the people de- 
manded that they should be 
led back to the middle of the 
amphitheatre, that their eyes 
might feast on the sight, and 
watch the sword as it pierced 
them. The martyrs hearing 
their request, cheerfully stood 
up, and marched to the place 
where the people would have 
them go; but first they em- 
braced one another, that the 
sacrifice of their martyrdom 
might be consummated with 
the solemn kiss of peace. They 
all received the fatal stroke 
without a movement or a 
moan; Saturus being the first 
to expire. Perpetua was per- 
mitted to feel more than the 
rest. Her executioner, who was 
a novice in his work, thrust 
his sword through her ribs: 
she slightly moaned, then took 
his right hand, and point- 
ing his 8 word towards her 
throat, told him that that was 

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the place to strike. Perhaps it 
was that such a woman could 
not be otherwise slain than by 
her own consent, for the un- 
clean spirit feared her. 

The Holy See has approved of the three following 
hymns composed in honour of our two martyrs. 
We unite them under one conclusion. 


Christi sponsa piis laudi- 
bus efferat 
Binas impavido pectore fe- 

minas : 
In sexu fragili corda virilia 
Hymnis pangat ovanti- 

Ad lucem genitae sole sub 

Nunc ambae pugiles actibus 

In toto radiant orbe : mi- 
Fulgent tempora laureis. 
Exornat generis Perpetu- 
am decus ; 
Sponso connubiis juncta re- 

Clarescit ; sed honor hanc 
trahit altior : 
Christi foedera prsetulit. 
Se Eegis famulam libera 
t profitens, 
Dum servile juguin Felicitas 
subit : 

Ad luctam properans gres- 
sibus seroulis, 
Palmas ad similes volat. 
Frustra Perpetuam fleti- 
bus et minis 
Impugnat genitor : quae si- 
mul angitur, 

Let the Church, the bride of 
Christ, celebrate in holy praise, 
the two dauntless women ; and 
sing, in joyous hymns, how the 
weaker sex had here two manly 

Both were born in Afric's 
sunny land; and now both 
shine throughout the whole 
world as the two glorious com- 
batants, wearing bright laurels 
on their brows. 

Perpetua is honoured by her 
fellow-citizens as being of high 
birth, and had but recently 
contracted an honourable mar- 
riage. But there was an honour 
far higher, in her eyes, the love 
and service of Christ. 

Felicitas, though she served 
an earthly master, was free in 
this, that she was a servant of 
the great King. Like Perpetua, 
she thirsts for battle ; and like 
her, she culls a palm. 

In vain did Perpetua's father 
strive, by tears and threats, to 
make her deny her faith. She, 
on her side was full of grief, 

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Errantem miserans. Oscula 

Lactenti dedit ultima. 

Terris Eva parens quae 
mala contulit, 
Horum sentit onus Felicitas 

Nunc et passa sibi partu- 
riens gemit, 
Mox passura Deo libens. 

Coeli Perpetuse panditur 
ostium ; 
Inspectare datur : jam sibi 

Exortura videt ; sed requiem 

Post certamina conferet. 
Tangit scala domos aurea 
coelitum : 
Ast utrumque latus cuspi- 

dibus riget ; 
Lapsos terribihs faucibus 
Hanc infra recubans 

Ascendas, mulier, nec 

draco terreat ; 
Contritumque caput sit tibi 

pro gradu, 
Per quern sidereos incipias 


Orbes scandere concito. 
Hortus deliciis jam patet 
In quo mulget oves pastor 

amabilis : 
Hue optata venis, filia : sic . 

Hanc dulci recreans cibo. 

In circum rapitur : fcedus 
et horrida 
Occurrit specie vir gladium 
vibrans ; 

and pity at seeing him a victim 
of error. Her babe was taken 
from her ; she kissed him and 
was content. 

Felicitas begins her sufferings 
by those cruel pangs which Eve, 
our mother, brought upon the 
earth. Now, in child-birth, she 
suffers for herself, and she 
moans ; but, in her martyrdom, 
she suffers for her God, and 
she rejoices. 

The gate of heaven is thrown 
open to Perpetua, and she is 
permitted to look within. She 
there learns that a contest 
awaits her, but that, after the 
battle, God will grant her 

She sees a golden ladder 
reaching to the palace of 
heaven ; but both its sides are 
armed with spikes, and at its 
foot lies an angry dragon, which 
devours them that fall. 

Ascend, Perpetua! fear not 
the dragon. Trample on his 
head, and make it a stepping- 
stone, whereby thou mayst 
quickly mount to the starry 
land above. 

There shalt thou find a para- 
dise of delights, where the 
loving shepherd caresses his 
sheep. 'Thou art welcome 
here, my daughter!' Thus 
did he address the martyr, and 
then gave her to eat of sweetest 

In another vision, she 
thought she was hurried to the 
amphitheatre. There she was 
met by a man, whose face was 

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Dejectus teritur femineo 

Victrix, suscipe praemia. 

Luxit clara dies, vincere 
qua datur 
Athletis Domini. Pergite 

martyres : 
Omnia Perpetuam curia 
Et te, Felicitas, cupit. 
Quassat Perpetuae mem- 
bra tenerrima, 
Elidit sociam bellua. Te 

Stans, o Felicitas, ad nova 

Erectam reparat manu. 
E coelo pugilum respiciens 


Certamen, geminas ad bra- 

vium vocat. 
Emiso properet sanguine 

In Christi remeans sinum. 
Optatus penetrat corpora 

Lictoris gladius : sed tre- 

pidam manum 
Fortis Perpetuae dextera di- 


Praebens guttura cuspidi. 
Nunc, o magnanimae, 
gaudia quae manent 
In Sponsi thalamo carpite 

Vos exempla dedi't: praesi- 
dium potens 
Vestris ferte clientibus. 
Laus aeterna Patri, laus 
quoque Filio ; 
Par individuo gloria Fla- 
mini ; 

swarth and terrible to look at. 
He brandished his sword. She 
encountered him, threw him 
on the ground, and trampled 
on his head. A cry was heard : 
1 Thou hast conquered I Come, 
take the prize V 

But at length came the glo- 
rious day of victory for the 
soldiers of Christ. On, mar- 
tyrs, to the field I Perpetua 
and Felicitas ! the court of 
heaven is longing to receive 

The wild beast rushes upon 
them, tossing, tearing, and 
wounding their tender limbs. 
See, Felicitas I thy sister's 
hand emboldens thee to renew 
the fight. 

God looks down from heaven 
on the two brave combatants, 
and calls them to the prize. 
Their blood streams from the 
wounds, and their spirits speed 
their way to the bosom of 

The sword, the welcome 
sword, is thrust; the martyrs 
die, all save Perpetua ; bravely 
she takes the trembling lictor's 
hand, and offering him her 
neck, tells him his surest aim 
is there. 

Go now, brave-hearted ones, 
to him who is your Spouse, 
and there eternally enjoy the 
bliss he has in store for you. 
He gave you to us as models ; 
Oh, show your power, and help 
us your clients. 

Eternal glory be to the 
Father, and to the Son, and 
to the coequal Spirit ! And 
let every choir in Christian 

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In cunctis resonet Christia- lands sound forth its praise 
dum choris to the grace bestowed on the 

Virtus martyribus data. martyrs. Amen. 

Perpetua ! Felicitas ! 0 glorious and prophetic 
names, which come like two bright stars of March, 
pouring out upon us your rays of light and life ! 
You are heard in the songs of the angels ; and we 
poor sinners, as we echo them on earth, are told to 
love and hope. You remind us of that brave 
woman, who, as the Scripture says, kept up the 
battle begun by men : The valiant men ceased : 
who will follow them ? A mother in Israel. 1 Glory 
be to that almighty power, which loves to choose 
the weak things of the world that it may confound 
the strong! 2 Glory to the Church of Africa, the 
daughter of the Church of Eome ; and glory to the 
Church of Carthage, which had not then heard the 
preachings of her Cyprian, and yet could produce 
two such noble hearts ! 

As to thee, Perpetua, thou art held in veneration 
by the whole Christian world. Thy name is men- 
tioned by God's priests in the holy Mass, and thus 
thy memory is associated with the sacrifice of the 
Man-God, for love of whom thou didst lay down 
thy life. And those pages written by thine own 
hand, how they reveal to us the generous character 
of thy soul ! How they comment those words of 
the Canticle : Love is strong as death ! 3 It was 
thy love of God that made thee suffer, and die, and 
conquer. Even before the water of Baptism had 
touched thee, thou wast enrolled among the martyrs. 
When the hard trial came of resisting a father, who 
wished thee to lay down the palm of martyrdom, 
how bravely didst thou triumph over thy filial affec- 
tion, in order to save that which is due to our 
Father who is in heaven! Nay, when the hardest 

1 Judges v. 7. * 1 Cor. i. 27. 3 Cant. viii. 6. 

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test came, when the babe that fed at thy breast 
was taken from thee in thy prison, even then thy 
love was strong enough for the sacrifice, as was 
Abraham's, when he had to immolate his Isaac. 

Thy fellow-martyrs deserve our admiration ; they 
are so grand in their courage ; but thou, dear saint, 
surpassest them all. Thy love makes thee more 
than brave in thy sufferings, it makes thee forget 
them. ' Where wast thou,' we would ask thee in 
the words of St. Augustine, * where wast thou, that 
thou didst 'not feel the goading of that furious 
beast, asking when it was to be, as though it had 
not been? Where wast thou? What didst thou 
.see, that made thee see not this ? On what wast 
thou feasting, that made thee dead to sense ? What 
was the love that absorbed, what was the sight that 
distracted, what was the chalice that inebriated 
thee ? And yet the ties of flesh were still holding 
thee, the claims of death were still upon thee, the 
corruptible body was still weighing thee down!' 1 
But our Lord had prepared thee for the final 
struggle, by asking sacrifice at thy hands. This 
made thy life wholly spiritual, and gave thy soul to 
dwell, by love, with Him, who had asked thee for 
all and received it ; and thus living in union with 
Jesus, thy spirit was all but a stranger to the body 
it animated. 

It was impatient to be wholly with its sovereign 
Good. Thy eager hand directs the sword that is to 
set thee free ; and as the executioner severs the last 
tie that holds thee, how voluntary was thy sacrifice, 
how hearty thy welcome of death ! Truly, thou 
wast the valiant, the strong woman, 2 that con- 
queredst the wicked serpent ! Thy greatness of 
soul has merited for thee a high place among the 
heroines of our holy faith, and for sixteen hundred 

1 Sermon for the feast of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas. 

2 Prov. xxxi. 10. 


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years thou hast been honoured by the enthusiastic 
devotion and love of the servants of God. 

And thou, too, Felicitas ! receive the homage of 
our veneration, for thou wast found worthy to be a 
fellow-martyr with Perpetua. Though she was a 
rich matron of Carthage, and thou a servant, yet 
Baptism and martyrdom made you companions and 
sisters. The lady and the slave embraced, for 
martyrdom made you equal ; and as the spectators 
saw you hand in hand together, they must have 
felt that there was a power in the religion they 
persecuted, which would put an end to slavery. 
The power and grace of Jesus triumphed in thee, 
as it did in Perpetua ; and thus was fulfilled thy 
sublime answer to the pagan, who dared to jeer 
thee : that when the hour of trial came, it would 
not be thou that wouldst suffer, but Christ who 
would suffer in thee. Heaven is now the reward of 
thy sacrifice ; well didst thou merit it. And that 
babe, that was born in thy prison, what a happy 
child to have for its mother a martyr in heaven ! 
How wouldst thou bless both it and the mother 
who adopted it ! Oh, what fitness, in such a soul 
as thine, for the kingdom of God! 1 Not once 
looking back, but ever bravely speeding onwards to 
Him that called thee. Thy felicity is perpetual in 
heaven ; thy glory on earth shall never cease. 

And now, dear saints, Perpetua and Felicitas, 
intercede for us during this season of grace. Go, 
with your palms in your hands, to the throne of 
God, and beseech Him to pour down His mercy 
upon us. It is true, the days of paganism are gone 
by; and there are no persecutors clamouring for 
our blood. You, and countless other martyrs, have 
won victory for faith ; and that faith is now ours ; 
we are Christians. But there is a second paganism, 
which has taken deep root among us. It is the 
1 St. Luke ix. 62. 

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source of that corruption which now pervades every 
rank of society, and its own two sources are indif- 
ference, which chills the heart, and sensuality, 
which induces cowardice. Holy martyrs ! pray for 
us that we may profit by the example of your 
virtues, and that the thought of your heroic de- 
votedness may urge us to be courageous in the 
sacrifices which God claims at our hands. Pray, 
too, for the Churches which are now being estab- 
lished on that very spot of Africa, which was the 
scene of your glorious martyrdom : bless them, 
and obtain for them, by your powerful intercession, 
firmness of faith and purity of morals. 

March 7 


The saint we are to honour to-day is one of the 
sublimest and most lucid interpreters of divine 
truth. He rose up in the Church many centuries 
after the apostolic age, nay, long after the four 
great Latin doctors, Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, 
and Gregory. The Church, the ever young and joy- 
ful mother, is justly proud of her Thomas, and has 
honoured him with the splendid title of the angel- 
ical doctor, on account of the extraordinary gift of 
understanding wherewith God had blessed him ; just 
as his contemporary and friend, St. Bonaventure, 
has been called the seraphic doctor, on account of 
the wonderful unction which abounds in the writings 
of this worthy disciple of St. Francis. Thomas of 
Aquin is an honour to mankind, for perhaps there 
never existed a man whose intellect surpassed his. 
He is one of the brightest ornaments of the Church, 
for not one of her doctors has equalled him in the 


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clearness and precision wherewith he has explained 
her doctrines. He received the thanks of Christ 
Himself, for having well written of Him and His 
mysteries. How welcome ought this feast of such 
a saint to be to us during this season of the year, 
when our main study is our return and conver- 
sion to God ! What greater blessing could we have 
than to come to the knowledge of God? Has 
not our ignorance of God, of His claims, and of 
His perfections, been the greatest misery of our 
past lives ? Here we have a saint whose prayers 
are most efficacious in procuring for us that know- 
ledge, which is unspotted, and converteth souls, 
and giveth wisdom to little ones, and gladdeneth 
the heart, and enlighteneth the eyes. 1 Happy we 
if this spiritual wisdom be granted us ! We shall 
then see the vanity of everything that is not eternal, 
the righteousness of the divine commandments, 
the malice of sin, and the infinite goodness where- 
with God treats us when we repent. 

Let us learn from the Church the claims of the 
angelical doctor to our admiration and confidence. 

Prseclarum Christiani or- The distinguished ornament 

bis decus et Ecclesise lumen, of the Christian world and light 

beatissimus vir Thomas, of the Church, the most blessed 

Landulpho Comite Aquinate man Thomas, was born of noble 

et Theodora Neapolitana, parents, his father being Land- 

nobilibus parentibus natus, ulph, Count of Aquino, and his 

futurse in Deiparam devo- mother a rich Neapolitan lady, 

tionis affectum adhuc infan- by name Theodora. While yet 

tulus ostendit. Nam char- an infant he gave proof of his 

tulam ab eo inventam, in future devotion towards the 

qua salutatio angelica scri- Mother of God; for having 

pta erat, frustra adnitente found a leaflet on which was 

nutrice, compressa manu written the angelical salutation, 

valide retinuit, et a matre he clenched it so fast that the 

per vim abreptam, ploratu nurse tried in vain to take it 

et gestu repetiit, ac mox from his hand. His mother, 

redditam deglutivit. Quin- however, having forced it from 

1 Ps. xviii. 8, 9. 


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turn annum agens, monachis him, the child succeeded by 

sanctiBenedictiCassinatibus tears and signs, in recovering 

custodiendus traditur. Inde the paper, which he immedi- 

Neapolim studiorum causa ately swallowed. When he 

missus, jam adolescens Fra- was five years old he was sent 

trum Prsedicatorum Ordi- to Monte Cassino, that he 

nem suscepit. Sed matre ac might receive from the Bene- 

fratribus id indigne ferenti- dictine monks his first training, 

bus, Lutetiam Parisiorum Thence he was sent to Naples, 

mittitur. Quern f ratres in where he went through a course 

itinere per vim raptum in of studies, and, young as he 

arcem castri Sancti Joannis was, joined the Order of Friars 

perducunt, ubi varie exagi- Preachers. This step caused 

tatus,ut sanctum propositum great displeasure to his mother 

mutaret, mulierem etiam, and brothers, and it was there- 

quae ad labefactandam ejus fore deemed advisable to send 

constantiam introducta fue- him to Paris. He was waylaid 

rat, titione fugavit. Mox by his brothers, who seized 

beatus juvenis, flexis geni- him, and imprisoned him in 

bus ante signum crucis the castle of Saint John. After 

orans, ibique somno corre- having made several unsuc- 

ptus, per quietem sentire cessful attempts to induce him 

visus est sibi ab angelis con- to abandon the holy life he 

stringi lumbos : quo ex tern- had chosen, they assailed his # 

pore omni postea libidinis purity, by sending to him a 

sensu caruit. Sororibus, wicked woman : but he drove 

quae, ut eum a pio consilio her from his chamber with a 

removerent, in castrum firebrand. The young saint 

venerant, persuasit ut, con- then threw himself on his 

temptis curis saecularibus, knees before a crucifix. Having 

ad exercitationem coelestis prayed some time, he fell 

Emissus e castro per fe- It was contrived that he 
nestram, Neapolim reduci- should escape through a win- 
tur: unde Eomam, postea dow of the castle, and return 

vitse se conferrent. 

asleep, and it seemed to him 
that two angels approached 
him, and tightly girded his 
loins. From that time for- 
ward, he never suffered the 
slightest feeling against purity. 
His sisters also had come to 
the castle, and tried to make 
him change his mind ; but he, 
on the contrary, persuaded 
them to despise the world, and 
devote themselves to the exer- 
cise of a holy life. 

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Parisium a fratre Joanne 
Theutonico, Ordinis Prsedi- 
catorum generali magistro, 
ductus, Alberto Magno do- 
ctore, philosophise ac theolo- 
giae operam dedit. Viginti 
quinque annos natus, ma- 
gister est appellatus, publi- 
ceque philosophos ac theo- 
logos summa cum laude est 
interpretatus. Nunquam se 
lectioni aut scriptioni dedit, 
nisi post orationem. In 
difficultatibus locorum sacrse 
Scripturse, ad orationem je- 
junium adhibebat. Quin 
etiam sodali suo fratri Begi- 
naldo dicere solebat, quid- 
quid sciret non tarn studio 
aut labore suo peperisse, 
quam divinitus traditum ac- 
cepisse. Neapoli, cum ad 
imaginem Crucifixi vehe- 
mentius oraret, hanc vocem 
audivit : Bene scripsisti de 
me, Thoma : quam ergo 
mercedem accipies ? Cui 
ille: Non aliam, Domine, 
nisi teipsum. 

Collationes patrum assi- 
due pervolutabat ; et nullum 
fuit scriptorum genus in quo 
non esset diligentissime ver- 
satus. Scripta ejus et multi- 
tudine, et varietate et facili- 
tate explicandi res difficiles 
adeo excellunt, ut uberrima 
atque incorrupta illius do- 
ctrina, cum revelatis verita- 
tibus mire consentiens, aptis- 
sima sit ad omnium tem- 
porum errores pervincendos. 

to Naples. He was thence 
taken by John the Teutonic, 
the General of the Dominican 
Order, first to Borne and then 
to Paris, in which latter city 
he was taught philosophy and 
theology by Albert the Great. 
At the age of twenty-five, he 
received the title of doctor, 
and explained in the public 
schools, and in a manner that 
made him the object of universal 
admiration, the writings of 
philosophers and theologians. 
He always applied himself to 
prayer, before reading or writing 
anything. When he met with 
any difficult passage in the 
sacred Scriptures, he both fasted 
and prayed. He used often to 
say to his companion, brother 
Beginald, that if he knew any- 
thing, it was more a gift from 
God, than the fruit of his own 
study and labour. One day, 
when at Naples, as he was pray- 
ing with more than his usual 
fervour, before a crucifix, he 
heard these words : 4 Well hast 
thou written of me, Thomas I 
What reward wouldst thou have 
me give thee V He answered : 
'None other, Lord, than thy- 

His favourite spiritual book 
was the Conferences of the 
Fathers, and there was not a 
book which he had not most 
carefully read. His writings 
are so extraordinary, not only 
for their number and variety, 
but also for their clearness in 
explaining difficult points of 
doctrine, that his copious and 
sound teaching, so wonderfully 
consonant with revealed truth, 
is most apt for utterly refuting 

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A suinmo Pontifice Urbano 
quarto Eomam vocatus, 
ejus jussu ecclesiasticum 
lucubravit Omcium in Cor- 
poris Chrisibi solemnitate 
celebrandum; oblatos vero 
honores, et Neapolitanum 
archiepiscopatum etiam de- 
ferente Clemente quarto 
recusavit. A praedicatione 
divini verbi non desistebat; 
quod cum faceret per octa- 
vani Paschae in basilica 
sancti Petri, mulierem, quae 
ejus fimbriam tetigerat, a 
fluxu sanguinis Hberavit. 
Missus a beato Gregorio de- 
cimo ad Concilium Lugdu- 
nense, in monasterio Fossae 
Novae in morbum incidit, ubi 
aegrotus Cantica canticorum 
explanavit. Ibidem obiit, 
quinquagenarius, anno sa- 
lutis millesimo ducentesimo 
septuagesimo quarto, Nonis 
Martii. Miraculis etiam 
mortuus claruit ; quibus pro- 
batis, a Joanne vigesimo 
secundo in sanctorum nu- 
merura relatus est, anno 
millesimo trecentesimo vi- 
gesimo tertio ; translato 
postea ejus corpore Tolosam, 
ex mandato beati Urbani 
quinti. Cum Sanctis ange- 
licis spiritibus non minus 
innocentia quam ingenio 
comparatus, doctoris ange- 
lici nomen jure est adeptus, 
eidem auctoritate sancti Pii 
quinti confirmatum. Leo 
autem decimus tertius, li- 
bentissime excipienspostula- 
tiones et vota omnium pene 
sacrorum antistitum orbis 
Catholici, ad tot praecipue 
philosophicorum systema- 

the errors of all ages. Being 
called to Borne by Pope 
Urban IV., he composed, at his 
command, the ecclesiastical 
Office for the solemnity of 
Corpus Christi ; but he refused 
to accept any honours, as like- 
wise the archbishopric of 
Naples offered to him by Pope 
Clement IV. He was most 
zealous in preaching the word of 
God. On one occasion, during 
Easter week, as he was preach- 
ing in the church of St. Peter, 
a woman touched the hem of 
his habit, and was cured of an 
issue of blood. He was sent 
by Gregory X. to the Council of 
Lyons; but having reached 
Fossa Nova, he fell sick, and 
was received as a guest in the 
monastery of that place, where 
he wrote a commentary on the 
Canticle of Canticles. There he 
died in the fiftieth year of his 
age, in the year of our Lord 
1274 on the Nones of March 
(March 7). His sanctity was 
made manifest after his death, 
by miracles : which being 
proved, he was canonized by 
Pope John XXII. in the year 
1323. His body was translated 
to Toulouse by command of 
blessed Urban V. Being com- 
parable to the angels, no less 
by his innocence than by his 
genius, he has received the title 
of angelical doctor, confirmed 
to him by the authority of St. 
Pius V. Pope Leo XIII. joy- 
fully acceding to the 'desires 
and petitions of the bishops of 
the Catholic world, by a decree 
of the sacred Congregation of 
rites and by letters apostolic, 
ordained and declared him the 

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turn a veritate aberrantium 
luem propulsandam, ad in- 
crementa scientiarum, et 
communem humani generis 
utilitatem, eum ex sacrorum 
rituum Congregationis con- 
sulto, per apostolicas lit- * 
teras coelestem patronum 
scholarum omnium Catholi- 
carum declaravit et instituit. 

heavenly patron of all Catholic 
schools ; and this especially for 
the purpose of repelling the 
evil of so many philosophical 
systems abandoned to error, for 
the increase of knowledge, and 
for the common utility of man- 

The Dominican Order, of which St. Thomas is 
one of the greatest ornaments, has inserted the 
three following hymns in its liturgy of his feast : 


Exsultet mentis jubilo 
Laudans turba fidelium, 
Errorum pulso nubilo 
Per novi solis radium. 

Thomas in mundi vespere, 
Fudit thesauros gratiae : 
Donis plenus ex ©there 
Morum et sapientiae. 

De cujus fonte luminis, 
Verbi coruscant faculae, 
Scripturae sacrae Numinis, 
Et veritatis regulae. 

Fulgens doctrinae radiis, 
Clarus vitae munditia, 
Splendens miris prodigiis, 
Dat toti mundo gaudia. 

Laus Patri sit, ac Genito 
Simulque sancto Flamini, 
Qui sancti Thomae merito 
Nos coeli jungat agmini. 


Let the assembly of the 
faithful exult in spiritual joy, 
and give praise to God, who 
has made a new sun to shine 
in our world, and disperse the 
clouds of error. 

It was in the evening of 
the world that Thomas shed 
his treasures of heavenly light. 
Heaven had enriched him with 
gifts of virtue and wisdom : 

From this fountain of light 
we have derived a brighter 
knowledge of the Word, the 
understanding of the divine 
Scriptures and the rules of 

The effulgent rays of his 
wisdom, the light of his spot- 
less life, and the splendour of 
his miracles, have filled the 
universe with joy. 

Praise, then, be to the Father, 
and to the Son, and to the Holy 
Ghost. And may our God, by 
the intercession and merits of 
his saint, admit us into the 
choir of the blessed in heaven. 

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Thomas insignia genere, 
Claram ducens originem, 
Subit aetatis tenerae 
Prsedicatorum Ordinem. 

Typum gessit luciferi, 
Splendens in coetu nubium, 
Plusquam doctores caeteri 
Purgans dogma Gentilhim. 

Profunda scrutans flumi- 

In lucem pandit abdita, 
Dum supra sensus homi- 

Obscura facit cognita. 

Fit paradisi fluvius, 
Quadripartite pervius : 
Fit Gedeonis gladius, 
Tuba, lagena, radius. 

Laus Patri sit, ac Genito 
Simulque sancto Flamini, 
Qui sancti Thomas merito, 
Nos coeli jungat agmini. 

Noble by birth and parent- 
age, Thomas, while in the 
bloom of youth, embraced the 
Order of Preachers. 

Like to the star of morn, 
brightly does he shine amidst 
the luminaries of earth, and, 
more than any doctor of the 
Church, refutes the doctrines of 
the Gentiles. 

He explores the depth of 
mysteries, and brings to light 
the hidden gems of truth, for 
he teaches us what the mind 
of man had else never under- 

God gives him to the Church 
as a fountain of wisdom, like 
to that four-branched river of 
paradise. He made him to be 
her Gedeon's sword, her trum- 
pet, her vase, her torch. 

Praise, then, be to the Father, 
and to the Son, and to the 
Holy Ghost. And may our 
God, by the intercession and 
merits of his saint, admit us 
into the choir of the blessed in 
heaven. Amen. 


Lauda, mater Ecclesia, 
Thomae felicem exitum, 
Qui pervenit ad gaudia 
Per Verbi vitae meritum. 

Fossa Nova tunc suscipit 
Thecam thesauri gratiae, 
Cum Christus Thomam effi- 

Haeredem regni gloriae. 

Dear Church, our mother! 
the happy death of thy Thomas 
deserves a hymn of praise. By 
the merits of him that is the 
Word of life, he is now in end- 
less joy. 

It was at Fossa Nova that 
the rich treasury of grace was 
welcomed as a guest. It was 
there that he received from 
Christ the inheritance of eternal 

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Manens doctrinae Veritas, 
Et funeris integritas, 
Mira fragrans suavitas, 
iEgris collata sanitas. 

Monstrat hunc dignum 
Terr*e, ponto, et superis ; 
Nos juvet suis precibus, 
Deo commendet meritis. 

Laus Patri sit ac Genito, 
Siraulque sancto Flamini, 
Qui sancti Thomse merito 
Nos cceli jungat agmini. 


He has left us the fruits of 
truth ; he has left us his glorious 
relics which breathe forth a 
heavenly fragrance, and work 
cures for the suffering sick. 

Eight well, then, is honour 
his due : earth, and sea, and 
heaven, all may give him praise. 
May his prayers and merits 
intercede for us with God. 

Praise, then, be to the Father, 
and to the Son, and to the Holy 
Ghost. And may our God, by 
the intercession and merits of 
his saint, admit us into the 
choir of the blessed in heaven. 

How shall we worthily praise thee, most holy 
Doctor ! How shall we thank thee for what thou 
hast taught us? The rays of the divine Sun of 
justice beamed strongly upon thee, and thou hast 
reflected them upon us. When we picture thee con- 
templating truth, we think of those words of our 
Lord : ' Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall 
see God.' 1 Thy victory over the concupiscence of 
the flesh merited for thee the highest spiritual 
delights ; and our Eedeemer chose thee, because of 
the purity of thy angelic soul, to compose for His 
Church the Office whereby she should celebrate the 
divine Sacrament of His love. Learning did not 
impair thy humility. Prayer was ever thy guide 
in thy search after truth ; and there was but one 
reward for which, after all thy labours, thou wast 
ambitious, the possession of God. 

Thy life, alasfwas short. The very masterpiece 
of thy angelical writings was left unfinished. But 
thou hast not lost thy power of working for the 
Church. Aid her in her combats against error. 
She holds thy teachings in the highest estimation, 

1 St. Matt. v. 8. 

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because she feels that none of her saints has ever 
known so well as thou, the secrets and mysteries of 
her divine Spouse. Now, perhaps more than in any 
other age, truths are decayed among the children 
of men strengthen us in our faith, get us light. 
Check the conceit of those shallow self-constituted 
philosophers, who dare to sit in judgment on the 
actions and decisions of the Church, and to force 
their contemptible theories upon a generation that 
is too ill-instructed to detect their fallacies. The 
atmosphere around us is gloomy with ignorance; 
loose principles, and truths spoilt by cowardly com- 
promise, are the fashion of our times ; pray for us ; 
bring us back to that bold and simple acceptance of 
truth, which gives life to the intellect and joy to the 

Pray, too, for the grand Order which loves thee 
so devoutly, and honours thee as one of the most 
illustrious of its many glorious children. Draw 
down upon the family of thy patriarch St. Dominic 
the choicest blessings, for it is one of the most 
powerful auxiliaries of God's Church. 

We are on the eve of the holy season of Lent, 
preparing for the great work of earnest conversion 
of our lives. Thy prayers must gain for us the 
knowledge both of the God we have offended by our 
sins, and of the wretched state of a soul that is at 
enmity with its Maker. Knowing this, we shall 
hate our sins ; we shall desire to purify our souls in 
the Blood of the spotless Lamb; we shall generously 
atone for our faults by works of penance. 

* Ps. xi. 2. 

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March 8 


This day month we were keeping the feast of 
St. John of Matha, whose characteristic virtue was 
charity ; our saint of to-day was like him : love for 
his neighbour led him to devote himself to the 
service of them that most needed help. Both are 
examples to us of what is a principal duty of this 
present season : they are models of f raternai charity. 
They teach us this great lesson, that our love of 
God is false if our hearts are not disposed to show 
mercy to our neighbour, and help him in his neces- 
sities and troubles. It is the same lesson as that 
which the beloved disciple gives us, when he says : 
' He that hath the substance of this world, and shall 
see his brother in need, and shall put up his mercy 
from him, how doth the charity of God abide in him?' 1 
But if there can be no love of God where there 
is none for our neighbour, the love of our neighbour 
itself is not genuine unless it be accompanied by a 
love of our Creator and Bedeemer. The charity 
which the world has set up, which it calls philan- 
thropy, and which it exercises not in the name of 
God, but solely for the sake of man, is a mere 
delusion ; it is incapable of producing love between 
those who give and those who receive, and its 
results must necessarily be unsatisfactory. There 
is but one tie which can make men love one another : 
that tie is God, who created them all, and com- 
mands them all to be one in Him. To serve man- 
kind for its own sake, is to make a god of it ; and 
even viewing the workings of the two systems in 
this single point of view — the relief they afford to 
temporal suffering — what comparison is there be- 

1 1 St. John iii. 17 


tween mere philanthropy, and that supernatural 
charity of the humble disciples of Christ, who make 
Him the very motive and end of all they do for 
their afflicted brethren ? The saint we honour to- 
day, was called John of God, because the name of 
God was ever on his lips. His heroic acts of charity 
had no other motive than that of pleasing God; 
God alone was the inspirer of the tender love he 
had for his suffering fellow-creatures. Let us imitate 
his example, for our Lord assures us that He con- 
siders as done to Himself whatsoever we do even for 
the least of His disciples. 

The liturgy thus portrays the virtues of our saint: 

Joannes de Deo, ex Catho- 
licis piisque parentibus in 
oppido Montis- Maj oris, ju- 
nioris regni Lusitaniae natus, 
quam sublimiter in sortem 
Domini fuerit electus, in- 
suetus splendor super ejus 
domo refulgens, sonitusque 
aeris campani sua sponte 
einissus, ab ipso ejus na- 
tivitatis tempore non obscure 
praenuntiarunt. A laxioris 
vivendi ratione, divina ope- 
rante virtute, revocatus, 
magnae sanctitatis exbibere 
specimen coepit, et ob audi- 
tam praedicationem verbi 
Dei sic ad meliora se excita- 
tum sensit, ut jam ab ipso 
sanctions vitae rudimento 
consummatum aliquid, per- 
fectumque visus sit atti- 
gisse. Bonis omnibus in 
pauperes carceribus inclusos 
erogatis, admirabilis poeni- 
tentiae, suique ipsius con- 
temptus cuncto populo spe- 
ctaculum factus, a plerisque 
ceu demens graviter ami- 

John of God was born of Ca- 
tholic and virtuous parents, in 
Portugal, in the town of Mon- 
temor. At his birth, a bright 
light shone upon the house, and 
the church bell was heard to 
ring of itself ; God thus evincing 
to what great things he des- 
tined this his servant. For 
some time he fell into a lax way 
of living ; but was reclaimed by 
God's grace, and led a very 
holy life. His conversion was 
effected by his hearing a 
sermon, and so fervently did 
he practise the exercises of a 
devout life, that, from the very 
first, he seemed to have at- 
tained the height of perfection. 
He gave whatsoever he pos- 
sessed to the poor who were in 
prison. Extraordinary were the 
penances he inflicted on him- 
self ; and the contempt he had 
for himself induced him to do 
certain things, which led some 
people to accuse him of mad- 
ness, so that he was for some 
time confined in a madhouse. 

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ctus, in carcerem amentibus 
destinatum conjicitur. At 
Joannes coelesti charitate 
magis incensus, gemino at- 
que amplo valetudinario ex 
piorum eleemosynis in civi- 
tate Granatensi exstructo, 
jactoque novi Ordinis fun- 
damento, Ecclesiam nova 
prole fcecundavit, Fratrum 
hospitalitatis, infirinis prse- 
claro animarum corporum- 
que profectu inservientium, 
et longe lateque per orbem 

Pauperibus segrotis, quos 
propriis quandoque humeris 
domum deferebat, nulla re 
ad animse corporisque salu- 
tem proficua deerat. Effusa 
quoque extra nosocomium 
charitate, indigentibus mu- 
lieribus viduis, et prsecipue 
virginibus periclitantibus, 
clam alimenta subministra- 
bat, curamque indefessam 
adhibehat ut carnis concu- 
piscentiam a proximis hu- 
jusmodi vitio inquinatis ex- 
terminaret. Cum autem 
maximum in regio Grana- 
tensi valetudinario exci- 
tatum fuisset incendium, 
Joannes impavidus prosiliit 
in ignem, hue illuc discur- 
rens, quousque turn infirmos 
humeris exportatos, turn 
lectulos e fenestris project os 
ab igne vindicavit, ac per 
dimidiam horam inter flam- 
mas jam in immensum suc- 
crescentes versatus, exinde 
divinitus incolumis, univer- 
sis civibus admirantibus, 
exivit, in schola charitatis 
edocens, segniorem in eum 
fuisse ignem qui foris us- 

His charity only increased by 
such treatment. He collected 
alms sufficient to build two 
large hospitals in the city of 
Granada, where also he began 
the new Order, wherewith he 
enriched the Church. This 
Order was called the Institute 
of Friars Hospitallers. Its ob- 
ject was to assist the sick, both 
in their spiritual and corporal 
wants. Its success was very 
great, and it had houses in 
almost all parts of the world. 

The saint often carried the 
sick poor on his own shoulders 
to the hospital, and there he 
provided them with everything 
they could want, whether for 
soul or body. His charity was 
not confined within the limits 
of his hospitals. He secretly 
provided food for indigent 
widows, and girls whose virtue 
was exposed to danger. N othing 
could exceed the zeal where- 
with he laboured to reclaim 
such as had fallen into sins of 
impurity. On occasion of an 
immense fire breaking out in 
the royal hospital of Granada, 
John fearlessly threw himself 
into the midst of the flames. 
He went through the several 
wards, taking the sick upon his 
shoulders, and throwing the 
beds through the windows, so 
that all were saved. He re- 
mained half an hour amidst 
the flames, which raged with 
wildest fury in every part of 
the building. He was mira- 
culously preserved from the 
slightest injury, and came forth 
to the astonishment of the 
whole city, teaching the people, 

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serat, quam qui intus accen 

Multiplici asperitatum 
genere, demississima obedi- 
entia, extrema paupertate, 
orandi studio, rerum divi- 
narum contemplatione, ac 
in beatam Virginem pietate 
mirifice excelluit, et' lacry- 
marum dono enituit. Deni- 
que gravi morbo correptus, 
omnibus Ecclesiae sacramen- 
tis rite sancteque refectus, 
viribus licet destitutus, pro- 
priis indutus vestibus e 
lectulo surgens, ac provolu- 
tus in genua, manu et corde 
Christum Dominum e cruce 
pendentem perstringens : 
octavo Idus Martii, anno 
millesimo quingentesimo 
quinquagesimo, obiit in os- 
culo Domini : quern etiam 
mortuus tenuit nec dimisit, 
et in eadem corporis consti- 
tutione sex circiter horas, 
quousque inde dimotus 
fuisset, tota civitate inspe- 
ctante, mirabiliter perman- 
sit, odorem mire fragrantem 
diffundens. Quern ante et 
post obitum plurimis mira- 
culis clarum Alexander 
octavus, Pontifex maximus, 
in sanctorum numerum re- 
tulit; et Leo decimus ter- 
tius, ex sacrorum catholici 
orbis antistitum voto, ac 
rituum congregationis con- 
sulto, coelestem omnium 
ho8pitalium et infirmorum 
ubique degentium patronum 
declaravit, ipsiusque nomen 
in agonizantium litaniis in- 
vocari prsecepit. 

who had witnessed what had 
happened, that the disciples of 
charity have a fire within their 
hearts more active than any 
which could burn the body. 

Among the virtues wherein 
he wonderfully excelled, may 
be mentioned his many prac- 
tices of bodily mortification, 
profound obedience, extreme 
poverty, love of prayer, contem- 
plation, and devotion to the 
blessed Virgin. He also pos- 
sessed, in an extraordinary 
degree, the gift of tears. At 
length, falling seriously ill, he 
fervently received the last 
Sacraments. Though reduced 
to a state of utter weakness, he 
dressed himself, rose from his 
bed, fell on his knees, devoutly 
took the crucifix into his hands, 
pressed it to his heart, and kiss- 
ing it, died on the eighth of the 
Ides of March (March 8) in the 
year 1550. He remained in 
this same attitude with the 
crucifix still in his hand, for 
about six hours after his death. 
The entire city came to see the 
holy corpse, which gave forth a 
heavenly fragrance. The body 
was then removed, in order 
that it might be buried. God 
honoured his servant by many 
miracles, both before and after 
his death, and he was canon- 
ized by Pope Alexander VIII. 
Leo XIII. , at the desire of the 
bishops of the Catholic world, 
and having consulted the sacred 
congregation of rites, declared 
him the heavenly patron of all 
hospitals and of the sick in all 
places, and ordered his name 
to be inserted in the litany for 
the dying. 

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What a glorious life was thine, 0 John of God ! 
It was one of charity, and of miracles wrought by 
charity. Like Vincent of Paul thou wast poor, and, 
in thy early life, a shepherd-boy like him ; but the 
charity which filled thy heart gave thee a power to 
do what worldly influence and riches never can. 
Thy name and memory are dear to the Church ; 
they deserve to be held in benediction by all man- 
kind, for thou didst spend thy life in serving thy 
fellow-creatures, for God's sake. That motive gave 
thee a devotedness to the poor, which is an im- 
possibility for those who befriend them from mere 
natural sympathy. Philanthropy may be generous, 
and its workings may be admirable for ingenuity 
and order; but it never can look upon the poor man 
as a sacred object, because it refuses to see God in 
him. Pray for the men of this generation, that they 
may at length desist from perverting charity into a 
mere mechanism of relief. The poor are the repre- 
sentatives of Christ, for He Himself has willed that 
they be such; and if the world refuse to accept 
them in this their exalted character, if it deny their 
resemblance to our Eedeemer, it may succeed in 
degrading the poor, but by this very degradation it 
will make them its enemies. Thy predilection, 0 
John of God, was for the sick; have pity, therefore, 
on our times, which are ambitious to eliminate the 
supernatural, and exclude God from the world by 
what is called secularization of society. Pray for 
us, that we may see how evil a thing it is to have 
changed the Christian for the worldly spirit. En- 
kindle holy charity within our hearts, that during 
these days, when we are striving to draw down the 
mercy of God upon ourselves, we also may show 
mercy. May we, as thou didst, imitate the example 
of our blessed Eedeemer, who gave Himself to us 
His enemies, and deigned to adopt us as His 
brethren. Protect also the Order thou didst insti- 

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tute, which has inherited thy spirit ; that it may 
prosper, and spread in every place the sweet odour 
of that charity, which is its very name. 

March 9 


The period intervening between the Purification of 
our blessed Lady and Ash Wednesday (when it 
occurs at its latest date), gives us thirty-six days ; 
and these offer us feasts of every order of saint. 
The apostles have given us St. Mathias, and St. 
Peter's Chair at Antioch; the martyrs have sent 
us, from their countless choir, Simeon, Blase, 
Valentine, Faustinus and Jovita, Perpetua and 
Felicitas, and the forty soldiers of Sebaste, whose 
feast is kept to-morrow; the holy pontiffs have been 
represented by Andrew Corsini, and Peter Damian, 
who, like Thomas of Aquin, is one of the doctors of 
the Church ; the confessors have produced Eomuald 
of Camaldoli, John of Matha, John of God, and the 
angelic prince Casimir ; the virgins have gladdened 
us with the presence of Agatha, Dorothy, Apollonia, 
and Scholastica, three wreathed with the red roses 
of martyrdom, and the fourth with the fair lilies of 
the enclosed garden 1 of her Spouse; and lastly, we 
have had a penitent saint, Margaret of Cortona. 
The state of Christian marriage is the only one that 
has not yet deputed a saint during this season, 
which is the least rich in feasts of the whole year. 
The deficiency is supplied to-day by the admirable 
Frances of Eome. 

Having, for forty years, led a most saintly life in 
the married state, upon which she entered when 
but twelve years of age, Frances retired from the 
1 Cant. iv. 12. 


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world, where she had endured every sort of tribula- 
tion. But she had given her heart to her God long 
before she withdrew to the cloister. Her whole life 
had been spent in the exercise of the highest Chris- 
tian perfection, and she had ever received from our 
Lord the sublimest spiritual favours. Her amiable 
disposition had won for her the love and admiration 
of her husband and children : the rich venerated 
her as their model, the poor respected her as their 
devoted benefactress and mother. 

God recompensed her angelic virtues by these 
two special graces : the almost uninterrupted sight 
of her guardian angel, and the most sublime reve- 
lations. But there is one trait of her life, which 
is particularly striking, and reminds us forcibly of 
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, and of St. Jane Frances 
Chantal: her austere practices of penance. Such 
an innocent, and yet such a mortified, life is full bf 
instruction for us. How can we think of murmur- 
ing against the obligation of mortification, when we 
find a saint like this practising it during her whole 
life ? True, we are not bound to imitate her in the 
manner of her penance; but penance we must do, if 
we would confidently approach that God who readily 
pardons the sinner when he repents, but whose 
justice requires atonement and satisfaction. 

The Church thus describes the life, virtues, and 
miracles of St. Frances. 

Francisca, nobilis matrona 
romana, ab ineunte aetate 
illustria dedit virtutum 
exempla : etenim pueriles 
ludos, et illecebras mundi 
respuens, solitudine, et ora- 
tione magnopere delectaba- 
tur. Undecim annos nata 
virginitatem suam Deo con- 
secrare, et monasterium in- 
gredi proposuit. Parentum 

Frances, a noble lady of 
Eome, led a most virtuous life, 
even in her earliest years. She 
despised all childish amuse- 
ments, and worldly pleasures, 
her only delight being solitude 
and prayer. When eleven years 
old, she resolved on conse- 
crating her virginity to God, 
and seeking admission into a 
monastery. But she humbly 

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tamen voluntati bumiliter 
obtemperans, Laurentio de 
Pontianis, juveni seque diviti 
ac nobili nupsit. In matri- 
monio arctioris vitse propo- 
situm, quantum licuit, sem- 
per retinuit : a spectaculis, 
conviviis, aliisque hujus- 
modi oblectamentis abhor - 
rens, lanea ac vulgari veste 
utens, et quidquid a dome- 
sticis curis supererat tempo- 
ris, orationi, aut proximo- 
rum utilitati tribuens, in id 
vero maxima sollicitudine 
incumbens, ut matronas 
romanas a pompis sseculi, et 
ornatus vanitate revocaret. 
Quapropter domum Oblata- 
rum, sub regula sancti Bene- 
dict^ Congregationis Montis 
Oliveti, adhuc viro alligata, 
in Urbe instituit. Viri exi- 
lium, bonorum jacturam, 
ac universae domus moerorem 
non modo constantissime 
toleravit, sed gratias agens 
cum beato Job, illud fre- 
quenter usurpabat : Dominus 
dedit, Dominus abstulit : 
sit nomen Domini bene- 

Viro defuncto, ad prsedi- 
ctam Oblatarum domum 
convolans, nudis pedibus, 
fune ad collum alligato, humi 
prostrata, multis cum lacry- 
mis, earum numero adscribi 
suppliciter postulavit. Voti 
compos facta, licet esset om- 
nium mater, non alio tamen 
quam ancillse, vilissimsBque 

yielded to the wishes of her 
parents, and married a young 
and rich nobleman, by name 
Lorenzo Ponziani. As far as it 
was possible, she observed, in 
the married state, the austeri- 
ties of the most perfect life to 
which she had aspired. She 
carefully shunned theatrical 
entertainments, banquets, and 
other such amusements. Her 
dress was of serge, and ex- 
tremely plain. Whatever time 
remained after she had ful- 
filled her domestic duties was 
spent in prayer and works of 
charity. But her zeal was 
mainly exercised in endeavour- 
ing to persuade the ladies of 
Borne, to shun the world, and 
vanity in dress. It was with a 
view to this that she founded 
during her husband's life, the 
house of Oblates of the Con- 
gregation of Monte - Oliveto, 
under the rule of Saint Bene- 
dict. She bore her husband's 
banishment, the loss of all her 
goods, and the trouble which 
befell her whole family, not 
only with heroic patience, but 
was frequently heard to give 
thanks, saying with holy Job : 
'The Lord hath given, and 
the Lord hath taken away : 
blessed be the name of the 

At the death of her hus- 
band, she fled to the aforesaid 
house of Oblates, and there, 
barefooted, with a rope tied 
round her neck, and prostrate 
on the ground, she humbly, 
and with many tears, begged 
admission. Her petition being 
granted, she, though mother of 
the whole community, gloried 

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feminse, et immunditise 
vasculi titulo gloriabatur. 
Quam vilem sui existima- 
tionem, et verbo declaravit, 
et exemplo. Ssepe enim e 
suburbana vinea revertens, 
et lignorum fascem proprio 
capiti impositum 'deferens, 
vel eisdem onustum agens 
per Urbem asellum, paupe- 
ribus subveniebat, in quos 
etiam largas eleemosynas 
erogabat ; segrotantesque in 
xenodochiis visitans, non 
corporali tantum cibo, sed 
salutaribus monitis recrea- 
bat. Corpus suuni vigiliis, 
jejuniis, cilicio, ferreo cin- 
gulo, crebrisque flagellis, in 
servitutem redigere jugiter 
satagebat. Cibum illi semel 
in die, herb© et legumina : 
aqua potum prebuit. Hos 
tamen corporis cruciatus 
aliquando confessarii man- 
dato, a cujus ore nu tuque 
pendebat, modice tempe- 
ra vit. 

Divina mysteria, praeser- 
tim vero Christi Domini 
Passionem, tanto mentis ar- 
dore, tantaque lacrymarum 
vi contemplabatur, ut prse 
doloris magnitudine pene 
confici videretur. Saepe 
etiam cum oraret, maxime 
sumpto sanctissimse Eucha- 
ristise sacramento, spiritu 
in Deum elevata, ac coele- 
stium contemplatione ra- 
pta, immobilis permanebat. 
Quapropter bumani generis 

in calling herself everyone's 
servant, and a worthless woman, 
and a vessel of dishonour. 
She evinced the contempt she 
had for herself by her conduct, 
as well as by her expressions. 
Thus, when returning from a 
vineyard in the suburbs, she 
would go through the city, 
sometimes carrying faggots on 
her head, sometimes driving an 
ass laden with them. She 
looked after, and bestowed 
abundant alms upon the poor. 
She visited the sick in the hos- 
pitals, and consoled them, not 
only with corporal food, but 
with spiritual advice. She was 
untiring in her endeavours to 
bring her body into subjection, 
by watchings, fasting, wearing a 
hair-shirt and an iron girdle, 
and by frequent disciplines. 
Her food, which she took but 
once in the day, consisted of 
herbs and pulse, and her only 
drink was water. But she 
would somewhat relent in these 
corporal austerities, as often as 
she was requested to do so 
by her confessor, whom she 
obeyed with the utmost exacti- 

Her contemplation of the 
divine mysteries, and especi- 
ally of the Passion, was made 
with such intense fervour and 
abundance of tears, that she 
seemed as though she would 
die with grief. Frequently, 
too, when she was praying, 
and above all after holy Com- 
munion, she would remain 
motionless, with her soul fixed 
on God, and rapt in heavenly 
contemplation. The enemy of 
mankind seeing this, endea- 

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hostis variis earn contume- 
liis ac verberibus a proposito 
dimovere conabatur : quern 
tamen ilia imperterrita sem- 
per elusit, angeli praesertim 
praesidio, cujus familiari 
consuetudine gloriosum de 
eo triumphum reportavit. 
Gratia curationum, et pro- 
phetiae dono enituit, quo et 
futura praedixit, et cordium 
secreta penetravit. Non se- 
mel aquae, vel per rivum 
decurrentes, vel e ccelo laben- 
tes, intactam prorsus, dum 
Deo vacaret, reliquerunt. 
Modica panis fragmenta, 
quae vix tribus sororibus re- 
ficiendis fuissent satis, sic 
ejus precibus Doininus mul- 
tiplicavit, ut quindecim inde 
exsaturatis, tantum super- 
fuerit, ut canistrum imple- 
verit : et aliquando, earum- 
dem sororum extra Urbem 
mense Januario ligna paran- 
tium, sitim recentis uvae 
racemis ex vite in arbore 
pendentibus mirabiliter ob- 
tentis, abunde expleverit. 
Denique meritis, et mira- 
culis clara, migravit ad 
Dominum, anno aetatis suae 
quinquagesimo sexto, quam 
Paulus quintus, Pontifex 
maxim us, in sanctarum nu- 
merum retulit. 

voured to frighten her out of so 
holy a life, by insults and 
blows ; but she feared him not, 
invariably baffled his attempts, 
and, by the assistance of her 
angel guardian, whose visible 
presence was granted to her, 
she gained a glorious victory. 
God favoured her with the gift 
of healing the sick, as also with 
that of prophecy, whereby she 
foretold future events, and could 
read the secrets of hearts. 
More than once, when she was 
intent on prayer, either in the 
bed of a torrent, or during a 
storm of rain, she was not 
touched by the water. On one 
occasion, when all the bread 
they had was scarcely enough 
to provide a meal for three of 
the sisters, she besought our 
Lord, and he multiplied the 
bread; so that after fifteen 
persons had eaten as much as 
they needed, there was suffi- 
cient left to fill a basket. At 
another time, when the sisters 
were gathering wood outside 
the city walls, in the month of 
January, she amply quenched 
their thirst by offering them 
bunches of fresh grapes, which 
she miraculously obtained from 
a vine hanging on a tree. Her 
virtues and miracles procured 
for her the greatest veneration 
from all. Our Lord called her 
to himself in the fifty -sixth 
year of her age, and she was 
canonized by Pope Paul the 

0 Frances, sublime model of every virtue ! thou 
wast the glory of Christian Eo me, and the ornament 
of thy sex. How insignificant are the pagan heroines 

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of old compared with thee! Thy fidelity to the 
duties of thy state, and all thy saintly actions, had 
God for their one single end and motive. The 
world looked on thee with amazement, as though 
heaven had lent one of its angels to this earth. 
Humility and penance put such energy into thy 
soul, that every trial was met and mastered. Thy 
love for those whom God Himself had given thee, 
thy calm resignation and interior joy under tribula- 
tion, thy simple and generous charity, to every 
neighbour — all was evidence of God's dwelling 
within thy soul. Thy seeing and conversing with 
thy angel guardian, and the wonderful revelations 
granted thee of the secrets of the other world, how 
much these favours tell us of thy merits ! Nature 
suspended her laws at thy bidding; she was sub- 
servient to thee, as to one that was already face to 
face with the sovereign Master, and had the power 
to command. We admire these privileges and gifts 
granted thee by our Lord ; and now beseech thee to 
have pity on us, who are so far from being in that 
path, in which thou didst so perseveringly walk. 
Pray for us, that we may be Christians, practically 
and earnestly ; that we may cease to love the world 
and its vanities ; that we may courageously take up 
the yoke of our Lord, and do penance; that we 
may give up our pride ; that we may be patient and 
firm under temptation. Such was thy influence 
with our heavenly Father, that thou hadst but to 
pray, and a vine produced the richest clusters of 
fruit, even in the midst of winter. Our Jesus calls 
Himself the true Vine ; ask Him to give us of the 
wine of His divine love, which His cross has so 
richly prepared for us. When we remember how 
frequently thou didst ask Him to let thee suffer, 
and accept thy sufferings for poor sinners, we feel 
encouraged to ask thee to offer thy merits to Him 
for us. Pray, too, for Eome, thy native city, that 

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her people may be stanch to the faith, edifying by 
holiness of life, and loyal to the Church. May thy 
powerful intercession bring blessings on the faithful 
throughout the world, add to their number, and 
make them fervent as were our fathers of old. 

March 10 


We know the mystery of the number forty. This 
tenth of March brings it before us. Forty new 
advocates ! Forty encouraging us to enter bravely 
on our career of penance ! On the frozen pool, 
which was their field of battle, these martyrs re- 
minded one another that Jesus had fasted for forty 
days, and that they themselves were forty in 
number ! Let us, in our turn, compare their suf- 
ferings with the lenten exercises which the Church 
imposes upon us ; and humble ourselves on seeing 
our cowardice ; or, if we begin with fervour, let us 
remember that the grand thing is to be faithful to 
the end, and bring to the Easter solemnity the 
crown of our perseverance. Our forty martyrs 
patiently endured the cruellest tortures ; the fear of 
God, and their deep-rooted conviction that He had 
an infinite claim to their fidelity, gave them the 
victory. How many times we have sinned, and had 
not such severe temptations as theirs to palliate our 
fall? How can we sufficiently bless that divine 
mercy, which spared us, ipstead of abandoning us 
as it did that poor apostate, who turned coward and 
was lost ! But, on what condition did God spare 
us ? That we should not spare ourselves, but do 
penance. He put into our hands the rights of His 
own justice ; justice, then, must be satisfied, and we 
must exercise it against ourselves. The lives of the 

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saints will be of great help to us in this, for they 
will teach us how we are to look upon sin, how to 
avoid it, and how strictly we are bound to do 
penance for it after having committed it. 

The Church, in her liturgy, thus relates to us the 
martyrdom of the soldiers of Sebaste. 

Licinio imperatore, et 
Agricolao prseside, ad Se- 
basten Armenian urbem, 
quadraginta militum fides 
in Jesum Christum, et for- 
titude* in cruciatibus perfe- 
rendis enituit. Qui ssepius 
in horribilem carcerem 
detrusi, vinculisque con- 
stricti, cum ora ipsorum 
lapidibus contusa fuissent, 
hiemis tempore frigidissimo, 
nudi sub aperto aere supra 
stagnum rigens pernoctare 
jussi sunt, ut frigore con- 
gelati necarentur. Una 
autem erat omnium oratio : 
Quadraginta in stadium in- 
gressi* sumus, quadraginta 
item, Domine, corona done- 
mur ; ne una quidem huic 
numero desit. Est in honore 
hie numerus, quern tu qua- 
draginta dierum jejunio de- 
corasti, per quern divina lex 
ingressa est in orbem terra- 
rum. Elias quadraginta die- 
rum jejunio Deum quaerens, 
ejus visionem consecutus 
est. Et hsec quidem illorum 
erat oratio. 

Cseteris autem custodibus 
somno deditis, solus vigila- 
bat janitor, qui et illos oran- 
tes, et luce circumfusos, et 
quosdam e ccelo descenden- 

During the reign of the 
Emperor Licinius, and under 
the presidency of Agricolaus, 
the city of Sebaste in Armenia 
was honoured by being made 
the scene of the martyrdom of 
I forty soldiers, whose faith in 
the Lord Jesus Christ, and 
patience in bearing tortures, 
were so glorious. After having 
been frequently confined in a 
horrid dungeon, shackled with 
chains, and having had their 
faces beaten with stones, they 
were condemned to paps a 
most bitter winter night in 
the open air, and on a frozen 
pool, that they might be 
frozen to death. When there, 
they united in this prayer: 
* Forty have we entered on the 
battle ; let us, O Lord, receive 
forty crowns, and suffer not our 
number to be broken. The . 
number is an honoured one, 
for thou didst fast for forty 
days, and the divine law was 
given to the world after the 
same number of days was ob- 
served. Elias, too, sought God 
by a forty days' fast, and was 
permitted to see him.' Thus 
did they pray. 

All the guards, except one, 
were asleep. He overheard 
their prayer, and saw them 
encircled with light, and angels 
coming down from heaven, like 


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tes angelos tanquam a Rege 
missos, qui coronas triginta 
novem militibus distribue- 
rent, intuens, ita secum lo- 
quebatur : Quadraginta hi 
sunt ; quadragesimi corona 
ubi est ? Quae dum cogitaret, 
unus ex illo numero, cui 
animus ad frigus ferendum 
defecerat in proximum te- 
pefactum balneum desiliens, 
sanctos illos summo dolore 
affecit. Verum Deus illorum 
preces irritas esse non est 
passus; nam rei eventum 
admiratus janitor, mox cu- 
stodibus e somno excitatis, 
detractisque sibi vestibus, 
ac se christianum esse clara 
voce professus, martyribus 
se adjunxit. Cum vero 
prsesidis satellites janitor em 
quoque christianum esse 
cognovissent, bacillis com- 
minuta omnium eorum crura 

In eo supplicio mortui 
sunt omnes prseter Melitho- 
nem, natu minimum. Quern 
cum prsesens mater ejus 
fractis cruribus adhuc vi- 
ventem vidisset, sic cohor- 
tata est : Fili, paulisper sus- 
tine, ecce Ohristus ad ja- 
nuam stat adjuvans te. Cum 
vero reliquorum corpora 
plaustris imponi cerneret, 
ut in rogum inferrentur, 
ac filium suum relinqui, 
quod speraret impia turba, 
puerum, si vixisset, ad ido- 
lorum cultum revocari pos- 
se ; ipso in humeros sublato, 
sancta mater vehicula mar- 

messengers sent by a King, 
who distributed crowns to 
thirty -nine of the soldiers. 
Whereupon, he thus said to 
himself : ' There are forty men ; 
where is the fortieth crown ?' 
While he was thus pondering, 
one of the number lost his 
courage ; he could bear the 
cold no longer, and threw him- 
self into a warm bath, which 
had been placed near at hand. 
His saintly companions were 
exceedingly grieved at this. 
But God would not suffer their 
prayer to be void. The sen- 
tinel, astonished at what he 
had witnessed, went imme- 
diately and awoke the guards ; 
then, taking off his garments, 
he cried out, with a loud voice, 
that he was a Christian, and 
associated himself with the 
martyrs. No sooner did the 
governor's guards perceive that 
the sentinel had also declared 
himself to be a Christian, than 
they approached the martyrs, 
and broke their legs with clubs. 

All died under this torture 
except Melithon, who was the 
youngest of the forty. His 
mother, who was present, see- 
ing that he was still living 
after his legs were broken, thus 
encouraged him : * My son, be 
patient yet a while. Lo I 
Christ is at the door, helping 
thee.' But, as soon as she saw 
the other bodies being placed 
on carts, that they might be 
thrown on the pile, and her 
son left behind (for the im- 
pious men hoped that, if the 
boy survived, he might be in- 
duced to worship the idols), 
she lifted him up into her 

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tyruru corporibus onusta 
strenue prosequebatur ; in 
cujus amplexu Melithon 
spiritum Deo reddidit, ej us- 
que corpus in eumdem il- 
ium caeterorum martyruin 
rogum pia mater injecit : 
ut qui fide et virtute con- 
junctissimi fuerant, funeris 
etiam societate copulati, 
una in coelum pervenirent. 
Combustis illis, eorum reli- 
quiae project® in profluen- 
tem, cum mirabiliter in 
unum confluxissent locum, 
salvae et integrae repertae, 
honorifico sepulchro con- 
ditae sunt. 

arms, and, summing up all 
her strength, ran after the 
waggons, on which the mar- 
tyrs' bodies were being carried. 
Melithon died in his mother's 
arms, and the holy woman 
threw his body on the pile, 
where the other martyrs were, 
that as he had been so united 
with them in faith and courage, 
he might be one with them in 
burial, and go to heaven in 
their company. As soon as the 
bodies were burnt, the pagans 
threw what remained into a 
river. The relics miraculously 
flowed to one and the same 
place, just as they were when 
they were taken from the pile. 
The Christians took them, and 
respectfully buried them. 


That we may the more worthily celebrate the 
memory of the forty martyrs, we borrow a few 
stanzas from the hymn in which the Greek liturgy 
so enthusiastically sings their praises. 


(Die I 

Generose praesentia suffe- 
rentes, in praemiis quae spe- 
rabant gaudentes, sancti 
martyres ad invicem dice- 
bant : Non vestimentum 
exuimus, sed veterem ho- 
minem deponimus; rigida 
est hiems, sed dulcis para- 
disus ; molesta est glacies, 
sed jucunda requies. Non 
ergo recedamus, O commi- 
litones : paulum sustinea- 
mus, ut victoriae coronas 
obtineamus a Christo Do- 
mino et Salvatore animarum 

r. Martii) 

The holy martyrs, generously 
suffering present evils, and re- 
joicing in the hope of reward, 
said to each other: 'It is not 
our raiment, but the old man 
that we have put off. The 
winter is cold ; but paradise is 
sweet. The ice is a torture; 
but the repose is pleasant. 
Fellow-soldiers I let us not re- 
treat. Let us suffer for a 
while, that we may obtain our 
crowns of victory from Christ 
our Lord, the Saviour of our 

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Fortissima mente marty- 
rium sustinentes, athletae 
admirandi, per ignein et 
aquam transivistis, et inde 
ad salutis latitudinem per- 
venistis, in haereditatem 
accipientes regnum ccelo- 
rum, in quo divinas pro 
nobis preces f acite, sapientes 
quadraginta martyres. 

Attonitus stetit quadra- 
ginta martyrum custos co- 
ronas aspiciens, et amore 
hujus vitae contempto, desi- 
derio gloriae tuae, Domine, 
quae iUi apparuerat, suble- 
vatus est, et cum martyri- 
bus cecinit : Benedictus es, 
Deus patrum nostrorum. 

Vitas amator miles ad la- 
vacrum currens pestiferum 
mortuus est ; Christi autem 
amicus egregius raptor co- 
ronarum quae apparuerant, 
velut in lavacro immortali- 
tatis, cum martyr ibus cane- 
bat: Benedictus es, Deus 
patrum nostrorum. 

Virili praedita pectore, 
mater Deo arnica, super 
humeros tollens quern ge- 
nuerat fructum pietatis, 
martyrem cum martyribus 
victimam adducit, patris 
Abrahae imitatrix. O fili, 
ad perenniter manentem 
vitam velocius currens carpe 
viam, Christi arnica mater 
ad puerum clamabat. Non 
fero te secundum ad Deum 
praemia largientem perve- 

Venite, fratres, martyrum 
laudibus celebremus pha- 

O admirable combatants ! 
you suffered martyrdom with 
most brave hearts. You passed 
through fire and water, and 
thence you came to the spacious 
land of salvation, receiving the 
kingdom of heaven as your 
inheritance. There, 0 prudent 
forty martyrs, offer up your 
holy prayers for us. 

The gaoler of the forty 
martyrs stood in astonishment 
as he beheld the crowns. 
Despising this present life, 
and ambitious to enjoy thy 
glory, O Lord, which had been 
shown him in vision, he joined 
the martyrs in this hymn: 

* Blessed art thou, 0 God of 
our fathers I' 

The soldier that loved this 
life, ran to the cursed bath, 
and there he met with death : 
but the friend of Christ, he 
that nobly seized the crown 
which was offered him, as it 
were laved in immortality, 
sang with the martyrs : * Blessed 
art thou, the God of our 
fathers 1' 

The mother, whose manly 
spirit made her dear to God, 
taking on her shoulders the 
beloved fruit of her womb, 
brings him to the martyrs 
that he may be a martyred 
victim with them. Thus does 
she imitate our father Abra- 
ham. This mother, dear to 
Christ, cried out to her child : 

* O my son ; quickly run the 
path that leads to life eternal. 
I cannot brook thy being 
second to any in coming to the 
God, who rewards us.' 

Come, brethren, let us sing 
the praises of the troop of 

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langem, frigore incensam, martyrs, who were burnt with 

et erroris frigus ardenti zelo frost, and whose ardent zeal 

incendentem ; generosissi- set fire to the frosty cold of 

mum exercitum, sacratissi- error. Most heroic army ; 

mum agmen, consertis pu- most holy legion, that fought 

gnans clypeis, infractum et with shields close knit to- 

invictum, defensores fidei gether ; unbroken and uncon- 

et custodes, martyres qua- quered troop ; defenders and 

draginta, divinam choream, guardians of the faith ; the forty 

legatos Ecclesiae, potenter martyrs, the sacred choir, the 

Christum deprecantes ut legates of the Church : their 

pacem animis nostris con- powerful prayers to Christ 

cedat et magnam miseri- draw down upon our souls his 

cordiam. peace and rich mercy. 

Valiant soldiers of Christ, who meet us, with 
your mysterious number, at this commencement of 
our forty days* fast, receive the homage of our devo- 
tion. Your memory is venerated throughout the 
whole Church, and your glory is great in heaven. 
Though engaged in the service of an earthly prince, 
you were the soldiers of the eternal King : to Him 
were you faithful, and from Him did you receive 
your crown of eternal glory. We, also, are His 
soldiers ; we are fighting for the kingdom of heaven. 
Our enemies are many and powerful ; but, like you, 
we can conquer them, if, like you, we use the arms 
which God has put in our hands. Faith in God's 
word, hope in His assistance, humility, and pru- 
dence, with these we are sure of victory. Pray for 
us, 0 holy martyrs, that we may avoid all com- 
promise with our enemies ; for our defeat is certain, 
if we try to serve two masters. During these forty 
days, we must put our arms in order, repair our 
lost strength, and renew our engagements ; come to 
our assistance, and get us a share in your brave 
spirit. A crown is also prepared for us : it is to be 
won on easier terms than yours ; and yet we shall 
lose it, unless we keep up within us an esteem for 
our vocation. How many times, in our past lives, 
have we forfeited that glorious crown ! But God, 

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in His mercy, has offered it to us again, and we are 
resolved on winning it. Oh, for the glory of our 
common Lord and Master, make intercession for us. 

Our work of preparation is over : we are ready to 
obey our mother's call to Lent. During the three 
past weeks, we have studied the fall of our first 
parents, and the miseries it brought upon man ; the 
necessity of a Saviour ; the justice of God, against 
which the human race dared to rebel ; the terrible 
chastisement of the deluge, wherewith that revolt 
was punished ; and finally, the covenant made by 
God, through Abraham, with those who are faith- 
ful to Him, and shun the maxims of a perverse and 
guilty world. 

Now we are to see the accomplishment of the 
great mysteries, whereby the wounds of our fall 
were healed, the divine justice was disarmed, and 
God's grace was poured out upon us, and delivered 
us from the yoke of Satan and the world. 

The Man-God, whose sweet presence has been less 
sensible during this Septuagesima season, is now 
about to show Himself to us again, but this time it 
is on His way to Calvary, where He is to be immo- 
lated for our redemption. The dolorous Passion, 
which our sins have imposed upon Him, is about 
to be brought before us : the greatest of anniver- 
saries will soon be upon us. 

Let us be all attention to the mysteries : let us be 
fervent in the great work of our own purification. 
Let us walk on courageously in the path of penance, 
so that each day the burden of our sins may be 
lightened, and after we have partaken, by heartfelt 
compassion, of the cup of our Eedeemer's Passion, 
our lips will be once more permitted to sing the 
songs of joy, and our hearts will thrill at Easter 
with the loud burst of the Church's Alleluia ! 

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David, struck down by sickness, asks pardon of 
God, and beseeches Him to heal the wounds of his 


Domine, ne in furore tuo 
arguas me : * neque in ira 
tua corripias me. 

Miserere mei, Domine, 
quoniam infirmus sum: * 
sana me Domine, quoniam 
conturbata sunt ossa mea. 

Et anima mea turbata est 
valde : * sed tu Domine 
usquequo ? 

Convertere, Domine, et 
eripe animam meam : * sal- 
vum me : f ac propter miseri- 
cordiam tuam. 

Quoniam non est in morte 
qui memor sit tui : * in in- 
ferno autem quis confitebi- 
tur tibi ? 

Laboravi in gemitu meo, 
lavabo per singulas noctes 
lectum meum : * lacrymis 
meis stratum meum rigabo. 

Turbatus est a furore ocu- 
lus meus : * inveteravi inter 
omnes inimicos meos. 

Discedite a me, omnes qui 
operamini iniquitatem : * 
quoniam exaudivit Domi- 
nus vocem fletus mei. 

Exaudivit Dominus de- 
precationem meam : * Domi- 
nus orationem meam sus- 

0 Lord, rebuke me not in 
thy indignation, nor chastise 
me in thy wrath. 

Have mercy on me, O Lord, 
for I am weak ; heal me, 
O Lord, for my bones are 

And my soul is troubled ex- 
ceedingly: but thou, 0 Lord, 
how long ? 

Turn to me, 0 Lord, and de- 
liver my soul : O save me, for 
thy mercy's sake. 

For there is no one in death 
that is mindful of thee: and 
who shall confess to thee in 

1 have laboured in my groan- 
ings, every night I will wash 
my bed : I will water my couch 
with my tears. 

My eye is troubled through 
indignation : I have grown old 
among all mine enemies. 

Depart from me, all ye 
workers of iniquity : for the 
Lord hath heard the voice of 
my weeping. 

The Lord hath heard my 
supplication : the Lord hath 
received my prayer. 

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Erubescant et conturben- 
tur vehementer omnes ini- 
mici mei : * convertantur et 
erubescant valde velociter. 

Let all mine enemies be 
ashamed and be very much 
troubled : let them be turned 
back, and be ashamed very 


David experiences the happiness felt by a soul 
whose sins have been forgiven her by God ; he ex- 
presses his feelings, by comparing himself to a sick 
man, who was at the point of death, and is restored 
to health. 

psalm 81 

Beati, quorum remissse 
sunt iniquitates : * et quo- 
rum tecta sunt peccata. 

Beatus vir, cui non impu- 
tavit Dominus peccatum : * 
nec est in spiritu ejus dolus. 

Quoniam tacui, invetera- 
verunt ossa mea : * dum 
clamarem tota die. 

Quoniam die ac nocte 
gravata est super me manus 
tua: * conversus sum in 
serumna mea, dum configi- 
tur spina. 

Delictum meum cognitum 
tibi feci : * et injustitiam 
meam non abscondi. 

Dixi : Confitebor adver- 
sum me injustitiam meam 
Domino : * et tu remisisti 
impietatem peccati mei. 

Pro hac orabit ad te 
omnis sanctus : * in tempore 

Verumtamen in diluvio 
aquarum multarum : * ad 
eum non approximabunt. 

Tu es refugium meum a 
tribulatione, quae circum- 

Blessed are they whose ini- 
quities are forgiven : and whose 
sins are covered. 

Blessed is the man, to whom 
the Lord hath not imputed sin : 
and in whose spirit there is no 

Because I was silent, my 
bones grew old : whilst I cried 
out all the day long. 

For day and night thy hand 
was heavy upon me : I am 
turned in my anguish, whilst 
the thorn is fastened. 

I have acknowledged my sin 
to thee : and my injustice I 
have not concealed. 

I said, I will confess against 
myself my injustice to the 
Lord: and thou hast forgiven 
the wickedness of my sin. 

For this shall every one that 
is holy pray to thee, in a season- 
able time. 

And yet, in a flood of many 
waters they shall not come nigh 
unto him. 

Thou art my refuge from 
the trouble which hath encom- 

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dedit me : * exsultatio mea, 
erue me a circumdantibus 

Intellectum tibi dabo, et 
instruam te in via hac qua 
gradieris : * firmabo super 
te oculos meos. 

Nolite fieri sicut equus et 
mulus : * quibus non est 

In camo et f reno maxillas 
eorum constringe : * qui 
non approximant ad te. 

Multa flagella peccato- 
ris : * sperantem autem' in 
Domino misericordia cir- 

Laetamini in Domino, et 
exsultate justi : * et gloria- 
mini omnes recti corde. 

passed me : my joy ! deliver 
me from them that surround 

Thou hast said to me: I 
will give thee understanding, 
and I will instruct thee in this 
way in which thou shalt go : I 
will fix mine eyes upon thee. 

Do not become like the horse 
and the mule, who have no 

With bit and bridle bind fast 
their jaws, who come not near 
unto thee. 

Many are the scourges of 
the sinner : but mercy shall 
encompass him that hopeth in 
the Lord. 

Be glad in the Lord, and 
rejoice ye just : and glory, all 
ye right of heart. 


The royal prophet feels the consequences left in 
him by his past sins, and he begs God to have pity 
on him. 

psalm 87 

Domine, ne in furore tuo 
arguas me : * neque in ira 
tua corripias me. 

Quoniam sagittae tuae in- 
fixes sunt mihi : * et confir- 
masti super me manum 

Non est sanitas in carne 
mea a facie irae tuae : * non 
est pax ossibus meis a facie 
peccatorum meorum. 

Quoniam iniquitates meae 
supergressae sunt caput 
meum : * et sicut onus 
grave gravatae sunt super 

Bebuke me not, O Lord, in 
thy indignation : nor chastise 
me in thy wrath. 

For thine arrows are fastened 
in me : and thy hand hath been 
strong upon me. 

There is no health in my 
flesh, because of thy wrath : 
there is no peace in my bones, 
because of my sins. 

For my iniquities are gone 
over my head : and as a heavy 
burden, are become heavy upon 

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Putruerunt, et corruptee 
sunt cicatrices mese, * a facie 
insipientise mese. 

Miser factus sum, et 
curvatus sum usque in 
finem : * tota die contri- 
status ingrediebar. 

Quoniam lumbi mei im- 
pleti sunt illusionibus : * et 
non est sanitas in came 

Afflictus sum et humi- 
liatus sum nimis: * rugie- 
bara a gemitu cordis mei. 

Doniine, ante te omne 
desideriuni meum : * et ge- 
mitus meus a te non est 

Cor meum conturbatum 
est, dereliquit me virtus 
mea : * et lumen oculorum 
meorum, et ipsum non est 

Amici mei et proximi 
mei : * adversum me appro- 
pinquaverunt et steterunt. 

Et qui juxta me erant, 
de longe steterunt : * et vim 
faciebantqui quserebant ani- 
mam meam. 

Et qui inquirebant mala 
mini, locuti sunt vanitates : * 
et dolos tota die meditaban- 

Ego autem tanquam sur- 
dus non audiebam : * et 
sicut mutus non aperiens os 

Et factus sum sicut homo 
non audiens : * et non ha- 
bens in ore suo redargu- 

Quoniam in te, Domine, 
speravi : * tu exaudies me, 
Domine Deus meus. 

Quia dixi : Nequando su- 
pergaudeant mihi inimici 

My sores are putrefied and 
corrupted, because of my fool- 

I am become miserable and 
am bowed down even to the 
end : I walked sorrowful all 
the day long. 

For my loins are filled with 
illusions : and there is no 
health in my flesh. 

I am afflicted and humbled 
exceedingly : I roared with the 
groaning of my heart. 

O Lord, all my desire is 
before thee : and my groaning 
is not hidden from thee. 

My heart is troubled, my 
strength hath left me : and 
the light of mine eyes itself is 
not with me. 

My friends and my neigh- 
bours have drawn near, and 
stood against me. 

And they that were near 
me, stood afar off: and they 
that sought my soul, used 

And they that sought evils 
to me, spoke vain things : and 
studied deceits all the day 

But I as a deaf man heard 
not : and as a dumb man not 
opening his mouth. 

And I became as a man that 
heareth not : and that hath no 
reproofs in his mouth. 

For in thee, O Lord, have I 
hoped : thou wilt hear me, O 
Lord my God. 

For I said : Lest at any time 
mine enemies rejoice over me ; 

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mei : * et dum commoven- 
tur pedes mei, super me 
magna locuti sunt. 

Quoniam ego in flagella 
paratus sum: * et dolor meus 
in conspectu meo semper. 

Quoniam iniquitatem me- 
am annuntiabo : * et cogi- 
tabo pro peccato meo. 

Inimici autem mei vivunt, 
et confirmati sunt super 
me : * et multiplicati sunt 
qui oderunt me inique. 

Qui retribuunt mala pro 
bonis, detrahebant mihi: * 
quoniam sequebar bonita- 

Ne derelinquas me, Do- 
mine Deus meus : * ne dis- 
cesseris a me. 

Intende in adjutorium 
meum : * Domine, Deus 
salutis meee. 

and whilst my feet are moved, 
they speak great things against 

For I am ready for scourges : 
and my sorrow is continually 
before me. 

For I will declare my ini- 
quity : and I will think for my 

But mine enemies live, and 
are stronger than I : and they 
that hate me wrongfully, are 

They that render evil for 
good have detracted me : be- 
cause I followed goodness. 

Forsake me not, 0 Lord my 
God : do not thou depart from 

Attend unto my help, O Lord 
the God of my salvation. 


The grief and prayer of David, when the prophet 
Nathan was sent, by God, to reproach him for the 
twofold crime he had committed by his sin with 
Bethsabee, are the subject of this psalm. 

psalm 50 

Miserere mei Deus : * Have mercy on me, O God, 

secundum magnam miseri- according to thy great mercy, 
cordiam tuam. 

Et secundum multitudi- And according to the multi- 

nem miserationum tuarum : tude of thy tender mercies, blot 

* dele iniquitatem meam. out my iniquity. 

Amplius lava me ab ini- Wash me yet more from my 

quitate mea : * et a peccato iniquity, and cleanse me from 

meo munda me. my sin. 

Quoniam iniquitatem For I know my iniquity, 

meam ego cognosco: * et and my sin is always before 

peccatum meum contra me me. 
est semper. 

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Tibi soli peccavi, et malum 
coram te feci : * ut justi- 
ficeris in sermonibus tuis et 
vincas cum judicaris. 

Ecceenim in iniquitatibus 
conceptus sum : * et in 
peccatis concepit me mater 

Ecce enim veritatem di- 
lexisti : * incerta et occulta 
sapientiae tuse manifestasti 

Asperges me hyssopo, et 
mundabor : * lavabis me, 
et super nivem dealbabor. 

Auditui meo dabis gau- 
diuin et laetitiam: * et ex- 
sultabunt ossa humiliata. 

Averte faciem tuam a 
peccatis meis: * et omnes 
iniquitates meas dele. 

Cor mundum crea in me 
Deus : * et spiritum re- 
ctum innova in visceribus 

Ne projicias me a facie 
tua : * et Spiritum sanctum 
tuum ne auferas a me. 

Bedde mihi laetitiam sa- 
lutaris tui : * et spiritu 
principali confirma me. 

Docebo iniquos vias 
tuas : * et impii ad te con- 

Libera me de sanguini- 
bus, Deus, Deus salutis 
meas : * et exsultabit lingua 
mea justitiam tuam. 

Domine, labia mea ape- 
ries : * et os meum annun- 
tiabit laudem tuam. 

Quoniam si voluisses 
sacrificium, dedissem uti- 

To thee only have I sinned, 
and have done evil before thee : 
that thou mayst be justified in 
thy words, and mayst overcome 
when thou art judged. 

For behold ! I was conceived 
in iniquities, and in sins did 
my mother conceive me. 

For behold ! thou hast loved 
truth: the uncertain and hidden 
things of thy wisdom thou hast 
made manifest to me. 

Thou shalt sprinkle me with 
hyssop, and I shall be.cleansed : 
thou shalt wash me, and I shall 
be made whiter than snow. 

To my hearing thou shalt 
give joy and gladness : and the 
bones that have been humbled, 
shall rejoice. 

Turn away thy face from 
my sins : and blot out all my 

Create a clean heart in me, 
O God : and renew a right 
spirit within my bowels. 

Cast me not away from thy 
face : and take not thy holy 
Spirit from me. 

Restore unto me the joy of 
thy salvation : and strengthen 
me with a perfect spirit. 

I will teach the unjust thy 
ways : and the wicked shall be 
converted to thee. 

Deliver me from blood, 
O God, thou God of my 
salvation! and my tongue shall 
extol thy justice. 

O Lord, thou wilt open my 
lips : and my mouth shall 
declare thy praise. 

For if thou hadst desired 
sacrifice, I would indeed have 

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que : * holocaustis non 

Sacrificium Deo spiritus 
contribulatus : * cor contri- 
tum et humiliatum, Deus, 
non despicies. 

Benigne fac, Domine, in 
bona voluntate tua Sion : * 
ut sedificentur muri Jerusa- 

Tunc acceptable sacrifi- 
cium justitiee, oblationes, 
et holocausta : * tunc impo- 
nent super altare tuum 
vitulos. • 

given it: with burnt offerings 
thou wilt not be delighted. 

A sacrifice to God is an 
afflicted spirit : a contrite and 
humbled heart, 0 God, thou 
wilt not despise. 

Deal favourably, O Lord, in 
thy good -will with Sion; that 
the walls of Jerusalem may be 
built up. 

Then shalt thou accept the 
sacrifice of justice, oblations, 
and whole-burnt offerings : 
then shall they lay calves upon 
thine altar. 

David laments over the captivity of God's people 
in Babylon, and prays for the restoration of Sion, 
His words are appropriate for the soul, who grieves 
over her sins, and implores to be regenerated by 

psalm 101 

Domine, exaudi oratio- 
nem meam : * et clamor 
meus ad te veniat. 

Non avertas faciem tuam 
a me: * in quacumque 
die tribulor, inclina ad me 
aurem tuam. 

In quacumque die invo- 
cavero te : * velociter exaudi 

Quia defecerunt sicut 
fumus dies mei: * et ossa 
mea sicut cremium aruerunt. 

Percussus sum ut f oenum, 
et aruit cor meum : * quia 
oblitus sum comedere pa- 
nem meum. 

A voce gemitus mei : *. 

Hear, 0 Lord, my prayer: 
and let my cry come unto 

Turn not away thy face from 
me : in the day when I am in 
trouble, incline thine ear to 

In what day soever I shall 
call upon thee, hear me 

For my days are vanished 
like smoke : and my bones are 
grown dry like fuel for the 

I am smitten as grass, and 
my heart is withered : because 
I forgot to eat my bread. 

Through the voice of my 

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adhaesit os meum carni 

Simili8 factus sum pelli- 
cano solitudinis : * factus 
sum sicut nycticorax in 

Vigilavi : * et factus sum 
sicut passer solitarius in 

Tota die exprobrabant 
mihi inimici mei : * et qui 
laudabant me adversum me 

Quia cinerem tamquam 
panem manducabam : * et 
potum meum cum fletu 

A facie irae et indigna- 
tionis tuae : * quia elevans 
allisisti me. 

Dies mei sicut umbra 
declinaverunt : * et ego 
sicut foenum arui. 

Tu autem, Domine, in 
aeternum permanes: * et 
memoriale tuum in genera- 
tionem et generationem. 

Tu exsurgens misereberis 
Sion : * quia tempus mise- 
rendi ejus, quia venit tem- 

Quoniam placuerunt ser- 
vis tuis lapides ejus : * et 
terrae ejus miserebuntur. 

Ettimebunt gentes nomen 
tuum, Domine : * et omnes 
reges terrae gloriam tuam. 

Quia aedificavit Dominus 
Sion : * et videbitur in glo- 
ria sua. 

Kespexit in orationem 
humilium : * et non sprevit 
precem eorum. 

groaning, my bone hath cleav- 
ed to my flesh. 

I am become like to a pe- 
lican of the wilderness: I am 
like a night-raven in the house. 

I have watched, and am 
become as a sparrow all alone 
on the housetop. 

All the day long mine ene- 
mies reproached me : and they 
that praised me, did swear 
against me. 

For I did eat ashes like 
bread: and mingled my drink 
with weeping. 

Because of thy anger and 
indignation: for having lifted 
me up, thou hast thrown me 

My days have declined like 
a shadow : and I am withered 
like grass. 

But thou, 0 Lord, endurest 
for ever : and thy memorial to 
all generations. 

Thou shalt arise and have 
mercy on Sion : for it is time 
to have mercy on it, for the 
time is come. 

For the stones thereof have 
pleased thy servants : and 
they shall have pity on the 
earth thereof. 

And the Gentiles shall fear 
thy name, O Lord: and all 
the kings of the earth thy 

For the Lord hath built up 
Sion : and he shall be seen in 
his glory. 

He hath had regard to the 
prayer of the humble : and he 
hath not despised their peti- 

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Scribantur hsec in gene- 
ratione altera : * et populus 
qui creabitur laudabit Do- 

Quia prospexit de excelso 
sancto 8uo: * Dominus de 
ccelo in terram aspexit. 

Ut audiret gemitus com- 
peditorum : * ut solveret 
filios interemptorum. 

Ut annuntient in Sion 
nomen Domini : * et lau- 
dem ejus in Jerusalem. 

In conveniendo populos 
in unum : * et reges, ut ser- 
viant Domino. 

Respondit ei in via virtu- 
tis suse : * paucitatem die- 
rum meorum nuntia mini. 

Ne revoces me in dimidio 
dierum meorum : * in gene- 
rationem et generationem 
anni tui. 

Initio tu, Domine, terram 
fundasti : * et opera manu- 
um tuarum sunt cobK. 

Ipsi peribunt, tu autem 
permanes : * et omnes sicut 
vestimentum veterascent. 

Et sicut opertorium muta- 
bis eos, et mutabuntur : * 
tu autem idem ipse es, et 
anni tui non deficient. 

Filii servorum tuorum ha- 
bitabunt : * et semen eorum 
in seeculum dirigetur. 

Let these things be written 
unto another generation: and 
the people that shall be created, 
shall praise the Lord. 

Because he hath looked forth 
from his high sanctuary : from 
heaven, the Lord hath looked 
upon the earth. 

That he might hear the 
groans of them that are in 
fetters: that he might release 
the children of the slain. 

That they may declare the 
name of the Lord in Sion, and 
his praise in Jerusalem. 

When the people assembled 
together, and kings to serve the 

He (the royal prophet), 
longing to see these glorioles 
things, answered him though 
still in the way of his strength : 
Declare unto me the fewness 
of my days ; 

Call me not away in the 
midst of my days: thy years 
are unto generation and gene- 

In the beginning, 0 Lord, 
thou f oundedst the earth : and 
the heavens are the works of 
thy hands. 

They shall perish, but thou 
remainest : and all of them 
shall grow old, like a garment. 

And as a vesture thou shalt 
change them, and they shall 
be changed: but thou art 
always the self-same, and thy 
years shall not fail. 

The children of thy servants 
shall continue : and their seed 
shall be directed for ever. 

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The sinner seeing the depths of the abyss into 
which sin has led him, can hope for help from none 
but his God, whose mercy is infinite. 

psalm 1 129 

De profundis clamavi ad 
te, Domine : * Domine, ex- 
audi vocem meam. 

Fiant aures tuse inten- 
dentes: * in vocem depre- 
cationis meae. 

Si iniquitates observave- 
ris Domine : * Domine, quis 
sustinebit ? 

Quia apud te propitiatio 
est : * et propter legem tu- 
am sustinui te, Domine. 

Sustinuit anima mea in 
verbo ejus : * speravit ani- 
ma mea in Domino. 

A custodia matutina us- 
que ad noctem : * speret 
Israel in Domino. 

Quia apud Dominum mi- 
sericordia : * et copiosa 
apud eum redemptio. 

Et ipse redimet Israel : * 
ex omnibus iniquitatibus 

Out of the depths I have 
cried to thee, O Lord : Lord, 
hear my voice. 

Let thine ears be attentive 
to the voice of my supplica- 

If thou, 0 Lord, wilt mark 
iniquities: Lord, who shall 
stand it ? 

For with thee there is mer- 
ciful forgiveness : and by rea- 
son of thy law, I have waited 
for thee, 0 Lord. 

My soul hath relied on his 
word : my soul hath hoped in 
the Lord. 

From the morning watch 
even until night, let Israel 
hope in the Lord. 

Because with the Lord there 
is mercy : and with him, plen- 
tiful redemption. 

And he shall redeem Israel 
from all his iniquities. 


David, who had taken refuge in a cave, sees him- 
self surrounded by the army of Saul ; he beseeches 
God not to deal with him according to the rigour of 
His just judgments, but to show him a way where- 
by to escape the danger that threatens him. The 
sinner implores God to deliver him from the sins 
and temptations which beset him. 

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PSALM 142 

Domine, exaudi oratio- 
nem meam, auribus percipe 
obsecrationem meam in 
veritate tua : * exaudi me 
in tua justitia. 

Et non intres in judicium 
cum servo tuo : * quia non 
justificabitur in conspectu 
tuo omnis vivens. 

Quia persecutus est inimi- 
cus animam meam : * hu- 
miliavit in terra vitam 

Collocavit me in obscuris 
sicut mortuos sseculi : et 
anxiatus est super me spiri- 
tus meus: * in me turbatum 
est cor meum. 

Memor fui dierum anti- 
quorum, meditatus sum in 
omnibus operibus tuis : * in 
factis manuum tuarum me- 

Expandi manus meas ad 
te : * anima mea sicut terra 
sine aqua tibi. 

Velociter exaudi me, Do- 
mine : * defecit spiritus 

Non avertas faciem tuam 
a me : * et similis ero des- 
cendentibus in lacum. 

Auditam fac mihi mane 
misericordiam tuam : * quia 
in te speravi. 

Notam fac mihi viam in 
qua ambulem : * quia ad te 
levavi animam meam. 

Eripe me de inimicis meis, 
Domine, ad te confugi : * 
doce me facere voluntatem 
tuam, quia Deus meus es tu. 

Spiritus tuus bonus dedu- 
cet me in terram rectam : * 

Hear, O Lord, my prayer; 
give ear to my supplication in 
thy truth : hear me in thy 

And enter not into judg- 
ment with thy servant : for in 
thy sight no man living shall 
be justified. 

For the enemy hath perse- 
cuted my soul : he hath 
brought down my life to the 

He hath made me to dwell 
in darkness, as those that have 
been dead of old ; and my spirit 
is in anguish within me : my 
heart within me is troubled. 

I remembered the days of 
old, I meditated on all thy 
works : I meditated upon the 
works of thy hands. 

I stretched forth my hands 
to thee : my soul is as earth 
without water, unto thee. 

Hear me speedily, O Lord : 
my spirit hath fainted away. 

Turn not away thy face from 
me : lest I be like unto them 
that go down into the pit. 

Cause me to hear thy mercy 
in the morning : for in thee 
have I hoped. 

Make the way known to me, 
wherein I should walk : for I 
have lifted up my soul to 

Deliver me from mine ene- 
mies, O Lord ; to thee have I 
fled : teach me to do thy will, 
for thou art my God. 

Thy good Spirit shall lead 
me into the right land : for 

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propter nomen tuum, Do- thy name's sake, O Lord, thou 

mine, vivificabis me in wilt quicken me in thy justice, 
sequitate tua. 

Educes de tribulatione Thou wilt bring my soul 

animam meam : * et in mi- out of trouble : and in thy 

sericordia tua disperdes ini- mercy, thou wilt destroy mine 

micos meos. enemies. 

Et perdes omnes qui tri- And thou wilt cut off all 

bulant animam meam : * them that afflict my soul : for 

quoniam ego servus tuus I am thy servant. 

Ant. Ne reminiscaris, Ant. Eemember not, O 

Domine, delicta nostra, vel Lord, our offences, nor those 

parentum nostrorum, neque of our parents, and take not 

vindictam sumas de pecca- revenge on our sins, 
tis nostris. 






Pange, lingua, gloriosi 
Corporis mysterium, 
Sanguinisque pretiosi, 
Quern in mundi pretium, 
Fructus ventris generosi, 
Kex efludit gentium. 

Nobis datus, nobis natus 
Ex intact a Virgine, 
Et in mundo conversatus, 
Sparso verbi semine, 
Sui moras incolatus 
Miro olausit ordine. 

In supremae nocte coense 
Keoumbens cum fratribus, 
Observata lege plene 
Cibis in legalibus, 
Cibum turbae duodenae 
Se dat suis manibus. 

Verbum caro, panem ve- 

Verbo carnem eflicit : 
Fitque sanguis Christi me- 

rum : 
Et si sensus deficit, 
Ad firmandum cor sincerum 
Sola fides sufncit. 

Tantum ergo Sacramen- 

Veneremur cernui : 

Et antiquum documentum 

Novo cedat ritui : 

PrsBstet fides supplementum 

Sensuum defectui. 

Sing, O my tongue, the 
mystery of the glorious Body, 
and precious Blood which was 
shed as the world's ransom, by 
him who is the fruit of Mary's 
generous womb, him the King 
of nations. 

Given unto us, and born for 
us from the purest of Virgins, 
he lived in this our world, 
casting the seed of the word; 
and closing the days of his 
sojourn here, by a way full 
of marvel. 

On the night of the last 
Supper, he sat at table with 
his brethren ; and having fully 
observed the Law as to its 
legal repast, he gave himself, 
with his own hands, as food to 
the assembled twelve. 

The Word made Flesh, 
makes, by a word, that true 
bread should become Flesh, 
and wine the Blood of Christ ; 
and though our sense may fail, 
faith of itself is enough to as- 
sure an upright heart. 

Then let us, prostrate, adore 
so great a Sacrament : and let 
the ancient law give place to 
the new rite : let faith supply 
the senses' deficiency. 

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Genitori, Genitoque 
Laus et jubilatio, 
Salus, honor, virtus quoque 
Sit et benedictio : 
Procedenti ab utroque 
Compar sit laudatio. 


To the Father and the Son, 
be praise and jubilation, salva- 
tion, honour, power and bene- 
diction : to him that proceedeth 
from both, be equal praise ! 



Kyrie, eleison. 

Christe, eleison. 

Kyrie, eleison. 

Christe, audi nos. 

Christe, exaudi nos. 

Pater de ccelis, Deus, mise- 
rere nobis. 

Fili, Kedemptor mundi, De- 
us, miserere nobis. 

Spiritus sancte, Deus, mise- 
rere nobis. 

Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, 
miserere nobis. 

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. 

Sancta Dei Genitrix, ora. 

Sancta Virgo virginum, ora. 

Sancte Michael, ora. 
Sancte Gabriel, ora. 
Sancte Raphael, ora. 
Omnes sancti angeli et 

archangeli, orate. 
Omnes sancti beatorum 

spirituum ordines, orate. 
Sancte Joannes Baptista, 

Sancte Joseph, ora. 
Omnes sancti patriarch® et 
prophet ae, orate. 
Sancte Petre, ora. 
Sancte Paule, ora. 
Sancte Andrea, ora. 
Sancte Jacobe, ora. 
Sancte Joannes, ora. 

Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, have mercy on us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us. 
Christ, graciously hear us. 
God the Father of heaven, 

have mercy on us. 
God the Son, Redeemer of the 

world, have mercy on us. 
God the Holy Ghost, have 

mercy on us. 
Holy Trinity, one God, have 

mercy on us. 
Holy Mary, pray for us. 
Holy Mother of God, pray for 


Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for 

Saint Michael, pray for us. 
Saint Gabriel, 
Saint Raphael, 

All ye holy angels and arch- 

All ye holy orders of blessed 

Saint John Baptist, 

Saint Joseph, 

All ye holy patriarchs and 

Saint Peter, 
Saint Paul, 
Saint Andrew, 
Saint James, 
Saint John, 

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Sonets Jacobe, 
Sancte Philippe, 



Sancte Bartholomaee, 


Sancte Matthsee, 


Sancte Simon, 


Sancte Thaddsee, 


Sancte Mathia, 


Sancte Barnaba, 


Sancte Luca, 


Sancte Marce, 


Omnes sancti apostoli et 
evangelist®, orate. 

Omnes sancti discipuli Do- 
mini, orate. 

Omnes sancti Innocentes, 

Sancte Stephane, ora. 
Sancte Laurenti, ora. 
Sancte Vincenti, ora. 
Sancti Fabiane et Sebas- 
tiane, orate. 
Sancti Joannes et Paule, 

Sancti Cosma et Damiane, 

Sancti Gervasi et Protasi, 

Omnes sancti martyres, 


Sancte Sylvester, ora. 
Sancte Gregori, ora. 
Sancte Ambrosi, ora. 
Sancte Augustine, ora. 
Sancte Hieronyme, ora. 
Sancte Martine, ora. 
Sancte Nicolae, ora. 
Omnes sancti pontifices et 
confessores, orate. 
Omnes sancti doctores, 

Sancte Antoni, ora. 
Sancte Benedicte, ora. 
Sancte Bernarde, ora. 
Sancte Dominice, ora. 
Sancte Francisce, ora. 

Saint Thomas, 
Saint James, 
Saint Philip, 
Saint Bartholomew, 
Saint Matthew, 
Saint Simon, 
Saint Thaddeus, 
Saint Mathias, 
Saint Barnaby, 
Saint Luke, 
Saint Mark, 

All ye holy apostles and 

All ye holy disciples of our 


All ye holy Innocents, 

Saint Stephen, 
Saint Laurence, 
Saint Vincent, 

Saints Fabian and Sebastian, 

Saints John and Paul, 

Saints Gosmas and Damian, 

Saints Gervasius and Pro- 

All ye holy martyrs, 

Saint Sylvester, 
Saint Gregory, 
Saint Ambrose, 
Saint Augustine, 
Saint J erome, 
Saint Martin, 
Saint Nicholas, 

All ye holy bishops and con- 
All ye holy doctors, 

Saint Antony, 
Saint Benedict, 
Saint Bernard, 
Saint Dominic, 
Saint Francis, 

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Omnes sancti sacerdotes et 
levitae, orate. 

Omnes sancti monachi et 
eremitae, orate. 

Sancta Maria Magdalena, 

Sancta Agatha, ora. 
Sancta Lucia, ora. 
Sancta Agnes, ora. 
Sancta Caecilia, ora. 
Sancta Catharina, ora. 
Sancta Anastasia, ora. 
Omnes sanctae virgines et 

viduae, orate. 
Omnes sancti et sanctae Dei, 

intercedite pro nobis. 
Propitius esto, parce nobis, 

Propitius esto, exaudi nos, 

Ab omni malo, libera nos, 

Ab omni peccato, libera nos, 

Ab ira tua, libera. 
Ab imminentibus periculis, 

A flagello terraemotus, libera. 

A peste, fame, et bello, 

A subitanea et improvisa 
morte, libera. 

Ab insidiis diaboli, libera. 

Ab ira, et odio, et omni ma- 
la voluntate, libera. 

A spiritu fornicationis, 

A fulgure et tempestate, 

A morte perpetua, libera. 
Per mysterium sanctae In- 
carnationis tuae, libera. 
Per adventum tuum, libera. 
Per nativitatem tuam, 

All ye holy priests and levites, 

All ye holy monks and her- 

Saint Mary Magdalene, 

Saint Agatha, 

Saint Lucy, 

Saint Agnes, 

Saint Cecily, 

Saint Catharine, 

Saint Anastasia, 

All ye holy virgins and 

All ye saints of God, make 

intercession for us. 
Be merciful to us, spare us, 0 


Be merciful to us, graciously 

hear us, O Lord. 
From all evil, deliver us, 0 


From all sin, deliver us, 0 

From thy wrath, 
From all dangers that threaten 


From the scourge of earth- 

From plague, famine, and war, 

From sudden and unprovided 

From the snares of the devil, 
From anger, hatred, and all 

From the spirit of fornication, 

From lightning and tempest, 

From everlasting death, 
Through the mystery of thy 

holy Incarnation, 
Through thy coming, 
Through thy nativity, 

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Per baptismum et sanctum 
jejunium tuum, libera. 

Per crucem et Passionem , 
tuam, libera. 

Per mortem et sepulturam 
tuam, libera. 

Per sanctam Besurrectio- 
nem tuam, libera. 

Per admirabilem Ascensio- 
nem tuam, libera. 

Per adventum Spiritus 
8aneti Paracliti, libera. 

In die judicii, libera. 


te rogamus, audi nos. 

Ut nobis parcas, 

te rogamus, audi nos. 

Ut nobis indulgeas, te, etc. 

Ut ad veram poenitentiam 
nos perducere digneris, 

te rogamus. 

Ut Ecclesiam tuam sanctam 
regere et conservare di- 
gneris, te rogamus. 

Ut Domnum apostolicum, 
et omnes ecclesiasticos or- 
dines, in sancta religione 
conservare digneris, 

te rogamus. 

Ut inimicos sanctse Ecclesiee 
humiliare digneris, 

te rogamus. 

Ut Turcarum et hseretico- 
rum conatus reprimere, et 
ad nihilum redigere di- 
gneris, te rogamus. 

Ut regibus et principibus 
Christianis pacem et ve- 
ram concordiam donare 
digneris, te rogamus. 

Ut cuncto populo Christia- 
no pacem et unitatem lar- 
giri digneris, te rogamus. 

Ut nosmetipsos in tuo san- 
cto servitio confortare et 
conservare digneris, 

te rogamus. 

Through thy baptism and holy 

Through thy cross and Pas- 

Through thy death and burial, 
Through thy holy Eesurrection, 

Through thy admirable As- 

Through the coming of the 
Holy Ghost the Comforter, 

In the day of judgment, 

We sinners, beseech thee, hear 

That thou spare us, we be- 
seech thee, hear us. 

That thou pardon us, 

That thou vouchsafe to bring 
us to true penance, 

That thou vouchsafe to govern 
and preserve thy holy Church, 

That thou vouchsafe to pre- 
serve our apostolic lord, and 
all ecclesiastical orders, in 
holy religion, 

That thou vouchsafe to humble 
the enemies of thy holy 

That thou vouchsafe to defeat 
the attempts of Turks and 
heretics, and bring them to 

That thou vouchsafe to give 
peace and true concord to 
Christian kings and princes, 

That thou vouchsafe to grant 
peace and unity to all Chris- 
tian people, 

That thou vouchsafe to 
strengthen and preserve us 
in thy holy service, 

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Ut mentes nostras ad coele- 
stia desideria erigas, 

te rogamus. 
Ut omnibus benefactoribus 
nostris sempiterna bona 
retribuas, te rogamus. 
Ut animas nostras, fratrum, 
propinquorum, et benefa- 
ctorum nostrorum ab aeter- 
na damnatione eripias, 

te rogamus. 
Ut fructus terrse dare et 
conservare digneris, 

te rogamus. 
Ut omnibus ndelibus de- 
functis requiem aeternam 
donare digneris, 

te rogamus. 
Ut nos exaudire digneris, 

te rogamus. 
Fili Dei, te rogamus. 

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- 
cata mundi, 

parce nobis, Domine. 
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- 
cata mundi, 

exaudi nos, Domine. 
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecca- 
ta mundi, miserere nobis. 

Christe, audi nos. 
Christe, exaudi nos. 
Kyrie, eleison. 
Christe, eleison. 
Kyrie, eleison. 
Pater noster. (Secreto.) 

V. Et ne nos inducas in 

B. Sed libera nos a malo. 

That thou lift up our minds to 
heavenly desires, 

That thou render eternal good 
things to all our benefactors, 

That thou deliver our souls, 
and those of our brethren, 
kinsfolk » and benefactors, 
from eternal damnation, 

That thou vouchsafe to give 
and preserve the fruits of the 

That thou vouchsafe to give 
eternal rest to all the faithful 

That thou vouchsafe graciously 

to hear us. 
Son of God, we beseech thee, 

hear us. 
Lamb of God, who takest 

away the sins of the world, 

spare us, 0 Lord, 
Lamb of God, who takest 

away the sins of the world, 

graciously hear us, 0 Lord. 
Lamb of God, who takest 

away the sins of the world, 

have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us. 
Christ, graciously hear us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, have mercy on us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Our Father. (In secret.) 

V. And lead us not into 

JR. But deliver us from evil. 


Deus, in adjutorium me- O God, come to my assist- 
um intende : * Domine, ad ance : O Lord, make haste to 
adjuvandum me festina. help me. 

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Confundantur et reve- 
reantur : * qui quserunt ani- 
mam meam. 

Avertantur retrorsum et 
erubescant : * qui volunt 
mihi mala. 

Avertantur statim erube- 
scentes : * qui dicunt mihi, 
Euge, euge. 

Exsultent et laetentur in 
te omnes qui quaerunt te : * 
et dicant semper, magnifice- 
tur Dominus qui diligunt 
salutare tuum. 

Ego vero egenus et pau- 
per sum : * Deus adjuva me. 

Adjutor meus et liberator 
meus es tu: * Domine, ne 

Gloria Patri, et Filio, * et 
Spiritui sancto. 

Sicut erat in principio, et 
nunc, et semper : * et in sae- 
cula saeculorum, Amen. 

V. Salvos fac servos tuos. 

B. Deus meus sperantes 
in te. 

V, Esto nobis, Domine, 
turris fortitudinis. 
B. A facie inimici. 

V. Nihil proficiat inimi- 
cus in nobis. 

B. Et filius iniquitatis non 
apponat nocere nobis. 

V. Domine, non secun- 
dum peccata nostra facias 

B. Neque secundum ini- 
quitates nostras retribuas 

V. Oremus pro Pontifice 
nostro N. 

B. Dominus conservet 
eum, et vivificet eum, et 
beatum faciat eum in terra, 

Let them be confounded and 
ashamed that seek my soul. 

Let them be turned back- 
ward, and blush for shame, 
that desire evils to me. 

Let them be presently turned 
away blushing for shame, that 
say to me : 'Tis well, 'tis well. 

Let all that seek thee re- 
joice and be glad in thee : and 
let such as love thy salvation, 
say always, the Lord be mag- 

But I am needy and poor: 
O God, help me. 

Thou art my helper and 
my deliverer: O Lord, make 
no delay. 

Glory be to the Father, and 
to the Son, and to the Holy 

As it was in the beginning, 
is now, and ever shall be, world 
without end. Amen. 

V. Save thy servants. 

B. Trusting in thee, O my 

V. Be unto us, O Lord, a 
tower of strength. 

B. From the face of the 

V. Let not the enemy pre- 
vail against us. 

B. Nor the son of iniquity 
have any power to hurt us. 

V. O Lord, deal not with us 
according to our sins. 

B. Nor reward us according 
to our iniquities. 

V, Let us pray for our 
chief Bishop N. 

B. May our Lord preserve 
him, and give him life, and 
make him blessed upon earth, 

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et non tradat eutu in ani- 
mam inimicorum ejus. 

V. Oremu8 pro benefa- 
ctoribus nostris. 

JR. Ketribuere dignare, 
Domine, omnibus nobis 
bona facientibus, propter 
nomen tuum, vitam seter- 
nam. Amen. 

V. Oremus pro fidelibus 

R, Requiem seternam do- 
na eis, Domine, et lux per- 
petua luceat eis. 

V. Requiescant in pace. 

R, Amen. 

V. Pro fratribus nostris 

R. Salvos fac servos tuos, 
Deus meus, sper antes in te. 

V. Mitte eis, Domine, 
auxilium de sane to. 

R. Et de Sion tuere eos. 

V. Domine, exaudi ora- 
tionem meam. 

R. Et clamor meus ad te 

V, Domihus vobiscum. 

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. 


Deus, qui nobis, sub Sa- 
cramento inirabili, Passio- 
nis tuaB memoriam reliqui- 
sti : tribue, quaesumus, ita 
nos Corporis et Sanguinis 
tui sacra mysteria venerari, 
ut Redemptionis tuse fru- 
ctum in nobis jugiter sentia- 

1 Concede nos famulos 
tuos, quaesumus, Domine 

and deliver him not to the will 
of his enemies. • 

V. Let us pray for our 

R. Vouchsafe, O Lord, for 
thy name's sake, to reward, 
with eternal life, all them that 
have done us good. Amen. 

V. Let us pray for the faith- 
ful departed. 

R. Eternal rest give to them, 
O Lord, and let perpetual light 
shine upon them. 

V. May they rest in peace. 

R. Amen. 

F. For our absent brethren. 

R. O my God, save thy 
servants trusting in thee. 

V. Send them help, G Lord, 
from thy holy place. 

R. And from Sion protect 

V. 0 Lord, hear my prayer. 

R. And let my cry come unto 

V. The Lord be with you. 
R. And with thy spirit. 


0 God, who, in this wonder- 
ful Sacrament, hast left us a 
perpetual memorial of thy 
Passion : grant us, we beseech 
thee, so to reverence the sacred 
mysteries of thy Body and 
Blood, that in our souls we 
may always be sensible of the 
fruit of the Redemption thou 
hast purchased for us. 

1 Grant, 0 Lord, we be- 
seech thee, that we thy ser- 

1 This Collect varies in Advent, and at Christmas. See the 
Collects for these times, page 371. 


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Deus, perpetua mentis et 
corporis sanitate gaudere : et 
gloriosa beatae Mariae sem- 
per Virginis intercessione, 
a praesenti liberari tristitia, 
et aeterna perfrui laetitia. 

Omnipotens sempiterne 
Deus, miserere famulo tuo 
Pontifici nostro N., et dirige 
eum, secundum tuam cle- 
mentiam, in viam salutis 
aeternae ; ut, te donante, tibi 
placita cupiat, et tota vir- 
tute perficiat. 

Deus refugium nostrum 
et virtus, adesto piis Eccle- 
siae tuae precibus, auctor 
ipse pietatis, et praesta ; ut 
quod fideliter petimus, effi- 
caciter consequamur. 

Omnipotens sempiterne 
Deus, in cujus manu sunt 
omnium potestates, et om- 
nia jura regnorum, respice 
in auxilium Christianorum ; 
ut gentes paganorum et 
haereticorum, quae in sua 
feritate et fraude confidunt, 
dexterae tuae potentia con- 

Omnipotens sempiterne 
Deus, qui vivorum domina- 
ris simul et mortuorum, 
omniumque misereris, quos 
tuos fide et opere futuros 
esse praenoscis ; te supplices 
exoramus ; ut pro quibus 
effundere preces decrevimus, 
quosque vel praesens saecu- 
lum adhuc in came retinet, 
vel futuruni jam exutos cor- 
pore suscepit, intercedenti- 

vants may enjoy constant 
health of body and mind : 
and by the glorious inter- 
cession of blessed Mary, 
ever a Virgin, be delivered 
from all present affliction, and 
come to that joy which is 

O almighty and eternal 
God, have mercy on thy 
servant N., our chief Bishop, 
and direct him, according 
to thy clemency, in the way 
of everlasting salvation ; that, 
by thy grace, he may desire 
those things that are agreeable 
to thee, and perform them with 
all his strength. 

0 God, our refuge and 
strength, fountain of all good- 
ness, mercifully give ear to the 
fervent prayers of thy Church, 
and grant, that what we ask 
with faith, we may effectually 

0 almighty and eternal God, 
in whose hand are all the 
powers and all the rights of 
kingdoms, come to the assist- 
ance of thy Christian people; 
that all pagan and heretical 
nations, who trust in their 
own violence and craft, may 
be broken by the might of thy 
right hand. 

0 almighty and eternal 
God, who hast dominion over 
the living and the dead, and 
art merciful to' all, who thou 
foreknowest shall be thine by 
faith and good works ; we 
humbly beseech thee, that 
they, for whom we have de- 
termined to offer up our pray- 
ers, whether this present world 
still detain them in the flesh, 
or the world to come hath 

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bus omnibus Sanctis tuis, 
pietatis tuae dementia, om- 
nium delictorum suorum 
veniam consequantur. Per 
Dominum nostrum Jesum 
Christum Filium tuum, qui 
tecum vivit et regnat, in 
unitate Spiritus sancti, 
Deus, per omnia saecula 

B. Amen. 

V. Domine exaudi ora- 
tionem meam. 

B. Et clamor meus ad te 

V. Exaudiat nos omnipo- 
tens et misericors Dominus. 

B. Et custodiat nos sem- 
per, Amen. 

V. Fidelium animae, per 
misericordiam Dei, requie- 
scant in pace. 

JR. Amen. 

already received them out of 
their bodies, may, by the cle- 
mency of thy goodness, all 
thy saints interceding for 
them, obtain pardon and full 
remission of all their sins. 
Through our Lord Jesus 
Christ, thy Son, who liveth 
and reigneth, one God with 
thee and the holy Ghost, 
world without end. 
B. Amen. 

V. 0 Lord hear my prayer. 

B. And let my cry come unto 

V. May the almighty and 
most merciful Lord graciously 
hear us. 

B, And may he ever graci- 
ously preserve us, Amen. 

V. May the souls of the 
faithful, through the mercy of 
God, rest in peace. 

B. Amen. 

The second of these 8 

From Advent 

Deus, qui de beatae Marias 
Virginis utero, Verbum 
tuum, angelo nuntiante, 
carnem suscipere voluisti: 
praesta supplicibus tuis, ut 
qui vere earn Genitricem 
Dei credimus, ejus apud te 
intercessionibus adjuvemur. 

ix Collects is thus varied : 

to Christmas Day. 

O God, who wast pleased 
that thy Word, at the message 
of an angel, should take flesh 
in the womb of the blessed 
Virgin Mary : grant to us thy 
humble servants, that we, who 
believe her to be truly the 
Mother of God, may be assist- 
ed by her intercessions with 

From Christmas Day to the Purification. 

Deus, qui salutis aeternae, O God, who by the fruitful 
beatae Mariae virginitate virginity of blessed Mary, 
fcecunda, humano generi hast given to mankind the 


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praemia preestitisti : tribue rewards of eternal salvation : 

qufiesumus, ut ipsam pro grant, we beseech thee, that 

nobis intercedere sentiamus, we may experience her inter - 

per quam meruimus aucto- cession, by whom we received 

rem vitse suscipere, Domi- the Author of life, our Lord 

num nostrum Jesum Chri- Jesus Christ thy Son, 
stum Filium tuum. 



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